高三英语第七单元Angkor Wat

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit7.doc
标题 Angkor Wat
章节 第七单元
关键词 高三英语第七单元
在本单元同学们将要学习有关古迹保护的知识,了解闻名于世的柬埔寨古高棉王朝庞大的宫殿遗址吴哥寺(又名吴哥窟)的历史和现状,树立爱护古迹的战略思想。也许你曾听到过它的美丽传说,见到过它旖旎风光的拍照,看到过它富有神秘色彩的特写镜头。真是“风景这边独好”。春天,万木茂盛,百花盛开;夏天,泉清林翠,风景幽奇;秋天,硕果累累,层林尽染;冬天,银装素裹,悬冰倒挂。课文中对吴哥寺的高度评价是:“As the sun sinks lower , shadows spread across the courtyard . After sunset , the sky turns pink . The grey stone towers take on a golden colour before turning pink . Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet , beautiful place .” ( 随着夕阳西下,院内阴影纵横。日落后,天空一片红霞。灰色的石塔抹上一层金黄色,然后变成粉红色。世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的地方了。) 今天,吴哥寺这座世界文物古迹,正以它独特的魅力吸引着世界各地越来越多的游客。
虽然我们人人都走出国门去领略吴哥寺的风光不现实,但是在本单元的阅读课中,作者用一种趣味盎然的笔调重现吴哥寺的文明和灿烂,让我们从一滴水而感知辽阔的大海,从一只贝壳而聆听渺远的风声。下面就让我们在课文中提到的神秘的古迹中作一次精神旅行吧 !
A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Obligation (职责)
● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句
1. We should finish the task ahead of time . 我们应该提前完成这项艰巨的任务。
2. I think we should paint the windows green . 我认为应该把窗户漆成绿色。
3. Is it necessary to give you a ring immediately ? 有必要立即给你回电话吗 ?
4. We must stop people ( from ) walking on this floor until it's firm . 在地板牢固以前,我们不能让人们在地板上走动。
4. I ought to do some studying . 我应该学的东西。
5. You must stay home looking after your mother . 你必须呆在家里照顾你生病的母亲。
6. — Must I be present at the meeting at 7 o'clock ? 我必须 7 点到会吗 ?
— No , you needn't . You may come at around eight . 不,不必要。你可以 8 点左右来。
7. I have to type this report tonight . 今晚我必须打出这份报告。
8. — Do I have to return the dictionary before Friday ? 周五前我必须归还词典吗 ?
— No , you don't have to . 不,没必要。
9. In my opinion , you should do your homework more carefully in future . 依我之见,你以后要多注意你的作业。
10. You ought to write to your parents very often . 你应该经常给父母写信。
11. Is it necessary to show your passport at the entrance ? 在入口处得出示护照吗 ?
12. It's necessary that you should come to the office tomorrow morning . 明天上午你得到办公室去一下。
13. We must keep the balance of nature . 我们应该保持生态平衡。
14. Students should keep the classroom tidy and clean . 学生应该保持教室整洁。
15. It is necessary to fill in the form at the door . 进门时必须填表。
16. Am I expected to repeat the explanation ? 要不要我把解释再重复一遍 ?
17. Am I supposed to pay a visit to our sick neighbour ? 我是不是探望一下有病的邻居 ?
18. Are we required to make a plan tonight ? 是不是今晚我们必须制定一个计划 ?
19. Is there any need for us to get his permission ? 我们是不是需要得到他的许可 ?
20. I am afraid you will have to walk home on foot . 恐怕你不得不步行回家了。
21. I am afraid you can't avoid do some washing by yourself . 恐怕你逃避不掉自己洗衣服了。
22. I think it necessary for you to obey the rules . 我看你有必要服从规章制度。
23. It is for you to decide whether to go or to stay . 是去是留由你决定。
24. There's no reason why you should pull down that fence . 没有理由一定要你拆掉那个篱笆。
25. It is up to you decide . 由你决定。
26. Please leave it alone . 请别理它 。
27. You had better not pick the flowers . 你最好别摘这些花。
28. I feel it is my duty to give you a hand . 我感到帮助你是我的职责。
29. No , I mustn't be late for class once more . 不, 我决不能再迟到。
30. No , I shouldn't tell him a lie . I had better not object to his suggestion . 不,我不应该对他说谎。我最好不反对他的建议。
从以上 30 句可以看出,在提示对方的职责中常用情态动词 must , should , need , have to , had better , ought to , don't have to 以及 be supposed to do , be necessary to do 等。
● Model Dialogues 交际示范
Monitor:Who is on duty today ?
Yu Fang:I am .
Monitor:Class will begin in a minute . You should clean the blackboard .
Yu Fang:Sorry , I nearly forgot it . I'll do it at once .
Monitor:You have to remember this next time .
Yu Fang:Yes , I will .
Receptionist:Can I help you ?
Guest:Are there any free beds ?
Receptionist:Sure . What kind of room do you like ?
Guest:A single room with a bath .
Receptionist:OK. But you have to fill in this form first .
Guest:Is it necessary ?
Receptionist:Yes , we should also see your ID (身份证) card .
Doctor:Well , Mrs Smith , I've completed my examination and I'm happy to say it's nothing serious .
Mrs Smith:Don't you think I should take an X - ray ?
Doctor:I don't think an X-ray is necessary for this illness .
Mrs Smith:Will I need a blood transfusion ?
Doctor:No , Mrs Smith , you won't need it .
Mrs Smith:Shouldn't I stay in bed for the rest of the week ?
Doctor:No , you should get outdoors more and get plenty of exercise .
Mrs Smith:Can I be cured ?
Doctor:You should listen to my advice and I'm certain you'll be fine .
Mr Smith:What should I do ?
Guest:You should put this medicine on your arms every four hours and by tomorrow it will be all gone . There's nothing to worry about .
● 高考试题缩影
1. — Shall I tell John about it ?
— No , you . I've told him already . ( NMET 94)
A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't
2. — We could have walked to the station ; it was so near .
— Yes . A taxi at all necessary . ( MET 92 )
A. wasn't B. hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. won't be
3. There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party . You come , but why didn't you ? (99 上海)
A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have
B. 单元重点新词透视
1. smooth 作形容词是“光滑的,平静的,平坦的”;作及物动词是“使光滑,消除困难、障碍”。
Our path in life will not always be smooth . 我们的生活道路不会总是一帆风顺的。
This is a smooth meeting . 这是一次顺利的会议。
The cloth feels smooth . 这布摸起来很光滑。
The sea is smooth . 海面风平浪静。
The gardener smoothed the soil in a flower bed . 园丁平整了花坛的泥土。
(1) smooth 的发音 [ smU:T ] ,比较极是 smoother ,最高级是 smoothest 。过去式是smoothed , 发音为[ smU:Td ] 。用在第三人称后的发音是 smooths [ smU:Tz ]。
(2) 该词的同义词是 calm ,反义词是 rough 。常用搭配是 smooth away “克服困难,消除障碍或者分歧”。如:Don't be afraid . We are able to smooth away these difficulties sooner or later . 不要担心,我们迟早会克服这些困难的。/ The guide smoothed away / over the quarrel between the two visitors . 向导平息了那两位游客间的争执。
2. spread ( spread , spread ) 延伸,展开,流传,传播,蔓延
In two years the city has quickly spread for ten miles to the north . 这两年里城市很快地向北延伸了 10 英里。
How terrible ! The forest fire spread quickly . 真可怕 !火势很快地蔓延。
The story of these advanced workers spread quickly . 这些先进工人的事迹很快就传开了。
(1) 特别注意该词的过去式和过去分词形式。如:Word spread quickly about the accident .
