高三英语第十八单元Office Equipment

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科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit8.doc
章节 第十八单元
关键词 高三英语第十八单元
同学们通过阅读“The Office”和“What caused the fire ?”可以了解办公设备现代化和有关防火安全的知识。
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
answering machine , recorder , tape recorder , progress (vt .) , email , take an action , oxygen , make ends meet , requirement , combine , obtain , printer
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Phone calls and messages (电话与信息传达)
1. Hello . Is … in ? / Is … there ? / May ( Could ) I speak to … ? / Hello , is that … ?
2. Hello , is that … ?
3. Could you give her / him a message ?
4. I called to ask you that … .
5. Hello , this is … (speaking) .
6. I’m sorry , she isn’t here right now .
7. Hold on , please . / Hold the line . I’ll see if he’s in .
8. Can I take a message for sb ?
9. Could you connect me with London , please ?
10. Could you put me through to May Flower Restaurant , please ?
11. Could you tell me the number of the English Department ?
12. The line is busy / engaged .
13. Don’t hang up , please .
14. No , you’ve got the wrong number .
15. A long-distance call for you , Mr Baker .
16. Please tell him to call back . My number is 442-664900 . / Please tell him to phone … .
17. What is his home telephone number , please ?
18. Does he has your number /
19. Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow ?
20. You can look up his number in the telephone directory .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
怎样译 “ 也 ” ?
1 . too 表示 “ 也 ” ,一般用于肯定句的句末,前面常用逗号。例如:
Your mother is a teacher . Mine is a teacher , too .
— Wish you a good trip .
— You , too .
2 . either 表示 “ 也 ( 不 ) ” ,常用于否定句的末尾。例如:
You don't know it , and I don't either .
The best student in this class couldn't work it out , and I can't either .
I am not a singer . He isn't either .
3 . also 表示 “ 也 ” ,常出现在肯定句中的系动词之后,实义动词之前。若谓语动词由多部分发组成,则应将它放在助动词或第一个助动词之后。例如:
He's also a professor in Beijing University .
He also finished the work in given time .
— My husband has finished cooking and washed all clothes .
— Mine has also done them for me .
4 . as well 表示 “ 也 ” ,常被放在句尾,但前面没有逗号。有时它也可与句尾的 too 通用。例如:
He often gives us some advice and money as well .
In the morning I read English and recite Chinese texts as well .
He wrote the songs and a played the guitar as well .
5 . even 在句中表示强调,多放在句首。虽然它没有 “ 也 ” 的意思,但翻译成汉语时,常在译文中加上 “ 也 ” 。例如:
Everyone got up early and began to work , and even Grandfather has come to the worksite .
I haven't slept well these days , even at midnight I can hardly go to sleep .
6 . even it 或 even though 引导的从句表示转折或让步。其中的 even if 或 even though 和 even 一样,只是在汉语译文中出现 “ 也 ” 字。例如:
I'll never lost heart even if I should fail ten times .
I'm determined to enjoy myself as much as possible even though I can't see anything .
Even if it rains tomorrow , I will go to Beijing . 即使明天天下雨,我也要去北京。
7 . “ so + 倒装句 ” 出现在上文是肯定句的场合,表示后面的情况同前面的情况一样肯定。例如:
Peter likes swimming , so does his brother .
I am a doctor , so is my sister .
The teacher can get the machine running , so can I .
8 . “ neither / nor + 倒装句 ” 出现在上文是否定句的场合,表示后面的情况也和前面的情况一样否定。例如:
— Do you know what happened to him ?
— I don't know , nor do I care .
— Mary hasn't finished reading , neither have you .
— I'm afraid I can't walk any further .
— Neither can I , let us have a rest .
9 . “ so it is with ” 表示 “ 对于……来说,情况也是如此 ” 。它可以代替 “ so + 倒装句 ” 或 “ neither / nor + 倒装句 ” 也可以用于上文中既有肯定的动词形式,又有否定的动词形式,又有不同句型的结构模式,以致无法 简单套用 “ so + 倒装句 ” 或 “ neither / nor + 倒装句 ” 的场合。例如:
We are making rapid progress in our English study , so it is with them . ( so it is with them = so are they )
Men can't live without air or water , so it is with animals and plants . ( so it is with animals and plants = neither / nor can animals and plants )
Bob didn't pass the examination , and he is studying hard now . So it is with Jack .
Jim likes swimming , but doesn't like fishing . So it is with Dick .
