高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit24.1.doc
标题 Mainly revision
章节 第二十四单元
关键词 高二英语第二十四单元
【 抛砖引玉 】
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
tie , chain , haircut , pin , secretary , forgive , owe , trick , roll , tear ( v ) , wish…every success , congratulate… on , help…out , insist on , painter , repay , play a trick on , be tired of .
Ⅱ. 交际英语 (复习下列交际用语)
1 . 谈论天气的用语:
It's a beautiful day today .
It is a bit…today , isn't it?
Tomorrow will turn out fine .
2 . 表示决意的用语:
I've decided……
I'd rather ( not ) have……
I'd prefer them ( not ) to……
3 . 表示祝贺或祝愿的用语:
I'd like to congratulate you ( on…… )
I wish you every success .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
一般说来,英语倒装有两个原因:一是语法结构的需要;一是为了强调。在需要倒装的各种 句型中,有时主语和谓语并不需要倒装,现归纳如下。
※ 在特殊疑问句中,若疑问词作主语,主谓不倒装。如:
What happened to Yang Pei?
※ 在特殊疑问句中,若疑问词修饰主语,主谓不倒装。如:
Whose books are on the teacher's desk?
※ 陈述式疑问句主谓不倒装。如:
You don't know the way?
※ 在某些感叹句中主谓不倒装。如:
How he worked!
※ 以 here , there , off , up , down 等副词开头的句子,若主语为代词时,主谓语不倒 装。
Here you are .
Off they ran to school .
※ 当 only 位于句首修饰主语时,主谓不倒装。如:
Only girls can do it well .
※ 当 not only…but also… 位于句首连接两个并列主语时,主谓不倒装。如:
Not only he but also I am from the south . 不仅他是而且我也是南方人。
※ 把副词 so 提前,如果两句的主语相同,且后者只是进一步肯定前者,so 后面的语序不 必倒装。如:
—He works hard . 他学习很努力。
—So he does . 是很努力。
※ 以 so 开头,表示“也”时,特别是在“so it + be + with + 名词 ( 代词 ) ”句型中, 主谓不倒装。如:
Men can't live without air and water . So it is with animals and plants .
※ 直接引语的一部分或全部位于句首,如果主语是人称代词,主谓不倒装。如:
—I don't want to be examined , he answered .
—Let me be .
【 指点迷津 】
when,where 和 why 引导的定语从句和同位语从句之区别
when , where 和 whey 既可以引导定语从句,也可以引导同位语从句,它们的相同点是在两 种从句中都可以充当状语成分。不同点是:when , where 和 why 作关系副词引导定语从句时, 有跟它们含义相应的先行词,如 when 的相应先行词是表示时间的名词,where 的相应先行词是 表示地点的名词,why 的相应先行词是表示原因的名词。当 when , where 和 why 作连接副词引 导同位语从句时,则没有与它们含义相应的先行词。试比较:
I'll never forget the day when ( = on which ) we met for the first time . ( 定语 从句 )
I have no idea when we met for the first time ( 同位语从句 )
The office where ( = in which ) you work is here . ( 定语从句 )
Then arose the question where we were to get so much money . ( 同位语从句 )
The reason why ( = for which ) he did not come is quite clear . ( 定语从句 )
Xiao Wang has solved the problem why the TV was out of order . ( 同位语从句 )
以上例句中 when , where 和 why 作关系副词引导定语从句时,可以改为“介词 + 关系代 词 which”来引导;而引导同位语从句的 when , where 和 why 就不能这样改。
【 学法指要 】
1 . forgive 为不规则动词,过去式为 forgave , 过去分词为 forgiven ; 意为“宽恕 ( 人、罪等 ) ,原谅,饶恕 ( 某人的行为 ) ”。例如:
She forgave her husband .
If you apologize , the teacher may forgive your negligence .
2 . insist 意为“一定要;坚持要求”,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。当其作 不及物动词时,其后通常跟 on 或 upon 引起的短语。例如:
They insisted on an early decision .