(2) the spread of … “……的普及;……的传播;……的蔓延”。这里 spread 是名词。如:the spread of a disease 一种疾病的蔓延。the spread of education 教育的普及。
3. opposite 作形容词是“相反的,对面的,相对的”。作副词是“相反地,对面地”。作名词是“对面,相反,对立物”。注意该词的发音:[ 'Cp[zIt ]
It is strange that he should go in the opposite direction . 真奇怪,他朝相反的方向走了。
They sell things on the opposite side of the river . 他们在河的对面卖东西。
Right and left are opposites . 左和右是相对的。
Black and white are opposites . = Black is the opposite of white . 黑和白是对立物。
Hate is the opposite of love . 恨是爱的反义词。
(1) 辨析 opposite 与 contrary to
opposite 多指位置、方向、性质、结果的不同。表示处于讲话人对面时放于其后;表示一组相对事物中的一个时放在其前。如:the girl opposite对面的姑娘,live on the opposite side of the street 住街的对面,。contrary 表示与目的、行为、论据对立的含义,只用作表语。如:You deeds are contrary to the traffic rules . 你的行为是和交通规则背道而驰的。
(2) 该次还可以作介词。如:opposite the school 在学校的对面。/ The shop opposite the street belongs to me . 街对面的商店是我经营的。作介词时其后也可以加 to 。如:He smiles and sat down opposite to her . 他微笑着坐在她的对面。/ The direction opposite to north is south . 和北相反的方向是南。
C. 单元重点词组扫瞄
1. buy some more bricks 买更多的砖
some more + 可数名词或者不可数名词,意思是“更多的……;再……怎样”。如:
Will you have some more beancurd ? 你多吃点豆腐好吗 ?
This time I feel like borrowing some more magazines . 这次我想多借几本杂志。
2. make the surface smooth 让表面光滑
It is said that this cream will make your face smoother . 据说这种面霜会使脸部皮肤更光滑。
3. do some drawings 画些画
It is not right for a pupil to do some drawings on the wall . 小学生在墙上乱画不对的。
4. stop sb / sth (from) doing = prevent sb / sth (from )doing 阻止某人干……
注意:当 from 后是被动语态时,from 不要省。如:
No one can prevent / stop this plan from being carried out . 谁也不能阻止这个计划的落实。
We must stop these children (from) playing football in the street . 我们必须阻止孩子们在大街上踢足球。
5. put up a notice saying “Keep off”= put up a notice on which is written “Keep off”立一个上面写有“勿踩踏”的牌子
注意 keep off 在上下文中的不同意思有:避开,挡住,制止吃喝,不吃不喝……
Do be careful to keep off the dangerous dog . 务必躲开那条危险的狗。
After his illness the old man kept off noodles for a week .
The only way to get your weight down is to keep off fat . 减肥的唯一办法是不要吃肥肉。
Wet paint ! Keep off ! 油漆未干,请勿靠近 !
6. do some studying 学点习
It is useful for you to do some studying in your spare time .
7. masses of 大量的,大批的(修饰可数或者不可数名词)
Can't you see I have masses of things to see to today ? 你没看到我今天有很多的事要处理吗 ?
I have masses of unanswered letters this week . 本周我有一大堆来信没有回。
The majority of us are worried about masses of homework on Sunday . 我们大部分都担心星期天的许多作业。
8. watch the news on television 看电视新闻
9. fix up an electric wire 安装电线
10. ring the building firm 给建筑公司打电话
11. as it is / was 事实上,既然如此,就目前这样子看,根据现在的情况看
As it is , we can hardly get to the station by 6 o'clock . 事实上,我们 6 点前是很难赶到车站的。
She agreed to buy the house as it is . 她同意照房子原样买下来。
I thought things would get better , but as it is they are getting worse and worse . 我原来以为情况会好转,但现在看来,情况是越来越恶化。
Don't do anything to make the situation worse ; it's bad enough as it is . 不要再火上加油了,现在情况就够糟的了。
12. report on 对……进行报道
13. one's first visit to + 地点 “对……的第一次访问”。
He will never forget his first visit to China .
14. at war 处于战争状态,处于交战状态
At that time China was at war with Japan . 当时,中国正与日本交战。
注意这里介词 at 后没有冠词 the 。类似的表达还有:at desk 在工作,at table 在用餐,at work在上班,at sea 在海上,at + 名词
1) When he writes , he always keeps a dictionary (在手边).
2) My family and I were ____ (吃饭) when somebody knocked at the door .
3) Don't be nervous . Make yourself ____ (无拘无束) .
4) ____ (目前) I'm very busy . Let's discuss it sometime next week .
5) His manners are rough , but he is a kind man (在内心里) .
6) It's ten o'clock (晚上) .
7) He is (求学)in Paris , so I'm afraid you can't see him .
8) They had first met (在航海中) .
9) Wilma can play music (一见) .
10) (有时) I made mistakes when speaking English .
11) These nations were (在交战) but now they are (和好) .
12) You may come and go (随意地) .
13) Are your parents (在上班) ?
14) The baby weighed 8 pounds (在出生时) .
at (the) worst 在最坏的情况下,at (the) least 至少,at (the) latest 最迟 ,at (the)most 最多
答案:1) at hand 2) at table 3) at home 4) At present 5) at heart 6) at night 7) at school 8) at sea 9) at sight 10) At times 11) at war , at peace 12) at will 13) at work 14) at birth
15. When he was in college , his college was at war . 当他上大学时,他的国家正处于战争状态。
16. fall to pieces 倒塌,解体,垮台,摔碎,身体垮下来
That ancient building was falling to pieces . 那座古建筑物正在倒塌。
After the death of Napoleon , his empire began to fall to pieces . 那破仑死后,他的帝国就开始瓦解了。
These glasses have fallen to pieces . 这些玻璃杯已经摔碎。
Your father will fall to pieces if he doesn't stop working so hard . 如果你父亲再这样拼命干下去,他的身体回垮的。(这里 fall to pieces = break down)
No wonder the car is falling to pieces . Have you seen how he drives it ? 难怪这辆车垮了。你看到他是怎样驾驶的 ?
The rainy season lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones . 雨季长达六个月,雨水渗入石缝中。
测试要点:注意对比由动词 fall 构成的短语:fall asleep 睡着。fall behind 落后。fall down 倒塌。fall flat on one's face 直挺挺地面朝下跌倒。fall in 掉入。fall in love with sb 爱上某人。fall / get into the / a habit of 养成……的习惯。fall off 从……跌落。 fall on one's knees = go down on one's knees 跪下。fall / get sick = fall / get ill 生病。
17. piles of = masses of = supplies of = quantities of = lots of 很多,大量,一堆一堆的。
The study was full of piles of old books . 那个书房里堆满了一堆堆的旧书。
Piles of rubbish can be seen in that works . 在那个工厂可以看到一堆又一堆的垃圾。
18. get in 进入,收割,渗入,抵达,插入,请来
Can we get in the house by the back door ? 我们可以经过后门进入房子吗 ?
What time does the train get in ? 火车什么时间进站 ?
The peasants are busy in getting in the crops . 农民们正忙于收割庄稼。
We must get somebody in to repair the television . 我们必须请人来修理电视机。
Little Jim is always getting in a word when others are talking . 小吉姆总是在别人谈话时插嘴。
测试要点:注意理解由 get 构成的短语间意义上的区别。get get a word in = get in a word 插嘴。get about/ around / round 各处走动。get abroad 消息、谣言等的传开。get along 过活,过日,进展。get away 逃脱。get back 回来,取回,恢复。get cold = catch a cold 感冒。get down 从……下来,写下。get down to 开始认真干…… 。 get home 到家。get in / into touch with 与……取得联系。get into 进入。get into a habit of 养成干……的习惯。get into trouble 引起麻烦。get off 从……下来。get on 上车、上马、上飞机等。get ready 准备好。get rid of 摆脱。get through 结束,完成。get together 聚会。get up 起床。
19. go down to 下到,延续到,减少到
The native women go down to the river to wash clothes . 当地妇女到河里去洗衣服。
During her illness her weight went down from 50 kilos to 40 kilos . 她生病时体重由 50 公斤减少到 40 公斤。
注意 go down into 在本课是“根深深扎入”的意思。如:The roots go down into the holes between the stones .
