高三英语第四单元 Feed the World

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科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit4.doc
标题 Feed the World
章节 第四单元
v. be sorry for the loss of; wish to have again; feel sorry for懊悔;抱歉;遗憾。后接不定式与-ing意思不同。接不定式意为“遗憾要去做……”
We deeply regretted his death.
I regret to say that I can’t help you. (比I am sorry to say that…较为正式的表达)
He regrets that he was rude to her.
She regretted not having told you about it earlier.
n. feeling of sadness at the loss of sth. or disappointment because sth. has or has not been done.懊悔;抱歉;遗憾。
I feel regret at her absence.
We heard with regret that you were not successful in your plan.
I waste no time in useless regret.
*provide: v.to supply; to prepare for提供;供给、装备;
搭配为:provide sb. sth.; provide sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth.
We can provide ourselves.
The mother provided them some thick clothes.
We must provide food for the trip.
The Red Cross provides food and clothes for the sufferers.
*increase: v.[in’kris] to become greater in size, number, value etc.增加;繁殖。
The population of this town has increased to 2000,000.
The population of this town increased by 10 percent last year.
There has been a big increase in road accidents.
注意:increase的n.名词读音与动词不同[‘ inkris],它的反义词为decrease v.减少;缩减。
*now and again; occasionally; at times; now and then时而
On my way home from school, I called on Granny Li now and again.
*help oneself to… serve oneself with food(drink) etc. 衣随便吃(喝)
Please help yourself to some fish. It is fresh.
*day by day; as time goes by 逐日;一天一天地
Day by day she learnt more about her work.
*look forward to(doing) sth. 欣然期待(去做)谋事。
The little girl was looking forward to seeing her uncle from America.
*be suitable for; be right for a purpose适宜的;适当的;恰当的。
Do you think this present is suitable for a little boy?
*be in debt: owe a lot of money 欠债
The old man was in heavily debt in order to buy seeds.
*make sense: have an understandable meaning有意义;有道理;讲得通;
be sensible是明智的;是合情合理的。
What you say makes no sense.
It doesn’t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.
*earn one’s living: get money by working谋生; 挣钱生活
I start to earn my own living this very afternoon.
*for one thing: (used to introduce a reason for sth.用以引出谋事的理由 )一来
I’m afraid that I won’t be able to spend the weekend with you in Dalian. For one thing, I have no money and another I’m too busy.
连接主句与从句的连词有副词why, how, where, when, whether, if,它们在从句中充当状语成份,个有不同的词意,因此不能省略。代词who, whom, whose, what, which, 它们在从句中充当主语、定语、宾语,个有不同的词意,因此也不能省略。在联系中取舍哪一个词,本着缺什么成份,把它补齐,使句子在结构上与含意上完整就可以了。不同的连词,名子的意思也不同。例如:
Why/How/Where/When/Whether/Of what material the new house will be built hasn’t been decided yet.
Today’s newspaper reports(that) sales of beef in China will increase.(宾语从句)
That land ownership in some countries is unfair is obvious.(主语从句)
The reason is that is has been raining for five days.(表语从句)
The reason that it has been raining for five days is why the crops has been flooded.
Tom says that his sister is(was, will be) a doctor.
He thought the boy was honest.
I told him his brother was coming(would come).
We didn’t know whether they had finished their work.
The mother told her little daughter that the earth goes round the sum.
He told me that the train for Beijing leaves at 10:30.
Somebody told me that you are a teacher.
当主句的动词是think, believe, suppose, expect时,从句的否定要前移。
I don’t think she is right.
Many centuries ago, all people had gathered seeds and plants to eat. They did not know how to farm or raise animals for food. Because they used stone tools and weapons, we call them the Stone Age people. There are people who still live much like these Stone Age people lived. They live in places that are hard to reach. Because they have met few outsiders, they do not know about modern inventions. They have not traded ways of doing things with others. For 25,000 years, groups of people have lived alone in the middle of Australia. One of the groups is the Aruba tatribe. They do not know how to farm, nor do they raise animals. The Artuntas spend most of their time searching for food and water. The men hunt animals with stone---tipped spears. The women and children look for roots, seeds and nuts. Several Artunta families live together. They have no houses. At night, they sleep around fires.
Since 1992
Plumbing and Heating Installation(安装)
24 Hours 7 Days Service
Payment Open
261 Dong Fang Road
1.What is written above is _______.
A. a notice B. an address
C. an advertisement D. a poster
2.What service is offered free by Wuhan P.& H.?
A. Installation B. Quality of houses
C. Estimates of costs D. Large or small repairs
3.For which of the following problems would one call Wuhan P.& H.?
A. A leak(漏) in the roof.
B. Gas leak in the refrigerator.
C. Something wrong with wall plugs.
D. A broken bathroom pipe leaking water all over the floor.
4.The person who calls Wuhan P.& H. may discuss _____.
A. A duties B. experience C. cost D. salary
5.Wuhan is in _____ Province.
A. Hubei B. Hebei C. Hunan D. Henan
1.─I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.
─Is that _____ you had a few days off ?
A. why B. when C. what D. where (NMET99)
2.─It was _____ he said _____ disappointed me.
A. what; that B. that; that
C. what; what D. that; what (上海99)
句1:从题干和所给的4个选择中不难看出本题考查的是表语从句。“I drove to Zhuhai for the air show.”提出一个事实,而第二句表明“I”不在的原因。故答案为A.why。
句2:该句考查的是强调句和主语从句。该句强调的是句中的主语,而该句的主语又是一个从句。从这个结构中可以看出第二个空和“It was”构成强调句,故第二个空应该是that;第一个空和“he said”构成主语从句;在这个从句中“said”一词后缺少宾语,故答案为A.what;that。
1.A country is not likely to develop without industry and a____.