此外,与此相类似的结构还有:It is the same with…;The same is true of…;This is also the case with…等。例如:
One should speak clearly and it is the same with writing .
She was late for the train . The same was true of me .
1. combine使联合;使结合;使化合
Oil and water don’t easily combine . 油和水不易混合。
Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water . 氢和氧化合生成水。
The two political parties have combined to form a government . 两个政党已联合组成了一个政府。
〖点拨〗combine … with … 把……与……相结合
The Party required us to combine theory with practice .
Better combine work with pleasure . 最好把工作和娱乐结合到一块。
2. email = e-mail = electronic mail电子邮件;电子邮递
I sent all the answers to the exercises to him by e-mail last week .
注意:在by e-mail中间不要加the 。
3. action行动;行为;动作;作用
All we need now is action , not discussion .
He is regretting his action .
Actions speak louder than words . 事实胜于雄辩。
〖点拨〗take an action采取行动 。take an action against对……提出诉讼。bring…into action使……开始行动,发动,使起作用。put … in / into action把……付诸实施。take quick action采取快速行动。
4. progress进展;进行
You have progressed quickly in mathematics . 你的数学进步很快。
〖点拨〗make some (no , a lot of , a little , good , great ) progress in在……方面取得(……) 成绩。
She has made great progress in speaking English this term .
The patient is making remarkable progress . 那个病人的康复情况有明显的进展。
5. requirement需要;要求;必要的条件
We can’t meet your requirements . 我们无法满足你的要求。
1. rush sb off his feet使某人过分紧张
2. make changes作些改变
3. leave a machine on让机器开着
4. take actions采取行动
5. What is more . 尤为重要的是
6. work / use / operate the office equipment使用办公室设备
7. send a fax发传真
8. work on the repairs进行维修
9. lay phone wires安置电话线
10. fix up安装
11. run into the open奔到外边
12. run a business办一个企业
13. make both ends meet使收支相抵;量入为出
14. take up business studies上业务课
15. appreciate a visit from sb欢迎某人的来访
1 . One of the first jobs when you start work in an office is to learn how to use every piece of equipment . 当你开始在办公室工作时要做的第一件事之一就是学会怎样使用每一件设备。
〖明晰〗every piece of equipment 每一件设备。equipment“装备,设备,配备, 器械, 用具”在表达可数时借助量词piece。如:a lot of equipment大批设备/
sports equipment 运动器械/ a piece of mining equipment 一件采矿设备/ be equipped with modern equipment 配备有现代化的设备/electric( improve, heating, industry, laboratory, radar, military)equipment电气(改进,供暖、工业、实验、雷达、军事)设备。
2 . Once you have done this, you will quickly become a useful member of the team . 一旦你做到了这一点,你将很快成为这一群体中有用的一员。
〖明晰〗在once, if, when, unless, before等引导的条件、时间状语从句中, 常用一般现 在时代表将来时,但为了强调从句中动作的提前完成性,也可用现在完成时代表将来时。如:
(本课)When you have finished the letter, you make any changes you wish , check it and print it . 当你打完信以后,你可以随意修改、校对、打印。
(SFEC B 2 P17)Once (it has been)seen, it can never be forgotten .
3 . It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet . 最好在开始工作时就请人帮助,而不要等到大家都忙得不可开交的时候。
〖明晰〗(1)It is better to do“最好干……”是建议对方做事的交际用语。
(2)at the beginning“起初,开始,在……之首”表在时间上的“开始”,如星期、年、月、学期季节或其他事物。而in the beginning“起初”(=at first),表示进行某种事情的最初一段时间。
(3)rather than“与其……不如;不是……而是”,含否定than后的部分, 连接主语时,谓语与前部一致。又常构成固定搭配:prefer to do…rather than do喜欢干……而不喜欢干……。如:
I rather than she am fond of music . 不是她,是我酷爱音乐。
These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty .
(NMET 94)Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle .
(4)rush sb off his feet 迫使某人仓促行动;使某人奔忙。如:
The fires here and there rushed the firefighters off their feet .
4 . … you can listen to the messages and take any necessary action…你可以听留言并采取必要的行动。
〖明晰〗(1)any 作形容词用在肯定句中可表“任一的,每一的”, 以及在数量程度等方面的“尽可能的,无论”之意。如:
(本课)… you make any changes you wish… 你可以随意修改……
Choose any book you like from my collection .
He means to win at any cost .
(2)take action 采取行动;提出诉讼。如:
The Government has promised to take swift action on the polluted environment .
