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华师一附中英语教研组 赵守斌
一、 命题的基本要求:
1、 覆盖面要广
2、 突出重难点
交际 代
词 介
词 冠
词 连
词 非谓
动词 动辩 短语
辨析 惯用
结构 比较
结构 词序 助
动 倒
装 时态
语态 情态
01 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1
02 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
03 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
04 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
1、 确立考点
2、 设置题干
3、 设置选项
1、 考点综合法
① In my opinion, it is the coach rather than the players that ______.
A. is to blame B. is to be blamed C. are to blame D. are to be blamed
此题答案为B. 既考了语法主谓一致,又考查单词blame的习惯用法——用主动表被动;此外,在题干上增加rather than the players以及采用it is…that强调来增加句子结构的难度,从而大大加强了试题的综合性。
② If I catch you ______ again, I shall make you ______ in after school ______ some extra work.
A. cheat; stay; to do B. cheating; stay; to do
B. C. to cheat; to stay; to do D. cheat; stay; doing
此题(答案B)将惯用结构catch sb doing;make sb do 和不定式作目的状语的功能有机地结合在一起,大大增加了句子的综合性和生动性。
③ Children feel great pressure because they are often ______ to do better than they can.
A. expected B. suggested C. hoped D. wished
2、 创设语境法
① –Do you have anything more ______, Sir? --No, you can have a rest now.
A. typing B. to be typed C to type D. typed
此题(答案B)语境是通过对话形式表现。从答语No, you can have a rest now, 可推断type的逻辑主语不是you, 而是问话人,因此不能选C项。
② With so many problems _______, the new government is facing a challenge.
A. dealt with B. dealing with C. to deal with D. deal with
此题虽然不是对话,但句子意义和逻辑以及词语暗示(new government, facing)可知正确答案为C. 不定式to deal with在“with+复合结构”中表示即将发生的动作。
③--Shall we call on Frank tonight? --We ‘d better not. He is said _____a lecture.
A. preparing B. to have prepared
C. having prepared D. to be preparing
此题(答案D)的语境是答语中的We’d better not (call on Frank tonight), 原因自然是(He is said) to be preparing (a lecture).
④ Rainforests ______ and burnt at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.
A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut
此题(答案C)虽然不是对话,但such a speed暗示正在发生的事。
⑤ Look! This is a photo of Yuri during the Social Experience. He ______ a farmer.
A. interviewed B. is interviewing C. has interviewed D. will interview
此题(答案B)通过词语Look! This is a photo of…使人悟出照片上的He正在做某事的情景。
3、 打乱结构法
① “You’ll have to wait for two hours, ______ is about 11:30, ______ the medical report will come out”, the doctor said to me.
A. that; when B. which; that C. that; before D. which; when
此题(答案A)通过在主句和从句中间加上插入语(that is…),来增加考生对定语从句识别的难度,同时使插入成分更隐蔽,增加了试题的难度和灵活性
② With everything she needed ______, Mum left the marketplace.
A. to buy B. having bought C. buying D. bought
此题在everything 后加上定语从句she needed后,使答案D增加了隐蔽性
③ Who would you rather ______ with you, Tom or Marry?
A. have to go B. have gone C. having gone D. have go
此题(答案D)通过特殊疑问句式使惯用结构have sb do sth在干扰选项中变得尤其陌生和难以辩认。
④ The officer gave orders that anyone ______a gun should be reported to the police station.
A. saw take B. seen taking
C. seeing take D. seen taken
此题(答案B)是把作定语的双重分词放同位语从句中的主语anyone后作选项。考生必须在心里经过几次转换和分析才能确定答案,即1)分析题干意义和句子结构2)seen = who was seen;3)taking 是在对see sb doing的理解而确定。
⑤ It was in the lab ______ was taken charge of by Prof. Harry ______ they did the experiment.
A. which; that B. that; which C. where; that D. which; where
⑥ ______ at the front rows of the hall are the judges of the English contest.
A. There seated B. Seating there C. There sit D. Sit there

4、 附加干扰法
为了增强选项的迷惑性,有时故意在主要题干前后添上附加句,来干扰或转移考生思维和视线。 例如
① –Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?
--______. They are both expensive and of little use.
A. None B. Neither C. All D. Both
这道题的附加句They are both expensive and of little use干扰性很强,此处both与and一起表示“既……又……”;放在这个对话里很容易看成“两个”的意思,从而导致考生错选B项。但问句中的most一词表明不止两个,因此答案为A.
② –I feel ashamed to have dropped your “文曲星”to the ground.
--______. It works as well anyway.
