高三英语第十五单元Study skills(学习技能)

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科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit15.doc
标题 Study skills(学习技能)
章节 第十五单元
关键词 高三英语第十五单元
enlarge , remind sb of , fix a date for , appreciate, long-term , encouragement
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Invitations and responses (邀请与应答)
1. Will you come to …?
2. Would you like to do ?
3. I’d like to invite you to …
4. Are you free on Sunday ?
5. If you’re not doing anything on Monday morning , would you like to do …
6. We’d like you to join us .
7. Do join me for a coffee .
8. We’re having a dance on Sunday . I hope you will come .
9. Would you do me the pleasure of attending our wedding (婚礼) ? = May we have the pleasure of your company at our wedding ?
10. I’d very much like you to come to our dinner party .
1. Yes , I’d love to .
2. Yes , that’s very kind / nice of you .
3. I’d love to , but …
4. How nice !
5. I’d like to … , but … . Thank you all the same .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
复习和归纳句子的成分 —— 谓语;复习情态动词和实义动词的时态。
在情态动词中要重点掌握情态动词的完成时的用法。如:should have done与should not have done , needn’t have done , must have done
这些一致你了如指掌吗 ?
1. 主语 people 作“人们,人民”解时,谓语动词用复数,作“民族”解时,有单复数之分。如:
Our people is a great one .
There are 56 peoples in China .
2 . 主语是 a / this / that kind of + 名词,谓语用单数形式,主语指的不是一种而是多种,谓语动词用复数。如:
This kind of cloth feels soft .
There are different kinds of animals .
3 . 主语是“each of … ”,“neither of … ”,“either of … ”,“one of … ”等时,其谓语用单数。如:
Each of them has his own duty .
4 . 陈述部分用 everybody , everyone , somebody , someone , anybody , anyone , nobody , no one 或 no + 复数名词等作主语时,反意部分用 they。而陈述部分用 everything , something , nothing , anything 时,反意部分代词则采用单数,用 it 。
Somebody is waiting for you , aren't they ?
Everything is all right , isn't it ?
5 . 动名词或动词不定式作主语,其谓语用单数形式。
When and where to build the new factory is not decided yet .
6 . 用引号的词语作主语时,谓语用单数第三人称。
“I” is the ninth letter of the English Alphabet .
7 . 在强调结构中如被强调的是句子的主语,则 who 或 that 后面的谓语动词的人称和数应和主语一致。
It is Mike who always helps me study maths after class .
8 . wish 后接宾语从句用虚拟语气,如表示与现在事实相反,无论主语是单数还是复数,be 动词用 were。
I wish I were ten years younger .
9 . police , cattle 等集合名词作主语时,谓语用复数。
The murderer has run away . The police are searching for him .
10 . 算式中表示数目的主语通常看作单数,其谓语常用单数形式,也可用复数。
Five times four is twenty .
11 . youth 作“青年们”解作主语时,谓语用复数。
The youth of China today are doing their best to study modern science and technology .
12 . each 作同位语放在复数主语后,谓语不受单数 each 的影响。如:
The boy and the girl each have their own toys .
13 . 当 with 引出的短语结构后面出现 both 时,with 的含义变成 and ,此时谓语动词应该用复数形式。如:Martin with his wife ,both working in the same company , have decided that they would send their little daughter to the nearest kindergarten .
14 . “one of + 复数名词 + 谓语”是固定结构,谓语动词用单数。但是,在“one of + 复数名词 + 定语从句”句型中,定语从句的谓语用复数;若 one of 的前面有 the , the only 时,谓语仍用单数。试对比:
He is one of the people who always help others .
She is the only one of my guests that comes from India .
15 . 主语是以-ics 结尾的学科名词以及 news , works , (工厂) , politics 等都属形式复数,而意义单数的名词,其谓语用单数形式。另外 means 一词单复数同形应视具体情况而定。
Mathematics seems to be difficult to learn .
A new means of teaching is being used in that school .
注:学科名词前如有物主代词修饰时,谓语常用复数。如:My mathematics are week .