5 . What is more, this“information line” operates 24 hours a day . 而且,这种“内讯线路”一天24小时工作。
〖明晰〗(and) what is more(常作插入语)更重要的是,更有甚者,而且。如:
You've come late for school, and what's more you've lost your books .
6 . A navy ship was in a port in Scotland for repairs . 一艘海军战船停靠在苏格兰的一个港口维修。
〖明晰〗repair vt . n . 修理,修补。(常用复数)修理工程; 修理工作。 其常见搭配有: under repair 正在修理,during repairs 整修期间, out of repair= in bad repair失修,in good repair 维修良好,need repair 需要维修, make( 或do, perform, carry out) repairs on/to a damaged car 修理一辆损坏的汽车/capital repair大修/work on the repairs进行修理。
7 . act, action, activity, active, deed, perform, actor, actress
〖明晰〗(1)act 作名词是“行为;举动”(指具体、短暂、个别的行为,强调结果),还作“法令,条例”以及戏剧的“一幕”。如:To lie is a foolish act .
(SEFC B 2 L74)In 1964 a new Civil Rights Act was passed . 1964年一项新的民权法被通过。)
He wrote a play in three acts and five scenes . 他写了一部三幕五场的剧本。
act作动词表“采取行动,做,扮演(角色)”,侧重于动作,而perform也可作 “扮演”,侧重于演出某一节目,某一角色,某种乐器的表演能力、技巧、效果。Think before you act . 三思而后行。
Who is acting Napoleon?
The magician performed wonderful tricks .
(2)action作名词是“行动,行为,所做的事”,侧重抽象、连续或重复的行为,强调较长时间能完成某事的过程。 而activity 常用复数表“活动; 行动”。active为形容词“活动的,活泼的,有生气的”如:
We must take an action .
You should be active in taking social activities .
8 . progress, progressive, advance, advanced, proceed
〖明晰〗(1)progress“进展,进行,前进”指稳定地向一个明确目标前进,有时可能间隔,常用于抽象事物。 如:Our research work is progressing steadily . 我们的研究作正在稳步前进。
progressive 为形容词“逐步前进的;越来越坏的;随时代进步的”。如:
There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age .
a man full of progressive ideas 一个有进步思想的人。
(2)advance v . “前时,向前,促进”,指向一个固定目标移动,多指人或物以及科学技术等。如:
The troops advanced slowly . 部队缓慢地前进。
advance the cause of peace . 促进和平事业。
advanced 为形容词“前进的,先进的,高深的”。如:
China is well advanced in medicine .
an advanced teacher一位先进教师,the advanced mathematics . 高等数学。
9 . fitting, equipment, apparatus, instrument
gas ( electric light) fittings 煤气(电灯)装置,office( bathroom) fitting 办公室(浴室)的设备。
(2)equipment 装备,设备(属不可数名词)。如:
heating equipment 供暖设备,introduce a great deal of industry equipment 引进大批工业设备,medical equipment 医疗器械。
They measure the temperature with a new-type instrument .
He can play on several musical instruments .
10 . obtain, gain, get, acquire, earn, achieve
They realized only through struggle could they obtain their freedom and rights .
How they wish to obtain some first-hand information .
gain his respect,gain five pounds
(4)acquire取得,获得。(常跟抽象名词,含通过努力或经过一定过程而得到某物)。 By self-teaching, he has acquired a good knowledge of space .
earn one's/ a living by teaching
earn enough to support one's family .
11. First , remember that a fax can be read by anyone , so be careful what you send !
〖明晰〗be careful with = be careful in doing小心做……。be careful about对……小心。be careful of注意,珍重。be careful + 名词性从句。
You should be more careful how you spell English words .
Devote some of your leisure , I repeat , to cultivating a love of reading good books . Fortunate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers . For book-lovers have some noteworthy advantages over other people . They need never know lonely hours so long as they have books around them , and the better the books the more delightful the company . From good books , moreover , they draw much besides entertainment . They gain mental food such as few companions can supply . Even while resting from their labors they are , though the books they read , equipping themselves to perform those labors more efficiently . This albeit they may not be deliberately reading to improve their mind . All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed pages are stored up , to be worked over by the imagination for their future profit .
