高三英语第五单元Advertising (广告)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit5.doc
标题 Advertising (广告)
章节 第五单元
关键词 高三英语第五单元
  广告,顾名思义,“广而告之”,它是20 世纪高度发展的行业。一个妙趣横生、令人回味无穷的广告可使产品的品牌留给观众或读者无限的遐想,并由此销售额倍增。如:“包揽天下”宣传生活中各式各样的包,真让人感到言有尽而意无穷。“不打不相识”这则打字机广告更是幽默风趣。但是,如果产品的广告不能准确地表达产品的内容,翻译不准确,正如本单元的发乳广告本想表达“ X puts life into dry hair ”( 某某发乳产品可使干发生辉),经过不贴切的翻译后,在国外市场上意思变为了“ X puts living things into dry hair”( 某某发乳产品可使干发生虫),那令人尴尬难堪的结果可想而知,自然是产品走投无路。可见,准确无误的翻译在跨国文化的交际中的地位十分重要。从另一个角度来讲,通过学习本单元,我们还可以得到一些有关广告方面的知识,更好的了解产品的性能、质量的优劣。
  A. 单元重点新词透视
  1. 谈谈 advertise、advertisement和advertising 的用法
  ● advertise 是动词,既可当及物动词使用,亦可用作不及物动词,意为“(在报纸、广播、电视上)为(产品等)大做广告”。
  We should advertise for someone to look after our children .
  如果你想凭借某种媒体做广告,要注意与 advertise 所搭配的介词。
  ◆ advertise in newspapers / magazine 意为在报纸或杂志上做广告。
   She advertised for her lost son in the evening paper .
  ◆ advertise on / radio / TV 意为“在广播电台或电视上做广告。
  Chunlan Electronic Group heavily advertise its product on radio and television . 春兰电子集团在电台和电视上大作广告。
  Only very established ,well-known clothing companies can successfully advertise through radio . 只有很稳固、知名度很高的服饰公司能成功地通过广播电台做广告。
  ● advertisement 是可数名词,表示:做(登)广告 ; 广告。
  测试要点:produce an advertisement for 为……做广告。put (in) an advertisement in the newspaper 在报纸上登广告。
  Advertisement helps to sell goods . 广告有助于推销货物。
  I wish I could buy all the beautiful things I see in advertisement . 我希望能买到广告上看见的所有美丽的东西。
  We plan to place an ad ( = advertisement) in the newspapers , but they want to put theirs on radio . 我们准备在报纸上登广告,而他们打算在电台上做广告。
  ● advertising 是不可数名词,有两个意思:〔总称〕广告;广告业。
  advertising firm 广告公司
  The store attracted many customers by advertising .
  Milward Agency is equipped to handle any advertising job .
  ● advertise 是英式拼法,advertize 是美式拼法。advertiser 是“登广告的人”。
  2. comment 作名词和动词是“评论、注释、意见”。
  Have you any comments to make on / upon this TV play ? 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?
  测试要点:have comments from 听取……的意见。
  make a comment on / about 对……作出评价
  comment on / upon 对……评论
  3. satisfaction 满意
  Your success will be a great satisfaction to your parents .
  测试要点:express one's satisfaction at / with对……表示满意
  with (great) satisfaction (极其) 满意地
  to one's great satisfaction = to the great satisfaction of sb = much to one's satisfaction 使某人十分满意的是
  To our great satisfaction , these students helped Gramma Wang carry water , clean the room and wash her clothes .
  4. description 描述
  Can you give me a brief description of what has happened ?
  测试要点:beyond description 难以描述
  give/ make a description of 对……加以描述
  give sb a brief description of 向……某人作简要的描述
  5. boring 令人厌烦的
  To tell you the truth , that was a boring evening .
  测试要点:sb be bored to death 令某人厌烦的很
  6. board 木板
  测试要点:on board 在船上。on the board 将在会上讨论。on the boards 当演员。
  7. gift 赠品;礼物
  We'll present the guests with gifts . 我们将向客人赠送礼物。
  Flowers are the usual gift for a sick man .
  测试要点:区别 gift 和 present
  ◆ gift 常作“天赋、天才”,后面跟介词 for 。gift 常指贵重的礼品或抽象的东西,往往被看作是个人或团体赠送的,富有慷慨的行为,不期待对方有回报。gifted“有天才的” 是形容词作名词的定语。
  He has no gift for foreign languages . 他不具备学外语的天赋。
  He is a gifted musician . 他是有天赋的音乐家。
  ◆ present 指一般的、具体的礼品。多是出于友好、礼貌、尊敬而送,多用于送给亲友的礼品。
  The little boy saved all his pocket money to buy a small Christmas present for his mother .
  8. failure 失败(不可数);作失败的人或者时(可数)
  Failure is the mother of success .
  Success came after many failures . 宝剑锋自磨砺出。
  测试要点:a great failure 一件十分失败的事;一个大为失败的人。
  9. handsome (主要指男子)英俊的;漂亮的;潇洒的。相当可观的;慷慨大方的。该词相当于 good-looking 。(指女子常用)pretty (一般)漂亮 , beautiful (特别)漂亮 。注意:nice , pretty , good-looking 都只是 beautiful 的一部分。
  Would you describe that lady as handsome or beautiful ? 你觉得那女子是体态俊俏(五官端正)还是美丽哪?
  It is handsome of you to give us so much . 你真好,给了我们这么多。
  He looks handsome and healthy . 他显得俊美,健康。
  My brother is a handsome young man .
