如何上好高中英语第一节课 |
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摘要:本文旨在探讨新课程理念下如何上好高中英语第一节课。 由初中升入高中,学生是带着新奇和喜悦的心情踏入校园的,周围的一切对于他们来说都充满新鲜感。他们无论从心理上和生理上都渴望着成功,渴望着得到他人的尊重和认可。而英语作为第二外语,虽然在小学就学过,然而他们进入高中的成绩却参差不齐,两级分化非常严重。新教材的改革又突出了英语的重要性与实用性,这一点对于农村的普通中学老师来说尤其感到头疼。 研读新课标,现代课程价值的取向是“以学生的发展为本”,从学生的发展出发,在注重培养学生基础能力的同时,进一步培养学生的创造性学习和发展性学习能力,开发学生的智能,培养创新精神。正如H•G•Windows所说:“教与学不是一个过程对等的两端,不像买与卖,给和取。因此,不能把教的一方看成是施动者,把学的一方看成是受动者。正确的关系是学的一方施动,教的一方助动” 。 与新课程同行,要提高课堂效率,就得集中关注学生,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力;提倡语言实践、体验、参与和交流,发展语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等基本素养。因此,作为教师,在高中一年级的第一堂课中就开始引导学生学好英语,便显得特别重要。 一. 用好开场白,让学生熟悉老师。适当地用英文开场白能使你的学生相信你有水平教好他们。面对新老师,学生往往有很大的好奇心,通过互动形式的自我介绍,让学生基本认识老师,拉进师生间的距离,便于今后的师生合作。 T: Hello! Ss:Hello! T:Nice to meet you! Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T: I’m your new English teacher .Do you know about me? Ss:No! T: What do you want to know about me? Please ask me Qs. Ask as many students as possible to raise questions. Guide them to ask about my name ,my address,telephone number ,my likes﹠dislikes,my holiday,even my family, etc. Encourage them to ask. Any question is welcome! In this way,students can come to know about me ,their new teacher, meanwhile I can also learn quite a lot about my new students, to see whether they are good at languages or opinions or both. I try my best to answer their questions properly. Or sometimes let them guess. Surely some of the Ss ask about my age ,my marriage, etc , I satisfy them and also I take the chance to tell them the differences in the customs between China and English-speaking countries, which make them very interested. T:let’s discuss what we should do and what we shouldn’t do in our English class. Let me give you the first few ones. •Join in the class .(Make sure your eyes here,your ears here,your mouth here,your hands here,and your heart here! Never sleep in class! •Be active.(Be active learners,especially express your ideas actively in class) Then I ask them to tell what they think are dos and don’ts. I encourage different students to express their opinions . S1:I think we should speak English. S2: I think we should speak loudly & clearly. S3: I think we should be on time S4:We shoudn’t bother others. S5: We shouldn’t be late. S6:We should listen to our teacher and our classmates carefully. S7:We should turn off the mobile phone. S8:We shouldn’t eat in class.( You have to get up early to find enough time for sports,for reading English aloud and for breakfast ) S9:We should ask if we meet difficulties.( Ask teachers,classmates for help,and don’t forget your dictionary is your best teacher!Make sure you have a big enough dictionary) S10:We should make notes in class.(When? At the same time while listening and speaking!) 三.让学生明白学习英语的好方法,教育学生养成良好的学习习惯,帮助学生树立信心。达尔文曾说过,“关于方法的知识是最重要的知识”,不管我们学习什么,掌握正确的方法是最重要的。因此,高中英语教师非常有必要对学生进行学法指导,给学生授之以法。高一虽是高中的基础阶段,但高一英语教材内容与练习形式和初中相比都有相对提升,内容更多,涉及面更广,练习方式更多,定的要求明显提高。对于刚走进高中大门的学生来说,无法立刻适应。所以,指导学法是高一英语教师成功教学的一个必不可少的组成部分;各种良好习惯的形成对英语的学习往往起着事半功倍的作用。高一英语老师要充分利用新生刚进入新的环境的有利时机,指导学生养成良好的习惯。 T:Every night when a day is over,when the light is off, when you go to bed, you ask yourself 8 questios(Bb) Did I recite words today?(今天我背单词了吗?) Did I read aloud today? (今天我大声朗读了吗?) Did I do some reading today?(今天我阅读了吗?) Did I listen to the tape today? (今天我听英语录音了吗?) Did I finish the homework today?(今天我完成作业了吗?) Did I go over the lesson today? (今天我复习功课了吗?) Did I try communicating in English today? (今天我用英语交流了吗?) Remember:spending a few minutes every day on English is much better than a longer time once a week.Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is a must. Like building a house, learning English takes some time because Rome isn’t built in a day. So don’t be impatient.Just keep on doing like this ,day by day, you’ll find English learning is no longer a challenge.It’ll be a piece of cake! 四.教材进行总体介绍,使学生对课文有个感性的认识,也使学生对本学期人授课内容有初步了解,同时使学生树立起学好英语的信心和兴趣。 五.切实做好初高中衔接阶段的复习工作。再次强调过好语音关。要充分利用语言作为交际工具,交流思想,我们就必须学好语音。英语的48个音标必须发音准确,才能为词汇的学习打好基础。Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English. Good pronunciation makes for memorizing words quickly. (Revise the 48 phonetic symbols in the 2nd period) 总之,英语新课程的理念要求我们学英语首先要实现以下三个转变:第一,英语不是教会的,而是学会的。第二,学生不是接受知识的容器,而是充盈燃料的火把。第三,自主学习和问题意识是转变学习方式的两翼。因此,教师在课堂上要给学生留出练的时间,把练的机会还给学生。教师要善于教育和感染学生, 从第一节课开始,就要建立融洽的师生交流渠道,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,培养学生积极学习的习惯,达到“教是为了不教”的境界。 相关链接:教学论文
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