20. devote + time / energy / oneself + to + -ing 把时间(精力)用于…… 。
He devoted 10 years to doing the research . = He spent 10 years doing the research .
Captain Cook devoted several years to charting the coasts of east America .
Lei Feng devoted all his life to serving the people .
21. lay down 安放,铺设,放下武器等。
She laid the sleeping child down on her bed .
They refused to lay down their arms . 他们拒绝放下武器。
Many new railways have been laid down in the past few years . 过去的几年里铺设了许多铁路。
22. Lay these boards along , not across . 把这些木板直着放,不要横着放。
23. in a corner 在角落里
Piles of stones lie in a corner of the courtyard .
We found her crying in the corner of the classroom .
注意:in the corner 是侧重在 180 度以下的角。在讲到 180 度以上的角时介词可用 at / on / round / around + the corner 。
There is a bookstore on / at the corner . 在街道拐角处有个书店。
He is standing at a street corner .
24. watch over 看守,照看,监视,守卫
The work of cleaning the stones is watched over by three Indian chemists . 石头的清洗工作是由三名印度化学家监督的。
The mother bird is watching over her young . 雌鸟守护着她的幼雏。
The prisoners were watched over by policemen .
25. fill in 填满,填写
In order get a passport , you must fill in the official form . 要申请护照,你得先填写正式表格。
26. at midday = at noon 在中午
27. protect against / from 保护不受……的侵袭或者伤害
We wear dark glasses to protect our eyes against the sun .
You must protect those boys against danger .
An umbrella will protect you against the rain .
28. in battle 在战争中,在战斗中
Millions of people were killed in battle .
29. in search of 寻找
注意区别:in one's search for
30. carry on 继续下去,继续进行
Please carry on as usual while I am away . 我不在时,请照常干。
Conversation was carried on in English .
Now let's carry on with the work .
31. after sunset 日落后。
32. take on 呈现出新的面貌
After the thorough cleaning , our school took on a new look . 大扫除之后,我校呈现出了新的面貌。
Since 1978 , China has taken on a new look .
Under the vivid pen of the writer , these dry facts of history have taken on flesh and blood . 在这位作家生花妙笔之下,这些枯燥乏味的历史事实被写得有血有肉的。
The new leaders are making every effort to improve business management , and the factory is beginning to take on a new look . 新领导努力改善经营管理,工厂开始呈现新的面貌。
After the students put up a Christmas tree in the centre , the classroom took on a holiday appearance . 同学们在教室中央放了一株圣诞树,教室里呈现出一派节日景象。
33. fall into ruins 坍塌成废墟
Many of the stone figures had been stolen and others were falling into pieces . 许多石像被盗窃,另外一些石像崩裂倒塌。
34. be astonished by 被……弄得大为吃惊
be astonished to do 干……很吃惊
be astonished that 对……大为吃惊
35. cover an area of = take up an area of = occupy an area of = have an area of 占地面积……
This school covers an area of 500 square miles .
China has an area of about 9,600,000 square kilometres .
36. over a period of + 时间“历经……时间”
37. up until / to 直到,到……为止
The French , after discovering the ruined temple , did a lot of repair work up until 1970. 在发现这座满目疮痍的寺庙后,法国人做了大量的修复工作,直到1970年为止。
They had been built over a period of six centuries up till 1431 . 它们是1431年以前经过六个世纪才建成的。
38. do a lot of repair work 做大量的维修
39. in a poor state 处于破烂不堪的状态。
注意该词组的不同搭配:in a solid state 以固体状态。in a bad state of health 身体状态不佳。in a good state 状态良好。
40. have experience in 在……有经验
He has a lot of experience in repairing TV sets . 他有大量的修理电视机的经验。
She has much experience in teaching English .
注意:experience 作经验是不可数名词,作经历是可数名词。
We had several terrible experiences on our trip . 我们在旅途中遇到了几件可怕的事。
41. hand tools out to workers 把工具分发给工人
42. carry out repairs to + 名词 “对……实施维修”
43. once in a while 偶尔,有时
I don't drink wine as a rule , but I don't mind a glass once in a while . 我一般是不饮酒的,但是我也不反对偶尔喝一杯。
44. have a shower 洗淋浴
45. depend on / upon sb to do 依靠某人干……
46. have a midday break 中午休息一下
47. give a tip to sb = give sb a tip 给某人小费
You had better give tips to waiters .
48. go/ make / take + on a tour of + 地点 “对……进行参观;到……旅游”
We are going to make a tour of New Zealand next summer .
49. spread across 传遍
The disease spread quickly across the village .
50. obey the rules for sb 服从对……的规定
D. 单元语法学习目标
● 一般现在时(The Present Indefinite Tense)的测试 5 要点:
Water boils at 100 ℃ .
Twice two is four .
The earth goes around the sun .
Pride goes before a fall . 骄者必败。
One today is worth two tomorrows . 一个今天胜过两个明天。
Practice makes perfect . 熟能生巧。
Japan lies to the east of China .
Shanghai stands on the Huangpu River .
England and France are separated by the English Channel .
2、一般现在时表示经常地或者习惯的动作,常与频度状语 usually , often , sometimes , every morning , always , regularly 以及 at present , these days , nowadays , at the moment 等时间状语连用。
Mum doesn't drive as well as Dad . She stops too suddenly and turns quickly .
Peter used to work in Geneva , but at present he works in London .
The Hunts usually live in Scotland , but at the moment they live in the south .
Being middle school students , you do homework every day .
3、在口语中,一般现在时往往可和一个表示未来时间的状语连用,表达一个按规定、计划、安排要发生的动作。这种动词是:go , come , fall , arrive , start , begin , meet , stay , take , place , happen 等。
When do you start , Mr Green ?
This train leaves at 10:00 .
Miss Black comes next week .
— When do they leave for the countryside ?
— They start next Saturday .
A:Is there any meeting today ?
B:Yes . It begins at 2:30 in the afternoon .
Please let me know when he comes back .
I will go to see him if it is fine tomorrow .
If he doesn't like it , nor / neither will I.
5、在某些以 here , there 开头的句子中用一般现在时表示正发生的动作。
Here comes the bus ! 汽车来了!
There goes the bell ! 铃响了!
● 现在进行时(The Present Continuous Tense)的 7 个测试要点
1、现在进行时表示说话时正发生的或者正进行的动作。常与时间状语 now , at the moment 等连用。
It is raining hard now . Don't hurry .
I am writing a letter . Will you please turn down the radio ?
Watch out (当心) ! It's falling .
Look ! The clouds are gathering .
Look at this picture of a busy railway station . A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave . Some of thepassengers are looking out of the windows watching the late-comers who are hurrying along looking for empty seats .
We are busy at the moment . I'm selling cigarettes . My father is selling some sweets .
2、表示现阶段正在进行而此刻不一定在进行的动作。可和时间状语 now , these days 等连用。
She is studying law while her brother is studying medicine .
Is my daughter working hard in the factory , Manager Wang ?
How are you getting along / on with your studies ?
I usually get up at eight , but I'm getting up at six every day this week .
We are going to Rome next week .
Mr Black is leaving for Shanghai in a few days .
