高三英语第六单元Mainly Revision (阶段复习) |
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科目 英语 年级 高三 文件 high3 unit6.doc 标题 Mainly Revision (阶段复习) 章节 第六单元 关键词 高三英语第六单元 内容 一、教法建议 【抛砖引玉】 本单元是 1 — 5 单元的综合复习,通过阅读本单元的 Dealing with waste ( 废物处理 )、The throw-away society (乱扔东西的社会)和 Recycling waste (废物的回收利用)可以使同学们深刻理解废物的危害性,废物回收和利用对保护环境的重要作用。 茫茫宇宙,耿耿星河,在大约 47 亿年前,我们人类赖以生存的家园 —— 地球诞生了。星移斗转,海陆沧桑,在这个蓝色的星球上终于形成了适合生命的起源与进化所需要的全部条件,并最终在大约200 ——300 万年前生成了从古猿进化而来的高等智慧生物 ——人类。 “随着人,我们进入了历史。”今天,当我们醉心于人类社会物质文明和精神文明的辉煌成果,当我们高踞于人于自然关系中的主宰和统治者的地位的同时,生态危机“狼狈狰狞的幽灵”已经开始向我们袭来:大气污染、水污染、土壤退化、沙漠扩大、森林砍伐和物种消失等,已经严重影响到了地球表面的碳平衡、氧平衡、水平衡等过程。作为一种与人类工业文明的发展相伴随的社会 —— 自然历史现象,生态危机的影响在 20 世纪正逐渐趋于全球化,一场深重的人与自然关系的危机已经将我们裹胁其中。 人和自然原本和谐一族,自然养育了人类,人类离不开自然。然而,高速增长的经济怪圈,却使人类利令智昏,数典忘祖,戕害蓝天、大地、山川等,其状况令人惨不忍睹。现在的人类已是一副“欲于天公试比高”的样子,想方设法要超脱于自然,千方百计要征服自然。就拿上海的快餐盒来说,由于人民生活水平的日益提高,人们生活节奏的加快,快餐受到大众的青睐。快餐盒这种难消解的泡沫塑料正制造着另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。有人计算过,光上海人每人用去的快餐盒,15 年内就能给新加坡盖上一条白色的“毯子”。 课文中把中国和英国的垃圾进行了有趣的对比。让我们设想在不久的将来,处理垃圾资源的综合加工厂随处可见,一辆辆卡车将再生产的产品从垃圾再生厂运出,送往千家万户。卡车上有废纸捣成浆后再生的白纸;有果皮等发酵成的颗粒肥料;有美味的宠物食物;有一瓶瓶富含营养的钙片;有一块块结实的再生砖块;有干净的玻璃制品;有熠熠闪光的金属。垃圾不再被白白地烧掉或是填埋,而是恰到好处地发挥它们的长处,形成垃圾产生 → 利用 → 再生产 → 再利用的良性循环体系,真正走上可持续发展之路。 从课文中我们可以深刻地理解到为什么五十年代的天空还那么蔚蓝,水还那么清澈,而到了今天,人们却大呼“我们只有一个地球,让我们携手共同保卫这个家园”。其实,人类既是环境的创造者,又是环境的塑造者。环境给予人类维持生存的物质,并使人类在智力、道德、社会和精神等方面得以发展。 【指点迷津】 A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南 在Unit 1 — 5 单元出现的日常交际用语有:肯定和不肯定、决断和坚持、禁止和警告、就餐、同意和不同意。下面让我们再从具体的交际实例中准确把握它们使用上的注意点。 请同学们认真研读下列各句,注意留心英语和汉语的不同表达方式,但他们在很多方面殊途同归。若同学们对这些五光十色的表达达到脱口而出,那无论是在课堂上,还是在同外宾亲自交谈中,你一定会游刃有余,口若悬河。 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 50 句 对某件事情的真实性是否肯定,是否有把握,在英语中常用 sure , certain , doubt 等词或may , might , must 等情态动词表达。may , might 具有试探性,must 表示一种逻辑推断的必然。此外,It's certain 这类非人称句常用来代替 I'm certain 的表达法,以缓和口气。为了增强客气的口吻,表示不肯定时可以伴随一些表示遗憾或歉意的表达方式。 1) Are you certain / sure ? 你能肯定吗 ? 2) Are you sure / certain about the result ? 你对结果有把握吗 ? 3) There is no doubt about it . 这是毫无疑问的。 4) I'm one hundred percent certain . 我百分之百地肯定。 5) I'm sure of heavy rain in the afternoon . 我确信今天下午要下大雨。 6) I'm certain that it'll snow this evening . 我敢说今天晚上会下雪。 7) I have no doubt about it 对此事我敢肯定。 8) It's hard to say . 这很难说。 9) I can't decide . 我拿不定主意。 10) There's a chance that a cure will be found for cancer . 治疗癌症的方法可能会找到。 11) No one can say for certain that the method will soon be found . 没有人能肯定说方法会很快找到。 12) I'm sure that he'll succeed . 我肯定他能成功。 13) We're not sure whether we'll win the game . 能否赢这场比赛,我们不太有把握。 14) He doubts if that is you want . 他不知道那是否是你要的东西。 15) I'm quite (dead , absolutely ) sure / certain he's living in Beijing . 我绝对肯定他住在北京。 16) This conference will be a success , I'm sure . 会议会成功的,我肯定。 17) That must / can't be the right way . 这条路肯定(不可能)对。 18) They must have taken the short cut . 他们肯定抄近路了。 19) He may / might be there . 他可能在那儿。 20) Yes , certainly . / No , certainly not . / Yes , it sure / certainly is . / No , it certainly isn't . 21) Yes , no doubt at all . / Yes , without a doubt . 对, 毫无疑问。 22) Not a hope . 不可能。/ No chance at all . 一点也不可能。 23) There's very little doubt that we'll have the order tomorrow . 我们明天拿到定单没有什么疑问的。 24) We do not doubt that he is honest . 我们并不怀疑他是一个诚实的人。 25) It's certain ( obvious , clear , plain ) that he will win the game . 很明显我们队将在这场比赛中获胜。 26) It's certain ( obvious , clear , plain ) that he's suffered a great deal . 很明显他蒙受了极大的痛苦。 27) Without doubt , she is one of the best teachers in the school . 不可否认,她是该校最优秀的教师之一。 28) I can't say for certain , but I think ( have a feeling , have an idea ) he might be from the States . 我不能肯定,但我觉得(猜想)他也许是从美国来吧。 29) I'm afraid I can't know ( make up my mind ) which one to buy . 恐怕我不能决定买那个好。 30) It seems clear to me (pretty obvious) that we are getting lazy in our old age . 人老了渐渐懒惰起来,这一点在我看来是很清楚的。 31) Can you really be sure of his honesty ? 你真的能确信他的诚实 ? 32) You are sure he will get the first prize ? 你能肯定他会得一等奖 ? 33) Do you think you have no doubt of his arrival in time ? 你认为他无疑会按时到达吗 ? 34) Forgive me , but are you really certain ? 对不起,不过你真的能肯定吗 ? 35) There's no doubt in your mind about his aim ? 对他的目的你心里不存疑虑吧 ? 36) He must be there in the kitchen . 他一定是在厨房里。 37) He will certainly die if you don't get a doctor now . 如果你现在不请医生他一定会死的。 38) I bet . 我敢断定。/ I bet he's been back now . 我敢打赌他已回家了。 39) There's no room for doubt about it . 此事无可怀疑。 40) I'm in two minds about which to choose . 我决定不了挑选哪个好。 41) Hard to tell . It could be the name of a magazine . 难说。这可能是一份杂志的名称。 42) I find it difficult to reach a conclusion . 我觉得难下结论。 44) — Is that true ? — Maybe , I'm not sure . 45) — Will he come ? — Perhaps not . 46) — Can you play basketball with me now ? — I'm afraid not . I'll have to finish my homework first . 47) — May I borrow your bike ? — Certainly . / Sure . 48) — Can you dance ? — I certainly can . / I sure can . 49) I think he's coming , but I'm not quite sure . 50) She is certain to do well in the examination . 2、Model Dialogues 交际示范 A Tom:David told me he was not well . Bob:Why , I saw him playing football on the playground just now . Tom:Are you sure ? Bob:No mistake , I'm one hundred percent sure . B Qin:What's special tomorrow , do you know ? Liu:Yes , it's Teachers' Day . Qin:What are you going to give our maths teacher for Teachers' Day ? Liu:I'm not sure . Maybe I'll give her some flowers . What about you ? Qin:I'm not sure whether she likes a card or a book . Liu:Maybe she likes a book better . Qin:Ok then . I'll give her a new book on computer . C A:We don't have much time , so listen to me . I'll tell you what we are going to do . The man we want does everything at exactly the same time every evening . I've watched him for three days . B:You don't think he'll change his plan tonight , do you ? A:I'm sure he won't . At 7 o'clock he'll come down those stairs and go into the restaurant next door . B:Are you sure he'll eat in that restaurant and not in another one ? A:He'll eat in that one . B:We'll have to be careful when we go into the restaurant to get him . A:We won't go into that restaurant . We don't want him to see us . B:What will we do ? A:We will wait for him in the street . We'll get him when he finished eating and leaves the restaurant . 