  测试要点:(1) handsome 的比较级和最高级常用 more handsome , most handsome 。用 handsomer ,handsomest 也不错。如:Tom is more handsome than Jack .
  (2) 注意 handsome 中的 d 不发音。
  (3) handsone 用于修饰物时是“美观的、堂皇的”。
    This is my handsome house . 这是我满意的新房。
  10. telegram 电报。是可数名词,指用电信号传递文字、图表等的通讯方式。作动词是打电报。
  THese messages are called telegrams . 这些电文叫做电报。  
  She received a telegram saying that her son was seriously ill .
  测试要点:(1) send a telegram 打电报。
  have / receive a telegram from sb 收到某人的电报
  (2) 区别:telegram 与 telegraph
  telegraph 作不可数名词是“电报机”,是发送和接收电报的设备。作动词= telegram 是“打电报”。Mother telegraphed congratulations to the bride and groom . 母亲打电报祝贺新娘和新郎。
  telegraph a message to sb 打电报给某人。telegraph for sb 电邀某人。
  (3) by telegram = by telegraph 通过打电报
  11. blame 埋怨;责备。
  It is no use blaming her for the accident . 这次事故责怪她没有用。
  (1) 区别:blame 和 scold
  blame 是指对失职、疏忽或者差错的埋怨,责怪。 scold 指大声的责骂,气愤地大发脾气,但不用肮脏的语言骂人。它们的搭配都是后跟介词 for 表达原因。Mother scolded me for breaking the dish . 母亲因我打了盘子而训斥了我。
  (2) 在 be to blame 固定结构中 , blame 不用被动。如:Nobody is to blame for this . / The conductor is to blame for the accident .
  (3) blame sth on / upon sb = blame sb for sth 因……而责备某人
  He blamed the failure on me . 他把失败归罪于我。
  put / lay the blame on / upon 把……怪在某人身上
  12. luggage = baggage (总称) 行李。注意该词为不可数名词,不能使用复数。
  测试要点:表达具体的“多少件行李”须借助量词 piece 或 article 。
  How many articles of luggage do you have ?
  Here are my five pieces of luggage .
  All this luggage is mine .
  a piece of baggage = an article of baggage
  a large amount of baggage 很多行李
  13. 辨析 produce , product , production
  produce 作名词是不可数名词,指一切农产品、天然产品。其前不用冠词,也不用复数。
  We can buy farm produce on the market . 我们可以在市场上买到农产品。
  The field produce is shipped by train to other parts of the country . 用火车把农产品运送到全国的其他地方。
  product 是个可数名词。指工业产品、农业加工品、任何的脑力劳动所创造的产品。
  Farm products are the chief exports of the country .
  This novel is the product of ten years of labour . 这部小说是十年劳动的产物。
  production 为抽象的不可数名词,指生产的行为、产量。指文学艺术作品时可数。
  Production has increased in the last ten years .
  Some people don't believe that advertising can increase production .
  This book is one of the writer's latest productions . 该书是作者的最新作品之一。
B. 单元重点词组扫瞄
  1. bring in 引入;增加;收入;把……带来。
  Stick to the point ; don't bring in things that are unnecessary . 紧扣要点,不要把无关的话题扯近来。
  This project will bring in 60% . 这项工程将会盈利 60% 。
  How much does your shop bring in each month ?
  The coal that the power plant needs can be brought in by lorry .
  测试要点:区别 bring about 引起,导致,产生。bring along 带来;随身携带。bring back 把……带回来;归还;使想起。bring down 使……降低。bring on 使出现;引起。bring out 拿出;显示;出版。bring up 抚养;培养;呕吐。如:
  New material can be brought about through chemical change . 通过化学变化可以生成新的物质。
  Bring your sports shoes along , we'll do a lot of walking . 带上运动鞋,我们要走很多的路。
  His story brought back our bitter past . 他的事使我们想起辛酸的往事。
  She asked the shopkeeper to bring down the price . 她要求店主降价。
  The policeman brought in two boys who had been caught stealing . 警察带进了两个男孩,他们是在偷东西时被抓住的。
  The sudden cold weather brought on my cough . 天气的突然变化造成我咳嗽。
  When the book was first brought out it was well received by the readers . 该书初版时受到读者的好评。
  She was brought up by her aunt . 她是由她的姑姑养大的。
  2. hand in hand 并进;联合;手牵着手;和……一道;密切联系。
  Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to heal the wounded and rescue the dying . 医生和护士密切配合,救死扶伤。
  I saw them walking together hand in hand in the park .
  测试要点:注意不要在名词前加冠词。类似的还有:side by side 并排。shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩。arm in arm 臂挽臂。
  3. try out 试验;试用。
  This idea sounds good but we must try it out .
  测试要点:区别 try out ; try on 试穿;试戴 ; try for / after 谋求;争取
  The scientists tried out thousands of chemicals before they found the right one . 科学家们试验了几千种化学药品,才发现了他们所需要的那种。
  When I tried the coat on I found it was rather too big for me . 我试穿那件上衣时,发现它太大了。
  I don't think I have a particularly good chance of getting the job , but it's certainly worth trying for . 我认为我得到那个工作的可能性并不很大。但是,争取一下肯定是值得的。
  4. photograph sb doing sth 拍摄某人做某事的照片
  I find it funny to photograph the players diving .
  5. in big print 用大字号。
  We can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print . 我们可以在广告上方用大字号刊登他们的评论。
  注意:in fine / small print 用小字号。in print 印出来;在发行。put into print 把……付印。
  He is too old to read books in small print .