Are you doing anything special tonight ?
I'll telephone you this afternoon while I'm waiting .
I'll think about it while you are writing the report .
When you are talking with him , take care not to mention this .
If you are standing at the corner when I pass , I'll give you a lift into town .
5、现在进行时和动词 hope , wonder 连用表示婉转的口气。
I am hoping you'll give me some advice .
I'm wondering if I may have a word with you .
We are wondering if you have any suggestion .
6、现在进行时与 always , continually , constantly 等副词连用表示反复或者习惯性的动作,含有说话人的某种感情色彩,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌、不满等。
He is always asking such easy questions .
He is constantly leaving his books about .
7、少数动词,如jump , hit , kick , knock , drop 等瞬间动词用进行时比动作的重复或者即将发生。
He is knocking at the door .
The girls are jumping .
● 一般现在时和现在进行时的 6 个区别点
He studies hard .
He is studying hard this term .
My watch works perfectly . (经常性)
My watch is working perfectly . (短暂性)
He lives in Beijing .
He is living in Beijing .
John does fine work at school . (说明事实)
John is doing fine at school . (表扬)
Now I live in a very pleasant flat . (事实)
Now I am living in a very pleasant flat . (满意)
现在进行时表达感情色彩时常和always , forever , constantly 等连用。
He is always thinking of how he could do more for the poor .
She is always changing her clothes .
Boats pass under the bridge .
The boat is passing under the bridge .
My parents lives in Canada .
I'm staying with one of my classmates .
区别点五:表示知觉、感觉、看法、感情、愿望的动词常不用现在进行时而用一般现在时。如:see , hear , smell , notice , taste , know , think , like , want , wish , have , fit , belong to 。
The necklace belongs to Jenny .
I hear you want to do business abroad .
How are you feeling today , Xiao Ming ? I hope you will be well soon .
How are they getting along with their work ?
● 现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)的 6 个测试要点
He has gone to Europe . You can't see him .
Has he had his supper ?
He has gone to Beijing . 他去北京了。
He has been to Beijing .他去过北京。
She has been ill for two weeks .
I haven't seenhim for many months .
She has learnt a lot since she cameto No. 16 Middle School .
3、在用 already , yet , before , just , ever , lately , recently 这类副词或者频度副词 often , sometimes , rarely , never , once , twice , three times 做状语时常用现在完成时。
Have you ever listened to foreign music ?
This is the second game . They've already won a game .
He as well as I has seen the film before .
We went to have a haircut once a month .
4、特别注意由 since , for 引起的时间状语与现在完成时的连用。since 后必须是确定的时间点,而不能是一段时间。
I've known him since we were children .
They haven't visited us since 1998.
由 for 引起的时间状语中,介词 for 常被省去。
I've studied English (for)a long time .
For months he hasn't gone to the movies .
5、含下列状语的句子常与现在完成时连用:ever since , in the past two weeks , in the last few years , until now , till now , up to now , up to the present , so far , for the last few months , over the last few weeks . during the last few centuries 。
Up to now , everything has been successful .
In the last 50 years China has made great advances in socialist revolution and socialist construction .
6、注意现在完成时不能与非延续性动词连用。如:marry , die , leave , start , join , end 等。但可以借助这些动词的形容词或状态词与现在完成时连用。
He has been married to Joan for a year . = He married Joan a year ago .
She has been a Party member for two weeks . = She joined the Party two weeks ago .= It is two weeks since she became a Party member .
● 一般过去时(The Past Indefinite Tense)的 4 个测试要点
Last night we went to enjoy a good performance .
I usually sleep indoors , but I slept outdoors last summer .
— How long have you been here ?
— Only about five minutes . Jane and Simon walked here with me .
I can't find the dictionary . Someone put it on the top of the bookshelf .
He smoked a lot five years ago .
We went to school together when we were boys and so we saw each other every day .
The doctor came once a week and examined all who were ill .
3、used to do 和 would 常表达过去常干……。used to 含有强烈的今昔对比,可以和状态动词连用。而would 不能与状态词连用,句中常用时间状语的暗示。
Tom used to eat out every day , but now he can't afford it .
When he was old , he would rise early and take a walk before breakfast .
We used to be good friends . (不能用 would)
There used to stand a tower at the foot of the hill . (不用 would)
4、在句型 “It is time that …;It is about time that … ;It is high time that … ”后的从句中用一般过去时。在 would rather , would sooner , had rather , had sooner 后的从句中用一般过去时。
It is high time that we went to school .
I had rather you came next week .
Unit 7 句型与难点释疑
Lesson 25
1. I don't think these will be enough . 我认为这些还不够。
〖释疑〗注意陈述句以第一人称主语 I / we + don't think (expect , believe , guess , imagine , suppose) + that 从句时,反意疑问句与从句相一致 , 用肯定式,因否定已前移。否则,主句是由其他人称作主语时,仍与主句相一致。例如:
I don't think these will be enough , won't they ?
We don't believe that she has her breakfast , does she ?
对比:we don't believe that she has had her breakfast , has she ?
He doesn't suppose you are a great success , does he ?
2. What can we do to make it look less ugly ? 我们能想个什么办法使它不那么难看呢 ?
〖释疑〗注意使用 make sb do , make oneself done , be made to do , make sth to do
They made us work all day and all night against the flood water . = We were made to work all … .
She raised her voice to make herself heard by all of the them .
He made a box to put his shoes in .
3. As long as that ? 要那么长的时间吗 ?= Will it take as long as that ?
〖释疑〗as long as 长达……之久。
It took as long as eight years to repair the old temple .
It took them as long as three years to find out the cause of the plane crash .
It took this tennis player as long as four hours to win the championship .
另外注意 as long as = so long as = if “只要”引起条件状语从句,句中用现在时代替将来时。
You can smoke as long as you are not afraid of breaking the rules .
Lesson 26
1. Piles of stones lie in a corner of the courtyard , waiting to be replaced . 院子的角落里放着一堆一堆的石头,准备作更换之用。
〖释疑〗句中的 waiting to be replaced 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。这时可以变为并列谓语动词的句子或者非限制性定语从句。如上面的分词短语可换为:
Piles of stones are in a corner of the courtyard , and are waiting to be replaced .
Piles of stones are in a corner of the courtyard , which were waiting to be replaced .
Many people stood along the river bank watching the boat race . = Many people stood along the river bank and watched the boat race .
2. As the sun sinks lower , shadows spread across the courtyard . 随着夕阳西下,院内的阴影扩展开来。
〖释疑〗as 作连词引导的时间状语从句含有“当……的时候;一边……一边”。 when常含有“突然……”。while 常含有“对比”。
As one grows older , one becomes more experienced .
We were walking along the street when we heard “Help ! Help !”.
He was doing some reading while I was doing some washing .
3. To make things worse , many of the men have gone off to cities in search of higher pay , leaving women from nearby villages to carry on with the work . 更糟糕的是,很多男子去城里谋求较高工资的工作,因此,只有让附近村庄里的妇女来从事这一修复工作。
〖释疑〗to make things worse “使情况更糟糕的是”。
leaving women … 是现在分词短语作结果状语。
注意 leave 的复合结构有:
1)leave + 名词 / 代词 + to do 让某人去干……。
Oh , you can leave me to deal with the matter .
2)leave + 名词 / 代词 + 形容词作宾补
His illness has left him very weak .
3)leave + 名词/代词 + 过去分词作宾补
How careless you are to leave your room unlocked .
4)leave + 名词 / 代词 + 现在分词做宾补
His words left us talking all the day .
5)leave + 名词 / 代词 + 介词短语作宾补
This left her without a ray of hope .
6)leave + 名词 / 代词 + 从句
Leave it where it is .
