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丽水中学 潘秋芳
一、 设计意图
二、 学情分析
三、 教学过程
Step 1 : Learn about an example paragraph.
(1) Show a graph illustrating the steel production in Liaoning from 1997 to 2005.
Steel production (million tons)
1997 885
1999 968
2001 1050
2003 1173
2005 1262
(2) Explain the graph and then show the paragraph.
Steel production in Liaoning has been increasing fast from 1997 to 2005. In 1997, for example, the production of steel was about 885 million tons, but by 1999, the figure rose to 968 million tons. This shows an increase of over 80 million tons. The greatest progress, however,was seen between 2001 and 2003. The difference was 123 million tons. By 2005, the yearly steel output reached 1262 million tons, 377 million tons more than in 1997. All the achievements should be owed to the wise leadership of our Party, the introduction of advanced technology and all the workers’ efforts.
(3) Ask students some questions according to the paragraph and ask them to find out the topic sentence.
(4) The definition of the topic sentence.
A paragraph has ONE main idea. This main idea is usually expressed in one sentence---the topic sentence. When readers this sentence, they know what the writer wants to describe in the paragraph.
Step:2 Exercises and answers about writing the topic sentences.
(1)The output of Tv sets has been increasing in the recent months since August.
Output of TV sets
Aug. 800
Sep. 830
Oct. 985
Nov. 1020
Dec. 1190
(2)A Big Problem!
a. 90% of the provice’s rivers are polluted.
b. The air in the cities is getting dirtier.
c. Acid (酸性的)rain is killing plants.
d. Noise is becoming a big headache for people.
Pollution has become a serious problem / a headache in the province.
Step 3 : Collect some useful expressions about the changes in amounts and numbers.
from…to… between…and… since… during… in…
rise by 30%
increase to
go up in number hold at + 数
at the level of drop by 20%
decrease to
go down in number
steadily slowly
a little
Step 4: Exercises suggesting increases and decreases.
The price of gold per ounce (盎司):
Oct. 1998 $380
Nov. 1999 $400
Dec. 1999 $550
Jan. 2000 $684
The price of gold rose rapidly from 1998 to 2000.
The price of eggs per pound (¥)
Mar.: 2.50
Apr.: 2.40
May.: 2.30
June.: 2.20
The price of eggs has been decreasing steadily since March.
Sakes of fridges in a shop (sets):
1996 457
1997 482
1998 527
1999 459
2000 4122001 371
The sales of fridges in the shop went up between 1996 and 1998, but they went down between 1999 and 2001.
Step 5: Think and choose
1. Show the graph indicating China’s meat output from 1989 to 2001.
2. Ask students to choose and complete the paragraph.
China’s meat production ________________________. In 1999, the whole country ________________________. This shows an increase ________________ within a ten-year period of time. Between ___________________________________. By _______________________.
a. of 15 million tons
b. increased fast from 1989 to 2001
c. 1999 and 2000 there was another increase of 3 million tons.
d. Produced 28 million tons of meat
e. 2001 China produced 34 million tons of meat
Answers: b d a c e
Step 6 Practice ( The graph showing the sales of residences in Lishui from January to February in 2009.)

Sales of residences(住房) in Lishui (sets)
Jan. 65
Feb. 85
Mar. 118
Apr. 168
The tips on the homework writing steps.
(1) Try to answer these questions before you write:
What conclusion can I draw from the above graph?
What figures from this graph can I use to explain my conclusion?
(2) Look for useful expressions in this lesson.
(3) Start writing with your conclusion. Go on writing to explain your conclusion.
(4) When you have finished writing the paragraph, read it again and correct any mistake you may find.
四、 自我反思
纵观整节课,我以培养学生用英语思索、用英语比较并表达的能力为教学目标,用英语比较并表达的能力为教学目标, 以语言运用为中心,以“任务型教学”为主线,以多媒体教学为辅助,进行举一反三,力求在有限的时间内进行有效地教学。
2, 在step2里,给出两段内容,与学生一起商讨各自的关键句,并帮助用英语表述出
3, 在step3里,收集表达这种句型中常用的短语,为下一步作好铺垫。
4, 在step4里,给出3段材料,学生分组讨论,再呈现他们的结果,有了前面三个步骤的铺垫,学生对这些写主题句的已经心中有素。
5, 在step5里,学生重新在找主题句的基础上对文章的整体结构有了主动地概念,这样学生做起来也得心应手。
6, 在最后一个步骤里,我编了一个本土材料,提高了学生的学习兴趣,并通过几个层次不同的问题进一步降低了写作的难度,同时给学生以后的写作提供了写作的方法。




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