Speaking(NSEFC Book2A Unit9 Saving the earth ) 教案教学设计(新课标版英语高二) |
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浙江省温州市第四中学 徐长才 一、教学课型: 口语课 人民教育出版社2003版高中英语教材中的口语教学打破了旧教材提供示范对话的教学形式,而是“采用话题为主线,提供专题性的会话的语言材料,例如对某个话题发表评论,交换看法,展开辩论,或提供建议表达意见等。其说的活动改变了让学生听读、背诵对话的方法,而是提供主题、情景和功能意念项目,让学生根据所提供的语言素材、情景与任务要求,自己组织语言,进行说话、讨论、辩论。”(人民教育出版社 英语第二册(上)《教师教学用书》第Ⅱ-Ⅲ页)。 这种教学形式的转变,增加了学生对思想观点及事物看法表达上的难度。因为学生必须具备足够的词汇量、惯用句型和灵活的应变能力,才能完整地表达出要说的话语。如果学生口语基本功不扎实,词汇贫乏,没有良好的语言习惯,那么教师开展教材中的口语教学相当困难。然而,教师不能回避教材中规定的教学任务,更不能任意删剪教学内容。如果教师不对每个单元的口语教学内容加以科学的分析研究,死搬硬套按部就班地教,难以达到令人满意的教学效果。那么如何进行新教材中的口语教学呢?下面以高二第九单元Unit9 Saving the earth Speaking 的内容为例,谈谈如何设计本课的口语教学。 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 Work in groups. Read about the situation and write role cards for the discussion. Use the role cards to discuss the situation and decide what to do. Situation: A meeting is being held in an area where there is a lot of coal . Coal is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause serious pollution. You will attend the meeting and discuss the issue. A businessman: You think that we should burn the coal because… An environmentalist: You do not think we should burn the coal because… A scientist: You think that we should spend more money on science so that we can use the coal in a better way, because… A local citizen: We must burn the coal so that we can get money to develop our area as soon as possible, because… 2. 教材处理 本单元的口语教学主要围绕“拯救地球,保护环境,发展生产”而展开。教材仅提供了一个情境(见上面表格)和简短的说明,信息量小,比较笼统。其难度是学生用以表达思想的词汇不够以及如何准确得体地表达各自身份的看法。笔者备课时,一是增加信息量,利用上节课中的材料,设置相关问题以激活学生的思维。二是通过图片让学生直接感知,触景生情,根据学生的实际设置相关的问题。三是提供学生可能用到的词语及本课要求掌握用来表达支持某种意见的句型。然后开展多样化的课堂组织形式以调动学生的积极性和唤起学生说话的兴趣。 3. 教学目标 (1) 培养学生在比较真实的语境中表达自己的观点; (2) 让学生学会用本课所给的句型表达支持某种意见; (3) 通过本节口语课的练习培养学生保护环境的意识; (4) 唤起学生的“合作学习”意识。 4. 教学重点与难点 (1) 运用所给词语、句型表达自己对事物的看法; (2) 灵活并较为准确地阐述自己的观点、意见。 三、教学设计 1. 总体思路 本节口语课是一节承上启下的课,它一方面是上节课Warming-up and listening的延伸,另一方面又是下一节阅读课的前奏。教师根据上节课的内容设置若干问题,以学生回答问题作为过度,引出本节课的话题——保护环境还是发展生产?教师呈现两副图让学生观察,一副是工厂生产煤炭另一副是工厂烧煤用以发展生产。把学生的注意力引到具体的话题中来。 教师设置若干相关问题,学生思考和回答。学生分组讨论,得出答案。学生有了一定的认识之后,再把他们分成五人一小组,分别担任不同角色,从各自的角度就烧煤带来的利弊发表不同的看法。其间,教师应提供多方面的帮助诸如资料源、合作者、组织者以及指挥者。 最后,要求学生写一篇短文巩固和总结讨论的成果以作为对说的延伸和落实。 2. 教学过程 Step 1. Lead-in (1) Answer the following questions based on the previous class ① What do you think is the most serious pollution in our country? ② What do you know is the main cause of the pollution ? ③ Which do you think should come first, keeping the air clean or stopping the factories which produce heavy smoke? Give the reasons, please. 、 ④ What can we do to stop the pollution? [教学设计说明] ⑴ 通过对以上若干问题的回答,重温上节课的内容以激活学生的思维,逐渐把学生的注意力引到今天的话题上来,为接下来的教学任务做铺垫。 ⑵ 学生回答问题之前,可以进行同伴讨论,获得最佳答案,以培养合作学习的意识。 Step 2. Say something about the two pictures. (1) (2) Q1: What is the black thing piled in picture 1? Q2: What can it be used for? Q3: What is being given off from the workshop in picture 2? Q4: What is being polluted? [教学设计说明] ⑴ 学生利用图片可以获得直观的感觉,容易触景生情,从而激发表达欲。 ⑵ 画面的内容正是本节课的话题——是用烧煤发展生产还是保护环境,使得学生产生联想,感到有话可说。 