同一单词结构不同意思不同 (中学英语教学论文)

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一.suggest (1)建议
eg,1,The doctor suggested operating the patient at once. Structure:suggest+doing
2.The doctor suggested that the patient should be operated on at once. Structure:suggest+that subject (should )+V原形
eg, His angry looks suggested he was disappointed with the result.structure:从局结构需与主句相应
合例:The emperor suggested the cloth should be woven at once ,which suggested he was not fit for his job.
二,insist (1)主张
eg.He insisted that he should be sent where he is needed most.
Structure:从句用should +V原形
eg.He insisted that he hadn’t spoken ill of her behind her back.
合:He insisted what he said was right,but we insisted that he should go to see it for himself他坚持说他所说的是对的,但是我们主张他亲自去看看.
三.can’t help (1)情不自禁can’t help+doing
eg,He couldn’t help laughing while he was reading the joke.
(2) 不能帮助can’t help+( to )do
I’m sorry I am too busy.i can’t help to do housework with you.
三,regret(1)很遗憾+to tell,say ,inform 表示对接下来要tell, say,inform 的话很遗憾
I regret to inform you that you are fired by the company because you have been late for work three times.
(2)regret doing 后悔作过某事
egI regret telling him the news ,he is very sad at it.
四.only to do(1) 表示结果出乎主语意料之外
eg.I work hard, only to fail at last.
Only doing 表示谓语动作造成的结果
Eg.The sap passes right through their bodies,only getting a little thicker and sweeter
五(1)be supposed to do 理应
eg Teachers are supposed to know a lot.
(2)Be supposed to doing 反对作某事
Her parents are supposed to her going out at night.
六.consider (1)考虑作某事consider doing
eg. Have you considered changing another job?
(2)认为 eg Columbus is considered to have discovered the new America.
七mean (1) mean doing 意味着某事
eg.Missing the train means waiting for another two hours.
(2) mean to do 打算作某事
I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.
八be used to (1)被用来作某事be used to do
eg. Wood is used to make furniture.
(2) 习惯于作某事be used to doing
We are used to staying up late when we are in senior 3.
九.be afraid (1) be afraid to do 因害怕而不敢做
ed .Most of girls are afraid to go alone at night.
(2) be afraid of doing担心某事发生
people are afraid of Leaning Tower falling down
合I am afraid to tell her the bad news, because I am afraid of hurting her.我不敢告诉她那个坏消息,因为我担心她会受到伤害
十 with 的复合结构(1) with + 名词+to do 表示有事要做
eg.With a lot of problem to solve, the manager feels worried.
(2) with + 名词+done 表示某事作完了
eg.with he homework done, he went out to enjoy himself.



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