SEFC Unit 1 The Summer Holiday

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Teaching aims:
1. Get the Ss to master how to introduce oneself to others and how to introduce sb. to
sb. else.
2. Help the Ss to master the right form of a letter.
3. Get the Ss to master the following:
Hello./Hi. Nice to meet you. Iˇll introduce you. I must go/ be off/ be leaving now.
Give oneˇs regards / love / best wishes to sb.
All the new words and expressions in this unit.
4. Revise the questions with what/ how/ who/ when/ where/which..
Teaching stress and difficulties:
1. How to introduce oneself to others and introduce sb. to sb. Else.
2. How to write a letter in English.
Teaching process:
Lesson 1
Step 1 Duty report.
Step 2 Presentation:
1. Who was your classmate here?
2. What do you say when you meet your friend here?
3. What would you say when you meet new people?
Step 3 Teach the dialogue:
1. Books shut. Listen and do Ex. 1 on p.57
2. Listen and repeat.
3. Deal with the grammar points:
1) for the first time
2) at the beginning of 労=劵at the end of
3) sure = certainly
4) I must be off now. = I must go/ leave/ be leaving now.
5) Nice to meet you.
Nice meeting you. = It was nice to meet you. = Nice to have met you.
6) I want to introduce sb. To sb.
Iˇd like to introduce sb. To sb.
Let me introduce sb. To sb.
7) in oneˇs opinion
Step 4 Pairwork and do Exx. 2 and 3
Step 5 Oral practice

Lesson 2
Step 1 Revision
How to greet and introduce sb.
Step 2 Teach the text
1. Listen and say if the following is true or false.
1) Charlie is an English boy.
2) Charlie is a city boy.
3) Charlie has a brother and an sister in his family.
4) Charlieˇs father has only two men working for him for the harvest.
5) It doesnˇt often rain in the winter here, so we have to water the vegetable garden.
6) We always have a party at weekends, even at harvest time.
7) There are five time areas in the USA.
2. Get the Ss to read carefully and invite a student to write the form of a letter on the Bb.
3. Explain the right form of a letter and deal with the grammar points:
1) right now = at the moment =at present
2) the time of year: no article before year.
3) From dawn until dark = from early morning until late evening./from..until/to
4) Go on doing sth./ go on to sth
5) As a result as a result of/as the result of
He worked very hard. As a result, he got a pay rise. ==. As a result of his hard
Step 3 Listen and read the text. Do Exx. 2 on p. 58 and 2 on p. 59
Lesson 3
Step 1 Revise lesson 2
Step 2 Pairwork : oral practice on p. 3 and then do Exx. 1 and 3 on p. 59.
# Present continuous tense for present time or future time.
Step 3 Teach the dialogue and pay attention this structure:
It is kind/ nice/ good/ clever/foolish of sb. To do sth
Step 4 Pairwok: Practise the expressions in pairs (Practice 3 on p. 3)
¨Loveˇ is usually used for family members or very close friends.
Lesson 4
Step 1 Listening sth to sth
Step 2 Word study doing sth to doing sth
Prefer =====劵 to do sth
to do rather than do sth
Which do you prefer, math or chemistry?
I prefer chemistry to math.
Step 3 Write a letter.
1. Wb Unit 1
2. LT: Unit 1
3. RP. Unit 1
4. AB: Unit 1
5. Look up the words in the dictionary: well , state



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