句子的概念 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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如何理解“有且只有一个谓语(动词)或一个并列谓语(动词),其中谓语(动词)是句子的灵魂” ?有以下几点:
(1) 一个句子必须有谓语(动词)或并列谓语(动词),换言之,如果没有谓语(动词)或并列(谓语动词)就不能称其为句子。从这个意义上来说,谓语(动词)是句子的灵魂。
① All of the students against the suggestion. (不能称其为一个句子,因为against是介词,不是谓语动词)
② All of the students were against the suggestion. (是一个句子,因为有一个谓语动词were)
(2) 一个句子必须有一个谓语(动词)或并列谓语(动词),但如果有两个或两个以上谓语(动词)或并列谓语(动词)也不能称其为一个句子(如果一个句子中有几个动词,那么只能把表达主要意思的动词用作句子的谓语,把表达次要意义的动词根据其要表达的意思变成非谓语或用作从句的谓语)。从这个意义上来说,谓语(动词)是句子的灵魂。
③ There are many students are playing basketball on the playground. (不能称其为一个句子,
为有两个谓语(动词)are 和are playing)
④ There are many students playing basketball on the playground.(是个正确的句子,有且只有一个谓语动词are,第二个动词play用了现在分词,是非谓语)
⑤ There are many students who are playing basketball on the playground. (是个正确的句子,有且只有一个谓语动词are, are playing是定语从句的谓语,而不是主句的谓语)
(3) 按照句子的概念,句子是按照一定的语法规则和句型结构安排在一起的一定数量的单词或词组的有序组合。而句子的句型结构是有句子的谓语(动词)的性质决定的,从这个意义上而言,谓语(动词)是句子的灵魂。这一点正是下面的五个基本句型的形成原因。
注:从句本身首先也是一个句子,必须符合句子的概念,只不过他在一个更大的句子中充当一个成分而已(例⑤中are playing是定语从句who are playing basketball on the playground.的谓语,因此who are playing basketball on the playground.本身独立而言也是一个句子,但在整个句子中只是一个定语成分)
1) 既然句子的句型结构是有句子的谓语(动词)的性质决定的,那么谓语(动词)有何语法性质呢?首先我们要知道动词的语法分类:
(1) 主动词:又叫实义动词(大多数动词表示一定的行为方式,这些动词也可以叫行为动词)。我们所说的谓语动词大多数就是有这类动词充当的。按照动词后面是否带宾语,可以把这些动词分为“及物动词”或“不及物动词”。
(2) 助动词(组):
① 基本助动词:do, be, have本身无意义,它们的语法作用是和主动词的一定形式结合而构成句子的 时、体、态、式,或构成否定句和疑问句。
② 情态助动词(组):本身有一定的情态意义,但不能单独构成谓语,必须后面跟不带to的动词不定式和主动词一起构成谓语。
③ 半情态助动词:在一定条件下有时可以当情态动词使用,有时可以当主动词使用。如:dare, need, used to 等。
① 及物动词后面一定要带宾语。
② 不及物动词后面一定不能直接带宾语,如果要带宾语,必须先带一个相应的介词,然后再跟宾语(其实,此时的宾语是介词的宾语)。
③ 介词和及物动词一样,后面也一定要带宾语,构成介宾短语。
④ 句子各成分的字母缩写:
主语:S= Subject
谓语动词:V =Verb
及物动词:Vt =Transitive Verb
不及物动词:Vi= Intransitive Verb
宾语:O= Object
补语: C= Complement
主语补语:SC= Subjective Complement
宾语补语:OC= Objective Complement
句型一:主动结构(又叫“主谓结构”) S Vi 例:I got [up] [early] [every day].
句型二:系表结构: S Vi C 例:The situation remains 〈unchanged〉.
It sounded 〈like a train〉 (running underground).
It was 〈because she didn’t like his way of life〉.