16 . 主语是用作书名、剧名、报纸名、国名等的复数名词,谓语一般用单数形式。
The United States is a developed country .
1. enlarge扩大;变大;增多
We enlarge the playground last year .
〖点拨〗enlarge on / upon详述;细说
Could you enlarge on / upon the point ?
2. encouragement鼓励;激励;促进
He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher . 老师给了他很大的鼓励。
〖点拨〗encourage sb to do鼓励某人干…… 。encourage sb in助长。如:
The boss encouraged me to study abroad .
Don’t encourage him in his laziness .
They were encouraged by the encouraging news .
3. appreciate欣赏;感激;赏识
His works were not appreciated until after his death . 直到死后,他的作品才受到重视。
You will appreciate his novels better if you read his past .
〖点拨〗appreciate / enjoy + doing欣赏干……。
Do you appreciate driving minibus ?
1. remind sb of使某人想起 ……
He reminded me of his kind father .
I was reminded of my promise .
注意:remind sb that ……使人想起。remind sb to do提醒某人做某事。
She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers .
Remind me to mail this letter after work .
I reminded him to work hard .
2. fix a date for确定……的日期
Let’s fix a date for a picnic this weekend .
注意动词fix的词组:fix one’s eyes on / upon凝视。如:His eyes were fixed on the photo on the wall .
3. pick up a travel book拿起一本游记
4.dip into随便翻阅;浏览
I have only been able to dip into your book yet ; I hope soon to be able to read it seriously .
I can’t say that I know a great deal about modern painting — I’ve just dipped into one or two books on the subject .
5. read bits here and there这儿看一点那看一点
6. turn to翻到;求助于
Please turn to Page 30 .
We must turn to our monitor to finish such a thorough cleaning .
7. if you wish如果你想要的话
8. an article of clothing一件衣物
注意:a suit of clothes一套衣服
9. above all最重要的是
注意:in all总共,first of all首先。
10. refer to
Don’t get angry . The person he referred just now isn’t you .
11. take turns to do轮流干……
12. shut up闭嘴;住口;关闭
For heaven’s sake , shut him up , he’s said quite enough already .
Shut up ! You’re just talking nonsense .
We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit . 在暴风雨来临之前几分钟,我们才把屋子的门窗关闭起来。
13. talk things through充分透彻地谈问题
14. make good (great , rapid , much , little ) progress in
15. agree on a time在时间上意见一致
16. a letter in reply回信
17. in the immediate future不久的将来
1. But not all stories belong to this class . 但并不是所有小说都属于这一级别。
〖明晰〗(1) not与all , both , every , always , altogether , entirely , everybody , everything , everywhere连用表达部分否定。如:
All is not lost that is in danger . (谚)处于危险中并非就是失败。(祸福难分)
The good and the beautiful don't always go together . (Shakespeare) 善和美不一定时常是相连的。
(2) class 在本课作“等级,种类”讲。如:
travel third class 乘三等车(或舱)旅行/He is doing first class.他干得 非常好。/It's one of the second-class public schools.那是一所一流的公立学校。
2. Second , do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know . 第二,不要每碰到一个不认识的单词或短语就停下来……。
〖明晰〗Every time, each time “每次,每当,无论何时”以及by the time “到……时” 可相当于连词引导时间状语从句。如:
Every time I meet him , he tries to borrow books from me . 每当我遇到他,他总是向我借书。
By the time he was 15 , he had already had his own laboratory . 到他15岁时,他已经有了自己的实验室。
3. …by the end of the chapter you will have guessed its meaning . 到了全章快读完时,你就会猜出这个词的意思了。
〖明晰〗(1)由by the end of…引出的短语,主句常用过去完成时或将来完成时。如:
By the end of last month, they had produced 1000000 candles .