A. No problem B. Never mind C. It’s nothing serious D. It’s OK
这道题的附加句It works as well anyway同样起到很强的干扰作用,许多考生会以为:文曲星虽然摔到地上了,但照样可以用,从而误选C或B项。要知道No problem在英语中用语回答别人请求帮助是的用语;而It’s nothing serious则是医生安慰病人时的用语;不了解其交际功能的还以为是指“文曲星”而言的。
③ - Who will be our new foreign teacher?
--_____you _____ him? I saw you talk to him only yesterday.
A. Hadn’t, met B. Didn’t, meet C. Haven’t, you D. Won’t, you
这道题的附加句I saw you talk to him only yesterday中的saw 和yesterday对判断正确时态起了很强的干扰。考生容易将yesterday作为时间参照而选A或B项。
5、 易错聚焦法
① The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.
A. to be informed B. being informed C. informed D. informing
此题(答案C)采用了反思维定式方法。考生容易形成keep sb doing sth的思维定式,而错选D项。
② –Why did the girl spend the whole day ______, ______?
--She failed in the college entrance examination.
A. locked; weeping B. locking; wept C. to lock; weeping D. being locked; wept
此题(答案A)同样采用了反思维定式方法,考生接触最多的是spend time (in) doing sth, 容易忽视对句子逻辑的分析而产生错觉。
③ Food of this kind sells well on the market ,but _____.
A. isn’t kept easily B. doesn’t keep easily
C. isn’t easy to be kept D isn’t easily to keep
④ We should have the students who are quick at learning ______ in a different way.
A. to train B. training C. trained D. train
此题(答案C)考查have +宾语+宾补的结构,是高考的热点之一。考生容易受思维定式have sb do / doing 和have sth done的影响,而选B 或D项。
⑤ —Sorry, the tickets for “Cell Phone” have been sold out.
—Oh, no. ______.
A. Never mind B. What a pity
C. It really doesn’t matter D. I’ve been looking forward to it
这道对话题检测考生对英语口头表达习惯的理解,Oh, no 在英语中本身含有What a pity或How can it be like this的意思,因此答案只能是D.
⑥—Excuse me
—This is no parking area. You are going to get a ticket.
A. Pardon B. Yes C. What do you mean D. What do you want to do
此题与上题一样,检测考生对英语口头表达习惯的理解。答案B中的Yes在英语中可用来承上启下,表示疑问,相当于What’s the matter? What do you want? 等。
1、 时代特征:指人们感兴趣或关心的话题。例如
① With China’s accession into the WTO, we are facing ______ good opportunity, ______ will lead to our prosperity.
A. a; one B. a; the one C. the; one D. the; the one
② Peace and stability are the topics ______ we have frequently returned.
A. that B. what C. on which D. to which
③ –Isn’t it a pity that such a good team ______ have failed to enter the World Cup final.
--Yes. Anything is possible in the football field.
A. would B. might C. must D. should
④ Not for a moment ______ stop fighting against terrorism. It is a long-term task.
A. should we B. we should C. do we should D. should we do
⑤ Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games ______ a lot to the great achievement of our economic construction
A. leads B. owes C. thanks D. depends
2、 生活特征:指话题与人民生活实际有关。例如
① China has never before developed so rapidly, _____ their life so much.
A. nor did the people enjoy B. nor have the people enjoyed
C. neither the people will enjoy D. neither will the people enjoy
② They are going to choose ______ they think is competent as their leader, _______ identity he or she is
A. those who; whatever B. whomever; whatever
C. whoever; no matter what D. no matter who; whatever
③ We saw in the forest many trees, ______ pulled out by the hurricane, lying on the ground.
A. whose roots B. of which the roots
C. with their roots D. the roots of them were
④ --My car has got a flat tyre. I wonder if you could lend me a hand.
A. It’s my pleasure B. Here you are C. No problem D. Take it easy
⑤ When you come here for your holiday next time, don' t go to _______ hotel; I can find you _______ bed in my flat.
   A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. a; the D. a; 不填
① Never look down on others. ______ you can’t achieve may be just ______ others can succeed.
A. What; where B. Where; what C. What; what D. Which; that
② _____breaks the law should be punished, _____ he or she is.
A Anyone who; no matter who B No matter who; whoever
C Those who; anyone who D Whoever; no matter which
③ No books or magazines ______ out of the reading room without the permission of the librarian.
A. are to be taken B. are about to be taken
C. are going to be taken D. are supposed to take
④ The sign reads “In case of fire, break the glass and push red button.”
A.不填;a B.不填;the C.the; the D.a;a
⑤ The taxi driver often reminds passengers to _____ their belongings when they leave the car.
A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take
① You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _______I disagree.
   A. why B. where C. what D. how
② It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
③ Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _______so rapidly.
A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change
④ Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.
A.who B.which C.this D.what
⑤ The WTO cannot live up to its name ________it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.
A.as long as B.while C.if D.even though
2004 年8月




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