3、交际测试一角 1)— Wll the talk last long ? — . A. I'm afraid it will . B. Yes , the talk lasts . C. No , the talk doesn't last D. Not at all . I'm sure to 〖答案选 A〗 2)— Where does she come from ? — , but her accent suggests Beijing . A. You can know with your eyes and ears B. She comes from a hospital C. Perhaps she is a Beijinger D. I'm not sure 〖答案选 D〗 Unit 2中的交际要点: Determination , Decision And Insistence (决断和坚持) 在表明自己对事物的判断时,好坏要明确,是非要分明。对就是对,错就是错,决不要含糊其辞。尤其在对方干得比较出色时,要多加鼓励。如:Well done ! Good job ! Quite perfect ! 等。 如果要陈述自己的某些观点时,英语中一般要使用一些较委婉的短语,如:In my opinion (依我看);As I see it (在我看来) ;So far as I know (据我所知);Personally speaking (就我个人而言) 等。 在中国的文化背景里,陈述自己的看法、观点之前,常常这样说:依本人之愚见、我谈一点不太成熟的看法、跟大家交换一点肤浅的认识、我发言的目的是抛砖引玉,等。如果直译过去,西方人会大吃一惊,他们认为:既然是“未成熟的”、“肤浅的”,为何不以后再谈,现在不是没必要吗?既然是砖,又何必要抛呢?因此。在跨文化交际中,切忌用词的过分谦虚或委婉。下面是有关如何进行决断和坚持的相关知识: 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句 1) How do you like the exhibition ? 你认为展览怎样 ? 2) What do you think of the conference ? 这次会议开得如何 ? 3) What's your opinion about the speech contest ? 演讲比赛办得如何 ? 4) I'd like to have your view on this article . 关于这篇文章我倒想听听你的意见 。 5) As I see it , the author was very careful . 在我看来,作者是非常细心的。 6) From what I know , it is a practical plan . 就我所知,这是一个很实际的计划。 7) Personally , I don't like it . 就我个人而言,我不太喜欢。 8) It's quite likely that the film will be popular . 很有可能,这部电影会大受欢迎。 9) It's impossible to reach an agreement , I think . 我认为,不可能达成协议。 10) It's not correct to refuse the proposal . 拒绝这一提议是不正确的。 11) I have decided to take live animals . 我决定带些活动物。 12) I insist on taking proper food for this expection . 我坚持认为这次远征要带适当的食物。 13) Have you decided which boat to take ? 你已经决定乘坐哪艘船了吗 ? 14) I suggest taking a lot of vinegar . 我建议带些醋。 15) He will be willing to accept it . 他会愿意接受的。 16) It's difficult to decide between the two . 很难在两者之间作一取舍。 17) With so many choices , it's hard to decide what to buy . 有这么多的商品可供选购,倒让人拿不定主意买什么。 18) I've made up my mind to be a doctor when I grow up . 我已决定长大后当医生。 19) Have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday ? 你已经决定到哪里去度假了吗 ? 20) I insist on him marrying that PLA man . 我坚持认为他和那个军人结婚 。 21) I will do it in my own way . 我将按照我自己的方法去做。 22) My father has decided to buy a PC. 我爸爸决定买一台家用电脑。 23) They have decided when to start out . 他们已经决定了出发的时间。 24) I don't think anybody can keep me from marrying Jane . 我认为没有人能阻止我同简结婚。 25) I am fixed on going abroad for my holiday . 我已经决定出国度假 。 26) Nothing can stop me from carrying out my plan . 没有什么能阻止我执行我的计划。 27) I am determined to pay him 100 dollars . 我决心付给他 100 美圆。 28) We've come to a decision that the meeting be put off . 我们已经决定推迟会议的举行时间。 29) As far as I am concerned , the hotel's service is very poor . 就我而言,这家旅馆的服务很差。 30) They have settled where to camp . 他们已经决定到哪里去野营。 2、Model Dialogues 交际示范 A Shopkeeper:Can I help you ? Customer:Yes . I bought this skirt here last week , but there seems to be something wrong with it . Shopkeeper:Let me see . Did you wash it in hot water ? Customer:Of course not . I'm not that foolish . Shopkeeper:Did you leave it in water before you washed it ? Customer:No , I don't do that either . I just washed it in cold water . Shopkeeper:That's the fault of our company . What do you think I should do ? Customer:I insist that you give my money back . Shopkeeper:Please wait a moment . I'll talk to my manager . B Robert:I can't make up my mind which car to buy , Mary . Please help me decide . Mary:Personally I like that green one , but I think you prefer the black car . Robert:You;re right . I like it very much . But the blue one is beautiful , too . Mary:Yes , but it's more expensive . I don't want to influence you . You'll have to make up your own mind . Robert:Every automobile here is nice . I don't know what to do . Mary:Well , you'll have to make a decision . Robert:Buying a toy car for my son is almost as difficult as buying a new family car . 3、交际测试一角 1) — Would you go and see the film this weekend ? — . A. No , I don't B. Yes , I think I will C. Yes , I would D. No , I wouldn't 〖答案B〗 2) — Why did you get home so late last night ? — Because they my staying there for supper . A. stuck B. stopped C. kept D. insisted on 〖答案D〗 Unit 3 中的交际要点:Prohibition And Warnings (禁止和警告) 禁止和警告通常是在一种紧急的语境中发出的,而且语言要简洁,因此祈使句是常见的表达方式。禁止和警告这一功能有时相当于威胁,但口气强弱有所不同。表示禁止时常用:You mustn't / You can't 。表示警告时常用和:Take care . / Be careful ! / Look out ! / Watch out ! 等。在接受了别人的警告后要向对方表示感谢。下面是在表达禁止和警告时常接触的言语。 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句 1) No touch ! 请勿触摸展品 ! 2) No Smoking ! 禁止抽烟 ! 3) Look out ! / Take care ! / Mind out ! 小心 ! 4) Wet Paint ! 油漆未干 , 请勿触摸 ! 5) Stand back , please . 请退后些 ! 6) Whatever you do , don't touch the wire ! 你无论如何别碰这电线 ! 7) Mind your own business ! 别管闲事 ! 8) Don't touch it , please . 不要触电 ! 9) Watch out for pickpockets ! 当心扒手 ! 10) Be careful not to make much noise . 当心不要太吵 ! 11) Don't lose your temper . 不要发脾气。 12) Be sure to be on time . 务必准时到。 13) Be sure not to be late again . 千万不要再迟到。 14) It's important not to touch the machine . 15) It's a safety requirement to wear this . 戴上这个是安全的要求。 16) Don't throw your cigarette out of the window . 千万不能把烟蒂仍在车窗外。 17) Don't tie it to that old branch . 