A debate“ Coal is/isn’t a valuable resource…” pros cons A businessman An environmentalist A scientist A local citizen A local leader … … 教师提供可能用到的词语以及本课应该掌握的表明支持某种意见的句型。 (1)The expressions which can possibly be used are as follows: the importance of economic development need money and energy to make our lives better develop our city pollute the air and water be for development support sb. be responsible for sth. destroy the environment cause major problems do harm to search the clear ways to use the coal care about …. (2)The sentence patterns to support opinions are as follows: We must make sure that… It’s clear that…I believe that we must… I’m all for …If nothing is done…, then… I can’t imagine that…SureCertainly Absolutely It would be better if we … Is there a better way to ….? [教学设计说明] ⑴ 培养学生围绕中心话题用英语进行思考和讨论的能力,提高说的技能。 ⑵ 提供学生在表达思想、看法时可能用到的词汇和句型。 在这一环节中,有些需用到的词不可预料也举之不尽,不可能将所要用到的词汇都列出。 因此,在学生们酝酿对话过程中,教师可以行走在学生中间,及时提供给他们需要的词汇和句型,解决疑难问题,充当学生的资料源、信息源。 ⑶ 将全班学生分成若干个五人小组,分别设计相应的问题,以帮助学生拓展思维,从而使学生明白讨论话题的角度。问题提出后, 可以口头给学生提供参考信息,并将问题及所用句型板书于黑板上或投放在多媒体屏幕上(句中划线部分为所用句型)。 问题举例如下: ① If you are a businessman , do you think you need to burn the coal in your area? Why? 提出问题后, 可以口头给学生提供参考信息:Certainly. It is clear that our goals are to make money since we are businessmen. I believe that we must use the coal in order to make money. For example, we can buy the coal in a low price and then sell it to the local enterprises in a little higher price; we can burn the coal to make electricity so that we can reduce the cost; and we can burn the coal to produce the power, etc. I can’t imagine if we don’t have the coal to burn… ② Why do you think you can burn the coal , if you are a scientist? 话语材料提示:If I am a scientist, I think I can burn the coal because I can do it in a scientific way. It would be better if we burn the coal without polluting the environment. I will find a new way to clean the air when burning the coal… ③If you are an environmentalist, do you think people should burn the coal? Why? 提示:As an environmentalist, I think protecting the environment is of great importance because we have only one earth to live on . If we burn the coal , we will destroy our environment and pollute the air. So I don’t think it right to burn the coal . If nothing is done to protect our living area, then we won’t have a better place to live in . ④If you are a local citizen, do you think people should burn the coal, why? 提示:For one thing , I am all for burning the coal to develop our industry. Only when we develop our industry , can we develop our economy. Then we will have money to make our city beautiful and people can live better lives. But on the other hand, I’ve noticed the disadvantages of burning the coal to develop the production because it will destroy our environment and air. So is there a better way to burn the coal when it neither pollutes the environment nor has bad effect on the development of economy? We should try to find a better way . ⑤You are the local leader , you decide whether or not people should burn the coal. 