The Find Of The Century

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit23.doc
章节 第二十三单元
关键词 高三英语第二十三单元
  Ⅰ. 词汇学习
  fine , fine rain , steep , rockface , set……on fire , downhill , extraordinary , clear up , expense , at one’s own expense , inspire
  Ⅱ. 交际英语
  Conjecture and belief (推测与相信)
  1. I guess that …… / I believe ……
  2. It seems that …… / It seems to sb that ……
  3. She must have done……当时她一定是……
  4. It looks as if …… / It looks as though ……
  5. It certainly is .
  6. I don’t doubt your words .
  7. I believe what you said .
  8. Do you think I’d believe a story like that ?
  9. How is that possible ?
  10. You’re not serious , are you ?
  11. You must be joking .
  12. Don’t be silly .
  13. I think it’s hard to believe .
  Ⅲ. 语法学习
  下面是几道 NMET 高考试题:
  1 . — I ' ll be away on a business trip . Would you mind looking after my cat ?
  — Not at all . ______
  A . I ' ve no time B . I ' d rather not C . I ' d like it D . I ' d be happy to
  2 . The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him ______ .
  A . not to B . not to do C . not to do it D . do not to ( NMET95 )
  3 — Alice , why didn ' t you come yesterday ?
  — I ______ , but I had an unexpected visitor .
  A . had B . would C . was going to D . did
  当不定式所表示内容在上文已经出现,为避免重复,总是把不定式里的动词及其后续部分省略,只保留 to,主要分以下几种情况:
  ※ 当不定式在某些动词后作宾语时,常可省略,常用动词如 like , love , care , hope , wish , expect , prefer , refuse , mean , try , oblige , advise , persuade等。如:
  — Do you want to give a talk on that subject ?
  — I prefer not to .
  You can do it this way if you care to .
  — Are you and Jane getting married ?
  —We hope to .
  但当 want , like 用于从句中时,如在 when , if , what , as 等后,to 也常可省略。如:
  Come when you want .
  I ' ve decided to do what I like .
  ※ 当不定式在句中某些动词后作宾语补足语或作主语补足语时,不定式常省略,常见动词如 ask , tell , advise , force , persuade , wish , allow , permit 等。如:
  She wants to come but her parents won ' t allow her to .
  You ' d better give a performance if they should ask you to / if you should be asked to .
  ※ 当不定式在某些形容词后作状语时,也可省略,常见形容词如 happy , glad , eager , anxious , willing , ready 等。如:
  — Will you join me in a walk ?
  — I ' ll be glad to .
  I think he should get a job , but you can ' t force him to if he ' s not ready to .
  ※ 当不定式在某些结构后作复合谓语时,不定式可省略,常见结构如:be able to ,be going to , have to , ought to , uses to 等。如:
  I don ' t want to wait for him but I have to .
He doesn ' t like fish but he used to .
  ※ 不定式在某些名词后作定语时可省略,此时 to 也常省略,常见名词如:courage , chance , time 等。如:
  He ' ll never leave home ; he hasn ' t got the courage ( to ) .
  He says he will come as soon as he has got a chance ( to ) .
  ※ 当被省略的不定式的内容是作助动词用的 have 或 be 的任何形式时,to 后要保留到原形 have 或 be。如:
  He didn' t come , but the ought to have .
  Jane is not what she used to be .
  spare no expense不惜费用。at one’s expense自费。at the expense of归……负担;以……为牺牲。如:He succeeded at the expense of his health .
  cut down one’s expense节省开支。living expenses生活费。
  2. inspire鼓舞;鼓励
  His speech inspired us .
  We are inspired to work hard .
  〖点拨〗inspiring = encouraging鼓舞人心的。inspired = encouraged受到鼓舞的。如:
  They were inspired . That was an inspiring lecture indeed .
  1. set … on fire使着火
  These naughty children set the hut on fire .