不要把那系在枯树枝上。 18) You mustn't smoke while you are walking around in the bush either . 在灌木从中穿行时无比一定不能抽烟。 19) You mustn't touch the machine . 20) If you spit on a bus , you'll be fined . 在公共汽车上吐痰是要被罚款的。 21) You'd better not do it . 22) Mind / watch your step ! 当心台阶 !走路小心 ! 23) If I were you , I should be careful . I wouldn't do that . 24) If you do that again , you'll be in trouble . 如果再那样做,你会惹麻烦的。 25) If you don't stop making that noise , I will call the police . 26) Be careful ! Don't break your neck ! 27) Make sure you lock the door when you leave ! 28) Mind you don't step on the broken glass ! 29) Watch out where you are walking , the ground is muddy ! 脚底留神,这地满是泥泞。 30) Mind ! There's a truck coming ! 注意 !有辆卡车过来了 ! 31) The teacher says they mustn't talk during lessons . 32) We mustn't open the oven door before the cake is ready . 蛋糕做好一前不要打开炉门。 33) Look out ! You could fall off the edge here ! 小心 ! 你会从这边缘掉下的。 34) Take care that you don't drink too much . = Take care not to drink too much . 当心别喝多了。 35) Be careful not to hurt her feelings . 36) Be careful with the glasses . 37) Be careful of the dog ; it sometimes bites people . 38) Be careful when crossing the road . 39) Look out for snakes ! 40) Mind your own head ! 小心别碰住头了。 2、Model Dialogues 交际示范 A Robert:Are you holding the ladder , Jane ? Jane:Yes , I am . Please be careful , Robert . Don't go too high . Robert:Don't worry . I'm OK . Jane:Look ! There are some good apples over there . Robert:Where ? Jane:Behind you ! Can you reach them ? Robert:Oh , yes . I can see them , but I can't reach them . Jane:Be careful . It's dangerous ! You're too high . Robert:No , I'm not . Great ! I can reach them now . B John:What are you going to do with that vase , Mary ? Mary:I'm going to put it on the radio . John:Don't do that ! It's unsafe . Give it to me , please . Mary:What are you going to do with it ? John:I'm going to put it here in front of the window . Mary:Be careful ! Don't drop it ! Don't put it here . John:Put it here , on the shelf . 3、交际测试一角 1) — May I the book for another week ? — No , you . You must return it right now . A. lend ; mustn't B. keep ; can't C. have ; needn't D. borrow ; mustn't 2) — when you cross the street . There's so much traffic . — Yes , I will . A. Take care B. Make sure C. Look out D. Be careful Unit 4 中的交际要点:Taking Meals (就餐) 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 77 句 ★ Finding a table for dinner 找餐桌 1) Excuse me , Miss , could we have a table over there by the window ? 对不起,小姐,我们可以坐在那儿窗边的桌子吗 ? 2) Have you got a table for two ? 你们有一张两人用餐的桌子吗 ? 3) A table for four , please . 请安排一张四人用餐的桌子。 4) Can we have the table oer there ? 我们可以坐那边吗 ? 5) I prefer the one in that quiet corner . 我喜欢在安静角落里的那张桌子。 6) Is it possible to have dinner now ? 现在可以就餐了吗? 7) It doesn't seem to matter much . We'll take it . 这没多大关系。我们就坐这儿。 8) No , it's too close to the door . 不行,这离门太近了。 9) This one is good . Let's take it . 这张桌子不错,就坐这吧。 10) We want to be near the dance floor . 我们希望离舞池近些。 ★ Seating the diner 给就餐者安排座位 1) Could you follow me , please ? 请跟我来。 2) Here is your table . Is it all right ? 3) I'm afraid there's no other places free at the moment . 4) I'm sorry , sir , the one by the window has been booked by telephone . 5) There's a table for four over there . Would you like it ? 6) Would you like to sit over there near the door ? 7) Would you like to take the one in the corner ? 8) You can sit in the bar if you like and we'll call you when we have a table . 9) You can sit where you like . 10) What about this one ? ★ Asking if the diner is ready to order 询问就餐者是否准备点菜了 1) Are you ready to order , sir ? 您准备好点菜了吗 , 先生 ? 2) Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以请您点菜了吗 ? 3) Have you decided what you'd like ? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ? 4) Would you like to order now , sir ? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ? ★ Asking what the diner would like to have 询问就餐者想吃什么 1) And what to follow ? 接下来要什么 ? 2) Anything else ? 别的还要什么 ? 3) And any vegetables ? 要点些蔬菜吗 ? 4) Anything to drink ? 5) Do you want anything to start with ? 你想开始先来点什么 ? 6) What soup would you prefer ? 7) Would you care for a dink before you order , sir ? 8) What dishes would you like ? 您要什么菜 ? ★ Finding out what the restaurant has today 了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴 1) Anything cold ? 有冷菜吗 ? 2) Could we see the menu , please ? 请给我看看菜单好吗 ? 3) Let's have a look at the menu first . 4) What do you have today for breakfast ? 5) What else have you got on the menu ? 6) What's special for tonight ? 今晚有什么特色菜 ? 7) What's the soup of the day ? 这一天供应什么汤 ? 8) What's today's special ? 今天的特色菜是什么 ? ★ Oording a meal 点菜 1) All right . I'll order the same . 行,我也点同样的菜 。 2) And two coffees with cream after that , please . 那以后请来两杯加油咖啡。 3) Bring me two beers , please . 请来两杯啤酒。 4) Coke for me too , please . 5) Get me some chicken salad , please . 请个我来点鸡肉色拉。 6) I don't want to have a full meat . 我不想吃全餐 。 7) I think I' ll have soup to begin with . 8) I'd like to try the chicken , please . 9) It sounds good , but I'd prefer some seafood today . 10) Let us have seafood for a change . 我们来点海味换换口味吧 。 ★ Asking how the diner would like something 询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求 1) Do you like your tea strong or weak ? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ? 2) How do you like your coffee ? 你喜欢什么样的咖啡 ? 3) How would you like them prepared / done ? 你喜欢怎么个做法 ? 4) Would you like it rare , medium , or well-done ? 你喜欢做得生一点,中等程度,还是老一点 ? 5) You want it now or after dinner ? ★ Expressing hospitality 表示殷勤款待 1) Another piece of fried steak ? 再来一块炸牛排好吗 ? 