By the end of this century, China will have become a socialist country . 到本世纪底,中国必将成为一个社会主义强国。
(2) will / shall + have + p.p. 构成将来完成时,该时态可表将来某一时刻前已完成的动作,也可表说话人对某一业已先成的事态的推测。如:
He will have gained his pilot's license before his next birthday . 他下个生日前会拿到飞行证的。
You will have received an invitation to the wedding as well . 你肯定会收到参加婚宴的邀请的。
4. …and is therefore likely to be an article of clothing . 因此很可能是一件衣服。
〖明晰〗likely常用于sth / sb + be + likely to do很可能干但possible , probable , impossible , improbable 却不用人作主语 , 常用 : It + be + possible / probable (for sb) + to do. 如:
He is likely to be the best poet here . 他很可能是这最好的诗人。
It is impossible that he can finish the task in such a short time . 他不可能在如此短的时间内完成这项任务。
(本课最后一段中)If you hate science stories , you are unlikely to enjoy reading them in English . 如果你不喜欢科幻小说,那么你不大可能喜欢读英文版的科幻小说。
5. In other words , I should not watch TV, or look over your shoulder at other people while we are talking together . 换句话说,我们在一起交谈时,我不应该看电视或越过你肩膀看别人。
〖明晰〗(1) in other words 换句话说 (= that is , that is to say)
(2) look over 从…上面看过去;查看;检查。如:
Don't look over your shoulder while walking on such a slippery road . 在过如此滑的路面时,请匆扭头张望。
The secretary spent a night looking over her notes . 秘书花了一夜时间查看她的记录。
6. First , take turns to listen . 首先 轮流做听众。
〖明晰〗take turns“依次,轮流”后常接不定式,at+ing或直接加-ing 。表示“轮流”的介词词组有 in turn 和 by turns 。如:
take turns to watch over the oxen = take turns (at) watching over the oxen = watch over the oxen in turn = watch over the oxen by turns . 轮流看护牛群。
(本课最后一段)If friends can take turns to listen to each other well, life will be better ! 如果朋友们之间能轮流做好听众,生活就会更美好!
7. hobby , habit , custom , practice
〖明晰〗 (1) hobby (业余)爱好;嗜好,消遣。如:
Reading children's literature is a hobby with my nephew . 我侄侄在业余时间爱读儿童文学消遣。
He collects butterflies for a hobby . 他以搜集各种蝴蝶为业余爱好。
Growing roses is her hobby . 养玫瑰花是她的爱好。
(2) habit“习惯”,侧重于强调一时期内不自觉地形成的,并且不易去掉的个人习惯。如:
Smoking is a bad habit . 吸烟是种坏习惯。
habit 的常见搭配有:be in the / a habit of , have the / a habit of 有……的习惯,break away from / off a habit改掉一种习惯, get / fall into the habit of 养成……习惯。
(3) custom“习惯;习俗”,指经过一个较长的时间而形成的社会或地区性风俗。如:
It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter . 在复活节染鸡蛋壳已成为习俗。
(4) practice“习惯”,指惯常的做法。如:
I don't like her practice of going to bed late every evening . 我不喜欢他每天晚睡的做法。
8 .above all , in all , after all , all in all , for all
〖明晰〗 (1) above all 首先,首要,尤其。如:
Never waste anything . Above all , never waste time . 任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可浪费时间。
(2) in all 总共,共计。如:
Shall I pay you the money in part or in all ? 这笔款子我该给你部分地付还是全部付清泥 ?