Leave everything as it is .
Leave the animals as they are .
4. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet , beautiful place . 世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的的放了。
〖释疑〗此句是倒装句。正常语序是:There is nowhere else in the world as quiet and beautiful as this place . 如果 nowhere 不放在句首,句子就不倒装。
当含有否定意义的副词或者连词放在句首时句子用倒装。这类词有:hardly , never , not , neither , not only … but also , little , nowhere , not a single , scarcely , barely , at no time , not once , in no time 立即,in no way 决不,by no means 决不, 等。
Never in my life have I seen such a stone .
Not a single mistake did he make this time .
Nowhere has the world ever seen such a bird as here .
By no means should we do like that .
Not only was everything he had taken away from him , but also his German citizen .
Nowhere is there a place for him to settle down .
Nowhere can you enjoy such beautiful music .
Ltttle did he know what trouble he was going to have .
Not until quite recently did I hear from her .
Very little did they sleep last night .
对比:Her watch is nowhere to be found . = Nowhere is her watch to be found .
注意对比由 not only … but also 连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子不倒装。
Not only girls but also boys wear such red skirts as that .
Lesson 27
1. Thousands of stone blocks were moved and new roof sections were replaced where necessary . 移动了成千上万的石块,必要的地方还换上了新的屋顶。
〖释疑〗where necessary = where it is necessary to replace them .
1. 主句中的省略多见于句首,且多用于非正式文体。如:
(It is) Too bad you can't go camping with us next week .
(Is there) Anything more you want to say ?
2. 回答时,主句有时全省去。如:
— When shall we start ? — (You may start) Whenever you like .
— Why is he angry with her ? — (He's angry with her) Because she lost his keys to the office .
1. 宾语从句。
以 which , when , where , how , why 等引出的宾语从句中谓语与主句相同时,可省略谓语乃至主语而只保留引导词。如:
Please hand me any one of these books ; I don't care which (you hand me) .
He'll return to his hometown , but we don't know when (he'll return ) .
She can't attend this meeting , but we wonder why (she can't attend) .
2. 在 I'm afraid , I believe , I hope , I imagine , I should say , I suppose , I think 等之后的“not”与 “so”分别等于否定与肯定的宾语从句。如:
Will it snow tonight ? — I hope not . (= I hope that it won't snow tonight . )
Is he disappointed ? — I'm afraid so . (= I am afraid that he is disappointed . )
3. 定语从句可以省略作宾语的关系代词;在非正式文体往往省略关系副词 when 和where ; 关系代词 as 引导的定语从句中,主谓结构也往往被省略。如:
I'll never forget the days (which) we spent together in the village .
I'll never forget the day (when) we first met .
He gave the same reason as (he had given) before .
4 . 状语从句。
(1) 在时间、让步、方式、条件状语从句中,如果从句主语是 it 或与主句主语一致时,则从句中的主语和 be 动词通常省略。如:
My sister started to learn dance when (she was) a child .
Although (he was) the youngest in his class , he won the first prize .
His suggestion , whether (it is) right or wrong , would be considered .
I'll attend this lecture , if (it is) possible .
(2) 由 than , as 引导的比较状语从句中,在不影响句子要表达的完整意义的条件下,从句中的成分可省略。如:I know you better than (I know) him .
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1— 20 各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。
James sat outside the office waiting for the interview . He felt so (1) that he didn't know what to do with (2) . The person who had gone in (3) him had been in there for nearly an hour . And she looked so confident(自信的) when she went in . (4) James . He felt (5) that she had already got the (6) . The problem was that he wanted this job (7) . It meant (8) to him . He had (9) it such a lot before the day of the interview . He had imagined himself (10) briliantly at the interview and (11) the job immediately . But now here he was feeling (12) . He couldn't (13) all those things he had (14) to say . At that moment , he almost decided to get up and (15) . But no — he had to do this . He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn't (16) like that . His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry . At last the door of the office opened . The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out looking very (17) with herself . She smiled sympathetically(同情地) at James . At that moment James (18) her . The managing director then appeared at the office door . ‘Would you like to come in now , Mr Davis ? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting . ’James suddenly (19) that he had gone home after all . He got up ,legs (20) and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt .
1 . A . healthy B . nervous C . careless D . confident
2 . A . the managing director B . the woman C . himself D . the situation
3 . A . by B . with C . before D . after
4 . A . Not like B . So did C . Do as D . Do like
5 . A . doubtful B . sure C . angry D . astonishing
6 . A . reward B . first C . prize D . job
7 . A . hopelessly B . naturally C . easily D . so much
8 . A . everything B . happiness C . difficulty D . nothing
9 . A . dreamed of B . learned of C . thought about D . talked about
10 . A . explaining B . performing C . answering D . writing
11 . A . offered B . asked for C . being offered D . being asked for
12 . A . crazy B . excited C . probable D . terrible
13 . A . depend on B . afford C . believe in D . remember
14 . A . kept B . been taught C . planned D . been supplied
15 . A . leave B . go in C . prepare D . practise
16 . A . take back B . put off C . give up D . put down
17 . A . ugly B . pleased C . sad D . pretty
18 . A . noticed B . loved C . missed D . hated
19 . A . thought B . hoped C . wished D . regretted
20 . A . shaking B . bending C . walking D . stopping
〖赏析〗从上下文透射出文章中的两个形成鲜明对比的人物,一个是洋洋得意的女求职者,她傲慢的形象令人作呕。另一个是令人同情的 Mr Davis ,他很需要这份工作,但自己信心不足,位能表现出比胜的信心。1、选B。从下文那位女子在里面已有近一个小时可想 Mr David 在门外焦急等待的心情。2、选C。越是焦急,越是控制不住自己的形象。do with himself 在这里可理解为 “控制自己”。3、选C。从下文等待知已有人在他前面应试。4、选A。从该女子lookes so confident “显得如此自信”可以说她不像Mr Davis 那样。5、选B。feel sure that “感到一定能”为固定词组。6、选D。来这里是为了谋到一份工作。7、选D。从下文He had thought about it such a lot before the day of the interview 可以推出他十分需要这分工作。8、选A。既然对这次应聘左思右想,自然意义重大。9、选C。从下文的该说什么,该怎么表现出非凡的形象可推知应提前反复考虑。10、选B。要想应聘成功,必须给人以称职的印象,这就需要应试这表现出非凡的言谈举止和素养。故用perform有表现之意。11、选C。应试成功就被别人给一份工作,imagine 要求后跟动名词,故应被给一份工作,这里用了动名词的被动式。12、选D。从那位女子的情况导致他失去应试的决定。这自然是让人不寒而栗的。13、选D。在关键时候人一紧张会产生手忙脚乱,丢三忘四的情况。14、选C。原计划的所作所为成为泡影,plan to 计划干……。15、选A。从get up 可看出他准备放弃应试,一走了之。16、选C。可又一想,自己为此不知花了多少时间,这样轻而易举的放弃不是太可惜吗?成功与否,不试哪能知晓?17、选B。那女子自以为胜券在握,但下文让Mr Davis 进去说明鹿死谁手,难以定论。18、选D。看着那样一个女子是自己的对手,他当然是怀恨在心。19、选C。他的心情真是十分混乱,狠不得自己早已溜走。20、选A。紧张时人口干、腿软、额头冒汗,这是常识。
在英语里,表示人体各部分的名词,如眼、耳、口、鼻、心、手、 脚等常用在习惯用语中,生动形象,栩栩如生,具有强烈的修辞效果。请同学们仔细阅读下文,体会人体名词的具体意义。
It was surprising that there were so many hungry mouths .
Premier Zhu completed the first leg of a five-nation tour .
