高三英语第二单元 Captain Cook

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科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit2.doc
标题 Captain Cook
章节 第二单元
关键词 高三英语第二单元
一、 教法建议
James Cook(1728-1779)是英国海军上校和航海家,太平洋和南极海洋的探险家。1768年英国皇家学会与海军部组织太平洋首次科学考察,Cook被任命为考察队指挥官。其任务是护送学会科学家到Tahiti岛观察金星凌日的情况。该任务完成后,考察船去寻找南方大陆,发现新西兰,并绘制出海图。1770年4月,考察船到达Australia东南海岸,沿海北上成功地驶过昆士兰的大堡礁,返船回国,结束了第一次太平洋的考察。Cook船长数次深入太平洋和南极考察,在探索新地,航海,测绘海图和航海卫生等方面取得了卓著的成就。
⒈ 在黑板上划一个简图(与书中同)。
⒉ 组织学生看书中图,并把书中图上的地理名词添在黑板图的相应位置上。
⒊ 阅读课文,讨论航海路线,并划在黑板图上(可请一学生完成)。
⒋ 教师指导学生进行看图说话训练,同时教师可在黑板上写出重点单词和词组。
⒌ 朗读课文指导说明文的朗读技巧。
⒍ 开发运用所学的重点单词和词组。
⒎ 复述课文。
※defend v. to protect from harm /attack; make safe 保卫,防御,保护
To defend their country, many young people of that village joined the army.
It is the duty of every citizen to defend his country, when it is attacked by the enemy.
※seize v. take hold of suddenly and by force 抓住,夺取,占领
The policeman seized the thief by the collar, and threw him into the police car.
The PLA men seized the city in a sudden night attack.
※exist v. to be; to have life 存在,生存
Does life exist on other planets?
Don’t believe him. Such a thing doesn’t exist.
※map v. to make a map of; show on a map绘制……的地图,勘测
The explorer mapped the island they had discovered.
Cook was the first to map the east coast of Australia.
※tear v. to break by pulling apart撕开,撕裂
As soon as the postman passed her the letter, Mary tore yt open.
※set v.放,置,摆,调节,指(日月)落了…… 它是个多义词,构成的词组也较多,词
It will be cooler when the sun has set (is set ).
He set the ladder against the wall.
Please set (lay )the table for dinner.
The newspaper article set me thinking.
I set my watch by the time signal on the radio.
The teacher set very difficult questions for the exam.
※set off, set out (to begin a journey )出发,后接on the journey, trip,或for a place, /sth.
※set out (to intend to do )后接to do意为“着手”,“打算”
※set up (raise, build )竖立,建立,创立
※set up home (to start one’s own home )建立家园
※set…free 释放,set fire on /to(在)……放火
※set sail起航
※set off (to cause explode )引起爆炸
b) 本单元重点词组:
fall ill /asleep患寎,/入睡
pass by 经过
in charge of 主管,负责
in search of 寻找
at sea在海上;在航海
take an interest in 对……感兴趣;
take …by surprise 使……吃惊;出奇兵攻占
be worth doing 值得做……
His suggestion is worth considering.
Is the exhibition worth visiting?
呈现:Cook was interested in mathematics.
再现:Cook took an interest in mathematics.
开发:用interest 的适当形式完成下列各句:
⒈I found something _________ in today’s paper.
⒉The boy was ________ in drawing pictures.
⒊When he was a boy, Tom took an ________ in physics.
⒋This newly-translated story-book _______ lots of children.
(⒈interesting⒉interested ⒊interest ⒋interests )
同义词辨析raise 与rise;
raise 与rise
raise 是个多义词。
主要有: to lift up举起,抬起,增加,提高
to produce, or cause to grow饲养,抚养,种植
to get or bring together筹集
She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground.
The manager said he would raise your pay.
He raised the children by himself;his wife died years ago.
His wife raised the money by selling her jewelry.
rise是不及物动词。作起身讲时是get up和stand up的正式用语。
I used to like seeing the sun rise.
The old man rose from his seat.
The book has risen in value.
They demanded a raise from the company.
We got a lift part of the way in a truck.