  6. have / hold a discussion about 对……讨论
  测试要点:可以在discussion 的前面加进需要的形容词。have a long discussion about 对……进行长时间的讨论。hold several class discussion about 进行几次课堂讨论。have a heated discussion about 进行激烈的讨论。
  They are to hold several class discussions about the differences between British English and American English .
  7. go hand in hand with 与……密切相关
  Money does not always go hand in hand with happiness . 金钱并不是和幸福紧密相连。
  8. in charge of 负责;管理;掌管
  测试要点:in the charge of 被管理;被……负责。sb in charge of sth 某人负责
  The girl in charge of this group is active in sports .
  This group is in the charge of her .
  Jones was in complete charge while the manager was on holiday .
  9. think up 想出;设计出 (含有编造之意)
  How did you think up such a wonderful idea ?
  测试要点:区别 think about 考虑;回想。think aloud = think out loud 自言自语。think highly (a great deal , a lot , much , no , well , little , nothing ) of 对……评价高(低)。think over 仔细考虑。think out 想出;设计出(含通过思维得出解决问题的途径)。think to oneself 在心中想。think twice 重新考虑。
  10. with the purpose of 目的是;以……为目的
  The whole country are working hard with the purpose of building China into a strong socialist country .
  11. at the last moment 在最后一刻
  She caught her train at the last train .
  12. do one's hair 做头发
  Mrs Baker does her hair every Friday after work . 贝克夫人每星期五下午下班后做头发。
  13. admire sb for 因……佩服某人
  Admired for her photography , she was persuaded to join the company .
  14. look boring 显得令人生厌
  15. for one thing … for another thing 一方面 …… 另一方面
  16. the disadvantage with + doing 干……的不利因素
  17. do some telephone interviews with sb 同某人进行一些电话采访
  18. persuade sb to do = persuade sb into doing 说服某人干……
  19. It has been proved again and again that 已反复证明……
  20. collect as much information as possible about 搜集……尽可能多的信息
  21. There have been major changes in 在……已经有重大的变化
  22. attract one's attention 引起某人的注意力
  23. point out to sb 向某人指出
  24. be shocked at 对……感到震惊
  25. throw the remaining cigarettes away 把剩余的香烟仍掉
  26. write to sb at the above address 按以上地址写信
  27. suit sb to do 适合某人干
C. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Agreement and Disagreement (同意和不同意)
  1. Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语
  I think it would be a good idea to … / What exactly are you suggesting ? / I am afraid I can't agree with you . / Do you think that … ? / Do you think so ? / That's true . / I don't agree with … / I don't think so . / I agree . / No problem . / Of course . / It was a good idea to suggest the trip . / I agree that everyone brings some food . / I' m afraid I really can't agree with you . / There's no doubt about it . / There's something in what you say . 你说的有道理。/ It sounds fine . 听起来不错。/ That's the point . 正是如此。/ Do you really think so ? / No , I don't think so . / I am afraid not . 恐怕不是吧。
  2. Model Dialogues 交际示范
  Monitor :We're too busy these days . I think we should have a good rest , don't you agree ?
  Mr Chen :Yes , I think so . Let's go to the concert tonight , OK ?
  Monitor :Well , I don't think they like it . We'd better go dancing . Young men like it much better , I suppose .
  Mr Chen :You are right . Let's go and tell them .
  A:Which is more difficult , science or English ?
  B:Science , I think .
  A:I quite agree with you . I also think science is as interesting as English .
  B:No , I can't really agree with you . In my opinion , science is more interesting while English is less difficult .
  A:Maybe you're right . But you can't drop science because it's very important .
  B:No , I won't .
  A:It's a good idea to hold such a conference .
  B:Yes . If we go on polluting the world , it won't be fit for us to live in .
  A:I agree with you . We have got to do something about pollution . It is getting worse .
  B:Yes , it certainly is . If people don't stop polluting the seas and rivers , there will be no fish left .
  A:That's quite right . We have to think of the ways of changing people's habits .
  B:You are right .
D. 单元语法学习目标
  注意单个的过去分词作定语常放在名词的前面,过去分词短语作定语常放在所修饰的名词的后面。如:boiled water 开水,the material needed 所需要的材料,story written by that author 由那个作家写的小说。
  过去分词作表语时也可放在下列连系动词的后面:appear , feel , remain , seem , look 等。如:be neatly dressed 穿着整洁。remain unexploited 仍未被开发。look puzzled 迷惑不解。
  Moved by his speech , they decided to study even harder .
  Given more time , we can do the work better .
  If caught , you will be put into prison .
  过去分词作宾语补足语可以用在表示感觉或者心理状态的动词后(see , hear , feel , watch , notice , observe , think , find ); 用在使役动词后(have , keep , make , get , catch);用在表示愿望、希望的动词后(want , wish , like , expect)。如:find water polluted , get the room cleaned , see the man beaten。
  ◆ 过去分词作定语的四个特征
  1. two married women两个已婚妇女 2. a found umbrella 一把找到的雨伞 3. a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票 4. an educated housewife 一位受过教育的家庭妇女 5. fallen leaves 落叶 6. polluted water 污染了的水 7. a novel written by Lao She 一本老舍写的小说 8. the letter sent to our manager 那封寄给我们经理的信。9. (NMET94) The first textbooks for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century .
  A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 〖答案:D〗
  ⑴ We lived in the house (我舅舅们建的) .
  ⑵ Any medicine (服用) without the advice of a doctor can cause trouble .
  ⑶ We spent two hours discussing the plan (她制定的) .