Her niece has a sharp tongue . 她侄女说话尖刻。
Will you keep an eye on my suitcase ?
请照看一下我的手提箱好吗 ?
She has an ear for music. 她有欣赏音乐的能力。
Journalists usually have a nose for news .
He has a head for figures . 他善于计算。
They live in the heart of the city . 他们住在市中心。
Little Tom has a tooth for candy. 小汤姆爱吃糖。
He is four feet six inches . 他身高四尺六寸。
The wheat is heading up nicely . 小麦长势良好。
His name heads the list . 他是名单上的第一名。
The docks fingers out into the water. 码头伸向水面。
She always eyes him narrowly . 她总是端详着他的一举一动。
A soldier handed her out of a car . 一位战士扶她下了车。
Arm our minds with DengXiaoping's Theory .
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .
Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人。
Many hands make light work. 人多事易做。
Out of sight,out of mind. 离久则情疏。(眼不见心不烦。)
We're short of hands at present. 目前我们缺乏劳动力。
The plane was lost with 100 souls. 那架飞机失事,有100人丧生。
Grey hairs are respected in China. 在中国,老年人受到尊敬。
Do pay attention to those hungry mouths.
Dear heart,look at your face! 宝贝,看看你自己的脸吧!
The old man closed his eyes. 那位老人已去逝了。
She is off her head for ages. 她已精神失常好久了。
The man in black is a light-fingered gentleman.
She is still with one foot in the grave. 她已危在旦夕。
The news made us open our eyes. 那消息使我们瞠目吃惊。
He is on his last legs. 他已奄奄一息。
In those days they fought shoulder to shoulder bravely.
Strangely,they were standing face to face.
Both of them lay there back to back. 他们俩背对背而卧。
a warm-hearted man 热心肠的人
a fair-haired girl 一个长着金色头发的姑娘
a round-faced boy 一个圆脸男孩
a blue-eyed woman 一个蓝眼睛的妇女
a three-legged table 一张三条腿的饭桌
a one-eyed general 一个独眼将军
一、高中英语第三册 Units 1—6 词语辨析
Unit 1
1 . believe / believe in
believe 意为“相信,认为”,其后跟名词,也可跟从句或带不定式的复合宾语 ( 动词多为 be,它还可以用在否定的“简略答语”中,not 位于动词之后 ) 。例如:
I just could not believe my eyes . 我简直不能相信我的眼睛。
I believe that he was dead . 我认为他那时已经死了。
He believed the earth to be a globe . 他相信大地是一个球体。
— Will they be ready tomorrow ? 他们明天能准备好吗 ?
— I believe not . 我看不行。
believe in 意为“信奉,信仰”,后面常接表示真理或宗教一类的名词,也作“信任,信赖”解。例如:
My grandpa believes in Buddhism . 我爷爷信奉佛教。
We don't believe in ghosts . 我们不信鬼神。
We must work , and above all we must believe in ourselves . 我们必须注意:believe in sb 与 believe sb 有不同的含义。试比较:
I believe him . ( = I believe what he says . )我相信他的话。
I believe in him . ( = I think he is a good comrade . )我信任他。
2 . disappointed / disappointing
两者都是形容词,与系动词 be 连用能构成复合谓语,be disappointed 意为“对……感到失望”,当宾语为“某人”时,其后跟介词 with;当宾语为“某事物”时,其后跟介词 with , at 或 about;当宾语为动词-ing 形式或 what 从句时,其后多用介词 about 或 at。例如:
I'm disappointed with you . 我对你感到失望。
Are you very disappointed about / at losing the race ? 你比赛输了感到失望吗 ?
注意:disappointed 是表示感情的词,因此,主语多为表示人的名词。而 disappointing 意为“……令人感到失望”,主语多为表示某物或某种情况的词。例如:
The talk is disappointing . 这个报告令人失望。
It is very disappointing to heart that you are going to leave us soon . 听说你快要离开我们了,我们很失望。
disappointed 和 disappointing 也可以用作定语。如:a disappointed person 失望的人;disappointing news 令人失望的消息
3 . deep / deeply
两者都可以用作副词,这两个词不仅音形相似,而且都意为“深深地”。deep 多用于描写状态,常与介词 into 搭配。例如:
Radium , because of its powerful radioactive rays , can go deep into the human body . 镭具有很强的射线,能深入到人的肌体。
Father often works keep into the night . 父亲常常工作到深夜。
在某些短语中,常用副词 deep。如:drink deep 痛饮;be buried deep 深埋deeply 常和表示感情的动词、形容词或过去分词连用,相当于 very much。例如:
Marie was deeply shocked by Pierre's death . 皮埃尔的逝世使玛丽极为震惊。
Since then the boy has been deeply interested in physics . 从那时起,这孩子对物理学发生了极浓厚的兴趣。
修饰表示具体的动作或状态的动词时,常用 deep,有时也可用 deeply。例如:
I know she would sleep deeply(或 deep)for about twelve hours . 我知道她会沉睡十个小时。
deep 还可以用作形容词和名词,deeply 则不能。例如:
This well is 30 metres deep . 这口井有30公尺深。
the deep of winter 隆冬
4 . cure / treat
cure 意为“治疗”,“治愈”,强调治好疾病的结果,使病人恢复健康,有时可指突然的、戏剧性的痊愈,它后面可以跟指疾病或指人的宾语,也可以在指人的宾语后面用 of 再加指疾病的宾语。例如:
Radium is still used today for curing cancer . 今天镭仍被用来治癌。
The doctor cured him of his stomach . 医生治好了他的胃痛病。
cure 还可解作“矫正”、“纠正”,借喻指消除社会某种不良现象或个人恶习等。例如:
The parents tried to cure the child of his bad habits . 父母亲尽力纠正这个孩子的不良习惯。
treat 意为“医治”,“治疗”,强调治疗的动作或医治的过程,不涉及治疗的结果。例如:
The doctors are trying their best to treat her with a new drug . 医生们试图用一种新药为她治病。
Which doctor is treating you for this trouble ? 哪位医生在给你治病 ? treat 还可解作“对待;看待”。例如:
The villagers treat the old people kindly . 村民们待老人很好。
Unit 2
1 . in charge of / in the charge of
两者在句中常用作表语和定语,in charge of 是“某人负责或管理什么”,含主动意思。例如:
Cook was to be in charge of this expedition as captain of the ship Endeavour . 库克将作为“奋进”号轮船的船长负责这次远航。
Who's in charge of the booking office ? 售票处是哪一位负责 ?