You had better take the lift to the tenth floor.
The modern sailing was developed by a man who never went to sea. He was prince (王子)Henry of Portugal(葡萄牙),the young son of Portuguese King and an English princess (公主).
Prince Henry lived in the 15th century. As a boy, he loved the sea very much. He wanted to improve the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. In 1416 when he was twenty - one, Henry founded a school for sailors to which he invited everyone who could help him─Jewish astronomers (天文学家),Italian and Spanish sailors, and Arab mathematics (数学家)and mapmakers.
Henry’s purpose was to design and build ships that would be able to make long ocean voyages, without having to keep close to the shore. He designed ship that sailed faster and could carry more gooks.
1.─I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?
─Not at all _______.
A. I’ve no time B. I’d rather not C. I’d like it D. I’d be happy to. (1995)
— 完全可以,我很乐意。
— Better today?(Are you feeling better today?)
— Much better.
2.— Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?
— ___________ .
A. I don’t believe it B. I don’t believe C. I believe not so D. I believe not. (1994)
【解析】— 你看周末会整天下雨吗?
根据英语习惯,当think或believe, imagine, guess, expect等动词,用于一般现在时的陈述句时,其后面内容若为否定,not的位置要前移。即把think或believe变为否定式。当后面的内容省略时,肯定式要说:I think /believe so.故该题其余选项不符合英语习惯。
三、 智能显示
本单元语法重点是动词- ing形式作主语,表语,宾语的用法。这是词法中非谓语动词的动词的一种。非谓语动词在历届高考第I大题单项填空中常常被列入重要的考察的内容之一。例如,
1.______ reply, he decided to write again. (1992)
A. No receiving B. receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received
2.European football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world.
A. making B. makes C. made D. to make (1998)
⒊“Can’t you read?”Mary said _______ to the notice.. (1993)
A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily
C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing
【答案】C A A
同步训练(Unit 2)
1.Farmers p_____ city people with fresh vegetables and meat every day. 1._______
2.Tom s____ cycling to the country instead of going by bus. 2._______
3.Jane is not present today. She has f_____ ill again. 3._______
4.A m_____ is a person who buys and sells goods for making money. 4._______
5.You mustn’t drive too fast, for it is d_____ . 5._______
6.Do you believe that some living things (存在)____ on the other planets? 6._______
7.The football team of Class Five (打败)_____ that of Class Four yesterday. 7._______
8.The day when Macao(澳门) returns to China is worth (庆祝)____. 8._______
9.The Taiwan Island is (分开)____ from the main land. 9._______
10.It is said that Australia was once (相连)____ to South America. 10.______
11.The sun ___ in the east and ___ in the west.
A. raises, falls B. goes up, drops C. sets, rises D. rises, sets
12.She _____ a new Asian Games record in the 100-meter dash.
A. set out B. set off C. set up D. set about
13.Who do you think is the greatest man _____?
A. lively B. alive C. live D. living
14.Be careful that you don’t set the fireworks_____ by mistake.
A. up B. off C. out D. to
15.These drugs are _____ out of the touch of children.
A. to be kept B. keeping C. to keep D. to keep
16.She _____ the child and pulled it back from the edge of the well.
A. took B. caught C. held D. seized
17.Which of the following is wrong?
A. The price of tomatoes has been raised recently.
B. The price of tomatoes has risen recently.
V. The price of tomatoes has been risen recently.
D. The price of tomatoes has raised recently.
18. Which of the following is wrong?
A. They suggested our visiting some places of interest.
B. They suggested we should visit some places of interest.
C. They suggested us to visit some places of interest.
D. They suggested that we visit some places of interest.
19.Which doesn’t mean the same?
A. The children were always excited to start off on a camping trip.
B. The children were always excited to set out on a camping trip.
C. The children were always excited to start a camping.
D. The children were always excited to set off on a camping trip.
20.Which of the following is wrong?
A. My parents insisted my going on to college at that time.
B. My parents insisted me to go on to college at that time.
C. My parents insisted that I should go on to college at that time.
D. My parents insisted that I go on to college at that time.
21.It’s on use ______ (learn)without practice.
22.We are considering ______(take )a new course in the coming term.