  ⑷ (开水)
  ⑸ (一个破碎的茶杯)
  ⑹ three (受伤的) soldiers
  ⒈ The government decided to rebuilt the damaged bridge . 政府决定重新修复那座被毁坏的大桥。
  ⒉ Your letter dated March 10 has been received . 你10号的来信已收悉。
  ⒊ What's the language spoken in Germany ? 德国讲什么语言?
  ⑺ Most of the people (被邀请参加宴会的 were famous scientists .
  ⑻ Lessons (易学)are soon forgotten .
  ⑼ The computer center (开办) last year is very popular among the students in this school .
  ⒈ That report about the village is the best of its kind ever written (= that has ever been written ) . 那篇报道是同类中迄今最好的一篇。
  ⒉ He is fond of the food cooked by your mother (= which had been cooked by your mother ) . 他很喜欢你妈妈做的饭菜。
  ⑽ Have you ever been to the place of interest (我上个月参观的) ?
  ⑾ The worker (一条腿受伤的) lay under the tree .
  ⒈ a three-legged desk 一张三条腿的桌子 ⒉ a one-eyed general 一个独眼的将军 ⒊ an honest-faced man 一个诚实长相的男人 ⒋ five blued-eyed foreigners 五个蓝眼睛的外国人
  ⑿ (头脑冷静的) men often succeed
  ⒀ You should thank that (心地善良的) girl .
  ⒁ a ( 热心肠的) leader
  ⒂ ten (中年 ) women doctors .
  1. built by my uncles 2. taken 3. made by her 4. boiled 5. a broken cup 6. Wounded 7.invited 8. learned easily 9. opened / started 10. I visited last month 11. who was wounded in the leg (= whose leg was wounded)12. Cool-headed 13. kind-hearted 14. warm-hearted 15. middle-aged
  ◆ 简说过去分词作状语
  1 . 时间状语:可改为时间状语从句,也可在过去分词前加上连词“when , while , until”等,使其时间意义更明确。
  Seen from the hill , the park looks very beautiful . 从山上看,这个公园非常美丽。(= When it is seen / When we see it from the hill , …)
  Don't speak until spoken to . 当别人和你讲话时,你才能讲话。(= Don't speak until you are spoken to / until someone speaks to you . )
  2 . 原因状语:可改为原因状语从句或并列结构。
  Greatly touched by his teacher's words , the boy did a lot of things to help his classmates . 这个男孩被老师的话深深地打动了,所以做了很多事来帮助同班同学。(= Because he was greatly touched by…,… / He was greatly touched by… . So the boy did …)
  Surprised at what had happened , Tom didn't know what to do . 汤姆对发生的一切非常惊讶,以致不知如何是好。(= Tom was surprised… . He didn't know… . / Because Tom was surprised…,he didn't know… . )
  3 . 条件状语:可加连词if , unless 等;也可换成条件状语从句。
  Given more time , we could do it much better . 多给我们点时间,我们会做得更好。(= If we were given…,…)
  If heated to a high temperature , water will change into vapour . 水经过高温加热,就会变成蒸汽。(= If it is heated to…,… / If we heat it to…,… . )
  4 . 让步状语:有时可加 although , though , even if , even though , whether…or 等连词,可转换成让步状语从句。
  Though warned of the storm , the farmers were still working in the fields . 虽然农民们已被告诫将有风暴,但他们仍然在地里干活。(= Though they had been warned …,… . )
  This material doesn't expand whether heated or not . 这种物质无论加热与否均不膨胀。(=…whether it is heated or not) .
  5 . 方式、伴随状语:可改成并列结构或从句。
  “He's right . ”he said , pleased . 他高兴地说,“他是对的。”(= …,and he was pleased . )
  The teacher entered the classroom , followed by a group of his students . 老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。(= … , and he was followed by a group of his students . )
  ◆ 非谓语动词作宾语补足语用法小结
  英语中有些动词如 have , make , ask , hear , leave , feel , catch . send 等,常带有复合宾语,这样意思才相对完整。宾语补足语常用动词不定式、分词来表示,学生对此不易掌握。现就该问题作一小结,以供参考。
  1 . 在 allow , ask , advise , beg , cause , encourage , expect , forbid , force , get , order , permit , persuade , teach , tell , want , warn , wish 等动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式不能省略不定式符号 to。例如:
  1) I advise you to listen to our teachers' lectures attentively at school .
  2) The headmaster warned the children to keep off the garden . 校长警告孩子们勿踏花园。
  2 . 在 have , make , let 等使役动词和 see , hear , watch , notice , feel 等
  感官动词后面作宾补的不定式须省略不定符号 to。例如:
  3) The teacher doesn't make his students do homework at school . 那位老师不让他的学生在学校里做家庭作业。
  4) I heard someone knock at the door three times . 我听见有人敲了三次门。
  注:上面第2类句式变为被动语态时,不定式符号 to 不能省略。如句4)变为被动语态应为:
  Someone was heard to knock at the door three times . 只听见有人敲了三次门。
  另外,help 后常用“宾语+(to)do”的形式(美国用法常省去 to)。例如:
  He helped me (to) look after my child . 他帮我照看孩子。
  1 . 在feel , find , get , have , hear , keep , see , send , watch 等动词后面可用现在分词作宾补。例如:
  5) It was so cold that they kept the fire burning all night . 天很冷,他们让火燃了个通宵。
  6) I had my car waiting outside . 我让汽车在外面等候。
  2 . 在 find , get , have , leave , keep , see 等动词后可用过去分词作宾补。例如:
  7) The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself heard . 发言人提高嗓音但还是不能让别人听见他的话。
  8) You should have left the door locked . 你该把门锁上。
  现在分词作宾补,宾语在逻辑上是分词表示的动作的执行者;过去分词作宾补,宾语在逻辑上是分词表示的动作的承受者;省略了 to 的不定式作宾补只是表示一个事实,说明动作的全过程;带 to 的不定式作宾补往往表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之后。试比较:
  I heard a girl singing upstairs . (表示一个主动、进行的动作)
  I heard the song sung . (表示一个被动、完成的动作)
  I heard a girl sing upstairs . (强调唱歌的事实)
  I'll get someone to repair the recorder for you . (不定式的动作发生在谓语动词动作之后。)
  1 . He had us all ____ (laugh) at his jokes .