The doctor insisted on operating on the patient at once .
He insisted upon going there on foot .
He insisted on my studying English together with them .
当 insist 用作及物动词时,通常用句型 insist + that 从句。从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟 语气,即用“should + 动词原形”,其中的 should 常可省略。例如:
I insisted that the meeting ( should be ) be put off .
She insisted that he daughter ( should ) go on to learn English after she left school .
We insisted that he should come to the party . ( = We insisted on his coming to the party . )
3 . own 用作形容词时,意为“自己的,自己的东西”;用作动词时,意为“拥有;承 认”。
This is a picture of my own painting .
The three children grew up and had families of their own .
4 . remind 是及物动词,意为“使 ( 人 ) 想起”,后跟 of 引起的短语。例如:
I was reminded of my promise .
The photo reminds me of my school life .
The letter from my friend reminded me of our school days .
remind 还可以译为“使人想起;提醒”,后面可以跟带不定式的复合结构,或跟宾语从句。 例 如:
She reminded me that I hadn't watered the flowers .
Please remind me to hand in my composition tomorrow .
5 . wish 常可用来表示祝愿。例如:
I wish you a pleasant journey home .
I wish you success / luck / happiness / victory .
I wish you a happy birthday .
I wish you happy / lucky / well .
I wish you safe in the journey .
在英语中“wish + that - clause . ”表示“但愿……;希望……”,宾语从句用虚拟语气。 宾语从句如果和主句所表示的动作同时发生,从句的谓语动词用一般过去时;如果宾语从句所表 示的动作先于主句,从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时;如果宾语从句所表示的动作后于主句,从 句中的谓语动词用过去将来时。例如:
I wish I had your brain .
I wish I were taller .
I wish something interesting would happen very soon .
I wish you would forget it .
I wished that I had known what to say .
I with I hadn't said those terrible things about her .
1 . be tired of ( = be no longer interested in ) 意为“对……厌烦”。例如:
Are you tired of living in the city?
They are tired of the same food for supper every evening .
Don't make so much noise , I am tired of it .
2 . congratulate……on 表示“就某事祝贺某人”,其中 congratulate 是及物动词,意为 “祝贺;道贺”。例如:
I congratulate you on your achievements with all my heart .
We warmly congratulate you on your success .
He congratulated us on getting married .
I heartily congratulate myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife .
He has sent me a telegram congratulating me on my success .
表示“祝贺”时,也可使用 congratulations ( 常用复数形式 ) 。例如:
Congratulations on your success .
You passed the examination successfully . Please accept my congratulations .
3 . drop in 意为“顺便来访;到……家来”,常用于非正式文体中。表示“来访某家” 时,用“drop in at…”,表示“来访某人”时,用“drop in on……”。例如:
Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free .
I'd like to drop in at Mr Sun on the way to school .
Xiao Wang often dropped in when he worked at the college .
I just dropped in to see if he was at home studying English .
4 . earn one's living 意为“谋生;挣钱生活”,其中 earn 是及物动词。例如:
He earned his living as a teacher .
She had to help her husband to earn a living by teaching at a language school .
Do you know how much he earns a month?
Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all .
5 . help……out 意为“帮助 ( 做某事;克服困难等 ) ”。例如:
Nobody helped me out when I lost my job .
The students help out in the factory after school .
Kate fell ill last week , many of her friends came to help out .
He often helps us out when we have been in trouble .
6 . “Let's drink to……”是祝酒的用语,介词 to 后跟名词,表示“为 ( 某事 ) 干杯” 的意思。例如:
Let's drink to the success of Mr John .
Let's drink to your further achievements .
Now , let's drink to the friendship between both of us .
表示“我提议为……干杯”可以使用“I should like to propose a toast to……”。例 如:
I should like to propose a toast to the health of all the friends present here!
I'd like to propose a toast to the further development of our country .