我想再来说一遍。把你的一部分空闲时光用来培养阅读好书的习惯吧。那些设法把自己培养成为真正爱好读书的人,确实是幸运的。因为爱读书的人比之别人有着明显的好处,只要手头有书,他们就从来不知寂寞,书越好,读来越是津津有味。他们从好书中不但得到乐趣, 而且受到很多教益,他们从中获得的那种精神食粮,从其它地方是很难得到的。即使是在工余休息时,通过读书,他们的工作效率也能显著提高,尽管他们未必有意识地想到读书是为了提高才智,但在全然不知不觉之中,他们将从书中吸取的知识积累了起来,这些知识经过想象力的加工,对他们的未来大有好处。
—— 亨利•爱丁顿•布鲁斯
1 . put forward提出 ( 建议,提议等 ) 2 . teach sb . a lesson 给某人一个教训 3 . hear from sb .收到某人的来信 4 . help oneself 随便吃 ( 拿 ) …… 5 . hold on 别挂电话 6 . at large逍遥自在 7 . laugh at嘲笑 8 . lend sb . a hand帮助某人 9 . at length 最后 10 . lose weight减肥 11 . take some measures采取措施 12 . be not quite oneself 身体不太好 13 . pick out 挑选出 14 . take pictures of拍……的照片 15 . reach for伸手去够 16 . rise up 起义、反抗 17 . by road 乘汽车 18 . talk rubbish胡说八道 19 . in short 简言之 20 . show off炫耀 21 . shut up住口 22 . stand for代表,象征 23 . stay up 熬夜 24 . take some steps采取一些措施 25 . turn out结果是 26 . no wonder 27 . have words与某人争吵 28 . keep watch放哨
1 . 误:The patient was warned to eat not oil food after the operation .
正:The patient was warned not to eat oil food after the operation .
析:不定式的否定式应在 to do 前加 not .
2 . 误:We agreed to have met here but so far she hasn't turned up yet .
正:We agreed to meet here but so far she hasn't turned up yet .
3 . 误:Paul doesn't have to be made learn . He always works hard .
正:Paul doesn't have to be made to learn . He all ways works hard .
析:动词 feel , listen to , hear , have , make , let , see , watch , notice , look at , observe , 接不定式作宾补应省略 to,但在被动语态中应加上。
4 . 误:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him not to do .
正:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him not to .
析:在不定式作宾补或含有不定式的简单答语中,为避免重复,可省去其后的动词原形,但动词不定式符号不可省,又如 would like to , used to , be going to 等。
5 . 误:Rather than to ride on a crowded bus , he always prefers riding a bicycle .
正:Rather than ride on a crowded bus , he always prefers to ride a bicycle .
析:prefer 的用法如下:
prefer to do A rather than do B
prefer doing A to doing B
6 . 误:Tom ought not to tell me your secret , but he meant no harm .
正:Tom ought not to have told me your secret , but he meant no harm .
析:ought to / should + have done sth . 表示本来应该做某事,而实际未做;ought not to / shouldn't + have done sth . 表示本来不应该做某事,而实际做了。
7 . 误:Oh , it's very cold here , let's make a fire warm ourselves up .
正:Oh , it's very cold here , let's make a fire to warm ourselves up .
析:此处不定式短语作目的状语,相当于 in order to do或so as to do。
8 . 误:As I got to Paris , she was beginning studying French in a language school .
正:As I got to Paris , she was beginning to study French in a language school .
析:begin 和 start 之后既可以接不定式作宾语,也可以接动名词作宾语,但以下三种情况只能接不定式作宾语 . 1 ) 物作主语;2 ) 本身是进行时态;3 ) 其后接的是表示心理变化的动词。
9 . 误:— I'd like to buy an expensive sports car .
— Well , Mike , we've got several models to choose from .
正:-I'd like to buy an expensive sports car .
-Well , Mike , we've got several models to choose .
析:不定式短语作后置定语,并且与其所修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式短语中的动词必须是及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语。但此处 choose 本身是及物动词,故不需 from。
10 . 误:Making a plan first is a good idea .
正:To make a plan first is a good idea .
11 . 误:Why to stay here so long ?
正:Why stay here so long ?
析:why + 不带 to 的动词不定式构成的问句表示"责备"或"不同意"。
12 . 误:He refused answering any question .
正:He refused to answer any question .
析:refuse 的宾语要用不定式,而不能用动名词。这类动词有:hope , wish , ask , learn , agree , want ( 想要 ) ,care , promise , try , decide , deserve , expect , manage , offer , pretend 等。
13 . 误:Uncle Wang made a radio listen to the news .
正:Uncle Wang made a radio to listen to the news .
析:句中 make 是"制造"的意思,后面不定式是作状语,表示目的,因此要带 to。
14 . 误:He tried to write with a ball- pen .