(3) after all 毕竟,终究,终归。如:
He said he would not come in, but he came in after all . 他说他不进来,但他毕竟进来了。
(4) all in all总的来说,总计;完全地。如:
The book has some weak spots , but all in all. I consider it a success . 这本书有一些缺点,然而总的来说我认为它是成功的。
(5) for all 尽管。如:
For all his wealth , he is unhappy . 尽管他很有钱,他并不快乐。
9. shut up , shut down , shut away , shut in , shut off , shut out
〖明晰〗 (1) shut up 闭嘴,住口。如:
Shut up ! You're just talking nonsense . 住口!你这是在说废话。
(2) shut down 停工,停业。如:
The automobile plant was shut down for two months as a reasult of the strike . 那家汽车厂由于罢工关闭了两个月。
(3) shut away 限制,隔离,禁闭。如:
Important prisoners were shut away in a remote mountain village . 重要的犯人被监禁在偏僻的山林里。
(4) shut in 围住;关进;禁闭(= shut away)。如:
The house was shut in by factories all round . 这房子周围都被工厂围住。
(5) shut off 关停(煤气,水电等)。如:
They shut off the gas and electricity in their house before leaving on holiday . 他们假日离家前把煤气和电都关掉。
(6) shut out 不让……进来,把……关在外面(= keep…out of)。如:
The late comers were all shut out of the stadium . 迟到者都被关在体育场外面不让进去。
10. enlarge, expand , extend , widen , broaden , grow , increase
〖明晰〗 (1) enlarge“扩大”,指面积,体积和范围的扩大及能力的增大,不指重量、 速度,时间等。如:
an enlarged meeting扩大会议/The city has enlarged.城市面积扩大了。 /The business is enlarging. 企业在不断扩大。/Reading a lot enlarges the mind. 大量阅读使人增长才智。
(2) grow“成长,长大”,常用于人、生物的长大,数量的增长不用grow。如:
(SEFC B3 L26) So certain types of plant grow all over the stones and their roots go down into the holes between the stones . 所以某些种类的植物在这些石头上面长满了, 它们的根深深钻进石块之间的洞穴 之中。
(3) increase 指数量、程度、财富、权力的“增加、增长”。如:
Total industrial output value increased by 8% . 工业总产值增长了百分之八。
(4) expand 膨胀大,extend 延伸长,widen 和 broaden 为“加宽后扩大”。
as poor as a church mouse
教堂 ( church ) 是教徒们进行宗教活动的地方,教徒们虔诚地作礼拜,当然没有人在这里吃东西,自然也不会有食品橱,一切都为得庄严肃穆。所以老鼠想在教堂里找吃的东西,根本的枉费心机,教堂里的老鼠 ( a church mouse ) 是非常穷的,所以就有 as poor as a church mouse 的说法,指某人一贫如洗。请看例句:
You want to borrow money from him ? He is as poor as a church mouse .你想向他借钱 ? 他一贫如洗。
1. after one’s heart 2. a heart of gold
3. find in one’s heart to 4. have sth at heart
5. heart and soul 6.heart to heart
7. pluck up one’s heart 8. put one’s heart into
9. with a light heart 10. with one’s whole heart
答案:1、称心如意 2、道德高尚 3、心甘情愿 4、牢记在心 5、全心全意 6、开诚布公 7、鼓起勇气 8、专心致志 9、轻松愉快 10、诚心诚意
一、易错用的主谓语一致 14 点
1. each + 名词 + and each + 名词用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕Each boy and each girl have got an apple .
〔 改正 〕改 have 为 has .
〔 归纳 〕下面两种情况,动词也用单数:
A . every + 名词 + and every + 名词作主语时:
Every man and every woman in the village is here .
B . no + 名词 + and no + 名词作主语时:
No teacher and no student has seen the film .
2. 当一个人兼两种身份而作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕Her teacher and friend often help her to paint .
〔 改正 〕改 help 为 helps。
〔 归纳 〕两个名词用 and 连接用作主语,重复使用冠词和不重复使用冠词时,动词可能不一样。下列短语作主语时,应视为复数 ( 第二个冠词省略了 ) : a boy and girl , a man and woman , the Chinese and Japanese language , the oil and textile industry , a teacher and student , a cow and ox等。如:比较:
A journalist and a novelist have come to see you .
A journalist and novelist has come to see you .
A man and woman are walking on the street .
3.and 连接的两个名词表达一个共同的概念或一个完整的东西时应视作单数。
〔 错例 〕A cart and horse are seen coming to us .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is。
〔 归纳〕以下名词短语都可视作单数。a watch and chain 一块带链的表,a needle and thread 一套针线,a knife and fork 一副刀叉,a cup and saucer 一套碟子茶杯,a coat and tie 一件上衣带领带,bread and butter 奶油面包,aim and end 目的,truth and honesty 真诚,child care and education 对孩子的管教,time and tide 岁月,the long and short of it 总的意思,iron and steel 钢铁,law and order 治安,soup and salad 汤与凉拌菜 ,hard struggle and plain living 艰苦奋斗与生活简朴。
4. Mary a + 单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕Many a scientist have devoted their lives to science .