in the charge of 是指“某人或某物由别人管理或照顾”,含被动意思。例如:
The hospital is in the charge of Dr Green . 这医院由格林医生负责。
I have placed the papers in the charge of my bank manager . 我把文件交给我的银行经理保管。
2 . remember to do / remember doing
remember to do 表示“记住要去做(某事)”,to do 发生在 remember 之后。例如:
Please remember to lock the door . 请别忘了锁门。
You must remember to write to us when you get there . 你到达那里时,记住给我们写信。
remember doing 表示“记得曾做了(某事)”,doing 发生在 remember 之前。例如:
I remember seeing you somewhere in Beijing . 我记得在北京什么地方见到过你。
He remembered putting the key in the box under his bed . 他记得把钥匙放在床底下的箱子里了。
动词-ing 的一般式 doing 也可换用完成式 having done。例如:
I remember having asked her to write to us . 我记得曾经要她给我们写信。
注意:remember doing = remember to have done。如:I remember meeting him a year ago . ( = I remember to have met him a year ago . )我记得一年前见过他。
Unit 3
1 . elder / older
elder 和 older 均为形容词 old 的比较级形式,但用法不同。elder 只用于人,多指兄弟姐妹之间年龄长幼中的“长”,只用作定语,不用作表语,不能同 than 连用。例如:
He is my elder by several years . 他大我几岁。
Their know ledge , customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race . 他们的知识、风俗习惯以及他们所怀念的事情都是由他们种族的长辈传下来的。
older 可用于人或物,用于人时,指实际年龄大小中的“大”,用于物时,意为“较旧的”,既可作定语和表语,也可同 than 连用。例如:
He is older than I . 他的年龄比我大。
Our classroom building is older than yours . 我们的教学大楼比你们的旧。
2 . argue / quarrel
argue 意为“争论,争吵,辩论”,着重就自己的看法或立场提出论证,和大家辨论,其后可接名词性从句。例如:
Mary and Mike argued in a law court . 玛丽与迈克在法庭上辩论。
He argued that the oral English class could be conducted in another way . 他论证英语口语课可以采用另一种方法进行。
We heard them arguing in the other room . They were getting very angry . 我们听见他们在另一个房间争论,他们都很生气。
quarrel 意为“争吵,吵架”,它表示一种因不同意或不喜欢而产生的强烈争吵,既可指言辞上的不和,也可指激烈的争吵。例如:
They had even quarrelled several times . 他们甚至吵过好几次了。
It's no use quarrelling about it with me . 为这事和我吵没有用。
Unit 4
1 . order / book
order 意为“订货”,“定购”,常用作及物动词,还可以解作“点菜(饭、酒、饮料等)”,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。例如:
I ordered some new clothes a month ago . 一个月前我定做了几件新衣服。
What drink shall we order ? 咱们点什么酒呢 ?
Have you ordered yet ? 你点过菜了吗 ?
book 意为“预定(戏票、车票等)”(ask and pay for a seat for the theatre , a journey etc . )。例如:
You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you . 你们去旅馆,房间已经给你们订好了。
The tickets are all booked . 票全部预定光了。
2 . in a / one word , in words , in word / with words , with the / these / words in a / one word 意为“总之”(=in short)。例如:
In a word , hunger is a big problem in the world today . 总之,饥饿是当世界的一大问题。
In one word , I don't trust him . 一句话,我不信任他。
in words 意为“用语言(来表达)”。例如:
You don't know how wonderful it is . It can't be described in words .
in word 和 with words 都解作“在口头上”。例如:
We should not work for the people in word . 我们不应该仅在口头上为人民而工作。
He has acknowledged his faults with words . 他已在口头上承认错误了。
with the / these words 意为“这样说着”,“说完这话就……”( after saying these words)。例如:
With the words , he left the room . 说完这些话,他离开了房间。
3 . result in / result from
result in 意为“导致”,一般说来,主语表示原因,介词 in 的宾语表示结果。例如:
They would not vote to lose their land wealth , even if it resulted in a fairer society . 他们是不会投票赞成让出土地和财产的,即使这样做的结果能导致一个较为公平的社会。
His careless driving resulted in the accident . 他粗心的驾驶导致了那起事故。
result from 意为“由于……而引起”,与 result in 相对,一般说来主语是结果,介词 from 后面的宾语为原因。试比较:
Success results from hard work . 成功来自努力。
Hard work results in success . 努力终归会成功。
Unit 5
1 . gift / present
两者都可以表示“礼物”的意思,有时两者可以通用。如:birthday gift (或 present)“生日礼物”。gift 着重于诚意和份量,一般指上级或同级所赠的礼物,用于表示好感、友谊或尊敬。例如:
The watch was a Christmas gift from his father . 这块表是他父亲送给他的圣诞礼物。
Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers is another way of advertising . 公司给顾客寄去的邮件或礼品又是一种广告方式。
present 通常指同级或下级所赠的花钱不多的礼物,多用于口语中。例如:
Flowers and fruits are always fit presents . 花及水果总是合适的礼品。注意:当 present 用于 make someone a present of something (意为“把某物作为礼物送给某人)”这一结构时,不能与 gift 换用。例如:
I'll make you a present of the book since you like it very much . 你这么喜欢这本书,就送给你吧。
2 . firm / company / corporation
三者都可以作“公司”解。firm 侧重于“商行”,“商号”。例如:
He is thinking of starting another firm in Paris . 他正考虑在巴黎再开一家商行。
Four people in an advertising firm are discussing a future advertising programme . 一家广告公司的四个人正在讨论今后的广告业务计划。
与 firm 搭配的短语有:different firms 各种各样的行业,building firms 建筑公司,a four centuries old firm 一家有400年历史的商号,a printing firm 印刷公司,a publishing firm 出版公司,a tailoring firm 成衣店,trading firms 商行
company 侧重指由若干人组成经营商业的公司,尤指有限公司,company 在公司名称中常略作 Co . 。例如:
When the advertisement is ready , it is shown to the company . 广告设计好了以后,就拿给公司去看。
Mr Wang works in Shanghai Import & Export Co . Ltd . 王先生在上海进出口有限责任公司工作。
corporation 指由几家公司组成的具有共同利益的集团公司或社团,略作 Corp . 。例如:
Legend Computer Group Corporation 联想计算机集团公司
The corporation has branch offices in several cities . 这家公司在好几个城市设有分公司。
Unit 6
1 . waste / rubbish
waste 与 rubbish 都是不可数名词,笼统地讲都指“不能用的东西”。但是具体地讲,waste 为“废物”(used or unwanted matter)。例如:
How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today . 如何处理废物是当今世界的一大难题。
Waste must be prevented from running into rivers . 必须防止废物流入河里。
rubbish 解作“垃圾”(waste material to be thrown away)。例如:
Pick up the rubbish and burn it . 把垃圾捡起来烧掉。
Imagine that China threw away as much rubbish as a country like Britain . 设想中国扔掉的垃圾跟英国这样的国家扔掉的垃圾同样多。
2 . beach / seaside / shore / coast
这四个名词都可用来表示“海滨”的意思,beach 通常指平坦,坡度小,有沙子和小石子的水边滩地。例如:
They have just arrived at the beach . 他们刚刚到达海滩上。
A group of boys ran about on the beach . 一群男孩在海滩上跑来跑去。
seaside 与 beach 同义,但只能是海边供旅游、疗养的地方。例如:
I wish we could go to the seaside today . 但愿我今天能去海边。
We spent our summer holidays by the seaside . 我们在海边度过了暑假。
shore 指湖、海、河的边岸,也指陡峭、岩石耸立的地方。例如:
We stood on the shore of the sea and looked at the ships in the distance . 我们站在海岸上,遥望远处的船只。
I'll go on shore . 我要上岸。
coast 意为“海岸、海岸线”,常指海洋与陆地的分界线,是一个谈及地图、气候、海岸防卫时的用语。例如:
The ship sailed along the coast . 船沿着海岸航行。
Cardiff is on the south coast of Wales . 加的夫位于威尔士的南海岸。
3 . beautiful / pretty / handsome / lovely
这四个词都有“美”的意思。beautiful 是最常用语,意为“美丽的”,“美好的”,可指各种各样的美。如花鸟、风景、图画的美,也可指天气、曲调、衣服的美等。它形容人时,一般用来指女子长得“美丽、好看、动人”。例如:
Rose is a very beautiful girl . 露丝是一个十分漂亮的女孩。
She has a beautiful voice . 她的声音很好听。
What a beautiful day it is!多好的天气!
What a beautiful present!多么漂亮的礼物!
pretty 也是普通用语,意为“漂亮的”,“标致的”,程度不及 beautiful , 用来修饰人时,常指年轻的妇女和女孩,侧重指温柔的性格,表示活泼与甜美,也可修饰物,内含“小巧玲珑”之意。例如:
How pretty the child looks in her new dress!那孩子穿着新衣服显得多漂亮呀!