7 . make progress 意为“取得进步”,其中 progress 为不可数名词。例如:
The great leader chairman Mao said , “Study hard and make progress every day . ”
In order to improve his spoken English , he listens to English programmes every day , at last he made great progress .
8 . What a shame! ( 真遗憾!真不像话! ) 用来表示“遗憾;愤懑”。可以单独使用,也可 以后跟 that - clause 或不定式短语。例如:
—Li Lei didn't do his homework yesterday .
—What a shame!
What a shame that I failed in the mid - term examinations!
What a shame to spare him so much time!
1 . I'd also like to congratulate you on your good work . 同时我还为你的工作祝贺 你。
congratulate sb . on sth . 因为……向某人祝贺 congratulation ( 名词 ) 多以复数形式 出现。
注意:celebrate 同 congratulate 的区别:celebrate 表示庆祝,宾语常常为一个 special day or special event . 如:celebrate National Day 庆祝国庆 celebrate birthday 庆祝生 日 congratulate 的宾语常为 sb .
2 . You've done very well . 你做得很好。 do well in 在……方面做得好 He did well in the game . 在这次比赛中他表现得很出色。
3 . the three of us / three of us
the three of us 表示我们三个人;three of us 表示我们中的三个人。
4 . At the moment in my country there are very few such schools . 目前在我国这类 学校太少了。
注意:at the moment , for the moment , for a moment 和 in a moment 之区别。
at the moment “此时”、“此刻” ( 现在时态 ) “那时” ( 过去时态 )
He is busy at the moment 他此刻很忙。
At the moment he was busy preparing his lessons . 那时,他正忙于准备功课。
for the moment “目前”、“暂时”,如:
Please stop discussing for the moment . 请暂停讨论。
for a moment“一会儿”、“片刻”,如:
I'd like to talk with you for the moment . 我想和你谈一会儿。
in a moment “立即”、“马上”,如:
I'll be back in a moment . 我马上就回来。
5 . ……but none of the banks I spoke to were interested , ……但是,我去找过的银 行没有一家感兴趣。
1 ) I spoke to 是定语从句,省略了连接词 that。
2 ) none / no one
none 可以和 of 连用,no one 不可以。none 做主语,谓语可以用单数也可以用复数;no one 做主语,谓语用单数。none 既可以指 sb . 也可以指 sth . ; no one 单指 sb . 。用 How many 提问时,用 none 回答;用 Are there / Is there 提问时,用 no one 回答。
6 . Could I drop in at your house……?到你家拜访你好吗?
could 在这里是一种委婉语气,表示征求意见。
drop in at 加地点;drop in on拜访某人。如:
I'd like to drop in on you next week . 下周我去拜访你。
7 . Is he expecting you?他在等你吗?
expect ——在此句中相当于 wait for 等待。但是 wait for 单纯强调动作,expect 强调 内心的企盼。如:
We're expecting a telephone .
Is this the letter you've been expecting?
But we should not expect success over night .
8 . I've just arrived myself so forgive me if I don't seem to know what's going on . 我自己也刚到,所以,如果我看来不了解情况的话,那么请你原谅。
1 ) myself 是 I 的同位语,可以放在主语 I 后面。
2 ) go on 在此句中表示“发生,进展”。
如:What's going on here?这儿发生什么事了?
9 . And I owe you some money . 我还欠着你的钱呢。
( 1 ) 句中 owe , vt , 作“欠 ( 钱 ) 、借钱、负债”解。其后常跟双宾语,即:owe sb . sth 或 owe sth . to sb . 如:
I owe the tailor $20 . = I owe $20 to the tailor .
I owed Mary 70 dollars when I was in Paris . 我在巴黎时,欠玛丽70美元。
( 2 ) owe 还有“应把……归功于……”之意。如:
He owes his success to hard work and practice .
I owe it to the doctor that I am still alive .