2) Do have some more , there's plenty left . 3) Eat a little fish , please . 4) Have some and I'm sure you'll like it . 5) Help yourself to anything you like . 6) Here , have another one . 7) Let me get you some more wine . 让我来再给你斟点酒。 8) Won't you have some more ? ★ Responding to hospitality 对殷勤款待的应答 1) All right , but only a small piece . 好的, 不过只要一小块 。 2) I don't feel like any , thanks . 我不想吃,谢谢。 3) I don't think I could eat another bite . 我想我一口也再吃不下了。 4) I will have another glass if you insist . 如果你一定要我喝,我就再喝一杯。 5) I will trouble you for a little . 那就麻烦你给我一点儿。 6) I am quite full . / I've had more than enough . / I've had too much already . / No , thanks . I just couldn't eat any more . / No , thanks . I don't drink any wine . / No , thanks . I' m getting full . 谢谢,我吃饱了。 7) No , thanks . I' m on a diet . 不,谢谢。我在节食。 8) Yes , please , just a little . ★ Paying the bill 付帐 1) Can I have the bill , please ? 请把帐单给我好吗 ? 2) Give me the bill , please . 请把帐单给我。 3) It's my treat this time . I'll pay . 今天我请客,我来付帐。 4) Let me pay this time . You can pay next time . 5) Let's go Dutch this time . 这次我们各付各的。 6) Waiter ! The bill , please . 服务员,结帐。 2、Model Dialogues 交际示范 A Waitress:Can I help you ? Student A:Yes , er , what would you like ? Student B:I have no idea . Student A:Well . would you like something to drink ? What about a glass of milk ? Student B:No , thanks . I think I'd like a bottle of orange . What about you ? Student A:I'd like a cup of coffee . How about something to eat ? Student B:Some cakes , please . Student:Then we would like a cup of coffee , a bottle of orange , and four cakes , please . Waitress: Ok . Please just wait for a moment . B Waiter:Would you like some desert now , madam ? Mary:I'd like to see the menu again , please . Waiter:Here you are , madam . The chocolate cake is delicious . Mary:No , thanks . I don't like chocolate . I'd rather have the strawberry pie . Waiter:I'm afraid there isn't any left . Mary:Then I'll have some ice cream . Waiter:I'm sorry , but that's gone , too . Mary:How about some fresh fruit ? Waiter:We don't have any fresh fruit today . All we have is chocolate cake . Mary:I'll just have coffee , please . Waiter:Fine . I'll bring it right away . 3、交际测试一角 1. — Would you like another cup of tea ? — I've enough . . A. Thank you all the same B. No , anything will do C. Thank you by the way D. Make yourself at home 〖答案选A〗 2. — I don't like chicken fish . — I don't like chicken I like fish very much . A. and ; and B. and ; but C. or ; and D. or ; but 〖答案选D〗 B. 单元重点新词透视 1. gather vi. & vt. 采集;聚集;收庄稼 She has gathered up a lot of firsthand information . The peasants are gathering in the wheat crop in the fields . 测试要点:区别 gather 与 collect gather 强调聚到一块,收庄稼。可与 together 连用。collect 强调精选性,如集邮;不与together 连用。 My hobby is gathering coins . He has taken an interest in collecting stamps . Farmers are always busy gathering their crops in autumn . She gathered the children round her . 孩子们聚在他周围。 The patients is gathering strength . 病人的体力渐渐恢复了。 2. rubbish 垃圾;废物;胡说八道;乱七八糟 We had to ask the young fellows living upstairs to stop throwing rubbish . 测试要点:该词是不可数名词。其同义词是 waste 。 We must put our rubbish in the dustbin . 我们必须把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。 He is talking rubbish . 他在胡说八道。 What rubbish he writes ! 他写的东西乱七八糟的。 3. seek (sought , sought) vt. 试图;探寻;寻觅 He is seeking a job . = He is looking for a job . seek fame and happiness 追求名利和幸福 测试要点:seek for = seek after 追求,寻求(多含被动性)。 seek after truth 寻求真理 His book is much sought after . 他的书很受欢迎。 seek to do = try to do 试图干…… They sought to change her mind . 他们试图改变她的主意。 4. multiply vt. 乘;使相乘 测试要点:注意其搭配常用 multiply A by B If you multiply four by three , the answer is twelve . Five multiplies six is thirty . Seven multiplied by four is / equals twenty-eight . 5. technique n. (常作可数名词) 技术;方法 This will lead to the development of new techniques . There are various teaching techniques that have to be learned before one can teaches well . He is learning the technique of painting . 测试要点:区别 technique 和 technology technique 是可数名词,指做某事的方法或者技巧。technology 常作不可数名词,指经过科学和工业的生产过程的技术。 advanced techniques 先进的技术。chemical technology 化学工艺。space technology 空间技术。science and technology 科学和技术。 6. glove 手套 测试要点: 表达一双手套时用:a pair of gloves 7. hopeless 绝望的;无望的 This patient seems hopeless . 这个病人痊愈的希望渺茫。 测试要点: 该词在句中时,后面的反意疑问句仍用否定式。如: She felt hopeless when she saw how difficult the problem was , didn't she ? 8. Marxism 马克思主义,Marxist 马克思主义者(的)。 socialism 社会主义,socialist 社会主义者(的)。 Ours is a socialist country . 我们的祖国是社会主义国家。 Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a great banner . 邓小平的建设有特色的社会主义理论是一面伟大的旗帜。 take Marxism as a guide to action 把马克思主义作为行动的指南 C. 单元重点词组扫瞄 1. Less noise , please . = Please make less noise . = Please be quiet . = Please keep silent . 请安静 ! 2. gather round 集合起来;把……集合起来 Gather round . Ladies and grentlemen , and see this wonderful new invention . 3. do / make a drawing 绘画;绘图 He is good at doing drawings of animals . 他擅长画动物。 4. come down from 从……下来 This song comes down from the 19th century . The prices of vegetables have come down . 蔬菜的价格已经降了下来。 5. pipe … into 用管子把……输送到 In many countries with sea coasts human waste is piped directly into the sea without being treated . 许多沿海的国家对人的粪便不加处理便用管子直接将其排入海中。 6. break down 把……分解;机器发生故障;建筑物倒塌;计划失败 Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen . 水被分解成氢和氧。 A good method is to take the water far out to sea in ships where the wind and waves breaks it down . 7. escape from 从……逃走;流出 Gas escaped from the pipe . The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison . 8. all forms of 各种各样的 They seek to protect all forms of life in oceans . 