正:He tried writing with a ball- pen .
析:在 try 后面不定式表示"试图或努力去做某事",用动名词表示试验一下某一种办法。
15 . 误:My uncle suggested me to get a job in the bank .
正:My uncle suggested ( my ) getting a job in the bank .
析:suggest 不能和"宾语 + 动词不定式"结构连用。它后面可跟动名词式 that 从句。
〖思维1〗时间状语从句。常用的引导词有 when , while , as , as soon as , before , after , since , until ( till ) , hardly… when … , no sooner …. than… 等。
时态呼应。多数时间状语从句和主句的时态呼应比较明显,容易掌握。这里只说两点:其一,状语从句用一般现在时表将来。如:She will get married when she meets the right man。其二,在表“刚……就……”的句型 hardly . . . when 和 no sooner . . . than . . . 中,主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时,如果否定词置于句首,主句可用倒装结构。如:Hardly had I entered the room when I heard a loud noise .
when 和 while 的选择。when 既可引导“点”时间,也可引导“段”时间。而 while 只能引导“段”时间。如:While I was reading she came in . ( 段时间,while 可换成 when ) / When the clock struck twelve , all the lights went out . ( 点时间,只能用 when ) 。 难点3:until ( till ) 的用法。这两个词一般可互换,但 until 语气较强,可置于句首。另外还要注意,当主句的动词是延续性动词,要用肯定形式,表“到……为止”。如:Wait until he comes . 当主句动词为终止性动词,要用否定形式,表“直到……才……”。如:Don't leave until he comes . since 的难点。since 引导的状语从句中,动词可以是延续性的也可以是终止性的,都表示状态或动作的结束。这一点在理解时要特别注意。如:Great changes have taken place since you left . ( 终止性 ) It is years since he was in Beijing . ( was 是延续性,应理解为 was “在”这个状态的结果,即“自他离开北京以来”,而非字面上的“自他在北京以来”。 )
〖思维2〗 原因状语从句。常用的引导词有 because , since , as。 难点1:because , since 和 as 的用法。because 表达一种充分理由,因果关系明显,语气较重,可回答 why 引导的问句,常置于主句之后 ( 强调时也可置主句前 ) 。而 since 和 as 指的是双方都知道的原因,语气较弱,不能用来回答 why 引导的问句,一般放在句子的开头。请注意领会下列句子。
I married her , not because she was rich , but because she was good - natured , clever and beautiful .
Since you don't understand , I will explain it again .
关于表原因的连词 for。一般语法家把 for 看作并列连词,引导并列分句,功用与 because 等从属连词不同。这一点不必细究,但要明白,for 引导的分句,主要是补充说明原因,解释另一分句,不可回答 why 的问句。如 : He felt no fear , for he is brave .
〖思维3〗目的状语从句。常用的引导词有 so that , that , in order that 等,放在主句之后。从句转换成不定式。目的状语从句可以转换为不定式,但只有主句和从句主语一致时,才能直接转换。例如:He works hard in order that he can serve the country well . ( 主从句主语一致可改为:He works hard in order to serve the country well . )
〖思维4〗结果状语从句。引导词有 so… that … , such … that … , 等。放在主句之后,主句表原因,从句表结果。
so 和 such 的用法。so 是副词,后面跟形容词或副词。而 such 是形容词,后跟名词 ( 组 ) 。但当名词被表数量的 many , much , few , little 修饰时,要用 so。例如:There were so many people in the street that we could hardly get through . 另外,可数名词单数,有形容词修饰,可把形容词提到不定冠词前,用 so 修饰形容词。例如:It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it . = It is so heavy a box that nobody can move it .
〖思维5〗条件状语从句。主要引导词有 if , unless ( if … not … ) , as ( so ) long as ( 只要 ) 等。表将来,从句要用现在时态。如:You will fail unless you work harder .
〖思维6〗让步状语从句。主要引导词有 although ( though ) , as , even if , however , whatever , no matter who ( what ) 等。
让步状语从句的倒装。由 as , though 引导的让步状语从句比较特殊,常使用倒装语序,即将表语或状语提前。如果表语是可数名词单数,要省略不定冠词。例如:
Rich as he is , I don't envy him .
Child as he is , he knows a lot .