〔 改正 〕改have 为 has
〔 归纳 〕A . a great many , a good many 都需要接复数名词,作主语时,动词用复数。B . more than one + 名词作主语时,动词用单数。C. more than one 不接名词时,动词用单数或复数都可以。D.在 there be 结构里用单数或复数。如:There is ( 或 are ) more than one student in the classroom .
5. one and a half …与 a + 名词 + or two 作主语
〔 错例 〕One and a half cakes are left on the plate .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is 。
〔 归纳 〕one and half + 名词作主语习惯上视作单数,但名词需要用复数形式。One or two + 名词作主语时视作复数;而 a + 名词 + or two 作主语时却可视作单数或复数。如:
There are one or two things I want to tell you .
A word or two is ( 或 are ) needed here . 这儿还需要一两个词。
6 . ( together ) with + 名词不影响原来主语的人称和数。
〔 错例 〕Mr.Wang , together with his wife , have gone to Australia .
〔 改正 〕改 have 为 has。
〔 归纳 〕下列词语与名词连用均不影响原来主语的人称和数:as well as , along with , as much as , but , except , in company with , more than , no less than , like , rather than , plus 等。
7 . 数词 + 名词表示重量、长短、距离、钱数、分数、时间等作主语时,动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕Twenty years are too long for a man's life .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is。
〔 归纳 〕动词用单数是因为我们把这些复数名词看成一个整体。如:
Three hours is enough for him to perform the operation .
The first fifty years are the hardest . 最初的五十年是最艰难的。
8 . A number of books 与 The number of books 作主语时应选用数不相同的动词。
〔 错例 〕The number of books are twenty-three .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is。
〔 归纳〕A . the number of…意思是“…的数目;……的号码”,作主语时,动词用单数;a number of…意思是“许多…”,作主语时,动词用复数。如:The number of the key is 207 .
B . the average of + 名词作主语时动词用单数:an average of + 名词作主语时动词用复数。如:
The average of letters received each week is 600 . 平均每周收到的信件是600件。
An average of 600 letters a week are received by the newspaper's office . 报馆每周平均收到600封信。
9.a basket of eggs 等作主语,动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕A basket of pears are not enough for them .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is。
〔 归纳 〕下面短语作主语时,动词也用单数:a basket of ( eggs ) 一篮 ( 鸡蛋 ) ,a cluster of ( grapes ) 一串 ( 葡萄 ) , a pile of ( apples ) 一堆 ( 苹果 ), a team of ( football players ) 一队 ( 足球运动员 ) 。但 a group of ( students ) 作主语时,动词通常用复数。但:A group of girls are playing hide-and-seek .
10 .The rest ( of + 名词 ) 作主语时,动词不一定用单数。
〔 错例 〕The rest of the students is girls .
〔 改正 〕改 is 为 are。
〔 归纳 〕下面的词语作主语或作主语修饰语时则根据这些词所代表的名词的数或修饰的名词的数来决定动词的单、复数:Who , what , which , all , any , more , most , some , a lot of , lots of , plenty of , quantities of 以及 half , part , the rest , the remainder , 分数,百分数等。试对比:
Which are yours , the green ones or the red ones ?
Which is yours , the big one or the small one ?
There is only a little ink . All is here .
There are three books here . All a re written in English .
Twenty percent of the skin has been burnt .
Twenty percent of the machines are exported .
Two -thirds of the surface of the earth is water .
Three-thirds of the books are novels .
11. 某些集体名词作主语,意在其成员时,动词应该用复数。
〔 错例 〕Our family is all early risers .
