Unit 24 The science of farming

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1. be busy with sth. be busy doing sth.
He pretended to be busy with some work.
She was busy doing her housework when I went to see her.
2. the weather report
wet ; dry ; cloudy ; rainy ; snowy ; sunny ; fine ; mild ; …
3. sow – sowed – sown
sow seed ; sow cabbage seed ; sow wheat ; sow grass ; …
As a man sows, he shall reap.
4. research n. v.
research center ; research workers ;
spend time on research into agriculture
do research on this subject
carry out a research into the causes of the disease
The scientists researched ( into ) the causes of the disease.
He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.
5. Then he said that they should be hung up to dry.
hang --- hung --- hung
( vt. ) She hung a picture on the wall.
Hang your raincoat in the hall.
( vi. )
Pictures are hanging on every wall.
About it hung an oil painting by Picasso.
I asked the boy if he had been to school; he hung his head and didn’t answer.

hang --- hanged --- hanged
He hanged himself.
He was hanged for murder.
The murderer was hanged this morning.
6. knock … out of …
knock at the door ; knock down this old house
knock into sth. / sb. ; knock sb. on the head

7. point out one’s mistakes
He pointed out that there are some grammar mistakes in the article.
point to the building
It’s rude to point at people.
8. turn over
vt. A big wave turned over the fishing boat.
vi. The glass on the table turned over.
turn to sb. ( for advice ) ; turn to a dictionary ; turn to P. 88
If he doesn’t turn up (= arrive )soon, we shall have to go without him.
9. include ; included ; including
The price of the book includes postage.
There are 52 people in the classroom, including the teacher.
… , the teacher included.
10. go against nature ;
go against one’s will
11. A works as hard as B.
A works harder than B.
A works less hard than B.
12. deep ; deeply
The well is 10 metres deep.
I was deeply moved by his deed.



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