〖思维7〗方式状语从句。引导词有 as if ( though ) , as , the way 等。
as if 引导的方式状语从句常用虚拟语气。如 : He is talking about the moon as if he had really been there . 但在 It looks as if…, It seems as if … 句型中常用陈述语气。如:It looks as if he is coming .
the way 的用法。the way 后面的引导词常用 that 引导,而且经常省略。一般不用 in which 引导。例如:We didn't like the way ______ he treated us . A . which B . where C . that D . in which。此题答案应该是C。
〖思维8〗地点状语从句。主要引导词有 where , wherever , anywhere , everywhere 等。
Where there is a will , there is a way .
I will meet you anywhere you like .
Make marks where you have any questions .
〖思维9〗比较状语从句。常用 The more … the more , as 或 than 引导。
I know more about it than he does .
The more we can do for you , the happier we will be .
连词的误用。由于受汉语的影响,同学们常犯的错有 Because … so… , Since … so… , Although ( Though ) … but … 这些连词被重复使用了,应该任去一个。另外,状语从句和主句决不能用 and 连接。如 If you leave it with me , and I will take care of it . 此句应去掉连词 and , '98NMET 第18题就考查了这个问题。
〖思维11〗状语从句的省略。状主事从句有很多省略情况。其中时间状语、地点状语、条件状 语、方式状语从句常可省略句中主语和 be 动词而只保留形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语等。
While ( she was ) very young , she began to study English .
We will help you whenever ( it is ) possible .
If ( it is ) necessary , ring me at home .
She hurriedly left the room as if ( she was ) angry .
另外,比较状语从句也常省略一些相同成分。例如: Tom studies as well as Lily ( does ) .
汉语式典型错误题析 (下)
61 . Although he is old , but he works hard .
62 . The train station is ten li far from here .
63 . We'll begin the meeting from seven o'clock .
64 . I saw them enter into the room .
65 . His parents are all teachers .
66 . He told us not to lose our hearts to TV .
67 . They have arrived here for three hours .
68 . How much is the area of China?
69 . Here is piece of good news for you .
70 . He is unhappy . Neither is she .
71 . Who is that speaking? I'm John .
72 . Women of that days had no right to go to school .
73 . Let's join their discussion .
74 . Being very tired , so they went bed early last night .
75 . He is boy of seven years old .
76 . When did you reach yesterday?
77 . Are there a lot of books for us to read?
78 . He paid a visit of Japan last month .
79 . These pencils are many different colours .
80 . The meeting was put off , this was what we wanted .
81 . It's a too hot day to work outside the room .
82 . Please read the text two times .
83 . Thank your help .
84 . There is no air and water on the moon .
85 . His left eye is blind .
86 . I hope you to come again .
87 . Even it is raining , he will still go out .
88 . Whom do you think the house belong?
89 . When will your return back?
90 . The man robbed his money .
91 . Our team has won the game makes us happy .
92 . China is larger than any country in Asia .
93 . Hearing the sad news , tears came to her eyes .
94 . The flower is dead . You should give it more water .
95 . He hurried back quickly .
96 . We haven't been to America , too .
97 . The reason why he is absent is because he is badly ill .
98 . She got angry because what you said .
99 . She has beautiful hairs .
100 . The box is too heavy to move it .
答案及说明:61 . 去掉 but 62 . 去掉 far 63 . from→at 64 . 去掉 into 65 . all→both 66 . hearts→heart 67 . arrived→been 68 . How much→What 69 . a piece of good news→a good piece of news 70 . Neither→So 71 . I'm John . →This is John ( speaking ) . 72 . days→day 73 . 在 join 后加 in 74 . 去掉 so 75 . 去掉 years old 或 old→of age 76 . reach→arrive 77 . a lot of→many 78 . of→to 79 . 在 are 后加 of 80 . this→which 81 . a too hot day→too hot a day 82 . two times→twice 83 . 此句应为:Thank you for your help . 84 . a too hot day→too hot a day 82 . two times→twice 83 . 此句应为:Thank you for your help . 84 . and→or 85 . 此句应为:He is blind in his left eye . 86 . to→will 87 . 在Even 后加 when 88 . 在 belong 后加 to 89 . 去掉 back 90 . robbed his money→robbed him of his money 91 . Our→That our , 用 That 引导主语从句。92 . 在 any 后加 other 93 . Hearing→When she heard 94 . should give→should have given , 意为“本应该…”。95 . 去掉 quickly 96 . too→either 97 . because→that 98 . 在 because 后加 of 99 . hairs→hair 100 . 去掉 it .