〔 改正 〕改 is 为 are。
〔 归纳 〕这一类名词有: class 班,club 俱乐部,crew 全体船员 ( 乘务员 ) ,committee 委员会,couple 一对夫妇,crowd 人群,group 组、队 , audience 观众,听众,family 家庭,firm 公司;商号,flock 一群人,government 政府,public 公众,union 工会;联合会,team 队,England ( football team ) 英格兰足球队,等。这些名词用作主语时,如被看作整体,动词用单数,代词可用 it,its,which。如果是指该整体的成员,动词应用复数,代词用 they,their , who。但要注意主语、动词、代词在数方面的一致。如:
不可说:The crowd moves on . No one tries to stop them .
应该说:The crowd moves on . No one tries to stop it .
The class is big .
The class are practising swimming .
12. the country 可指“全国人民”,作主语时,动词用单数。
〔 错例 〕The country are opposed to war .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 is。
〔 归纳 〕表示“全体人”的这类名词还有:city , college , factory , house , school , table , town , university , world 等。它们与 the 连用作主语时,动词应该用单数。如:
The whole table has heard what he said .
The whole university is against the changes .
The world knows that pollution has become a serious problem .
13. the + 形容词作主语时,动词不一定用复数。
〔 错例 〕The old is respected in our country .
〔 改正 〕改 is 为 are 。
〔 归纳 〕定冠词 + 形容词时,如表示一类人作主语时,动词用复数。常见的这一类有:the absent 缺席者,the aged 老年人,the brave 勇敢者,the dead 死人,the dying 要死的人,the deaf and mute 聋哑人,the disabled 残疾人,the exploited 被剥削者,the homeless 无家可归的人,the living 活着的人,the lost 失踪的人,the old 老年人,the oppressed 被压迫者,the poor 穷人,the present 出席的人,the rich 富人 ,the sick 病人,the strong 强者,the weak 弱者,the wise 聪明人,the wounded 伤员,the young 青年人等。
14. 用 either…or 连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,最接近动词的名词或代词决定动词的单、复数。
〔 错例 〕Either you or I are wrong .
〔 改正 〕改 are 为 am。
〔 归纳 〕涉及到类似用法的连词有 or , not only…but ( also ) 和 neither…nor。如:
You , he or I am to be sent to the front .
Neither you nor I am a doctor .
Not only you but also he has been to the Great Wall .
Are either you or he against this plan ?
1 . 美丽的长城值得一看。
误:The beautiful Great Wall is worth to visit .
正:The beautiful Great Wall is worth visiting .
析:worth 是形容词,后面要跟名词或动词 - ing 形式,不能跟动词不定式。如将上面的 to visit 改成 a visit 也是正确的。
2 . 到了上学期末,我已学习将近两千个英语单词。
误:By the end of last term , I learned nearly two thousand English words .
正:By the end of last term , I had learned nearly two thousand English words .
析:这里的 by 有“before ( 在……之前 ) ”或“not later than ( 不迟于 ) ”的意思,表示“在 ( 某时 ) 前”或“到某时”已发生某事或出现某种情况,谓语动词多用完成时态。句中是“上学期末”,所以用过去完成时态。
3 . 那人走过来夺了老人的包。
误:The man came over and took the possession of the old man's bag .
正:The man came over and took possession of the old man's bag .
析:“take possession of”意为“夺取、占有”,是固定的表达方式,一般在 possession 前面不用 the。
4 . 这些动物对美洲土著人的生活有很大影响。
误:These animals had a great effect to the life of Native Americans .
正:These animals had a great effect on the life of Native Americans .
析:“have an effect on ( upon ) ”是固定搭配,意为“对……有影响”,“对……起作用”,effect 后面跟介词要用 on 或 upon,不能随意改动。
5 . 他突然间击了她的头。
误:All of a sudden he hit her on her head .
正:All of a sudden he hit her on the head .
析:汉语中“打某人的头”,在英语中常用“hit + sb . + on + the + 身体部位”这样的结构。值得注意的是其中冠词 the 不能用物主代词代替。又如:
He hit the boy in the face . 他打了孩子的脸。 ( face 前面要用 the , 不能用物主代词。 )
6 . 他没有逃跑得了,被俘了。
误:He failed to run away and was taken the prisoner .