  2 . His jacket was in his bag that he had left ____ (hang) next to his seat .
  3 . The girl had his arms ____ (hurt) in the accident .
  4 . We have been warned ____ (be) careful of our health .
  5 . He doesn't have to be made ____ (learn) . He always works hard .
  6 . -Where is Li Hua ? Do you know ?
    -I saw him ____ (enter) his bedroom just now .
  Key :1 . laughing 2 . hanging 3 . hurt 4 . to be 5 . to learn 6 . enter
  ◆ 过去分词作表语
  (1)表达动作的完成性,这与被动语态没有关系,下列动词常用作表语:come , gp , arrive , fall , rise , set , finish , return 。如:
  Autumn is come . = Autumn has come .
  The sun is set . = The sun has set .
  All the guests I invite are arrived . = All the guests I invite have arrived .
  Father is just returned from his business trip . = Father has just returned from his business trip .
  (2) 表示主语受外界的情况处于被动的状态。有时只表示主语所处的状态。如:
  The playground lay / appeared / looked quite deserted (荒芜的) .
  She stood there surprised at the bad news .
  He sounded frightened . 听他说话的声音,他被吓坏了。
  Our teacher seemed pleased with our work .
  The door remains locked . 门还在锁着。
  (3) 过去分词用于某些固定的词组中。如;
  sb be / get used to doing 某人习惯于干。be closed to 接近。be interested in 。be engaged in 忙于。be prepared to do 准备干。
  With the development of material prosperity (繁荣) , advertisements have become more important in our daily life .
  Advertisements give the newest information about products . If there were no advertising , cosumers (消费者) could not know about goods in their nearby shops . An advertisement helps sell to a bigger market . Therefore , as more goods are sold , they are cheaper . Advertisements also provide money for newspapers , magazines , radio and TV stations , etc .
  But there are also some opinions against advertising . Some people think that advertisements do not give much information but only try to persuade to buy . They cause a demand for goods that are not really needed . Besides , advertising adds to the price of goods .
  Actually , every coin has two sides . Advertising is no exception . But in today's world , advertising is not only necessary but also helpful .
  从A、B、C、D 中选出一个最佳答案:
  1. Advertisements have become more and more important because .
  A. consumers wouldn't buy any goods in their daily life without them
  B. the more goods the shops sell , the cheaper they will be
  C. they have a lot of advantages
  D. newspapers , magazines , radio and TV stations get money by advertising
  〖理解与释疑〗本题要求理解广告为什么越来越重要,这可以从第二段找到答案。广告能提供有关产品的最新信息,广告扩大产品的销售市场,广告能为媒体界提供资金。以上这些不正是广告有很多好处的论据吗?故本题应选C 为最佳答案。
  2. Some people oppose advertising because it .
  A. adds to the price of goods         B. helps sell more goods
  C. leads to a demand for necessary goods   D. give too much information
  3. What is the writer's attitude to advertising ? .
  A. He is against it   B. He is for it
  C. He thinks it unnecessary   D. The writer's attitude is not easy to see
  4. “Advertising is no exception”means advertising .
  A. has two sides -the good and the bad  
  B. has the right side and the dark side
  C. has the right side and the wrong side  
  D. is just like a coin with the exception of their uses
  〖理解与释疑〗本题检测对习语在一定的上下文中的具体理解。这里的exception 可能是一个理解上的障碍,但只要基本功扎实,平时善于积累构词法,从介词except “除了”加上名词后缀 -tion 仍意义不变。故这里的exception 是“例外”之意。综合上下文对广告的评说,说明事物都是一分为二的,要用运动的观点去看事物,不能全盘否定或者全盘肯定。正确答案是 A 。
  1.They painted the cupboard in yellow .