2.Zhou Enlai will always be remembered as a great p_____.
3.The dish is not salty. Do you mind pouring some s____ on it?
4.Greatly to my r_____ , I am unable to accept your kind invitation.
5.His death means a great l____ to science.
6.It is not _____(合适) to grow cash crops here.
7.We don’t care what _____(材料) they really want.
8.The problem was how they could ______(偿还) so much.
9.They had to _____(承认) what they had done was wrong.
10.Who has won the first place will not be _____(公布) until the game is over.
11.I can not help _____ of my childhood _____ I see the wound in my leg.
A. think, when B. thinking, whenever
C. to think, when D. thought, no matter when
12.At the party we _____ to some ice cream.
A. helped B. to help C. helping D. were helped
13.______ the orders or you will be punished.
A. Have B. Receive C. Obey D. Place
14.─Is this machine _____ order or _____ good order?
─It works very well
A. in; in B. out of; in
C. in; out of D. out of; out of
15.We are all looking _____ the day when our country will be highly developed.
A. at B. for C. up D. forward to
16.The city was almost destroyed completely by an earth quake many years ago.
A. damaged slightly B. torn C. ruined D. broken
17.The expedition _____ no loss of life and returned to their base on time.
A. made B. got C. gained D. suffered
18.If you want a plant to ____, you had better _____ it in the garden.
A. plant; plant B. grow; plant
C. plant; grow D. be grown; grow
19.Last year farmers could not have their wheat crops _____ because of the bad weather.
A. increasing B. decreased
C. increased D. decreasing
20.It didn’t take her long to work ____ that she would soon have no money left.
A. at B. on C. for D. out
21.It is _____ that the experiment should be made under low temperature.
A. said B. reported C. told D. suggested
22.______ man first made use of electricity is not exactly known.
A. When B. Whether C. That D. What
23.______ this material will be used in the product has not been decided yet.
A. If B. That C. What D. Whether
24.______ we are saying is more than ______ we will do.
A. That; that B. What; what
C. As; as D. Whatever; that
25.Our doubt is _____ he can do the experiment alone.
A. that B. if C. whether D.what
26.The reason ______ he didn’t come to our party was _____ he took a missing boy back home on his way here.
A. why; because B. why; that
C. that; why D. that; that
27.Do you have no idea ______?
A. how fast light travels B. how fast does light travel
C. how soon light travels D. how rapid light travels
28.Do you have no doubt _____ he will succeed in finding a new job?
A. if B. whether C. that D. whether or not
29.I kept looking at the man, wondering _______.
A. whether had I had seen him before
B. where I had seen him before
C. that I had seen him before
D. when I had seen before
30.The teacher told the children that man _____ any life on the moon.
A. didn’t find B. could not find
C. doesn’t find D. hasn’t been able to find
In the 17th century corn was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan. At that time the land along the Changjiang River was becoming very 31 ;there was not enough 32 for the population. Farmers had to move 33 the hills, but they 34 rice there. They needed plant which didn’t need 35 water as rice. 36 they were able to grow the new corn.
Today, corn is found all over the world. It is a very useful plant that can be 37 in many different ways. People in the West often boil in 38 over an open fire. In many parts of the world corn 39 powder. The powder is then 40 water and other things, and made inot different kinds of food.
31.A. crowd B. crowded C. crowds D. a crowd
32.A. rooms B. places C. room D. place
33.A. into B. in C. to D. on
34.A. hadn’t grown B. didn’t grow C. can’t raise D. couldn’t grow
35.A. as many B. as much C. as much as D. much as
36.A. Luckily B. Unluckily C. Fortunate D. Unfortunately
37.A. cooking B. to cook C. prepared D. done
38.A. all B. whole C. completely D. each
39.A. makes into B. be made to C. be made from D. is made into
40.A. mixed with B. mixed to C. mixing D. to mix
Plants are very important living thing. Life could not
go on when there were no plants. This is why plants can
make food with air and, water, or sunlight. Animals and men
can’t make food with air, water or sunlight. Animals can get
its food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, either. Therefore, animals, and
man need plants in order to live. This is that we find we find
such many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you’ll find that there are many types plants. Some
plants are big, while others are small. Most of plants are green. 41.______
语言功能 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
1.─My daughter has passed the exam.
─Congratulations! She’s really intelligent.
A. No, no, she is intelligent.
B. Oh, thank you!
C. Sometimes she is intelligent.
D. You are right.
2.─You forgot to feed the cat again!
A. I can’t remember.
B. I don’t mind feeding her again.
C. I’ll do it now.
D. Yes, I did. What about you!
3.─Mum, I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding!
A. Let me see.
B. Don’t worry.
C. Be careful
D. Let me have a look
4.─What’s happened to my library book?
A. I’ve no idea.
B. You borrowed them from the library.
C. You bought them yesterday.
D. They’re about long life.
5.─Where is Tom this morning?
─He’s got a cold.
A. Just tell him to take it easy.
B. What’s the matter with him?
C. He’s absent.
D. What? Where is he?
1.agriculture; 2.politician; 3.sauce; 4.regret; 5.loss
6.suitable; 7.materials; 8.repay; 9.admit; 10.announced
11-15BDCBD 16-20CDCCD 21-25BADBC 26-30BACBD
31-35BCADB 36-40ACBDA
Plants are very important living thing. Life could not
go on when there were no plants. This is why plants can
make food with air and, water, or sunlight. Animals and men
can’t make food with air, water or sunlight. Animals can get
its food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, either. Therefore, animals, and
man need plants in order to live. This is that we find we find
such many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you’ll find that there are many types plants. Some
plants are big, when others are small. Most of plants are green. 41.things
1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.A; 5.A




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