9. pass the law 通过法律。make a law 制定法律。 China has made special laws to deal with waste and control pollution . They have made a law against smoking in public places . In 1989 an international law was passed to stop people putting waste into the sea . 10. be ( very ) active in 在……积极 China has also been very active in protecting the environment . 11. a mountain of , mountains of , a huge mountain of 大量的 In western countries , mountains of rubbish are thrown away every day . 12. play a game 做游戏;比赛 Let's go out and play a game of basketball . 13. multiply A by B“以B乘A” 14. make an effort to do = make great efforts to do 尽力干……。 He made great efforts to save the his patient . 15. shut down 关闭;关上 Many factories were shut down because they polluted the schools around . 16. be disappointed with / at / about 对……感到失望 Deeply disappointed with the skirt the tailor made , she decided to buy another one . 17. at birth 在出生时 Separated at birth , the twins don't know each other . It was said that the baby weighed 9 pounds at birth . 18. be ill with 患……病 She is ill with heart disease . 19. be skilled at / in 精通;擅长 Our teachers are skilled at using modern teaching techniques . 20.work hard against 致力于反对…… D. 单元语法学习目标 在 1 — 5 单元中重点学习了定语从句的应用、名词性从句的理解和 -ing 分词的具体应用。测试中注意下列语法知识的综合运用。 ■ 定语从句常见考点例释 一、关系代词 that 的选用 例1 . To get the job started , ____ I need is your permission . (MET 85) A . only what B . all what C . all that D . only that 例2 . Finally , the thief handed everything ____ he had stolen to the police . (MET 87) A . after B . what C . whatever D . that 例3 . All ____ is needed is a supply of oil . (MET 89) A . the thing B . that C . what D . which 以上例题答案分别为C,B和B。它们考查的是一个知识点,即在定语从句中,当先行词为 all , everything , something , nothing 等不定代词时,关系代词只能用 that,不能用 which。此外,在定语从句中关系代词只用 that,不用 which 的情况还有当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,或当先行词既有人又有物时。如: This is the best film that has been shown this year . 这是今年放映的最好的一部电影。 He talked about the school and the teachers that he had visited . 他谈论着他参观过的学校和老师们。 二、关系代词 whose 的选用 例 1 . A child ____ parents are dead is called an orphan . (MET 86) A . which B . his C . whose D . with 例 2 . His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone ____ family was poor . (MET 88) A . of whom B . whom C . of whose D . whose whose 和 his , her , their 等形容词性的物主代词,尽管两者在意义上相近,但 whose 在定语从句中作定语,修饰其后的名词,表示“……的”,不可用 his , her 等物主代词来代替。以上例题虽然选项设置差异较大,但考查点相同。其答案分别为C和D。 三、关系代词与关系副词的选用 例1 . I can still remember the sitting-room ____ my mother and I used to sit in the evening . (MET 86) A . what B . which C . that D . where 例2 . After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child . (NMET 96) A . which B . where C . that D . when 例3 . I shall never forget those years ____ I lived in the country with the farmers , ____ has a great effect on my life . (94上海高考题) A . that;which B . when;which C . which;that D . when;who 例4 . I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together . (NMET 95改错题) 例5 . I lived in Beijing , where is the capital of China . (NMET 97改错题) 在定语从句中,关系代词和关系副词的选用,并非完全由先行词来决定,而是由关系词在定语从句中所充当的句子成分来决定的。一般来说,关系代词 that , which 和 who 在定语从句中可作主语或宾语,whom作宾语;而关系副词 when , where 和 why 则只能用时间、地点和原因状语。以上所举例题答案1 . D 2 . B 3 . B 4 . 由于从句中 spent 为及物动词,关系词作其宾语,故应将 when 改为 which 或 that 或省略二者;5 . 关系词应在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故应把 where 改为 which。 四、非限制性定语从句的判定及其关系词 which 的选用 例1 . She heard a terrible noise , ____ brought her heart into her mouth . (NMET 91) A . it B . which C . this D . that 例2 . The weather turned out to be very good , ____ was more than we could expect . (NMET 94) A . what B . which C . that D . it 以上两题都选B。非限制性定语从句的一个典型判断标志是从句一般用逗号与主句隔开,它只是先行词的附加说明,省去后不会影响主句的表达。在非限制性定语从句中,通常不用 that 来引导。另外,which 引导非限制性定语从句时,其先行词既可为单个的词(如例1),也可为主句所叙述的事(如例2) 。 五、“介词 + 关系代词”结构 例1 . He paid the boy 10 for washing the windows , most of ____ hasn't been cleaned at least a year . (MET 90) A . these B . those C . that D . which 例2 . In the dark street , there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help . (MET 92) A . that B . who C . for whom D . to whom 在定语从句中,能用于“介词 + 关系代词”结构中作介词宾语的关系代词只有 whom (指人时)和 which(指物或事时)。这种结构易于掌握,以上两题都选 D。值得一提的是同学们在学习中要注意这种结构中介词的来源和选用,如例 2 用了一个短语“turn to sb . for help”(向某人求助) 。 ■ 动名词、不定式作宾语的区别 动名词和不定式都能作宾语,用动名词还是用不定式要受前边的动词限制,下面就把分别能接动名词和不定式的动词作一归类。 一、只能接动名词作宾语,中学教材中常见的动词有:avoid , admit , advise , consider , delay , enjoy , finish , forbid , give up , imagine , keep , mind , miss , practise , permit , resist , risk , suggest , stop 等。( stop 后虽也能接不定式,但不定式是作状语的。) 例如: I am considering changing my plan . We don't permit smoking here but you are allowed to smoke here . 二、只能接不定式的动词有:①要求、希望、想要一类的动词。如:hope , wish , expect , intend (想要),ask , demand;②同意一类的动词。如:agree , promise;③愿不愿意一类的动词。如:care (愿意),refuse 等;④决定、企图一类的动词。如:determine , decide , offer , attempt , manage , hesitate 等。外加 plan , pretend , fail。剩下的可按以下口诀来记:想要干,同意办;愿不愿意,别假扮,问问看,一旦决定,尽量干。例如: They decided to do the experiment again . Tom failed to pass the examination . 三、即可接不定式,又可接动名词,意思上无多大差别的有:begin , start , love , hate , continue , need , require , want , like。但 begin 和 start 在下列情况下只要求接不定式: 1) 主语是物而不是人;2) start 和 begin 本身是进行时;3) 表示一个心理认识的过程。如:He began to realize that he was wrong . 别外 require , want (需要),need 这三个词都表示“需要”,指客观事物需要……时,虽接不定式和动名词意义上无区别,但动名词用主动形式,不定式用被动形式。例如: The desks need repairing . The desks need to be repaired . 四、接不定式和接动名词意义上有很大差别,中学教材中出现的有:remember , forget , regret , try , mean。这些动词还可分为两类,remember , forget , regret 是接动名词和不定式含义不同;regret , try 和 mean 是因本身词义的不同,分别要求接不定式或动名词。例如: I remember locking the door . 我记得把门锁上了。(已经完成的动作,但忘记做过了。) Remember to lock the door when you leave . 当你离开时,记着锁门。(接不定式,记着要去做某事,表示未发生。) 