注2: 连系动词有以下几类:
① be动词
② 感觉性动词:look(看起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝/吃起来), sound(听起来), feel(摸/感觉起来)
③ 变化性动词:become, turn, get, come(如come true表示“变成现实”), go(一般是向消极的或不好的方向变化,如go bad表示“变坏”或“变质”), remain或stay(表示变化量为零)
④ 其它,如:appear, seem, prove, turn out等。
① 名词或名词词组(包括动名词或动名词词组以及动词不定式)
② 形容词或形容词词组(包括动词的现在或过去分词或词组)
③ 介宾短语
④ 动词的非谓语或非谓语短语(因为动词的现在分词或过去分词就相当于形容词,而动名 词和动词不定式又具有名词性质)
⑤ 有时某些副词也能做补语,如:
I’m very well.
Don’t leave the light on
句型三:动宾结构: S Vt O 例:The teacher opened the book and read the text.
句型四:双宾结构: S Vt o O 例:The saleslady showed us the model.
句型五:主动宾补结构: S Vt O C 例:We find it 〈very difficult〉 to learn English.
注:在句型五中,it 是find 的形式宾语,find 的真正宾语是to learn English. 而very difficult 则是对宾语to learn English 进行补充说明(意思是 To learn English is very difficult),因此是宾语补语成分。
The crowd were running for their lives.
Fifty-six dollars was stolen from the registers(现金出纳机).
1. 由and 连接的并列成分指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念,此时,and后的另一名词无冠词。
The worker and writer is from Wuhan. (那个工人兼作家…)
(比较:The worker and the writer are from Beijing. 那位工人和那位作家)
The girl’s teacher and friend is a young doctor.
Bread and butter is a daily food in the West.
A knife and fork is on the desk.
Truth and honesty is the best policy.
Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.
2. Every … and (every)…, each …and (each… , no …and (no)… , many a …and (many a)…连接两个单数名词作主语。
Every desk and every chair is made of wood.
Many a boy and girl has made the same mistake.
3. one/every one /each/either/ the number+of +复数名词作主语。
Each of the students has a book.
但:The students each have a book. (主语是the students, each是同位语)
4. information, clothing, furniture, jewellery, equipment, machinery(机器,机械), merchandise(商品,货物), baggage, luggage, foliage(树叶,植物), traffic, progress, 等无生命的集合名词是单数名词,作主语时。
Clothing is badly needed in this flooded area.
5. 以s 结尾的词,但表示疾病、学科、国家(或某些政治实体)、机构、书籍、报刊等名称作主语。
一些以-s结尾的国名(或某些政治实体)如:the Netherlands(荷兰),the United Nations
一些以-s结尾的学科名如:mechanics(机械学),optics(光学), acoustics(声学), dynamics(动力学), statistics(统计学), economics(经济学), linguistics(语言学), athletics(体育学), tactics(兵法)。
一些疾病如:arthritis(关节炎), bronchitis(支气管炎), mumps(腮腺炎), phlebitis(静脉炎), diabetes(糖尿病)。
6. 表示时间、距离、金钱、等复数名词作主语,表达一个整体概念时。
Twenty years has passed since he left his hometown.
Sixty-five dollars is not enough to buy a 3-speed bicycle.
7. 非谓语动词、名词性从句作主语。
Collecting stamps is what he likes.
Whatever was left was taken away.
Where and how to get the materials has not been discussed at the meeting.
Where to get the materials and how to get them have not been discussed at the meeting.
Where and when the meeting will be held is under discussion now.
What caused the accident and who is responsible for it remain a mystery to us.
1. 由and 连接的两个并列成分表示两个不同的概念时。
Both bread and butter are sold out.
2. people , police, cattle, militia(民兵), poultry(家禽), vermin(害虫)等有生命的集体名词作主语时。
The police are looking for the missing child.
3. goods, stairs, arms, remains, contents, suburbs(郊区), outskirts(郊区), wages(工资), thanks, tthe Middle ages(中世纪) 等名词作主语时。
4. 某些有两部分构成的以-s结尾的物体名词作主语时,如scissors(剪刀), shears(大剪刀), trousers, pants(裤子,短裤), suspenders(吊带裤), spectacles(眼镜), glasses, binoculars等。
5. 某些以-ings结尾的名词作主语时,如belongings(财产), earnings(收入), filings(锉屑), lodgings(出租的住房), surroundings(环境), settings(环境), sweepings(扫除物),diggings(据出的东西)等作主语时。
6. 山脉、群岛、瀑布等以-s结尾的地理名词作主语时,如:the West Indies(西印度群岛), the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉), the straits of Gibraltar(直布罗陀海峡), the Niagara Falls(尼加拉瓜大瀑布),the Bahamas(巴哈马群岛)。
7. 某些以-s结尾的综合性运动会作主语时,如the Olympic Games。
8. “a group / number of +复数名词”作主语时。
1. 集体名词class, family, army, team, club, committee(委员会,委员们), enemy, party, crowd, crew(乘务员), audience, public , government, majority, group等作主语。强调整体用单数,指每个成员用复数。
His family is a great one.