10 . I'm afraid I'm still not very good at it , though . 不过很遗憾。我在中文方面 学得还不太好。
①I'm afraid + 从句,其意思相当于 I'm sorry , but……。在口语中常常带有遗憾的口 气,用来引出带有歉意的回绝,或引出不好的消息等。其意思为“很遗憾”,“恐怕”,“对不 起”,“我认为”,例如:
〖 辨析 〗be afraid of 后接动名词短语,表示不愿产生或怕产生一种后果。意为“怕
……”,“担心……”。be afraid 后接不定式短语,表示不敢做出一种行动。意为“不敢 ……”。
He handed the cup with care , because he was afraid of breaking it .
The little girl is afraid to go out at midnight .
②I'm afraid not 与 I'm afraid so 常用作答语。如:
“Can you lend me a pen?”“I'm afraid not . ”
“It's going to rain . ”“I'm afraid so . ”
③句中的 though 是副词,意为“可是,但是”,一般单独放在句末。例如:
He said he would come , he didn't , though . 他说他会来,可是他并没有来。
It's hard work . I enjoy it , though . 工作很苦,但我干得很快活。
I've got a bit of a cold . It's nothing serious , though . 我有点感冒,但是并不严 重。
—Nice day .
—Yes . A bit cold , though .
11 . It's a pity you missed the sports meeting last week . 很可惜,上周的运动会你 错过了。
①“It is ( was , seems ) a pity ( that ) ……”是表示遗憾的口语句型。that 从句就 是指所遗憾的事情。在口语中 that 常省略。从结构上讲,it 是形式主语,that 从句是真正的 主语。句型意思是“可惜的是……”,“遗憾的是……”。例如:
It's a pity ( that ) we missed the wonderful show last night .
It's a pity too much waste has been poured into the river .
What a pity!真可惜! ( 真遗憾! )
What a pity he couldn't go with you . 真可惜,他不能和你一起去。
12 . Mr Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert . 布雷恩先 生刚刚听了郑杰在音乐会上的钢琴演奏。
I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play .
Fortunately people want to come and hear me play .
【 讲解 】①以上是94课中出现的三句话,在上述三个句子中,可归纳为“主语 + 谓语 + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语”的结构。其中的宾语补足语可以是不带 to 的不定式 ( play ) , 也可以是 v - ing 形式 ( playing ) .
②在 see , hear , feel , watch , notice 等表示感觉的动词后,既可用 v - ing 构成复 合宾语,也可用不带 to 的动词不定式构成复合宾语。两者之间有时有差别。用 v - ing , 表示 动作正在进行,即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束;用不定式则表示动作发生了。试比较:
Do you hear someone knocking at the door? ( 讲时还在敲 )
I heard someone knock at the door three times . ( 讲时敲的动作已结束 )
I noticed her coming into the room .
I noticed her come into her room and sit down on one chair .
【 妙文赏析 】
Stay Calm Like Me
Mr Cooler is a successful business man . He is proud of himself .
“To be successful in business , ”he often says , “One must first learn to stay calm , —— always stay calm no matter what has happened . ”
One day , when Mr Cooler came home from his office , he found his wife very annoyed ( 恼火 ) .
“What's the matter , dear?”Mr Cooler asked .
“Power cut again ( 又停电了 ) !”said his wife . “All the electric appliances (
电器 ) stopped working . What shall we have for supper? Look , the chicken is ha
lf done in the oven ( 烤箱 ) ,and……” .
Mr Cooler shook his head . He always thought that he was more sensible ( 明智 ) than his wife , and now he started to give her a lecture on the importance of always keeping calm .
“Well , ”he finally said , “it's a waste of your energy to get excited about small things . Train yourself to be patient , like me . A strong person is quiet . He thinks and then takes the most reasonable action . Now look , a fly has just landed on my nose . Am I getting excited or annoyed? Am I swearing ( 诅咒 ) or waving my arms around? No , I'm not . I am perfectly calm . ”
“But , ”his wife looked closer and said , “but that's not a fly . That's a bee . ”
“What!”Mr Cooler started shouting . He jumped up and shook his head . He began to wave his arms wildly and even swear .