  2. go off for a walk出去散步
  3. a fine rain一场细雨。又如:a fine paper一种优质纸
  4. set off down the grass开始下山
  5. at such times在这样的时候
  6. get the fire going使火烧的旺起来
  7. throw light onto把光投射到
  8. stop still停住不动
  9. look in astonishment惊奇地看着
  10. had best do最好做
  11. clear up放晴
  12. date back = go back追溯
  13. stay dry没有被雨淋
  14. give out the news发布消息
  15. let in the rain漏雨
  1.The clouds had come down so suddenly we had no warning . 突然天气乌云密布,此前毫无征兆。
  (2)warning是动词warn的名词形式,除作“警告;告诫; 前车之鉴”还可作“前兆 讲”。如:
  Palpitation is a warning of heart trouble.心惊是心脏病的预兆。
  2. I paused on a small piece of grass and turned back to my brother who was following behind me . 我在一小块草地上停了下来,转身看跟在我身后的小弟弟。
  (2)turn back to sb在此含“转身看某人”之意。
  (3)follow behind sb跟在某人身后走;follow sb紧跟着,紧走;跟上某人的讲话。
  3.The flames threw light onto the ceiling of the cave . 火焰照亮了山洞的顶部。
  〖明晰〗throw light onto把光投射到;照亮。而throw light on/upon阐明某事;帮助理解。 如:
  The candle light threw light onto the mirror.蜡光把镜照得光亮亮的。
  This information may throw light upon the mystery.这项情报可能有功于查明那件疑案。
  4. There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white . 还有鸟,眼睛是在岩石上雕刻出来的,并被画成白色。
  又如:He sat there, with his legs crossed.他坐那,双腿交叉着。
  5. On one hand, I was anxious to leave,…On the other hand ,… 一方面, 我急于想离开……另一方面,……。
  〖明晰〗on(the)me hand…(but/and)on the other hand一方面……另一方面……。如:
  On the one hand the price is cheap, but on the other hand the quality is poor.一方面价钱很便宜,但另一方面质量却很差。
  6.Neither of us realized that night that these carvings and painting dated back to 15000 years, nor that the headline in the newspaper would be …… 那天夜里我们谁也没意识到那些石刻与绘画已存在15000年了,也没有想到报纸上的大标题会是……
  〖明晰〗句中nor与前部neither 相呼应而连接由realized 引起的又一个宾语从句。 注意当neither和nor表“也不”处于and 后时,常用neither。如:
  Mary doesn't speak French, and neither does John.玛丽不讲法语,约翰也不讲。
  7.arm in arm; hand in hand; hand to hand
  〖释疑〗arm in arm指的是一个人的手臂挽着另一个人的手臂(即手的上半段), 此译为“手挽着手”。如:
  They walked arm in arm.他们手挽手走着。
  hand in hand指的是一个人的手掌拉着另一个人的手掌,因此译作“手拉手、携手”。 有时还表相互伴随,含“同行,一道”之意。如:
  (SEFC B3 L18)The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.
  Selfishness and unhappiness often go hard in hand.自私和不快常是连在一起的。
  hand to hand肉搏战,交手战。如:
  The two soldiers fought hand to hand until one fell badly wounded.两个士兵肉搏,直到一个重伤倒下。 long as; so long as
  〖释疑〗当人们要提出条件表达“只要……”时二者可互换, 相当于provided that; on condition that; if。但as long as还有是提出条件,不能用so long as 来换用。 如:
  I'll treasure our friendship as long as I live. 在我有生之年,我将珍惜我们的友谊。
  You can stay here as long as you like. 你愿呆多久就呆多久。 first glance; at first sight
  〖释疑〗at first glance乍看、初看(含看得不够仔细)。如:
  This matter seems very easy at first glance, but actually it is rather complicated.这件事乍看起来很容易,实际上是比较复杂的。
  at first sight 一见就……。如:
  Bill fell in love with Joan at first sight.比尔一见琼就爱上了。
  10. be alike, be like, be similar
  be alike后不接宾语,alike前只能用much, very much some what, just修饰, 不能用very修饰,句子的主语是两个人或两件事物以上。如:
  All the suitcases are very much alike in since and in colour .所有这些手提箱大小和颜色都非常相似。
  be like 后常接宾语,说明与什么相像,其前可用very来修饰。如;
  Your watch is very like mine in shape.你的手表在式样上和我的很相象。
  be similar后要接介词to后再加宾语;有时单独用similar作名词的前置定语。如:
  Mary's hat is (very)similar to Jane's.玛丽的帽子和简的差不多。
  They have similar aims.他们有同样的目标。
  Sweet Music
  A famous violinist once said , “ I can play the violin so well that even the fiercest animal will not attack me . ”
  “ Prove it , ”a friend said .
  “ Very well , ”the violinist replied . “ I'll take my violin into the jungle . When a wild animal attacks me , I'll start to play my violin . l promise you , the animal will suddenly   become quiet and friendly . ”
  The violinist and his friend went into the jungle . When they were inside , the violinist sat down .
  “ We'll stay here , ”he said . “ Soon a wild animal will come this way . As soon as it sees me , it will attack , but I shall immediately begin to play my violin , and we shall be safe . ”
  It was not long before a large , poisonous snake came near the two men , his sing angrily at them . The violinist immediately began to play , and the snake stopped hissing .
  “ What did I tell you ? ”the violinist said .