His family are music lovers.
但如果主语是“a squad of / a committee of / a (the ) board of + 复数可数名词”时,谓语动词用单数。
2. means, works, pains, series(系列), species(种类), barracks(营房), headquarters(总部、司令部)等词,根据主语表达的概念而定。
A steel works is near the station.
Two new steel works are being built.
3. “kind, sort, pair, type +名词” 作主语,以这些词本身的单复数而定。但若主语是“名词+ of this kind/sort/type”, 则谓语动词单复数视这个名词的单复数而定。
Books of this kind have been sold out.
4. all, none, some, any 等不定代词作主语,根据其指代的内容而定。
All are present .
All tastes good.
5. “half / most / enough / part / the rest / the last / lots / plenty / 分数、百分数 + of + 名词”作主语:
谓语动词要和 of 之后的名词单复数保持一致。
Only one out of five were present at the conference.
There is the headmaster, two teachers and some students in the classroom.
1.there be句型的谓语动词单复数应与动词后面第一个主语的单复数保持一致。
2.由or , either …or, neither…nor, not…but…, not only…but also 等连接的并列主语,谓语动词常和靠近的作主语的名词有单复数上保持一致。如:More than one game was lost.
3.如果主语由many a…或more than one…构成,其意义虽是多数,但谓语动词仍用单数。
Not only he but also I am invited.
Neither my gloves nor my hat goes with the dress.
但注意:“with / along with / together with / including / but / except / like / among / as well as / no more than / besides / rather than +名词”置于主语后,谓语动词一般仍和前面的名词在单复数上保持一致。
1.His family _______ a small one.
2.His family _______ fat and short.
A.is,is B.are,are C.is,are D.are,is
1. 有的集合名词总是用作单数(不可数):clothing 衣服,poetry 诗歌,baggage/luggage 行李,furniture家俱,machinery 机械,scenery 景色,jewellery珠宝等。
2. 有的集合名词总是表示复数意义(但不用复数形式):people人,police警察,cattle牲口等。
It was late, but the audience was increasing. 时间很迟了,但听众人数却在增加。
The audience were all moved to tears. 听众都感动得流了泪。
The team is the best in the league.这个队在联赛中打得最好。
The football team are having baths.足球队队员们在洗澡。
This class consists of 45 students. Mr. Green teaches it.这个班45个学生,由格林先生教。
This class are all diligent. Mr Green teaches them. 这个班的学生都很用功,由格林先生教。
We Chinese ____ a hard-working people.
A.is B.are C.is being D.are being
These two dictionaries are a present for my best friend Jim.
The most important thing I need is books.
The country's leading export is watches.
Who is your brother?谁是你的兄弟?
Who are your brothers?哪些是你的兄弟?
What he said is quite correct.他所说的完全正确。
What he left me are only a few old books.他给我留下的只是几本旧书。
并列主语中谓语应与哪个保持一致 ?
1. You or he _______ to blame.你或他有一人要受责备。
2. _______ you or he to blame? 受责备的是你还是他?
A.is,Is B.are,Are C.is,Are D. are,Is
在通常情况下,两个并列主语由or,either…or,neither…nor,not…but,not only…but(also)等连接时,其谓语通常与第二个主语(即临近的一个主语)保持一致,但是,在疑问句中则通常与第一个主语(即临近的一个主语)保持一致。
1. One or two days ____ enough to see the city.
A.is B.are C.am D.be
2. Neither my wife nor I myself ____ able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.
A.is B.are C.am D.be
3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another.
A.is B.are C.am D.be
4. Not the teacher,but the students ____ looking forward to seeing the film.
A.is B.are C.am D.be
1. a. The steel works ________ across the street.
b. Plenty of works ________ translated into many languages.