正:He failed to run away and was taken prisoner .
析:“to take prisoner”,意为“被监禁”、“被俘”,是个习语,prisoner 前面不能用冠词。但是 take 这个动词可以用 keep 或 hold 代替。又如: He was taken ( held , kept ) prisoner in a small island . 他被囚禁在一个小岛上。
7 . 他一到达,就被卖给一个农民当奴隶。
误:At his arrival he was sold to a farmer as a slave .
正:On his arrival he was sold to a farmer as a slave .
析:“on one's arrival”是一个习语,其中介词要用 on,不能用别的词代替。
8 . 报社给他提供了一些资金。
误:His newspaper provided him some money .
正:His newspaper provided him with some money .
析:“为某人提供某物”,用 provide 表达有两种方式,一是“provide sb . with sth . ”,另一种是“provide sth . for sb . ”,也就是说要用介词搭配,误句中少用了介词。度比较:
The government is trying to provide the unemployed with jobs . ( = The government is trying to provide jobs for the unemployed . ) 政府正力图为失业者提供就业机会。
9 . 他一登台,我就认出他来了。
误:I recognized him the moment when he appeared on the stage .
正:I recognized him the moment he appeared on the stage .
析:the moment 虽是名词,但在这儿可以作连词用,相当于 as soon as , 因此后面再用 when 就是多余的了。类似的名词如 the minute , the second 等也可以这样。上面正句里的 the moment 也可以用 the minute , the second 来代替。又如:
The moment / minute / second you arrive at the port , please telephone me . 你一到达港口,就请给我打个电话。
10 . 你们当中一人扮演哈利,另一个人扮演记者。
误:One of you plays role of Harley , and the other role of a reporter .
正:One of you play the role of Harley , and the other the role of a reporter .
析:role 作“角色”解,通常构成“play ( take ) the role of . . . ”结构,意为“扮演……角色”。这是固定搭配,“the”不可少。又如:
He wishes to take ( play ) the role of a king . 他想扮演国王。
但是,role 前可以用形容词修饰,例如:
Both of them wanted to play ( take ) the leading role . 他们俩都想演主角。
11 . 他每次进城总要拜访他的老师。
误:Every time he came to the city , he would visit his teacher .
正:Every time he came to the city , he would visit his teacher .
析:“every time”是个名词词组,用作从属连词,引出时间状语从句,意为“每一……就……”。不能像误句那样连写。又如:
Copy it down every time you come to a beautiful sentence . 每当你碰到一个漂亮的句子就把它抄下来。
12 . 年轻人应该永远尊敬老年人。
误:Youth should always show the respect to old age .
正:Youth should always show respect to old age .
析:“show respect to”是一个习语,意思是“对某人表示尊重”,其中 respect 是不可数名词,前面不用冠词,但是可以有修饰词修饰。其中 show 可以用 have 代替,介词 to 也可用 for 代替。例如:
She had / showed no respect to / for manager . 她对经理一点也不尊重。
They have / show a great respect to / for the journalists .他们对记者非常敬重。
写一篇短文,简述 Green School 受欢迎的原因。请在短文中包含以下内容:
1 . 历史悠久。
2 . 校园美丽。
3 . 设备良好。教学楼、实验室、语音室、计算机房、图书馆及体育馆都属全市最好的。
4 . 收费合理,每学期3000。
5 . 教师出色,大部分毕业于名牌大学。他们耐心,有经验,热爱学生。
Why is Green School so popular in our city ?
For one thing , the school has a long history . Its school garden is very beautiful with trees and flowers everywhere . It is also well equipped . The classroom buildings , the experiment labs and the sound labs , the computer rooms , the library as well as the gymnasium are among the best of all schools . Besides , the tuition is only 3000 a term , less than that of other schools . But the most important reason for its popularity is the excellent teachers in Green School . Most teachers graduated from well-known universities and colleges . They have great patience , much experience and especially , deep love for the students .




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