注:这三个词接动名词的一般式=完成时=不定式的完成式。 try + 动名词,含义“试一试”或“试试做某事” ; try + 不定式,含义是“做一番努力,试图做某事。”例如: I tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect . 我试着给她送花,但没有结果。 I will try to finish the work on time . 我将设法准时完成那项工作。 mean + 动名词,含义是“意味着”;mean + 不定式,含义是“打算、想要”。例如: Revolution means liberating the productive force . 革命就是解放生产力。 I didn't mean to hurt your feelings . 我没想伤害你的感情。 ■ 名词性从句 10 注意 1. 主语是 reason 的表语从句要用 that 引导,而不用 because。 The reason (why) I came to school late today was that I didn't get up on time . 今天我上学晚的理由是我没准时起床。 2. that 作连接词,除少数介词(except , but , in)外,一般不能作介词宾语。that 引导的从句如果作其它介词的宾语,就需用 it 先行一步作形式宾语,把 that 从句后置。 I didn't look anywhere except / but (that I looked) in your room . 除了你的寝室以外,我那儿也没找。 You may depend on it that they will support you . 你可以依靠他们来帮你。 3. whether 引导所有名词性从句,能用于作介词宾语从句;和 or not 连用;用在 discuss , argue 等动词后和 sure , certain 等形容词后,引导宾语从句。 Whether it is true remains a question . 此事是否属实有待证明。 Please tell me whether he is there or not . 请告诉我他是否在那里。 We discussed whether we should close the shop . 我们讨论是否关闭这家商店。 4. 动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句时,其后宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句时,连接词用 whether 或 if 皆可,而不用 that。 Do you doubt that he will win ? 你难道怀疑他将取胜 ? I don't doubt that your proposition is wrong . 我相信你的建议是错的。 He doubt whether I know it . 他怀疑我知道了此事。 5. 连接代词不仅有连接作用,而且还在从句中充当主语,表语、定语等句子成分。常见连接代词有 who , whom , whose which , what , whatever , whoever。 What surprised me most was that he won the first prize . 最使我吃惊的是他赢得了一等奖。(what 作从句主语) 6. 连接副词除了连接从句外,还在从句中作状语。常见连接副词有 when , where , why , how。 How he became a great success is known to us all . 他怎样成了一个成功人物大家都知道。(how 在主语从句中作状语) 7. 名词性从句的语序。无论名词性从句是疑问句,还是陈述句,它的语序应为陈述语序。 Do you know when he will come back ? 知道他何时回来吗 ? 8. 正确掌握名词性从句谓语动词的时态。这是学习和掌握名词性从句的难题之一,在名词性从句中重点是宾语从句谓语动词的时态。 ● 若主句谓语动词为一般现在时和一般将来时,宾语从句的动词可根据句意用它所需要的任何状态。 Will you tell me how you learned English well ? 告诉我你怎么学好英语的,好吗 ? I think he'll be back in an hour . 我想一小时后他会来的。 ● 若主句谓语动词是过去时态时,从句中的动词须用过去的相应时态。 I thought they were having lessons . 我想他们正在上课。 She said she had done her homework . 她说她已做完了作业。 Mary said she would help me with my English . 玛丽说她将帮我学英语。 ● 宾语从句表达客观真理,不论主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。 The teacher told us light travels faster than sound . 老师告诉我们光的速度比声音快。 9. 否定转移问题。在主句为第一人称主语后跟 think , believe , suppose , expect , guess , imagine 等动词时,宾语从句的否定形式应转移到主句中。 We don't expect he will come tonight , will he ? 二、学海导航 【学法指要】 1. My niece isn't feeling ___ well this evening because she had ____ breakfast . A. too much ; too much B. much too ; much too C. much too ; too much D. too much ; much too [解析]C。much too为副词短语,修饰形容词和副词; too much为形容词短语修饰不可数名词,作主语或表语。 2. I have three friends. One is Mary, ____ is Jack and still ____ is John . A. the other ; another B. another ; the other C. another ; another D. other ; the other [解析]C。表示第一、第二、第三的方法一般是:one, another, the third。如没有the third, 可用another代替。 3. China ____ the third world is greater now . A. belongs B. belongs to C. belonging to D. belonged to [解析]C。现在分词短语作定语,修饰China。belong to 不能用于被动语态。 4.Is this the farm ____ he used to work on ? A. which B. the one C. where D. in which [解析] A。which 为 on 的宾语。 5.─ When was the ____ bridge built ? ─ About thirty years ago . A.huge red steel B.red huge steel C.steel red huge D.steel huge red [解析]A。形容词的顺序原则常为:限定词 + 描绘性形容词 + 大小形状 + 新旧 + 颜色 + 产地 + 材料 + 用途类别。 6.The Shaolin Temple is famous ____ a place of interest . A. as B. for C. to D. by [解析]A。be famous as作为……地方或职业而闻名,be famous to 为……所知,be famous for以……闻名。 7. ─ There is lots of cheese left . ─ Would you like ____ ? A. one more B. another one C. any more D. some more [解析]D。more为形容词,意为“另外的,多余的”,又因cheese为不可数名词。 8.This kind of blouse ____ . When I got to the store , I found all the blouses ____ . A. sells good ; selling out B. is sold well ; selling out C. sells well ; sold out D. is sold good ; sold out [解析]C。sell为不及物动词,单独使用为“销售”,用主动形式表示被动含义,前句为“这种衬衫销路好”。而sell out意为“卖完”,可用于被动语态,后句为过去分词短语作宾语补足语。 9. It took him ____ to work out that problem . A. one and a half hour B. an hour and a half C. one and half hour D. an hour and half [解析]B。“一个半小时”:“ one and a half hours ”,和“ an hour and a half ”。 10.It was said that I ____ a car accident . I ____ laughing . A. died of ; died from B. died in ; was dying of C. died from ; died of D. was dying of ; was dying [解析]B。此句译为“有人说我死于车祸,我都要笑死了。” 11.I got ____ to him and he told me that he had got ____ the exam . A. though ; through B. up ; through C. through ; into D. over ; out [解析]A。前一个get through为“打通电话”,后一个为“通过考试”。 12.The department store suddenly ____ , and it ____ for nearly half an hour . A. was on fire ; caught fire B. caught fire ; was on fire C. caught fire ; was put out D. was on fire ; put out [解析]B。catch fire强调“着火”这一动作,be on fire表示火“着”的状态。 13.I called ____ her at home . A. with the hope of finding B. in the hope to find C. in the hope of finding D. in hopes to find [解析]C。in the hope of为固定词组“怀着……的希望”。 14. Although he was not ____ tired , he didn't care ____ . A. a little ; a little B. a bit ; a bit C. a little ; a bit D. a bit ; a little [解析]C。not a little “很,非常”;not a bit“一点也不”. 15.─Is Mr White out of danger ? ─No , ____ than before , I'm afraid . A. no better B. a little better C. not worse D. no worse [解析]A。no better than = as bad as“和以前一样糟糕”。 16.─Can you attend the party tomorrow ,Tom ? ─I can when my headache ____ thoroughly . A. will disappear B. is disappearing C.disappears D.will haved is appeared [解析]C。句中的when相当于if , 常从句中动词用一般现在时代表将来时。 