A. are B. is
2. a. The singer and dancer _______ coming to us.
b. The singer and the dancer _______ coming to us.
A. are B. is
3. a. Many students _______ interested in foreign films.
b. Many a student_______ interested in foreign films.
A. are B. is
4. a. A knife and fork______ on the table.
b. A knife and a fork______ on the table.
A. are B. is
5. a. There ______ a pair of glasses in the desk.
b. Her glasses _______ on the desk.
A. are B. is
6. a. There ______ a pen and some tickets in his pocket.
b. There ______ some tickets and a pen in his pocket.
A. are B. is
7. a. The population of that area_______ farmers.
b. The population of that area ______ increasing very fast.
A. are B. is
8. a. A number of girls in our school _____ fond of football.
b. The number of girls in our school______ nearly 1,000.
A. are B. is
9. a. Not only the planets but also the earth_______ round the sun.
b. Not only the earth but also the planets______ round the sun.
A. move B. moves
10. a. This kind of novels _______ well.
b. Novels of this kind ________ well.
A. sells B. sell
11. a. Each of them _______ country music.
b. They each _____ country music.
A. like B. likes
12. a. Mary is one of the girls who _______ passed the exam.
b. Mary is the one of girls who _______ passed the exam.
A. has B. have
13. a. Part of the work _______ been done.
b. Part of the workers _______ been there.
A. have B. has
14. a. Since all ______ been there, let’s change another place.
b. All that should be done _______ been done.
A. has B. have
15. a. Her family ________ much larger than mine five years ago.
b. Her family _______ dancing when I came in.
A. was/was B. were/were C. were/was D. was/were
16. Serving the people ______ my great happiness.
a. is b. am c. were d. are
17. Two weeks _____ enough for us to finish this job.
a. is b. are c. have d. were
18. Al l the children except my partner _______ late because of traffic jam.
a. is b. are c. was d. has been
19. Every door and every window _______ to be cleaned.
a. are b. is c. have d. were
20. Twenty percent of the students _______ passed the examination.
a. have b. has c. was d. were.
1. Nobody but Jane ____ the secret.
A. know B. knows C. have known D. is known
2. All but one _____ here just now.
A. is B. was C .has been D. were
3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
4. A library with five thousand books _______ to the nation as a gift.
A. is offered B. have offered C. are offered D. has offered
5. When and where to build the new factory _____ yet.
A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided
6. The number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons.
A. were , was B. was , was C. was , were D. were , were
7. _____ of the land in that district _____ covered with trees and grass.
A. Two fifth , is B. Two fifth , are C. Two fifths , is D. Two fifths , are
8. This is one of the most interesting questions that ____ asked.
A. have B. has C. have been D. has been
9. Between the two rows of trees _____ the teaching building.
A. stand B. stands C. standing D. are
10. All that can be done______.
A. has been done B. has done C. have done D. were done
11. They each _____ a new dictionary.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
12. The singer and the dancer ______ come to the meeting.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
13. I have finished a large part of the book ; the rest _____more difficult.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
14. The wounded _______ by the hospital.
A. have been taken in B. has been taken in C. have taken in D. has taken in
15. this pair of trousers fifty dollars.
A. spend B. take C. costs D. cost
16. Where to get the materials and how to get them _____ at the meeting.
 A. have not discussed B. have not been discussed
 C. has not discussed D. has not been discussed
17. I took mathematics and physics because I think that _____ very important for me to make further research in this field.
 A. what is B. they are    C. this D. which are
18. Every student and every teacher _____.
 A. are going to attend the meeting B. have attended the meeting
 C. has attended the meeting D. is attended the meeting
19. Three fourths of the bread _____ by Bob, and the rest of the bread _____ left on the table.
 A. was eaten/were B. were eaten/was C. were eaten/were D. was eaten/was
20. This pair of shoes _____.
 A. is her B. is hers C. are hers D. are her
1~10 b/a, b/a, a/b, b/a, b/a, b/a, a/b, a/b, b/a, a/b,
11~20b/a, b/a, b/a, b/a, d, a, a, b, b, a,

1-5 BDBAA 6-10 CCCBA 11-15 BBAAC 16—20 DBCDB




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