knowledge 用法点击 (中学英语教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文教学论文 手机版

1. One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _____ good knowledge of basic word formation. (2002上海高考)
A. / B. the C. a D. one
2. Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in_____international trade today. (NMET96)
A. a; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D. 不填; the
这两道题表面上是考查冠词的用法,但其实质均是考查knowledge的用法。Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。)下面就为同学们补充点力量吧!
1. 作不可数名词,意为“了解;理解”。
A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 小孩不了解善恶。
He has got full knowledge of what you said in class. 他完全领会了你在课堂上所讲的内容。
2. 作不可数名词,意为“见闻;个人的知识”。
The girl is said to have had only limited knowledge of computers. 据说这个女孩的计算机知识很有限。
Though he has been to Paris twice, he has not too much knowledge about French food. 虽然他曾两次去过巴黎,但他对法国食品不太了解。
3. 作不可数名词,意为“学问;学识;知识”。
Her uncle is a man with a lot of knowledge on farming. 她的叔叔是一个农业知识丰富的人。
The sun lights up the world; knowledge the hearts and souls of people. 太阳照亮世界,知识照亮人的心与灵魂。
Knowledge is like a fishing net; the wider and stronger it is, the more fish it catches. 知识像一张鱼网;鱼网越宽越牢,网住的鱼就越多。
4. 当knowledge指具体某方面的知识时,可以是可数名词,常用a knowledge of。
We need a guide who has a good knowledge of Chongqing's history. 我们需要一个精通重庆历史的向导。
It's known that a knowledge of many languages is not a piece of cake. 众所周知,通晓多门语言不是件容易的事。
5. a good knowledge of 通晓;熟知
Many people agree that a good knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. 许多人都同意精通英语是当今国际贸易所必需的。
1. to one's knowledge 据某人所知;确知属实
To my knowledge, he has never lied before. 据我所知,他以前从未撒谎。
That's impossible, because to my knowledge he was in France at that time. 那不可能, 因为我确实知道他那时在法国。
2. come to one's knowledge被某人知悉
It has come to our knowledge that the factory will soon be closed. 据我们所了解,这个工厂很快就要关闭了。
3. be common / public knowledge 人所共知
Don't keep it secret—it's common knowledge already. 别保密了——其实已尽人皆知了。
4. with / without one's knowledge 告知 / 未告知某人
He sold the company without his wife's knowledge. 他瞒着妻子把公司卖了。



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