23.Stop______(make)a fool of yourself by______(keep)on_____(repeat)the same question.
24.I remember ______(hear) him say the grass needed _____ (cut).
25.Your friend’s idea is worth ______ (think)over more carefully.
26.Do you feel like _____(go)to a film or world you rather stay at home?
27.People don’t permit ______(smoke) in the offices.
28.Revolution means ______(liberate) the productive forces.
29.Nobody is ______ in the story he told because it is not ______ at all.(interest)
30.What seemed to me most ______ (surprise) was that no one thought of his own safety.
Twenty-eight hopeless men in Antarctica faced the most impossible task of returning home alive. Their ship, 31 by ice, has stopped at less than 1,000 miles 32 the south pole. They were 33 by thousands miles of ice. These men had 34 three small boat, the clothes on their back, and some sheds (雪橇). The only 35 where they could set up their tents was on the ice island. These small tents could 36 protect them against the bitter cold and the 37 winds. And the ice island was slowly 38 up. Perhaps the worst of all was that they could 39 no hope. 40 one could imagine their trouble then.
31.A. crushed B. frozen C. floated D. wounded
32.A. from B. towards C. forward D. within
33.A. surrounded B. sunk C. delayed D. struck
34.A. also B. right C. wrong D. only
35.A. way B. space C. room D. rooms
36.A. fairly B. hardly C. greatly D. obviously
37.A. blowing B.blow C. blew D. blown
38.A. making B. breaking C. raising D. giving
39.A. require B. want C. hope D. expect
40.A. Not B. Other C. Any D.No
James Cook was a skirling seaman. He was famous for making an 41.____________
expedition to the South Pacific Ocean. On July 1768,Cook and his sailors 42.____________
took an old and strong ship to set out for the Pacific Ocean in order to find 43.____________
a new continent.The ship to took a total of 94 people, including scientists. It 44.____________
was really very hard journey for them. During the expedition, 38 people died 45.____________
of decease. They stayed at the island of Tahiti in the Pacific Ocean and 46.____________
reached New Zealand. On their way up the east, the ship struck a coral bed. 47.____________
But Cook quid thinking saved the expedition. In July 1771, they successfully 48.____________
arrived back in England. The all country celebrated their return from the 49.____________
South Pacific. So James Cook became a hero of the country. 50.____________
1. provide 2.suggested 3.fallen 4.merchant 5.dangerous
2. exist 7.defeated 8.celebrating 9.separated 10.connected
11—15 DCBBA 16—20DCBCB 21.learning 22.taking 23.making, keeping, repeating 24.hearing, cutting, (to be cut ) 25.thinking 26.going
27. smoking 28.liberating 29.interested, interesting 30.surprising
31—35BAADC 36—40BABDD
41.skilling—skilled 42.On—In 43.and—but 44.took—carried 44.∧very—a very 46.decease—diseases 47.√ 48.Cook—Cook’s 49.all—whole 50.country—nati教法建议
2.要提高对学好高三英语新教材与总复习关系的认识。“SEFC Book 3A”一书从选材和课后练习的编排上可以归纳为以下四个特点:
由此可见,“SEFC Book 3A”的教学过程是高三总复习的重要组成部分,切不可盲目突击,草草授完。

本单元记叙的是在现代物理发展史上做出突出贡献的科学家Madame Curie发现镭的故事。赞扬了Madame Curie不畏艰苦,勇于献身的精神,严肃认真的科学态度以及她无私,坚定,勇敢的品格。
1)Lesson 1 对话
2)Lesson 2-3 Madame Curie
c)背诵并深刻理解有关Madame Curie 思想的那段话(见学后思考);
d)将课文改写成100—150 words 短文;
a)单词和词组:effect, post, institute,determination,ray,false,endless,
willing, disappoint, cure, admire, devote to, go over, go by, have...todo with..., succeed in, believe in, work hard at, set off, pay off, give off, in honour of, from then on, above all, heart and soul.