1、We in the public place . (讨厌抽烟)
2、He stamps . He must have more than 2,ooo by now . (坚持收集)
3、She doesn’t by car .When she is in a small car , she always feels sick . (喜欢旅行)
4、I to . (喜欢游泳,跑)
5、The thief had to the money . (承认偷)
6、They’re another meeting to discuss the problem . (考虑举行)
7、We shouldn’t the patient to the hospital . (延误送)
8、The lucky deer .(逃脱被射死)
9、We’re next month . (渴望出国)
10、I don’t a talk before supper . (想)
创新园地答案:1. hate smoking = dislike smoking 2. keeps collecting = insists collecting 3. like traveling 4. prefer swimming , running 5. admit having stolen 6. considering holding / having 7. delay taking 8. escaped / missed being shot 9. looking forward to going abroad 10. feel like taking
Unit 18
1 . The officers narrowly escaped ____ in the hot battle . ('80)
A . have killed B . to kill C . to be killed D . being killed
2 . Don't you remember ____ ? ('81)
A . seeing the man before B . to see the man before
C . saw the man before D . to have seen the man before
3 . People couldn't help ____ the foolish emperor in the procession . ('83)
A . laugh at B . to laugh at C . laughing at D . laughing on
4 . We're looking forward ____ the photo exhibition . ('83)
A . to visiting B . to visit C . to having visited D . visiting
5 . This sentence needs ____ . ('85)
A . a improvement B . improve C . improving D . improved
6 . — What are you going to do this morning ?
— I'm thinking of ____ to visit my aunt . ('85)
A . go B . going C . having gone D . my going
7 . I really enjoy ____ that kind of job . ('85)
A . do B . doing C . to do D . to be doing
8 . Only one of these books is ____ . ('86)
A . worth to read B . worth being read
C . worth of reading D . worth reading
9 . I can't imagine ____ that with them . ('96)
A . do B . to do C . being done D . doing
10 . The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ____ . ('87)
A . catching B . to be caught C . being caught D . to catch
11 . They would not allow him ____ across the enemy line . ('87)
A . to risk going B . risking to go C . for risk to go D . risk going
12 . I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days . ('91)
A . sail B . to sail C . sailing D . to have sailed
13 . — I usually go there by train .
— Why not ____ by boat for a change ? ('92)
A . to try going B . trying to go C . to try and go D . try going
14 . I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon . ('92)
A . you to call B . you call C . your calling D . you're calling
15 . How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden ? ('93)
A . to take B . take C . taking D . to be taking
16 . — I must apologize for ____ ahead of time .
— That's all right . ('94)
A . letting you not know B . not letting you know
C . letting you know not D . letting not you know
17 . — You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .
— Well , now I regret ____ that . ('95)
A . to do B . to be doing C . to have done D . having done
二、高考非谓语动词专练 100 题(上)
1 . Do you know the boy ____ under the big tree ?
A . lay B . lain C . laying D . lying
2 . some officials , Napoleon inspected his army .
A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed by
3 . There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light .
A . followed B . following C . to be followed D . being followed
4 . She pretended ____ me when I passed by .
A . not to see B . not seeing C . to not see D . having not seen
5 . — Good morning . Can I help you ?
— I'd like to have this package ____ , madam .
A . be weighed B . to be weighed C . to weigh D . weighed
6 . Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa .
A . invited B . to invite C . being invited D . had been invited
7 . ____ more attention , the trees could have grown better .
A . Given B . To give C . Giving D . Having given
8 . She reached the top of the hill and stopped ____ on a big rock by the side of the path .
A . to have rested B . resting C . to rest D . rest
9 . Last summer I took a course on ____ .
A . how to make dresses B . how dresses be made
C . how to be made dresses D . how dresses to be made
10 . This sentence needs .
A. improvement B. improved C. improving D. improved
11 . The secretary worked late into the night , ____ a long speech for the president .
A . to prepare B . preparing C . prepared D . was preparing
12 . I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days .
A . sail B . to sail C . sailing D . to have sailed
13 . — The light in the office is still on .
— Oh , I forgot ____ .
A . turning it off B . turn it off C . to turn it off D . having turned it off
14 . John was made ____ the truck for a week as a punishment .
A . to wash B . washing C . wash D . to be washing
15 . Little Jim should love ____ to the theatre this evening .
A . to be taken B . to take C . being taken D . taking
16 . — I usually go there by train .
— Why not ____ by boat for a change .
A . to try going B . trying to go C . to try and go D . try going
17 . I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon .
A . you to call B . you call C . your calling D . you're calling
18 . There're so many kinds of tape recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind ____ to buy .