【妙文赏析】 This incident happened one morning outside Albert Schweitzer's hospital in the African jungle . A patient had gone fishing in another man's boat . The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught . Dr Schweitzer said to the boat owner: “You are right because the other man ought to have asked permission to use your boat . But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy . You merely twisted(缠绕) the chain of your boat round a tree instead of fastening it with a lock . You are guilty(内疚) of laziness because you were asleep in your hut on this moonlight night instead of making use of the good opportunity for fishing . ” He turned to the patient:“But you were in the wrong when you took the boat without asking the owner's permission . You were in the right because you were not so lazy as he was and you did not want to let the moonlight night go by without making some use of it . ” Dr Schweitzer divided the catch among the fisherman , the boat owner , and the hospital . 1 . Schweitzer told the men that ____ . A . each was partly right and partly wrong B . both men were completely right C . both men were completely wrong D . one man was more guilty than the other 2 . The owner of the boat was wrong because ____ . A . the boat did not really belong to him B . he should have locked his boat to the tree C . he wasted a good fishing night D . both B and C 3 . The final judgement was that ____ . A . all the fish should go to the patient B . all the fish should go to owner of the boat C . all the fish should be destroyed D . everyone in the story should get a third of the fish 4 . Implied (暗示) but not stated:____ . A . Both men were patients B . The natives trusted Dr Schweitzer C . Dr Schweitzer's hospital was in the jungle D . The boat was fastened with a rope 答案与解析: 1 . A 根据文章第二段和第三段,Schweitzer 医生告诉这两个人,他们分别有对也有错。他分析病人和船主的对错时并未指出谁比谁更错,故D不正确。B、C与文章内容不符,所以答案为A。2 . D 船主的错误有两方面:一是他本该把船锁在树上,二是他浪费掉了一晚上捕鱼的好时光。根据第二段中 Schweitzer 说的“但你的错误在于粗心和懒惰。你只是用链条把船缠绕在树上而没有将其锁住。你应当为你的懒惰而感到内疚,因为你没有充分利用这有月光的晚上去捕鱼,而是躲在棚子里睡觉。” 3 . D 根据文章的最后一句话,Schweitzer 医生把所捕到的鱼在打鱼人、船主和医院三家中分了。Schweitzer 医生属医院一方。显然每家分得三分之一的鱼。 4 . B 从文中二、三段可知,Schweitzer 医生分析得很在理,而且经他调解,病人和般主能接受他分鱼的办法,说明当地人十分信任 Schweitzer 医生。从文章中不能推断出船主也是病人,故A不对。文中已讲到Schweitzer 医生的医院在非洲丛林里,因此答案C并非暗示。答案D“船一根绳子把船拴牢”与文中“你只是用船上的链条将船缠绕在一棵树上”不一致,也并暗示,故D也不正确。 【思维体操】 One day I saw two policemen walking along the street . Not far (1) them was a working man working man who was walking along (2) with his hands in his (3) . One of the policemen gave him a (4) push and he bumped (碰撞) into (5) policeman . The second policeman then grasped him (6) the collar and (7) him to the pavement , (8) that he was attacking an officer of the law . “That's (9) , ”I cried . “That policemen pushed him . I saw it . The man (10) his hands in his pockets . ”The policemen were already (11) the man . Blow after blow they (12) upon his face . Blood was flowing (13) his nose . (14) of a sudden I threw (15) on one of the policemen , (16) at him . There were shouts and running feet . (17) the corner came a group of policeman , running . A big arm caught (18) of me and I was thrown (19) ten feet into the street , a button (20) the policeman's coat got (21) my fingers . Two working men picked me up and (22) me into a nearby printing press . There I (23) the police clear the street with their clubs and (24) the bleeding and blinded woring man (25) to the police station - for "attacking an office of the law”! 1 . A . off B . away C . to D . from 2 . A . quiet B . quietly C . quick D . quicken 3 . A . pockets B . coat C . jacket D . bag 4 . A . little B . good C . sudden D . great deal 5 . A . other B . another C . the other D . the rest 6 . A . on B . of C . by D . with 7 . A . put B . threw C . knocked D . drove 8 . A . shouting B . shout C . shouted D . to shout 9 . A . push B . joke C . mistake D . a lie 10 . A . laid B . had C . remained D . hid 11 . A . at B . again C . with D . upon 12 . A . rained B . covered C . lost D . made 13 . A . out of B . out C . of D . through 14 . A . But B . And C . So D . All 15 . A . a knife B . a gun C . myself D . a hand 16 . A . tearing B . looking C . pointing D . aiming 17 . A . Around B . To C . In D . On 18 . A . head B . hand C . hold D . arm 19 . A . fully B . enough C . hardly D . at 20 . A . of B . for C . to D . from 21 . A . by B . between C . on D . among 22 . A . brought B . lead C . took D . carried 23 . A . followed B . watched C . disclosed D . examined 24 . A . catch B . send C . bring D . drag 25 . A . out B . in C . on D . off 答案与简析: 1 . D。根据 be far from 固定搭配(离……近)短语。2 . B。其他三个选项词性都不对。此处所填的词应是修饰动词 walking 的,故应用副词。quiet, quick 是形容词,quicken是动词,“加快”的意思。3 . A。那个人安稳地走着,并没有招惹警察。按常理应是双手插在口袋里,结构为:with sth . + in (介词短语)。其他选项所提供的外衣,茄克和袋子,通常都不是行走时放手的确切地方。4 . C。从文章整体语境看,应是猛然推他。5 . C。前文交代,有两个警察。一个警察推人,必然撞到“两个中的另一个”身上,故用“One … the other … 。6 . C。这里 by 表示“方法、手段”。grasp sb . by the collar 意为“抓住某人的衣领”。类似说法还有:catch sb . by the arm 等,属习惯用法。7 . C。knocked 和graped 是并列谓语动词,由 and 连接。8 . A。作伴随性状语。9 . D。明明是警察故意寻衅,却说别人袭击了执法官,这清清楚楚是谎言。10 . B。remained 是不及物动词,不能接宾语;laid 是及物动词,可以接宾语,但它表示的是动作,而此处意境应是状态;hid 表示“把……藏起来”,不符合文意。11 . D。"… upon the man”的意思是“警察压在这个人身上”,其他介词不表示此意义。12 . A . blow after blow 表示打一下又打一下。rain 这里用作比喻;rain upon 意为“雨点般地落在……上”。13 . A。血从鼻子里流出用 out of , 此处等于 from . 14 . D . all of a sudden 的意思是“突然”。属习惯用法。15 . C。作者路见不平,气愤至极,向其中一个警察扑过去。throw oneself upon(on)…,属句型结构。16 . A。作者想把警察从那个人身上拉开,故用 tear at , “猛力去抓”之意。aim at “朝……瞄准”, look at “看”,point at “指着……”均不符合语境。17 . A。around 有“绕过”的意思,而 to , in on 分别表示“朝……走去”,“在(室内的角落)里”,“在(平面的)角落上”,此处均不合语境。18 . C . catch hold of 的意思是“抓住”,属于固定搭配。19 . A。语境是“我足足被扔到十英尺之外”。20 . D。强调“从警察衣服上 下的一粒扣子”。21 . B. 一颗扣子当然只能夹在两个手指之间。22 . C。23 . B。watch 表示“观察,注视着(动态的)人或物”;而 noticed "注意到”, disclosed “揭露”和 examined “检查”均不合文意。24 . D。指警察把被他们打在地上浑身鲜血的人“拖走”。