You were always a pretty girl . 过去你总是那么漂亮。
The garden is small but extremely pretty . 花园虽小但可爱。
handsome 多用于描写男人的“英俊”,“健美”,用于女性时主要指五官端正,而不一定秀丽。例如:
They took some photographs of a handsome actor . 他们给一位英俊的演员拍了几张照片。
He was a handsome boy with large , bright eyes and fair hair . 他是个英俊的少年,长着一双明亮的大眼睛和一头金黄色的头发。
lovely 指外貌的“美,可爱”,常用于表达说话人的赞赏和喜爱。例如:
And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre . 后来我终于看中了一条美丽的钻石项链,中间还嵌着一颗大蓝宝石呢。
What a lovely wife you have! 你有一个多么可爱的妻子!
二、谈谈 but 的一些用法
英语中 but 一词不但可以用作多种词类,而且其用法及意义也多种多样、校为复杂,有时难以理解和翻译。现在就本人在教学中及翻译中的体会,将 but 的一些用法、意义及翻译列举如下。
1 . not that … but (that)… ——不是……而是……。并列两个句子。否定前者,肯定后者。例如:
Not that I do not want to help you , but that it is beyond my power to do so.
Not that I loved Caesar less but that I loved Rome more . 不是我不爱凯撒,而是我更爱罗马。
2 . but that + 从句 ( = if … not …)— 要不是(假如不是)。实际上起一个否定的虚拟条件从句的作用。例如:
But that he were prevented , he would have accomplished his design . ( = if he had not been prevented) .
But that you helped us , we would have failed . 假如不是你们帮助,那么我们早就失败了。
3 . deny (doubt , question … ) + but that + 从句,but that = that,是从属连词,翻译时无意义。如:
I do not doubt but that you are surprised . 我敢断定你是感到吃惊的。
I do not deny but that it is difficult . 我不否认这是件很困难的事。
I do not question but (that) you are correct . 我不怀疑你是正确的。
4 . who … + but that + 从句,but that = that , 是从属连词,翻译时无意义。例如:
Who knows but that he will come soon ? 谁知道他会马上来 ?
Who knows but that it may be so ? 可能如此,谁知道 ?
5 . “not so … but…”,“ not such a + n … but …”—没有……以致于不……(尽管……仍……)。but = that not ,具有否定意义,引出一个相当于否定的结果语从句。例如:
He is not so sick but he can come to school . (= that he cannot come …)
He is not such a fool but he can tell a friend from a foe . 他不至于蠢到敌友不分的地步。
No man is so old but he may learn . 没有老到不能学习的人(活到老,学到老。)
6 . "not … but …”,“never … but …”和“hardly / scarcely … but … ”—没有……不……。but 具有否定意义,but 实质上引出一个带有否定意义的定语从句。例如:
There is no rule but has exceptions . ( = which does not have … )
No tourist but wants to go to see the Great Wall . (= who does not want …)
Scarcely a week passes but she writes to her parents . ( = when she does not writes to …)
7 . who / what … but … —除……之外,没有 …… 。例如:
Who but a fool would do such a thing ? 除了傻子之外,谁会做这样的事 ?
Whose fault is it but hers ? 这就是她的错。(除了她错之外,没有人错。)
What is coal but a kind of stone ? 煤只是一种石头。
8 . who / what … should but … —“除了……还会有……呢?”“想不到(岂料)竟是……”,或“……正好是……”。表示意料之外的事情。例如:
Who should fail but that man ? 除那人之外,还会有谁失败呢 ?
The door opened , and who should enter but the very man we were talking of ?
What should I find but an enormous spider ? 岂料,我看到的竟是一只巨大的蜘蛛。
9 . but what ,具有否定意义,在名词后起关系词作用,引出定语从句;在及物动词后,引出宾语从句,表示“未必不”或“也未可知”。例如:
There are no events but what have meaning . ( = which do not have … )
Not a day passes but what it rains . (when it does not rain . ) 没有一天不下雨的。
I don't know but what I will go . ( = that not ) 我不知道我是不是去。(我或者去也未可知)。
Who knows but what it may be so ? 谁知道也许不是如此。
1 . Every hour on the CCTV ____ the latest news in Iraq .
A . announced B . reported C . is broadcasted D . published
2 . Alice ____ me to phone her father and she did so .
A . permitted B . advised C . promised D . persuaded
3 . Unless the worker's demands are ____ soon there will be a strike .
A . permitted B . paid C . met D . replied
4 . — You may need help .
— If I do I'll ____ you to help me .
A . turn to B . depend on C . ask for D . look for
5 . — Where does your English teacher come from ?
— I'm not sure , but his Chinese ____ Shanghai .
A . suggests B . sounds C . listens D . hears
6 . ____ not knowing the answer to such an easy question!
A . Decide B . Hope C . Imagine D . Think
7 . The dictionary which ____ him 5 dollars was missing .
A . spent B . took C . used D . cost
8 . When you get home , please ____ us to your family .
A . show B . introduce C . remember D . talk
9 . As we grow older , birthdays seem to ____ more quickly than when we were children .
A . come in B . come round C . come out D . come over
10 . The lady from London you ____ yesterday is a friend of Kate's .
A . came across B . dropped in C . paid a visit D . had talked
11 . A walk in the park and a visit to the sea every day are all he ____ .
A . hopes B . wishes C . asks D . wants
12 . ____ was expected , some measures are being taken to stop pollution in China .
A . That B . It C . As D . Which
13 . — How large is our motherland ?
— It's about 9 , 600 , 000 ____ .
A . kilometers B . kilometre C . square km D . km
14 . In 1998 , the number of middle school students entering colleges and universities ____ 1 , 3 million .
A . reaches B . adds C . gets D . increases
15 . CCTV stands for ____ .
A . China Centre Television B . Chinese Centre Television
C . Chinese Central Television D . the Central Television of China
16 . What date is the City Day of Macao ?
A . 24 June . B . 20 July . C . 15 August . D . 24 May .
17 . Please go and ____ When the train starts .
A . find out B . see C . look for D . look up
18 . Although your ____ sounds very practical , still there is much ____ to improve , so we need further consideration .
A . proposal ; space B . suggestion ; place C . idea ; time D . plan ; room
19 . The brave policeman can remain ____ even if in great danger .
A . calm B . silent C . quiet D . still
20 . Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ____ in a short period of time .
A . being created (创造) B . to have been created
C . having been created D . to be created
21 . — The house is full of poisonous smoke .
— Why ____ the windows ?
A . not to try to open B . not try opening
C . not trying to open D . not try to opening
22 . Do you remember ____ we paid a visit to Macao ?
A . the day which B . what day C . the day in which D . on which day
23 . It's said that the meeting is ____ .
A . success B . a success C . of success D . of a success
24 . — Macao is certainly an interesting place for eating , isn't it ?
— Yes , you can find just ____ there .
A . everything B . something C . anything D . nothing
25 . — Can't you take a few days off to go with my uncle and I to Macao ?
— Sure , ____ my pay and I'll be glad to .
A . if you pay B . pay C . to pay D . paying
26 . I ____ you about the differences between “of”and “off”earlier .
A . should tell B . ought to tell C . shouldn't tell D . should have told
27 . — ____ Ms Lin came to see you yesterday afternoon , sir .
— Which Ms Lin ?
— I don't know , she called herself Ms Lin .
A . The B . A C . An D . ×
28 . According to the plan beforehand (预先) , the GNP (国民生产总值) in our country in 1998 should be 8% ____ that in 1997 .
A . high B . higher C . higher as D . higher than
29 . The actual GNP in 1998 is 0 . 2% ____ than the plan beforehand .




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