  A little later , a huge rhinoceros charged out of the jungle towards them . Again , the violinist picked up his violin and began to play . Immediately , the rhinoceros stopped running and sat down quietly to listen to the music .
  “ Amazing , ”his friend said . “ You really can control wild animals . ”
  Suddenly , two huge , hungry , man - eating tigers appeared and began walking towards the violinist and his friend . As before , the violinist began to play , but the two tigers continued walking towards him . When they were only a few feet from the two men , one of the tigers put a paw to his ear , turned to the other tiger and said , “ Eh ? What ? What ? Did you say something ? ”
  Words and Expressions:hiss 发嘶嘶声,rhinoceros 犀牛,charge 冲去;攻击
  The Marquis
  Gaspard was taking water from a well near the wine shop in pairs . His small ( 1 ) was playing near him . ( 2 ) , Gaspard heard cries ( 3 ) from the people down the road . “ ( 4 ) ! The marquis is coming this ( 5 ) ! ”
  Gaspard ( 6 ) to see a ( 7 ) hurrying into town . “It is always the same , ”he said . The Marquis always comes ( 8 ) fast . We don't even have ( 9 ) to get out his way . ( 10 ) he is going to kill one of us ! ”
  Gaspard ( 11 ) to his boy . “Quick ! Get out of the road ! ”
  The Marquis was coming ( 12 ) from a meeting with other ( 13 ) in Paris . He went every Saturday afternoon , ( 14 ) he did not like the parties .
  1 . A . daughter B . boy C . nephew D . dog
  2 . A . sometimes B . All at once C . Immediately D . However
  3 . A . running B . walking C . looking D . coming
  4 . A . Luckily B . Help C . Watch out D . Get out
  5 . A . street B . place C . way D . road
  6 . A . look up B . put up C . stood up D . stop up
  7 . A . a horse B . a man C . a coach D . a car
  8 . A . too B . very C . far D . enough
  9 . A . duty B . time C . money D . wine
  10 . A . The other day B . One day C . All day D . These days
  11 . A . asked B . talked C . told D . called
  12 . A . home B . to a party C . to a city D . to a village
  13 . A . friends B . nobles C . family D . women
  14 . A . as soon as B . even though C . as though D . since
  15 . A . so long as B . if C . because D . therefore
  16 . A . suffered B . enjoyed C . looked D . run
  17 . A . returned B . called C . hurried D . took
  18 . A . down B . towards C . from D . across
  19 . A . Shut up B . Hurry up C . Use up D . Eat up
  20 . A . close to B . far from C . nearly D . before
  21 . A . exciting B . happy C . afraid D . frightening
  22 . A . behind B . in front of C . over D . beside
  23 . A . soon B . quickly C . fast D . slow
  24 . A . hit B . patted C . beat D . blew
  25 . A . gave off B . let out C . went off D . gave up
  答案与赏析:1 . B。从下文中便知答案。2 . B。all at once 意为“突然”,是习语;正好与故事情节相符。3 . D。come from 是“来自于”的意思。别的面与上下文不符。4 . C。watch out 意为“小心”,get out 意为“逃脱”,help 意为“救命”;根据短文,在此处所填词组应表示“提醒”的意思。5 . C。come this way“朝这边来”。6 . A。Gaspard 在提水,听到人们的言论时“抬起头”。7 . C。根据下文得知。8 . A。too 有过分之意。9 . B。根据上文,车快,因此人们来不及让路。10 . B。11 . D。call 意为“喊叫”,表现出Gaspard焦急的心情。12 . A。13 . B。由下文得知。14 . B。even though 意为“纵使,尽管”。只有这一选项才使句子的意思通顺。15 . C。16 . A。由上文得知,他不喜欢聚会,故谈不上享受,因此用 suffer 表示“遭罪”。17 . C。hurry 与前面内容相呼应。18 . A。down 相当于 along,“沿着”。19 . B。20 . A。close to 意为“接近于”。21 . C。see how afraid they are 译为“看看他们多么恐慌”,与文意一致。22 . B。23 . C。24 . A。hit 指碰撞。25 . B。let out 意为“发出 ( 叫声 ) ”;give off 意为“发生 ( 蒸汽,光 ) ”;go off 意为“发生,离去”;give up 意为“放弃”。此外显然是“街上的人们发出了一阵吼叫声”。
