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ËûÔÚÒµÓàʱ¼äѧ·¨ÂÉ£¬»¹µ±ÁËÂÉʦ¡££¨Î½Óï²¢ÁУ© £¨4£©The north has warm , dry winters and hot , wet summers . ±±·½ÓÐÎÂů¡¢¸ÉÔïµÄ¶¬ÌìºÍÑ×ÈÈ¡¢³±ÊªµÄÏÄÌì¡££¨±öÓï²¢ÁУ© ¶þ.²¢ÁÐ¾ä ²¢Áо䣨compound sentence£©¾ÍÊÇÓÉÁ½¸ö»òÁ½¸öÒÔÉϵķ־乹³É¡¢ÇÒ¸÷¸ö·Ö¾äµØλÏàµÈµÄ¾ä×Ó¡£È磺 £¨1£©I have a problem and I¡¯m writing to ask you for advice . ÎÒÓÐÒ»¸öÎÊÌ⣬ËùÒÔдÐÅÀ´Õ÷ÇóÄãµÄÒâ¼û¡£ £¨2£©We couldn¡¯t find it ;it was lost . ÎÒÃÇûÄÜÕÒµ½Ëü£»Ëü¶ªÁË¡£ £¨3£©Then she looked at the judges , one of them nodded and she began . È»ºóËýÍû×ŲÃÅУ¬ÆäÖÐÒ»¸öµãµãÍ·£¬½Ó×ÅËý¿ªÊ¼ÁË¡££¨Èý¸ö·Ö¾ä£© ²¢ÁоäµÄ½á¹¹ £¨1£©³ÂÊö·Ö¾äÓë³ÂÊö·Ö¾ä²¢ÁС£È磺 The woman belongs in the home , and the man must go out into the business world . ÄÐÖ÷Í⣬ŮÖ÷ÄÚ¡£ Who are good listeners to you ,and what do they do well ?ÄÄЩÈËÊÇÄãµÄÉÆÌýÕߣ¬ËûÃÇʲô×öµÃºÃ£¿ £¨3£©Æíʹ·Ö¾äÓëÆíʹ·Ö¾ä²¢ÁС£È磺 Pass judgement on me and give him what he wants . ¶ÔÎÒÐûÅаɣ¬¸øËûÏëÒªµÄ¶«Î÷¡£ £¨4£©¸Ð̾·Ö¾äÓë¸Ð̾·Ö¾ä²¢ÁС£È磺 You¡¯re alive ! And she¡¯s dead ! 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