“Stay calm and think , ”Mrs Cooler said , but her husband had already fallen on his back over a chair and had his glasses broken .
【 思维体操 】
A student asked a teacher how old he was , the teacher said , “When I was your present age , you were only two years old ; When you are my present age , I will be thirty - eight years old . ”Now please help me to guess how old the teacher is , and how old the student is .
答案:26岁,14岁 ( Let“x”be the teacher's age , and“y” , the student's age . According to the text we have : 38 — y = x — 2 x — y = y — 2 .
【 心中有数 】
英语中的连系动词和行为动词有终止性和延续性之分。顾名思义,终止性动词表示动作是瞬 间发生,且不能延续的,常见的有 come , leave , go , begin , finish , start , open , arrive , find , receive , hit , join , buy , borrow , marry , stop 等。表示可以延续一 段时间的动作或状态的词叫延续性动词。如:study , know , stand , wait , love , stay , work , last 等。
※ 在现在完成时中
延续性动词可与表示一段时间的介词短语 for 或 since 连用。如:
We have studied English for six years .
I have taught history in this school since 1990 .
终止性动词的现在完成式则不能与 for 或 since 短语连用。如:
His friend has joined the army for ten years . ( 误 )
终止性动词在现在完成时中若要与表示一段时间的 for 或 since 短语连用,要改变结构, 通常可变为:
1 . “连系动词 + 表语”的结构:
His friend has been in the army for ten years .
Her husband has been away for five days .
2 . 用“……ago”来表示时间状语
His friend joined the army ten years ago .
Her husband has been away for five days .
2 . 用“……ago”来表示时间状语
His friend joined the army ten years ago .
Her husband left home five days ago .
3 . 用“it is……since……”的结构来替换终止性动词。
It is ten years since his friend joined the army .
It is five days since her husband left home .
※ 在……till ( until ) 结构中
和……till ( until ) 结构连用时,延续性动词只能用于肯定式,终止性动词只能用于否定 式。如:
He worked until seven o'clock yesterday afternoon .
He won't come here till Sunday .
※ 在由 when 或 while 引导的状语从句中
终止性动词不能用在由 while ( 当……的时候 ) 引导的时间状语从句中。如:
When I got home , he was watching TV . ( 正 )
While I went into the lab , the old scientist was doing an experiment . ( 误 )
※ 值得注意的两点
1 . 终止性动词一般不可用于进行时态。如 go , come , leave , start 等,有时用于“进 行时态”形式,是表示“即将”的意思。如:
New Year's Day is coming near .
Mr White is leaving for London tomorrow .
2 . 终止性动词不可用于“how long……”引出的疑问句。如:
How long have you borrowed the book? ( 误 )
How long have you kept the book? ( 正 )
【 动手动脑 】
1 . none / no one
( 1 ) Up to now _____ has landed on Mars .
( 2 ) _____ of us is perfect .
( 3 ) —Did anyone come to ask for me?
— _____ .
2 . hear sb . do / doing sth .
( 1 ) At midnight I woke up and heard the wind _____ ( blow ) .
( 2 ) Then I often heard him _____ ( play ) the guitar alone on the bank .
3 . be tired of / from
( 1 ) He was tired _____ being interrupted by frequent phone calls .
( 2 ) I've been / got tired _____ intense work .
4 . drop in on / at / to do / for
( 1 ) Will you mind if you drop in _____ my parents on t way home?
( 2 ) He often dropped in _____ tea .
( 3 ) Let's drop in _____ Brown's at the weekend .
5 . plan to do / planned to have done ( = had planned to do )
( 1 ) We planned to _____ ( visit ) the Emei Mountain , but the floods prevented us from setting off .