  1. When he reached at the station , the train had left .
  2. The crash occurred when several planes were circling round , waiting to land .
  3. The firemen arrived just exactly ten minutes ago .
  4. When you finish the book , please return it back to the library .
  5. Because Helen’s head was turned , so I couldn’t see her expression .
  6. Dr. Bethune will be in the charge of the operation .
  7. It’s reported that the Britain army has gone cross the border .
  8. Her mother is in the danger of becoming blind .
  9. Too much noise can drive people to mad .
  10. Mary entered into the room without making any sound .
  答案:1. 去at 2. 去round 3. 去just , 或者去exactly 4. 去back 5. 去so , 或者去because 6. 去第一个the 7. 去gone后把cross改为across 。或者把cross改为across 8. 去the 9. 去to 10. 去into,或者改entered为 walked
  ※ 区分同位语从句和定语从句。
  They have no idea at all ______ . ( MET 87 )
  A . where he has gone B . where did he go
  C . which place had he gone D . where has he gone 答案: A。
  〖思维〗定语从句是修饰、说明名词或代词 ( 先行词 ) 的,而同位语从句则是揭示该名词具体内容的。所以,从某种程度上说,名词和同位语从句之间可以划等号。但要切记 which 不能引导同位语从句。
  ※ 考查从属连词 that 与连接代词 what 所引导的名词性从句在句中作主语时的区别:
  It worried her a bit ______ her hair was turning grey . ( NMET 92 )
  A . while B . if C . that D . for 答案: C。
  ______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language . ( NMET 95 )
  A . There B . This C . That D . It 答案: D。
  〖思维〗that 在名词性从句中不充当任何成份,也无词义,仅起连接作用。引导并列的宾语从句时,第二个 that 以及引导主语从句、同位语从句时,不可省略。that 从句作主语时,常用句型结构为:It is ( was ) + adj . 或n . + that 从句。 在 The reason for . . . ( Why . . . ) is that . . . 结构中的 that 不可用 because 替代。
  ______ you have done might do harm to other people . ( NMET 87 )
  A . That B . What C . Which D . This 答案: B。
  ______ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present . ( NMET 93 )
  A . What B . That C . The fact D . The matter 答案: A。
  ______ we can't get seems better than ______ we have . ( NMET 96 )
  A . What ; what B . What ; that C . That ; that D . That ; what 答案: A。
  〖思维〗what 本身在名词性从句中充当一定的成份,或主语、或宾语、或表语。这时 what 具有两种含义:保留疑问的意义,即“什么,什么样的”;相当于“先行词 + 定语从句”结构的用法,“the thing/fact/matter that . . . ”常译为“所……的 ( 东西或事情 ) ”。区分用 that 还是 what 的依据是看从句中有没有主语、表语或从句的及物动词带不带宾语,若带有宾语,则用 that ; 若无宾语,则用 what。
  ※ 考查 whether 和 if 两个连词的不同用法。
  ______ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet . ( NMET 92 )
  A . Whenever B . if C . Whether D . That 答案: C。
  ______ we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather . ( NMET 96 )
  A . If B . Whether C . That D . Where 答案: B。
  〖思维〗whether 和 if 意为“是否”,虽不充当句子成份,但也不可省略。两词在动词后引导宾语从句时,常可互换。但在下列情况下,名词性从句引导词用 whether 而不用 if。从句作介词宾语时,后面紧接 or not 时。主语从句或宾语从句置于句首时。引导表语从句、同位语从句时。动词 discuss 后的宾语从句中。由 if 引导宾语从句可能产生歧义时。动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句中时,宾语从句的连接词用 that 而不能用 whether 或 if ; doubt 用在肯定句中时,则用 whether 或 if 均可,但不能用 that。
  ※ 考查选用正确的连接代词 what , who ( m ) , whose , which , 和连接副词 when , where , why , how。
  Go and get your coat . It's ______ you left it . ( NMET 92 )
  A . where B . there C . there where D . where there 答案: A。
  I remember ______ this used to be a quiet village . ( NMET 93 )
  A . when B . how C . where D . what 答案: A。
  — Do you remember ______ he came?