以上单词和词组可通过听对话录音,教师介绍Madame Curie 过程中呈现,然后用问答讨论课文内容等方式再现以上单词和词组加深理解词义,掌握用法,最后用句型转换或补全句子等方法巩固,开发运用。如:以“cure”一词为例:
呈现:Scientistes soon discovered that it could be used as acure for
cancer.(P4 Lesson 2) n.
再现:Radium is something that can cure people who are suffering from cancer, isn't
开发:Uncle Li coughed for days. He went to see quite a few doctors, but
(none of them could cure)
1.A:Mr.Lin looked unhappy this morning.
B: That's true. He was disappointed at the news that his son failed the exams.
A: I see. That's really disappointing news.
2.After graduation we'll be able to have some other choices besides going to
3.Motherland, fatherland,nativeland and homeland are the same in meaning.
4.Groundfloor is used in Britain, while firstfloor, in America.
5.His bad health is a great disadvantage to him, for he even cannot spend the weekend
with his family outside.
6.This medicine did not seem to have much effect, for he still coughed after taking
7.The doctor took some X-rays of her, and found she was seriously ill.
8.The girl gave him an admiring look, for she admired his courage and bravery at
the battle.
9.Madame Curie devoted herself to the discovery of radium, which plays an important
role in modern science.
10.The growth of plants has much to do with the climate.
11.Did Jane have anything to do with that quarrel?
12.The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch.
13.We have celebrations on National Day in honour of our motherland.
呈现:1.On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny
soft light. (P3 Lesson 2)
2.In fact, radium not only damaged their health but also made the laboratory
equipment with which they were working radioactive.(P4 Lesson 3)
3.The radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness
and illness and finally a disease of the blood.(P4 Lesson 3)
1.On the laboratory bench was a glass. From the bench came a tiny soft light.
2.In fact, radium not only damaged their health but also made the laboratory
equipment. They were working with the equipment.
3.The radium had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the
She had worked with the radium for years.
二、 学海导航
例1 You'll be shown the new library I told you yesterday.
A. to which B. about which C. with which D. in which
解析: “tell sb. about sth.”是一个固定的句型,先行词在从句中作“about”一词的宾语,故答案为B。
例2 Old John opened the door and found a large table in the middle of the room
lay a lighted lamp.
A. in which B. on that C. on which D. under which
例3 Is the book that you are looking for?
例4 She is the girl who(whom, or that)I took for your sister just now.
解析:以上两个句子中的关系代词可以省略,因为先行词在从句中作宾语。但两句中的介词不能前置。因为“look for”和“take for”(误认为)是固定搭配的词组。如果把词组中的两个单词分开,容易造成误解。所以,在动词和介词搭配的词组中,当介词与动词分开时,动词就失去原来的意思,这个词组中的介词就不能前置。这样的词组常见的有:look after, look into(调查),get in(收获),take care of, take off, be used to, make use of, take part in等。
b)难句解析:On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny soft light.(P3 Lesson 2)
解析:这是一个“介词‘from’+关系代词‘which’”引导的定语从句。此句又是一个倒装句,主句和从句均倒装。句中的主语分别是“a glass container”和“a tiny soft light”。在主语+谓语+介词短语构成的句子中,当介词短语置于句首时,主语和谓语全部倒装。如:
In front of the village stood a huge pine tree.
About Madame Curie
Madame Curie(Marie Curie,1867-1934),the greatest woman scientist, played an important role in the development of modern physics. Her discovery of radium opened the treasure-house of atomic energy. In 1903 Madame Curie and her husband Pierre Curie shared the Nobel Prize for physics. After Pierre Curie's death in 1906,Madame Curie became the first woman professor at the Sorbonne (巴黎大学). In 1911 she was awarded a second Noble Prize, this time for chemistry, for her discovery of radium and polonium. Later she worked on the application of radioactivity to medicine.
Madame Curie fought a continuous battle throughout her life. She was born into a teacher's family. Her father was a teacher of physics,her mother the principal of a primary school. Her interest in science was encouraged by her father. From her early childhood, she loved to study and hoped to become a scientist. After her graduation from middle school at the age of sixteen, she had to make money by giving private lessons at night in order to go abroad to continue her study. In 1891,at the age of twenty-four, she left for Paris and entered Paris University. She lived a simple life and studied very hard. She used to keep on working under the faint light of an oil lamp until the early hours of the morning. She graduated with the highest grades in her class. After graduation she did her scientific research work in Paris University. In 1895,she married Pierre Curie, a French physicist. Pierre joined Marie in her research. Finally they succeeded in 1902.