  2. All of us think Tom as a good assistant .
  3. Do you think what film they are going to show on this evening ?
  4. Would you like to come to the dinner the coming week ?
  5. Each time when I came to drop in on him , he would be at work .
  6. Do tell the sick girl not to go to downstairs today .
  7. Can you solve the puzzling problems alone by yourself ?
  8. Which does your sister prefer better , chocolate or ice-cream ?
  9. I couldn't hear you . Please repeat the instructions again .
  10. These engineers will be moving homes to Beijing next month .
  11. Believe it or not , her theory was proved to be correct .
  12. We are told that the hospital is two miles far away from our school .
  13. She met Mr Smith on the way to home by chance .
  14. The novel written by Lao She is easy enough for him to read it .
  15. He as well as you goes first and I'll follow after you .
  16. The children all gathered together at the entrance to the cinema after lunch .
  17. One of my cousins returned back to China the day before yesterday .
  18. A friend of mine having invited me to his birthday party .
  19. He rose up from his seat and raised a funny question .
  20. The train is about to leave soon , as we all know .
  21. Those eight-year-old children used to walk to school on foot .
  22. Our geography teacher is a young man being loved by his class .
  23. The thief was brought in , his hands being tired behind his back .
  24. We will do all we can to improve our living conditions better.
  25. The sun rises from in the east every day .
  答案:去掉:1. in 2. as 3. on 4. 第一个the 5. when 6. 第二个to 7. alone 8. better 9. again 10. homes 11. was 12. far 13. to 14. it 15. after 16. together 17. back 18. having 19. up 20. soon 21. on foot 22. being 23.being 24. better 25. from
  例1 . There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light . (89年)
  A . followed B . following C . to be followed D . being followed
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,句子后半部分是一个作定语、修饰 noise 的分词短语;再根据句意“一阵闪电之后,接着就是一声巨响。”可知,巨响应是主动,紧接在闪电之后的。因此,该题应选B。
  例2 . The Olympic Games , ____ in 776 B . C . , didn't include women until 1912 . (97年)
  A . first playing B . to be first played C . first played D . to be playing
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分是一个作定语、修饰 The Olympic Games 的后置分词短语;再根据 The Olympic Games 对于动词 play 来说只能是被动承受,且已完成 (in 776 B . C . )。因此,该题应选C。
  例3 . What's the language ____ in Germany ? (83年)
  A . speaking B . spoken C . be spoken D . to speak
  简析:该题应选B。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句 which is spoken
  例4 . Most of the people ____ to the party were famous scientists . (87年)
  A . invited B . to invite C . being invited D . inviting
  简析:该题应选A。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句 who were invited
  例5 . Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa . (90年)
  A . invited B . to invite C . being invited D . had been invited
  简析:该题应选A。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句who were invited
  例6 . The computer centre , ____ last year , is very popular among the students in this school . (93年)
  A . open B . opening C . having opened D . opened
  简析:该题应选D。测试过去分词短语作定语放在所修饰的名词后,可以用非限制性定语从句“which was opened last year”代替
  例7 . The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century . (94年)
  A . having written B . to be written C . being written D . written
  简析:该题应选D。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句which were written
  例1 . This news sounds ____ . (85年)
  A . encouraging B . encouraged C . encourage D . to encourage
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分在句中应作表语,因为 sounds 在此句中用作连系动词;再根据 The news 对于动词 encourage 来说应是主动关系,即这个消息本身就鼓舞人心。因此,该题应选A。
  例2 . -How did Bob do in the exams this time ?
     -Well , his father seems ____ with his results . (96年)
  A . pleasing B . please C . pleased D . to please
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分在句中应作表语。因为 seems 在此句中用作连系动词;再根据 his father 对于动词 please 来说应是被动关系,即这个结果使他的父亲高兴;换言之,他的父亲因为受到这个结果的刺激而感到高兴。因此,该题应选C。
  例3 . -How did the audience receive the new play ?
     -They got very ____ . (85年)
  A . excite B . excited C . excitedly D . exciting
  例1 . The next morning she found the man ____ in bed , dead . (86年)
  A . lying B . lie C . lay D . laying
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分在句中应作宾补,补充说明宾语 the man ; 再根据宾语 the man 对于动词 lie 来说应是主动关系,而且,lie 这个动作与谓语动词 found 同时进行。因此,该题应选A。
  例2 . -Good morning . Can I help you ?
     -I'd like to have the package ____ , madam . (91年)
  A . be weighed B . to be weighed C . to weigh D . weighed
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分在句中应作宾补,补充说明宾语 the package ; 再根据 the package 对于动词 weigh 来说,只能是被动关系。因此,该题应选D。
  例3 . I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days . (91年)
  A . sail B . sailing C . to sail D . to have sailed
  简析:该题应选B。测试动词 imagine 后要求跟动名词,Peter 是动名词的逻辑主语。
  例4 . If you wave your book in front of your face , you can feel the air ____ against your face . (80年)
  A . moved B . moving C . moves D . to move
  例1 . European football is played in 80 countries , ____ it the most popular sport in the world . (98年)
  A . making B . makes C . made D . to make
  简析:首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分在整个句中应作状语;再根据 European football 对于 make 来说应是主动关系,即欧洲足球使之本身成为一项最受世人欢迎的运动。因此,该题应选A。
  例2 . ____ a reply , he decided to write again . (92年)
  A . Not receiving B . Receiving not
  C . Not having received D . Having not received
  简析:该题应选C。 测试非谓语动词的否定式是在其前直接加 not 。若动作发生在主句动作之前时用非谓语的完成式。
  例3 . The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks , ____ that he had enjoyed his stay here . (94年)
  A . having added B . to add C . adding D . added
  例4 . “Can't you read ? ”Mary said ____ to the notice . (93年)
  A . angrily pointing B . and point angrily
  C . angrily pointed D . and angrily pointing
  简析:该题应选A。测试现在分词作伴随状语,通过副词 angrily 进行干扰。若B 答案为 and pointed angrily 时也对。
  另外,分词作状语时,如果其逻辑主语与整个句子的主语不一致时,需要独立主格结构或 with 复合结构来替代。(此时,也可把该分词看成介词的宾语补足语。)
  例:The murderer was brought in , with his hands ____ behind his back . (91年)
  A . being tied B . having tied C . to be tied D . tied
  简析:很显然,待选部分的逻辑主语是 his hands,而不是句子的主语 The murderer , 而 his hands 对于动词 tie 来说,只能是被动承受。因此,该题应选D。
  1 . ____ more attention , the trees could have grown better .