  — Yes , I do , he came by car . ( NMET 94 )
  A . where B . how C . that D . if 答案: B。
  〖思维〗连接代词 what , whom , who , whose , which 都保留各自的疑问含义,既起连接作用,又在句中充当一定的成份。连接副词 when , where , why , how 等,也是既有疑问含义,又起连接作用,同时又在从句中充当各种状语,分别表示时间、地点、方式、原因等。
  ※ 考查连接代词 what 与 whatever ; who 与 whoever 的不同用法。
  ______ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights . ( MET 88 )
  A . Anyone B . Person C . Whoever D . Who 答案:C。
  Sarah hopes to become a friend of ______ shares her interests . ( '95上海 )
  A . anyone B . whomever C . whoever D . no matter who 答案:C。
  It's generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants . ( NMET 97 )
  A . however B . whatever C . whichever D . whenever 答案:B。
  〖思维〗 whoever 为连接代词,意为“凡……者”,相当于 anyone ( 或 any person ) who + 定语从句。whoever 既作主句的主语,又作从句的主语;而 who 引导的主语从句,只表示“谁”,在从句中作主 语。 what 与 whatever , when 与 whenever , where 与 wherever 的含义基本相同,只是后者比前者语气更重。在意义上也有细微差别:
  what 与 whatever ( whatever 含义为 anything that ) ;
  when 与 whenever ( whenever 含义为 any time when ) ;
  where 与 wherever ( wherever 含义为 any place where ) 。
  ※ 对从句语序的考查,名词性从句要用陈述语序。
  They want to know ______ do to help us . ( MET 88 )
  A . what can they B . what they can C . how they can D . how can they 答案:B。
  No one can be sure ______ in a million years . ( MET 91 )
  A . what man will look like B . what will man look like
  C . man will look like what D . what look will man like 答案:A。
  He asked ______ for the violin . ( NMET 92 )
  A . did I pay how much B . I paid how much
  C . how much did I pay D . how much I paid 答案:D。
  You can't imagine ______ when they received these nice Christmas presents . ( ’94上海 )
  A . how they were excited B . how excited they were
  C . how excited were they D . they were how excited 答案:B。
  These photographs will show you ______ . ( MET 89 )
  A . what does our village look like B . what our village looks like
  C . how does our village looks like D . how our village looks like 答案: B。
  ※ 考查时态呼应。
  Can you make sure ______ the gold ring? ( MET 90 )
  A . where Alice had put B . where had Alice put
  C . where Alice has put D . where has Alice put 答案: C。
  We were all surprised when he made it dear that he ______ office soon . ( NMET 93 )
  A . leaves B . would leave C . left D . had left 答案: B。
  〖思维〗对名词性从句 ( 尤其是宾语从句 ) 语序的考查总是结合时态、语态和连接词来进行。名词性从句的时态要与主句的时态相互呼应。但如果从句表示“客观真理”或有“具体的年、月、日”时,从句的时态不随主句的时态而变。
  1 . While he was in prison he was not allowed to ____(联系) with his family . 1 .
  2 . She was ____(恐慌) of looking down from the top of the tall building . 2 .
  3 . The picture showed four ____(代)—great grandmother , grandmother ,
mother and baby . 3 . ____
  4 . I trust him ____(完全) . So would anyone who knew him . 4 . ____
  5 . Let's go on ____(讨论) the matter . 5 . ____
  6 . If quite ____(方便) to you , I'll be with you Tuesday next . 6 . ____
  7 . Is there the ____(可能) of having a sunny week ? 7 . ____
  8 . December is the ____(第十二) month of the year . 8 . ____
  9 . The village is a very ____(不同) place from what it was when I was a boy . 9 . ____
  10 . Yesterday they ____(祝贺) us on what we had achieved . 10 . ____
  答案:1. communicate 2 . frightened 3 . generations 4 . completely 5 . discussing 6 . convenient 7 . possibility 8 . twelfth 9 . different 10 . congratulated
  假定你叫 Li Ming , 是北京市第三中学高中三年级的毕业生,最近你收到美国朋友 Mary 的来信 , 请根据来信的内容和要求给 Mary 写一封回信。下面是 Mary 的来信:
  No . 32 High School
  New York , USA
  June 3 , 2000
  Dear Li Ming ,
  I'm very happy to have made friends with you . I've not written to you for a long time .
  I'm studying in the second grade at this school . I study English , maths , physics ,  chemistry , etc . Recently the school has offered lessons in Chinese . I like Chinese , but I have met a lot of difficulties during my study . Now I have learnt about 500 Chinese words . I can even write a little Chinese .
  My parents and I are going to visit China in the summer holidays . How happy I'll be to see you then!
  How are you getting on with your study ? How are things with you ?
  Please write to me soon .
  Yours ever ,
  注意:1 . 要用书信形式写;2 . 词数80-100 ,情节可适当增加,但要点不能遗漏。
  No . 3 Middle School
  Beijing , China
  June 15 , 2000
  Dear Mary ,
  I'm pleased to hear from you . That you have made progress in learning Chinese makes me happy . Now I want to tell you how things are with me .
  I'm studying in the third grade of this senior middle school , and will graduate at the end of this semester . I'm going to take part in the college entrance examinations in July . My parents hope I can go to college . So like the other graduating students in our school , I am working harder than ever in order to get good marks in the examinations . I hope I can be admitted into college .
  I'm looking forward to your family coming to China . I think we'll have a good time together .
  Yours ,
  Li Ming




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