( 2 ) I planned to _____ ( run ) a company of my own , so I refused her offer .
6 . expect / hope / wait for
( 1 ) —Why are you standing here?
— I'm _____ you . ”
( 2 ) The young couple are _____ a baby .
7 . help sb . out / with
( 1 ) When I was in trouble , my neighbors would come to help me _____ .
( 2 ) Little Alice is a good girl ; she often helps her mother _____ housework .
8 . insist that sb . should do / sb . is right ( wrong )
( 1 ) All insisted that what Galileo said ______ ( be ) wrong .
( 2 ) I insist that any parent ______ ( not tear ) his / her children's letters .
1 . ( 1 ) no one ( 2 ) None ( 3 ) No one。 no one 指泛指意义的“没任何人”;none 指特定范围内 ( 特指 ) “没任何人”,因此与“of + n . ”结构搭配时须用 none。 2 . ( 1 ) blowing ( 2 ) play。 hear sb . do sth . 只说明“听到某人做某事”这件事,强调结果,故 常用来表经常性和重复性行为,hear sb . doing sth . 强调“听到某人正做某事”。类似的动 词还有 see , notice , look at , listen to等。 3 . ( 1 ) of ( 2 ) from。 be / get tired of“厌烦……”;be / get tired from ( with ) “因……而累 ( 疲惫 ) ”。 4 . ( 1 ) on ( 2 ) for ( 3 ) at。 drop in on“顺便走访 ( 某人 ) ,”drop in at “顺便走访 ( 某地 ) ,”drop in for “顺便做……” ( drop in to do sth . ) 。 5 . ( 1 ) have visited ( 2 ) run。 plan to do……“打算做……”;planned to have done ( = had planned to do…… ) “本打算做…… ( 但未做成 ) 。” 6 . ( 1 ) waiting ( 2 ) expecting。 wait 表时间上的等待,常表迟误或等不及,expect 表希望或预期某事将发生。 7 . ( 1 ) out ( 2 ) with。 help out “帮忙 ( 做事,克服困难等 ) ;help sb . with sth . ( = help sb . to do sth . ) “帮助某人做某事”。 8 . ( 1 ) was ( 2 ) ( should ) not tear。 “坚持要某人做……”,从句中的谓语动词用 ( should ) + v . 构成的虚拟语气;前例为“坚持认为”。
【 创新园地 】
1 . They are sure to meet him .
They are sure of meeting him .
2 . He has gone into business .
He has gone to business .
3 . He was shot on his way home .
He was shot at on his way home .
4 . They are searching the thief .
They are searching for the thief .
5 . He has been away for the last month .
He has been away since last month .
6 . When Jack arrived , I was just going to bed .
I was just going to bed when Jack arrived .
7 . She is good to do that .
She is good at doing that .
8 . He was working at a table at this time yesterday .
He was working on a table at this time yesterday .
9 . Is John at home? Is John home yet?
10 . There were very few passengers that escaped without serious injury .
There were very few passengers , who escaped without serious injury .
答案:1 . 他们肯定会见到他。他们深信是会见到他的。2 . 他经商去了。他上班去了。3 . 他 在回家的路上被枪杀了。在回家的路上,有人向他开枪。4 . 他们正在搜查那个小偷 ( 搜身 ) 。 他们正在搜捕那个小偷 ( 小偷在逃。 ) 5 . 这个月他都不在家 ( 刚过去的30天 ) 。他从上个月起 就一直不在家。6 . 杰克到达时,我正要上床睡觉。我正要上床睡觉,恰恰在这时候,杰克来了。7 . 她真好,做了这件事。她擅长于做这样的事。8 . 昨天这时候,他在伏案工作。昨天这个时候,他在做一张桌子。9 . 约翰在家吗?约翰回到家里了吗?10 . 没有几个旅客不受重伤的 ( 大家都受了伤 ) 。旅客很少,他们几乎没人受重伤 ( 脱险了 ) 。




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