提示:Every coin has two sides. So we must make sure that we can find a better way to solve the problem… 学生回答各个问题之前,教师提供一些参考资料,目的是帮助学生解决疑难,让学生有话可说,明白从哪个角度去说。要帮助学生拓宽思维渠道,鼓励学生多向思考,这样学生就会感到有话可说,有话能说,从而激发学生用英语表达的欲望,活跃课堂气氛。 对于学生来说,缺少这一环节口语不易开展。而学生通过回答以上问题予以热身,减轻了接下来的角色扮演难度。 Step 4 . Role-play [教学设计说明] 在这一环节里,教师让学生5人一组分别扮演不同的角色,辩论是否烧煤这一话题,以培养和训练学生在较为真实的语境中口头表达能力,包括灵活并较为准确地阐述自己观点、意见的能力和临场应变能力。教师可以小组为单位,采用竞赛记分的方式进行。 T: Today we are here to decide whether we should burn the coal. Would you please tell the class what you think about the topic? 以下是学生辩论中较为精采的部分: S1: I think we should burn the coal because we need to develop our area. We must make sure that our citizens have jobs and that our children can get good education. As a businessman, I understand the importance of making money. It’s clear that we need money to make our lives better. The coal is our only chance. We must use it. S2:Yes, I quite agree. It seems that we should burn the coal now. However, it would be better if we spend more money on science to develop the clear ways of using the coal. Once we know how to burn it without polluting the environment, we can make full use of it. S3: But burning the coal causes too much pollution to our environment. It pollutes the air badly and does harm to our health. If nothing is done to stop its pollution to our earth, then we will have no fresh air to breathe . We must be responsible for the protection of our environment. S4: That sounds quite reasonable, but it’s clear that if we want to develop our area as soon as possible, we need money. How can we get money? We can only burn the coal to make factories work to make the money. If we stop using the coal now, how shall we continue our production and development ? As a local citizen , I really care about the local economy but on the other hand I wouldn’t like to see the serious pollution … S5:OK. All that you say is reasonable. I believe that we must try our best to find a better way to use the coal. Meanwhile, we must make sure that the factories which burn the coal take measures to stop polluting the environment. Step5. Summary As we all know, coal is a valuable resource that can be used to produce power, but it can also cause serious pollution. Just as a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” So we must put the coal into proper use, we can make the most of it and protect our environment. [教学设计说明] 通过教师的小结,一是使学生认识到,凡事都有两面性,我们在改造自然的过程中,不能只从一个角度、一个方面去认识问题,要用整体的发展的眼光,使问题的解决趋于完善。从而培养学生思维的广阔性,多样性。二是激发学生的环境保护意识. Step 6. Assignment Please write an essay entitled What can we do to make good use of coal? [教学设计说明] 说和写是语言输出的两种形式,它们是密切相关的。说是写的基础,写是说的高级形式,是说的升华。本节口语课学生通过问答、讨论、辩论之后,已有一定的感性基础,通过课后的书面形式使说的成果得以延伸和落实,从而达到完美的教学效果。 参考文献 人民教育出版社. 2003 英语第二册(上) 教师教学用书 龚亚夫,夏谷鸣 2004 高中英语备课指导[M] 167-168 甘肃 甘肃文化出版社 联系地址:浙江省温州市蛟翔巷130号温州市第四中学 联系电话: 0577-88233826 0577-81190318 0577-89787985 邮 编: 325000 课型课例交流 Speaking (NSEFC Book2A Unit9 Saving the earth ) 作者姓名:徐长才 工作单位:浙江省温州市第四中学 通讯地址:浙江省温州市蛟翔巷130号 温州市第四中学 邮编:325000 联系电话: 0577-88233826 0577-81190318 0577-89787985 (中学篇稿件) E-mail address: xufs200@tom.com |
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