M8 U2 The universal language Period 4 Word study 2 Part 1 the Preview sheet(译林牛津版高三英语选修八学案设计)

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1. person (n.)---personal adj.)---personnel(n.人员,员工)
2. compose (v.)---composer (n.)---composition (n.)
3. famous(adj.)--- fame (n.)
4. evolve (v.)---evolution (n.)
5. slave(n.)---slavery (n.)
6. mix (v.)--- mixture (n.)
7.front(n.)---frontier (n.)
Part 2 the Activity leading sheet
1. break up 一词多义
1) The two friends broke up and each of them decided not to speak to the other. _____________
2) Many people felt upset when they heard the news that the band broke up. ________________
3) Susan suffered a lot after her marriage broke up. _______________
break 相关短语回顾:
break into 破门而入,突然闯入
break out 爆发
break down 出故障,抛锚,跨掉
break away from 脱离,摆脱
break through 突破
1. The wood was so rotten that when we pulled, it ______ into several small pieces.
A. broke off B. broke away C. broke up D. broke through
2. Without proper lessons, you could ______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
A. break up B. pick up C. catch up D. give up
3. If you carry on working like this, you’ll sooner or later. (08届河北省唐山市高三)
A. break up B. break away C. break down D. break in
4. When you are interviewed for a job, _________ your shyness and voice your opinion to the interviewer. (08届湖北三校联考)
A. look through B. go through C. break through D. pass through
5. We’ll get there on time if the car on the way. (08陕西八校联考)
A.doesn’t break down B.doesn’t break up
C.won’t break down D.won’t break up
2. cut sb short 打断某人
cut down 砍倒,削减
cut off 切断
cut up 切碎
cut in 插嘴
cut back on = cut down on 削减
cut ... into pieces 把……切成碎片
cut ... in two 把……切成两半
1. When I returned to my hometown , I was shocked to find all the apple trees . (2007宣武区期末质量检测)
A.had been cut down B.being cut down
C.are cut down D.have cut down
2. I was just talking to Margot when Jackson _____ .
A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up
3. Jack’s business is not as good as before, so he has to ___________ the expenses of his company. (07潮州市高三质量检测)
A. cut off B. cut away C. cut up D. cut down
4. Mark woke up one morning to find both water and electricity ____ because he had not been able to pay the bills. (2005绵阳)
A. cut out B. cut down
C. cut off D. cut short
Part 3 the Consolidation sheet
1. He found the house ______ and something ______.
A. breaking in; stolen B. break into; stealing
C. broken into; stolen D. broke into; missing
2. Having been engaged in writing for years, he won his ___ in the field of literature in the end.
A. reward B. prize C. fame D. pride
3. Can you guess what has ______ their friendship which they had maintained for years?
A. broken up B. taken up C. given up D. made uo
4. We suggest he ___ the government ___ financial help in order to expend his chemical works.
A. to apply to; for B. apply to; for C. to apply for; to D. applying for; to
5. The government is _______ to everyone to save water.
A.declining B. appealing C. declaring D. announcing
6. Lucy is the kind of person ______ whom people like to ______.
A. with; make friends B. /; make a friend
C. /; make friends D. with; make a friend
7. She ______ a high income to support her big family.
A. desires B. hopes C. wishes D. longs
8. -- I have never thought that they would ______ some day.
-- Yes. They were a perfect couple.
A. break up B. break down C. divide up D. turn down
9. All the ______ ______to attend the meeting.
A. person; is B. personnels; are C. personnel; is D. personnel; are
10. However he tried, his new works didn’t _______ to the young readers. (08届湖北三校联考)
A. appreciate B. appeal C. apply D. adopt
11. Peter has been out of work for half a year, so he wants to _________ a job in this company. (山东省淄博市2008学年度高三第一次摸底考试)
A.prepare for B.apply for C.superior to D.object to
12. Some people can never go above 4000 meters,because their body is unable to__ these extreme conditions. (黄冈市模拟适应性考试)
A. adopt to B. apply to C. adapt to D. appeal to
13. There is no ______ differences between the two drafts.
A. appropriate B. constant C. relevant D. essential
14. The current ______ among youngsters is informal clothing.
A. direction B. route C. tend D. trend
15. ______ the folk songs of black Americans, Jazz ruled the world of music.
A. Being anchored to B. Anchored to C. Being anchored in D. Anchored in
1. 扎根于乡村,他年轻时就发了财。(anchor, fortune)
Anchored in the countryside, he made a fortune in his youth.
2. 政府号召我们节约用水。(appeal)
The government appeals to us to save water.
3. 这主意正合玛丽的心意。(appeal)
The idea appealed to Mary.
4. 对多数学生来说,这些学科已经失去了吸引力。(appeal)
These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.
5. 征召入伍后,他意识到他们的关系将要破裂了。(draft, break)
Drafted into the army, he realized that they would break up.
6. 他请求Marry立刻见他。
He desired that Marry see him at once.




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