三、 智能显示
The weather turned out to be very good, was more than we could expect.(1994)
A. what B. which C. that D. it(答案:B)
解析:这是一个复合句。从内容上看“The weather turned out to be very good”应该是“ was more than we could expect”的主语,因此可以断定此句是非限定定语从句。在非限定定语从句中,关系代词只能用which,答案为B。
同步训练(Unit 1)
1.—What will you do after g ?
—My parents suggest that I should go to university first.
2.It is a d not to be able to keep the balance of nature.
3.The villagers will carry out their plan with d that they would cover the
desert nearby with green trees.
4.With many factories Shenyang is the centre of i area in Liaoning Province.
5.Jane said she would be w to help us with our English in any way she could.
6.Everyone was s by the sudden earthquake but nobody was killed with the
help of the PLA men.
7.The old man looked very pale, and seemed to have s a great deal.
8.The line of waiting people seemed to be e before the ticket window and
the Smiths had no choice but to stand in line patiently.
9.“Why m water is good for heath?” little Tom asked his mother.
10.In China, many universities have i of education.
11.The result of the experiment was . However, Mr Wang would have a tenth
A. disappointed B. disappointing C.disappointment D. disappoint
12.The first engine invented by Watt smoke and steam when it was started.
A. give out B. sent out C. gave off D. sent off
13.Prof.Black has been working in the forest for years, to the research of wild
plants and animals.
A. devoted B. devoting C. to devote D. and devote
14.The doctor's job is to people who are ill.
A. treat B. tend C. examine D. cure
15.—Never waste anything, but never waste time.
—I ,dad.
A. above all, won't B. first, will C. do, see D. please, don't
16.—Do you what he said?
—Yes, of course. He is an honest boy and I him.
A. believe, believe B. believe in, believe
C. believe, believe in D. believe in, believe in
17.John left his hometown at the age of 15,and he has never been back.
A. since then B. from then on C. from then D. after that time
18.Edison had many before finding the right way and in the end came to
A. failure, success B. failures, success
C. failure, successes D. failures, successes
19.Don't you think what is learned in books what is learned through
A. has the same deep effect on a student's character as
B. have the same deep result for a student's character as
C. is the same to a student's character as
D. are the same to a student's character
20.Some animals are dying away, the fact that they have been hunted and that
the forests have been seriously destroyed.
A. that has something to do with
B. which has much to do with
C. and has a lot to do with
D. what is something to do with
Madame Curie was the discover of radium. Her husband, 21.
Pierre Curie, joined him in the search for this element. 22.
They believed that something in the nature which gave 23.
out radiation. The Curie set up their laboratory in an old 24.
building. Its walls and roof were made of the wood and 25.
glass. It was cold in winter and hot in summer. Water 26.
dripped from the ceiling on rain days. But in this 27.
uncomfortable shed the Curies took four very years. 28.
They were happiest years of their lives. For it was 29.
here where they finally discovered radium in the year 30.
of 1902,which opened the treasure-house of atomicenergy.
Madame Curie 曾经这样描述她的思想,“Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed.”正像她描述的那样,Madame Curie自信,坚定,不畏困难,终于找到了她的“something”并且取得了成功,为此,她付出了巨大的代价——孩子和生命。
1)Will you give us an example to show that life is not easy but we must work?
2)Do you believe in yourself all the time? Give an example.
3)Do you believe that each one of us is able to do something well?
4)Have you found this something yours? What is it?
1.graduation 2.disadvantage 3.determination 4.industrial 5.willing 6.shocked 7.suffered 8.endless 9.mineral 10.institutions 11-15.BCADA 16-20.CADAB 21.discover—discoverer 22.him—her 23.the nature—nature 24.Curie—Curies 25.the wood—wood 26. 27.rain—rainy 28.took—spent 29.happiest—the happiest 30.where—that




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