  A . Given B . To give C . Giving D . Having given
  2 . Climbing mountains was ____ , so we all felt ____ .
  A . tiring ; tired B . tired ; tiring C . tiring ; tiring D . tired ; tired
  3 . The ____ morning , the father came into the lonely house , ____ by his  naughty boy .
  A . following ; following B . followed ; followed C . following ; followed D . followed ; following
  4 . ____ these pictures , I couldn't help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing and ____ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building , Beijing looks more  magnificent .
  A . Seeing ; seen B . Seen ; seeing C . Seeing ; seeing D . Seen ; seen
  5 . Mrs White was glad to see the nurse ____ after her son and her daughter and was also pleased to see children well ____ care of in the nursery .
  A . looked ; taken B . looking ; taken C . looked ; took D . looking ; taking
  6 . I was fortunate to pick up a wallet ____ on the ground on the way home , but unfortunately for me , I found my colour TV set ____ when I got home .
  A . lying ; stolen B . laying ; stealing C . lay ; stolen D . lying ; stealing
  7 . ____ better attention , the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shining brightly in the sky and ____ them light .
  A . Giving ; given B . Given ; given C . Giving ; giving D . Given ; giving
  8 . ____ his head high , the manager walked into the room to attend the meeting ____ then .
  A . Holding ; being held B . Held ; holding C . Having held ; held D . Held ; to be held
  9 . ____ but he still could not understand it .
  A . Told many times B . Having been told many times
  C . He has been told many times D . Though he had been told many times
  10 . On hearing the ____ news , I was too ____ to sleep .
  A . exciting ; excited B . excited ; exciting
  C . exciting ; exciting D . excited ; excited
  Key:1-5 AACAB 6-10 ADAAA
  1. Can you a description of the bag that you lost ?
  A. make B. take C. give D. have
  2. We won't be able to tell what skills the man has until we .
  A. try him out B. put him out C. try him on D. give him out
  3. She thought a funny game for the children to play .
  A. over B. up C. at D. on
  4. We shall some new equipment from abroad in order to increase our production .
  A.bring in B. bring down C. bring up D. bring about
  5. -Would you like a cup of tea ?
   -     .
  A. Yes , please B. Yes , thank you C. Thanks a lot D. You are welcome
  6. -May I use your computer ?
   -     .
  A. No , I don't mind B. Yes , you do it
  C. Yes , my pleasure D. I'm afraid not
  7. The boy fell down to the ground , his eyes and his hands .
  A. to close ; to tremble B. closed ; trembled
  C. closing ; trembling D. closed ; trembling
  8. He stood there without any movement with his eyes on the snake .
  A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. being fixed
  9. I would rather you the letter at once .
  A. to have ; post B. have ; posted C. had ; posted D. will have ; posting
  10. On hearing the news , I was too to sleep .
  A. exciting , excited B. excited ; exciting
  C. exciting ; exciting D. excited ; excited
  答案:1-5 CABAA 6-10 DDACA
  ⒈ ① He did what he could her in the countryside .
   ② He said he could her in the village .
  A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped
  ⒉ ① I regret you that your cousin is seriously ill .
   ② I don't regret her what I thought even if it might have upset her .
  A. to tell B. to telling C. having told D. tell
  ⒊ ① We didn't allow in the waiting-room at present .
  ② We don't allow them in the waiting-room at present .
  A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke D. smoked
  ⒋ ① hard and you'll make rapid progress this term .
  ② hard , you'll make rapid progress this time .
  A. Working B. To work C. Work D. Having worked
  ⒌ ① , we went for a swim in the river .
  ② , so we went for a swim in the swimming-pool .
  A. Being hot B. It being hot C. As it is hot D. It was hot
  ⒍ ① The room requires without delay .
   A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. being cleaned
   ② The warm-blooded animals don't require .
  A. hibernate B. to hibernate C. hibernating D. being hibernated
  ⒎ ① I can't help when I hear that funny story .
   ② He said he couldn't help but when he heard that .
  A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. laughed at
  ⒏ ① In the week we'll have another chemistry exam .
  ② In the week we'll have another biology exam .
  A. coming B. to come C. later D. next to
  9. ① from the top of the lecture building , our school looks more beautiful .
  ② from the hill , we can see our beautiful school .
  ③ from that window , and you'll see that our school took on a new look .
  A. Seeing B. Seen C. See D. Having seen
  10. ① The sports meet next week is very important .
  ② The sports meet now is of great importance .
  ③ The sports meet last week is very important .
  A. holding B. being held C. to be held D. held
  11. ① He raised his voice in order to make us him in the crowded hall .
  ② He raised his voice in order to make himself in the noisy meeting-room .
  A. heard B. hearing C. hear D. to be heard
  12. ① I'll have him the work for you after work .
  ② I'll get him the work for you immediately .
  A. do B. doing C. to do D. done
  13. ① Most of us went to the place of interest , some girls .
  ② Most of us went to the exhibition , some girls .
  A. include B. including C. included D. to include
  14. ① He was surprised to see some teachers in the front of the hall .
  ② To his surprise , he saw some teachers themselves at the back of the classroom .
  A. seat B. seated C. seating D. to seat
  15. ① The man Li Ming used to live at the foot of the hill .
  ② The man himself Li Ming used to live beyond the hill .
  A. called B. calling C. to call D. call
  16. ① He had no choice but at the bus station .
  ② He had nothing to do but at the bus station .
  A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited
  17. ① He made a box a golden watch to his girfriend .
  A. send B. to send C. sending D. sent
  ② It was clear that the boss made us day and night .