A . what B . which C . how D . where
19 . ____ a reply , he decided to write again .
A . Not receiving B . Receiving not
C . Not having received D . Having not received
20 . “Can't you read ? ”Mary said ____ to the notice .
A . angrily pointing B . and point angrily
C . angrily pointed D . and angrily pointing
21 . more attention , the trees could have grown better .
A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given
22 . The computer centre , ____ last year , is very popular among the students in this school .
A . open B . opening C . having opened D . opened
23 . Charles Babbage is generally considered ____ the first computer .
A . to invent B . inventing C . to have invented D . having invented
24 .— I must apologize for ____ ahead of time .
— That's all right .
A . letting you not know B . not letting you know
C . letting you know not D . letting not you know
25 . Rather than ____ on a crowded bus , he always prefers ____ a bicycle .
A . ride ; ride B . riding ; ride C . ride ; to ride D . to ride ; riding
26 . The missing boys were last seen ____ near the river .
A . playing B . to be playing C . play D . to play
27 . The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks , ____ that he had enjoyed his stay here .
A . having added B . to add C . adding D . added
28 . The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century .
A . having written B . to be written C . being written D . written
29 . Paul doesn't have to be made ____ . He always works hard .
A . learn B . to learn C . learned D . learning
30 . We agreed ____ here but so far she hasn't turned up yet .
A . having met B . meeting C . to meet D . to have met
31 . — You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .
— Well , now I regret ____ that .
A . to do B . to be doing C . to have done D . having done
32 . — I'll be away on a business trip . Would you mind looking after my cat ?
— Not at all . ____ .
A . I've no time B . I'd rather not C . I'll like it D . I'd be happy to
33 . The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him ____ .
A . not to B . not to do C . not do it D . do not to
34 . The patient was warned ____ oily food after the operation .
A . to eat not B . eating not C . not to eat D . not eating
35 . It is wise to have some money ____ for old age .
A . put away B . kept up C . given away D . sep up
36 . ____ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him .
A . Losing B . Having lose C . Lost D . To lose
37 . She is upstairs letters .
A. writes B. is writing C. write D. writing
38 . The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself .
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
39 . — Alice , why didn't you come yesterday ?
— I ____ , but I had an unexpected visitor .
A . had B . would C . was going to D . did
40 . The next morning she found the man in bed , dead .
A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying
41. The salesman scolded the girl caught and let her off .
A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing
42. On Saturday afternoon , Mr Green went to the market , some bananas and visited her cousin .
A. bought B. buying C. to buy D. buy
43. She set out soon after dark home an hour later .
A. arriving B. to arrive C. having arrived D. and arrived
44. Though he had often made his little sister , today he was made by his little sister .
A. cry ; to cry B. crying ; crying C. cry ; cry D. to cry ; cry
45. Jane was made the truck for a week as a punishment .
A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing
46. They knew her very well . They had seen her up from childhood .
A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow
47. They would not allow him across the enemy line .
A. to risk going B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going
48. Mrs Smith warned her daughter after drinking .
A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive
49. The chair looks rather hard , but in fact , it is very comfortable to .
A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on
50. Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job .
A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to
答案:一、1 . D . escape 接动名词作宾语。根据句意应用被动语态一般式。2 . A . remember + doing 表示“记得做过某事”,与句末 before 相吻合。3 . C , can't help 表示“禁不住”,后接 doing 作宾语。4 . A,look forward to , to 为介词,故接动名词。5 . C,解析见《动名词作宾语特例两则》。6 . B 7 . B 8 . D 9 . D,imagine 须接动名词作宾语。10 . C , miss 接动名词,结合句意应用被动语态一般式。11 . A , allow sb . to do sth , 而 risk 需接动词。12 . C,imagine 后接动名词,此处为动名词的复合结构。13 . D,why not +动词原形,表示向对方提出建议。try doing sth . 意为“试着做某事”。14 . C,appreciate 后接动名词。此处为动名词复合结构。15 . C . How about 后接动名词或动名词复合结构。16 . B,介词后应接动名词,其否定形式 not 应置于动名词前。17 . D,“regret +动名词”表示“后悔做过某事”。动名词用一般式或完成式,意义无明显区别。二、1—5 DBBAD 6 —10 AACAC 11—15 BCCAA 16 — 20 DCBCA 21 —25 ADCBC 26 — 30 ACDBC 31 — 35 DDACA 36 — 40 CDDCA 41 — 45 DADAA 46 — 50 AAABB




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