如用 catch 后面用表示方向的地点状语 to the police station ,如用 send 表示警察自己不去,让别人送去,bring 的意思是“送来”,方向不对。25 . off 表示离开他所躺的地方。做过此题可以回过头来仔细想想,我们可以总结出完形填空题的解题方法: 通读全文懂大意;语法句型要牢记。固定搭配惯用语;常识运用词辨异。瞻前顾后细推理;条理分明连文意。注意语境重语感;缩小范围定答案。 三、智能显示 【心中有数】 从高考题看与汉语意义相反的特殊回答 请看下面两道考题: 1 . — You haven't been to Beijing , have you ? — ____ . How I wish to go there ! (98年) A . Yes , I have B . Yes , I haven't C . No , I have D . No , I haven't 2 . — Please don't make a noise . — ____ . I'll be as quiet as a mouse . (92年) A . Yes , I won't B . No , I won't C . No , I will D . Yes , I will 这两道题的答案分别为D和B。做这类题目时,首先要知道 Yes 后只能接肯定形式,No 后只能接否定形式。如第1题中的B、C,第二题中的A、C,无论在任何情况下是不存在的;其次要知道这类题目的回答与汉语意义相反,即将 Yes 译成“不”,表示反对对方观点,“No”译成“是的”,表示支持对方观点;最后根据语境揭示判断正确答案。 与汉语意义相反的特殊回答主要出现在下面三种情况。 一、在陈述部分否定,疑问部分肯定的反意问句中。 例如: 1 . — You won't go there by bus , will you ? — No , I won't . I'll just walk . (是的,我不会,我将步行。) 2 . — You never fall asleep in class , do you ? — Yes , I do sometimes . (不,我有时睡。) 二、在否定的祈使句或陈述句的对话中。 例如: 3 . — Please don't be late for class . — No , I won't . I will be as early as possible . (是的,我不会,我要尽可能地早到。) 4 . —I hope you weren't ill . — No , Jeanne , I wasn't ill . (是的,让娜,我没病。) 三、在对否定的一般疑问句的回答中。例如: 5 . — Didn't you have a good time at the meeting ? — Yes , a very good time . (不,玩得很痛快。) 6 . — Can't you remember doing the silly thing ? — Yes , I can . I regret having done it . (不,我记得,干了这件事我后悔) 练习:请根据语境提示选出正确答案。 1 . — Tom doesn't like dancing , does he ? — ____ , but he used to . A . Yes , he does B . Yes , he doesn't C . No , he does D . No , he doesn't 2 . — The book isn't easy for Jack to understand , is it ? — ____ . His foreign language is far better than expected . A . Yes , it is B . No , it isn't C . I don't think D . Yes , it does 3 . — You didn't go to the concert , did you ? — ____ . I ought to have gone . A. Yes , I did B. No , I didn't C. Yes , I didn't D. No , I did 4 . — Shouldn't we invite more people to the dance ? — ____ . A small dance is the most fun . A . Yes , we should B . No , we should C . Yes , we shouldn't D . No , we shouldn't Key : 1 — 4 DABD 【动脑动手】 定语从句与其近似句型简析 纵观近几年的高考英语试卷,定语从句是NMET 命题的热点。有些句子貌似定语从句而实际上是其它句型、句式。有的句子一词之差,就容易使学生产生误解。 ⒈ ⑴ It is such a modern machine few of the workers know how to operate it . ⑵ It is such a modern machine few of the workers know how to operate . A. which B. that C. as D. the one 析:⑴ B ⑵ C 句 ⑴ 是 such … that 引导的结果状语从句。句 ⑵ 是定语从句,先行词前有 such 修饰时用 as 引导,as 在定语从句中作 operate 的宾语。 ⒉ ⑴ Is this museum they visited last week ? ⑵ Is this the museum they vieited last week ? ⑶ Is this farm you used to work ? A. where B. that C. in which D. the one 析:⑴ D ⑵ B ⑶ A 句⑴、⑵是定语从句:句 ⑴ the one 是先行词,后面省略了 that 。句 ⑵ 关系代词 that 在定语从句中作 visited 的宾语,此句还可用 which 或省略关系代词。句 ⑶ 是 where 引导的表语从句。 ⒊ ⑴ is well known to us all , the earth goes around the sun . ⑵ is well known to us all that the earth goes around the sun . A. That B. As C. It D. Which 析:⑴ B ⑵ C 。句 ⑴ 是由 as 的非限制性定语从句,代替后面整个句子。句 ⑵ 是it 引导的主语从句。 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的从句。 ⒋ ⑴ I have two sisters , are doctors . ⑵ I have two sisters , and are doctors . A. both of them B. both of whom C. neither of them D. each of whom 析: ⑴ B ⑵ A 。句 ⑴ 是定语从句, 因从句中动词是 are ,所以只能选 B ,而不能选 D 。句 ⑵ 因有并列连词 and ,所以是并列句,再根据主谓一致原则,只能选 A 。 ⒌ ⑴ I'll never forget the days I spent with him . ⑵ I'll never forget the day I was born . A. when B. that C. on which D. both A and C 析:⑴ B ⑵ D 。 句 ⑴、⑵都是定语从句,句 ⑴ 中 that 在从句中作 spent 的宾语,还可用 which ,也可省略。句 ⑵ when 在定语从句作状语,也等于 on which ,故选 D 。 ⒍ ⑴ Was it Octorber 1 , 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded ? ⑵ Was it on October 1, 1949 the People's Repulice of China was founded ? A. in which B. on that C. that D. when 析:⑴ D ⑵ C 句 ⑴ 是 when 引导的定语从句,句 ⑵ 是强调句,特别注意句 ⑵ 中 Octorber 之前的 on 。 ⒎ ⑴ He is the only one of the students who the accident . ⑵ He is one of the students who the accident . A. knows B. know C. had known D. known 析:⑴ A ⑵ B 句⑴、⑵都是定语从句,在“ the ( only ) one of + 复数名词 + 定语从句”结构中,先行词是 one ,而不是复数名词,故从句中谓语动词用单数。但是在“ one of + 复数名词 + 定语从句”句型中,先行词是复数名词,故从句中谓语动词用复数。 ⒏ ⑴ Do you know the fact the sun is brighter than the moon ? ⑵ Do you underswtand the easiest fact he explained to you just now ? A. that B. which C. the one D. as 析:⑴ A ⑵ A 句⑴是 that 引导的同位语从句, that 在从句中不作任何成分,不能省略。句 ⑵ 是 that 引导的定语从句, that 在从句中作 explain 的宾语,因先行词 fact 之前有最高级限制 easiest ,故只能用 that ,不可用 which 。 ⒐ ⑴ This is the best reason he could give at the meeting . ⑵ This is the reason he didn't go to school this morning . A. why B. that C. which D. because 析:⑴ B ⑵ A 。 句 ⑴ 是 that 引导的定语从句,that 在从句中作 give 的宾语,因先行词 reason 之前有 best 修饰,故只能用 that 。句 ⑵ 是 why 引导的定语从句,相当于 for which 。 【创新园地】 你是李华,申请到一家外资企业工作。对方要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。短文必须包括下列全部内容。 1. 姓名: 李华 出生年月 : 1977年2月 出生地 : 辽宁大连 2. 学历 :1988-1990光明小学 ; 1990-1996年大连市第六小学 3. 所学主要课程 : 语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、电脑 4. 特长 : 英语、电脑(去年在全校电脑竞赛中获得第一名) 5. 业余爱好 : 游泳、滑冰、集邮、流行音乐 注意: 1.情况介绍必须采用短文形式;2. 词数100字左右;3. 短文第一句已为你写好。 4. 生词:竞赛─competition My name is Lu Hua. ... 【创新园地】参考答案 My name is Lu Hua. I was born in Dalian , Liaoning province in February 1977 . I started school in 1984 when I was seven . I studied in Guangming Primary school from 1984 to 1990 . After that I went to No. 6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer . The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese , maths , English , physics , chemistry and computer . I like English and computer best and I am very good at them . Last year I won first prize in the second computer competition . In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps . My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter . |
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