  A. worked B. working C. to work D. work
  18. ① The dictionary is used in English countries .
  ② To improve his English , he practises speaking every day .
  A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. spoke
  19. ① He said he had a lot of work the day after tomorrow.  
  ② The stepmother had the little girl housework .
  ③ -Will you do the job yourself ?
   -No , I have it .
  ④ I won't have you such a silly thing in public places .
  A. to do B. done C. doing D. do
  20. ① He often sees them football on the playground .
  ② The missing boys were last seen near the river .
  A. playing B. played C. play D. to play
  21. ① Charles Baggage is generally considered the first computer .
  A. to have invented B. inventing C. having invented D. invented
  ② We are considering Hong Kong next year .
  A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. to pay a visit for
  22. ① I'd like with you to give them a first aid.
  ② I'd rather with you to help them out of danger.
  ③ I feel like with you to give them a warm welcome .
  A. to go B. going C. gone D. go
  23. ① Mary needs her watch .
  A. to be repaired B. repair C. repairing D. to repair
  ② Mary's watch needs .
  A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to have repaired
  24. ① Li Ping advised us a new plan .
  ② Li Ping advised a new plan .
  A. made B. to make C. making D. to be made
  25. ① The foreigner is considering a visit to the Great Wall .
  A. to pay B. paying C. pay D. having paid
  ② She is considering how there .
  A. to go B. going C. go D. to have gone
  26. ① Looking at the pictures , she couldn't help of her childhood .
  A. thinking B. to think C. to be thought D. thought
  ② Busy translating a book , she couldn't help the article .
  A. write B. writing C. to write D. written
  27. ① Who is by the door ?
  A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. to standing
  ② She has not a leg upon .
  A. to stand B. standing C. to standing D. stood
  28. ① He has made up his mind up with the world advanced level .
  A. to catch B. catching C. caught D. to catching
  ② Would he mind the window ?
  A. to open B. opened C. opening D. to be opened
  29. ① He suggested the matter with the manager .
  A . discussed B. be discussed C. discussing D. to discuss
  ② He suggested that she it with the boss .
  A. discuss B. be discussed C. discussed D. discussing
  30. ① The bamboo can be used to chairs .
  A. making B. made C. be made D. make
  ② You'll soon be used to here .
  A. live B. living C. lived D. live in
  31. ① The police forbid here .
  A. park B. parking C. to park D. to be parked
  ② The heavy rain forbade me to school .
  A. from coming B. to come C. come D. to be coming
  32. ① I s this the way it ?
  A. doing B. to do C. done D. to be done
  ② Tom is on the way to a pilot .
  A. become B. became C. to become D. becoming
  Key :⒈① A ② B ⒉ ① A ② C ⒊ ① B ② A ⒋ ① C ② A ⒌ ① B ②D ⒍ ① B ② B ⒎ ① A ② C ⒏ ① A ② B 9.① B ② A ③C 10.① C ② B ③ D 11.① C ②A 12.① A ② C 13.① B ② C 14.① B ② C 15.① A ② B 16.① A ② C 17.① B ② D 18.① B ② A 19.① A ② D ③ B ④ C 20.① C ② A 21.① A ② B 22.① A ② D ③ B 23.① D ② B 24.① B ② C 25.① B ② A 26.① A ② C 27.① B ② A 28.① A ② C 29.① C ② A 30.① D ② B 31.① B ② B 32.① B ② D
  下面有 10 个句子,每个句子至少有三种英语表达方式,请同学们根据已学过的知识试译。
  1. 这些手提箱大小不同。
  2. 这是她在找的字典。
  3. 道路两旁都有树。
  4. 他希望找到更好的业余工作。
  5. 你认识那个身穿蓝色上衣的姑娘吗?
  6. 他们必须尽快地完成这些工程。
  7. 她被认为是我们最好的导演。
  8. 那些名胜地值得一游。
  9. 你既不懂英语也不懂法语。
  10 . 五班有50 个学生。
  1. These suitcases are different in size . / These suitcases are of different sizes . / These suitcases are not the same in size .
  2. This is the dictionary she is looking for . / This is the dictionary she's searching for . / This is the dictionary she is after . / This is the dictionary she's in search of .
  3. There're trees on either side of the road . / There're trees on both sides of the road . / There're trees on each side of the road .
  4. He's in the hope of getting a better part-time job . / He wishes for a better part-time job . / He wishes to get a better part-time job . / He hopes to get a better part-time job . / He longs for a better part-time job . / He's eager for a better part-time job . / He's anxious for a better part-time job . / He expects a better part-time job .
  5. Do you know the girl with a blue coat on ? / Do you know the girl in a blue coat ? / Do you know the girl wearing a blue coat ? / Do you know the girl who has a blue coat on ? / Do you know the girl who is dressed in a blue coat ?
  6. They must complete these projects as soon as possible . / They must complete these projects as soon as they can . / They must complete these projects . The sooner , the better .
  7. She's regarded as our best director . / She's considered (to be) our best director . / She's looked upon (on) as our best director . / She is thought of as our best director .
  8. Those places of interest are worth visiting . / Those places of interest are worthy to be visited . / Those places of interest are worthy of being visited . / Those places of interest are worthy of a visit . / It's worth while to visit those places of interest . / It's worth while visiting those places of interest .
  9. You know neither English nor French . / You don't know English or French . / You don't know either English or French .
  10. There're 50 students in Class 5 . / Class 5 is made up of 50 students . / Class 5 consists of 50 students .




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