高二英语第二十二单元 A Tale of Two Cities

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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit22.doc
标题 A Tale of Two Cities
章节 第二十二单元
关键词 高二英语第二十二单元
servant let…in mad brave cruel L.85 四会
deep in public L.86
sentence… to death eager do a good deed L.87
tale revolutionary cart L.85 三会
disturb mental noble tax fortune arrival prisoner L.86
mentally in peace strength attend fall in love with suffer
make sure of suffer from
spy monsieur Defarge Lucie Manette Bastille marquis L.86 三会
St. Evremonde Charles Darnay Sydney Carton
set fire to burn…to the ground court do wrong chemist L.87
You must have been… She can’t have been…
She may / might have done… You might have done…
1.The guard couldn’t have been watching very carefully.
在这个句子中,谓语couldn’t have been watching是带有情态动词couldn’t的现在完成进行时的结构,表示“不可能一直进行监视”的意思。
can’t/couldn’t用来表示推测时,后跟不定式的完成进行时,既:can’t/couldn’t+have been doing,表示“想必不可能一直在进行”的意思。例如:
It’s raining now. She can’t have been waiting at the two stop.
All the students went home. He couldn’t have been studying in the classroom.
2.It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. 天还没亮,可以容易隐藏。
I live in a light room. 我居住在明亮的房间里。
It gets light at five now. 现在五点天就亮了。
It’s as light as feather. 这轻如鸿毛。
I like (the) light green colour. 我喜欢淡绿色。
Lights are still burning in the rooms. 房间里的灯仍在亮着。
Can you give me a light? 能借火使使吗?
People used to read by the light of candle. 人们曾靠烛光读书。
Hang the picture in a good light, otherwise no one can see it.
b)句中的stay hidden是系表结构,hidden为过去分词,这一结构曾在Unit之中学过。
3.You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help.
a)在这句中,must have been中的must表示推测,意为“一定是”,“准是”,“想必是”。
The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.
b)句中的might have called for help中的might表示“可能”,“或许”。跟完成式,是虚拟语气的一种用法,表示“本来可能……”“简直可以……”,但事实并没有这样。She might have called for help. 她本来可能呼救的。(事实上并未呼救。)例如:
He might have called you, but he lost your phone number.
It was dangerous to climb up that tree. You might have killed yourself.
在表示对过去的推测时,主要用may, can或must+have done这一结构来表示。
例如:He may have finished his work, you can ask him for help.
──We went to Kunming last month. 上个月我们去昆明了。
──That must have been nice. 那一定很有意思。
They must have arrived at the airport by now because they left two hours ago.
如果表示对现在情况的推测,则用may, can或must+动词原形这一结构。例如:
It’s late now. She may be at home. 现在已经很晚了,她可能在家。
She can’t he alone. She must be with her friends. 她不会是独自一人,她一定是和朋友们在一起呢。
I might have been trapped in the fire if I had not run away fast.
He didn’t come yesterday, or you would have seen him.
He might have been surprised if he had know the truth.
4.I spoke to her and persuaded her to let me in.
句中的let in是“让……进来”,“放进”的意思。例如:
He opened the window and let the fresh air in. 他打开窗子让新鲜空气进来。
He let her in after asking her name. 问过她的姓名之后就放她进来。
与let in相对的词组是let out,意为“使……出去”,“放出”,“泄密”。例如:
Mother won’t let her child out after the dark. 天黑之后母亲不让孩子出去。
Someone let the air out of my tyres. 有人把我的车胎的气给放了。
We’ll punish the person who let out the secret. 我们要惩罚泄密的人。
5.I told her what the revolutionaries were doing and persuaded her to help me.
He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. 他说服女儿改变主意。
How can we persuade him into joining us? 怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?
You try and persuade her to come out with us. 你去试试劝她和我们一起出去吧。
The doctor advised me to take a complete rest. 医生让我完全休息。
I advised starting early. 我建议早点出发。
We advised that they should start early. (=We advised them to start early.)
1.One day, an Englishman and an English woman, Lucie Manette, called at the wine shop.
句中的call at意为“登门拜访”,是指到某地方,因此at后面通常跟表示地点的名词,如是拜访某人,则用call on sb.例如:
I called at my uncle’s. 我登门拜访了我叔叔。
He called at my house last Sunday but I happened to be out.
On my way home I call on my friend Jack.
2.They had come from England, having heard the strange news that Dr. Marette, Lucie’s father, was alive and was living in Paris.
句中的having heard the strange news是一个~ing的完成式,这里的~ing形式实际上就是现在分词,这一结构在句中作状语用,可以表示时间、原因、方式、结果、条件、让步、伴随等含义。另外它也可以有一般式、被动式、完成式等多种形式,主要是根据分词动作发生的时间以及与主语的关系来确定用哪一种形式。例如:
Having heard the sad news, they felt sad. 他们得知这一不幸的消息,感到很悲伤。(原因状语)
The man died, leaving his wife and children nothing.
They sat around the fire, talking with each other happily.
Having finished his homework, he went out to play football.
The students ran out of the classroom, laughing and talking.
Taking out seats, the players began the game(应改为After we took our seats, the players began the game.)我们入座之后,运动员开始比赛。
Having told many times, he still couldn’t understand it.(应改为Having been told many times, he still couldn’t understand it.)告诉他多次,但他仍然不明白。
Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on his head.(应改为Waiting for a bus, I was hit by a brick on the head.)等车的时候,我的头被一块砖击了一下。
3.Defarge was pleased at their arrival. 对于他们的到来,德法奇很高兴。
句中的pleased是形容词,意为“高兴”,“满意”,常用于be pleased at和be pleased with短语中,表示“对……感到非常满意”,“对……感到非常高兴”的意思。这二个短语的区别在于at表示瞬间的动作引起的一时的感情流露,主要是强调“在听到……时”或“在看到……时”的情感,而with则表示较长时间的心理状态,指“对……满意(高兴)”。
例如:They are pleased at the good news. 听到这个好消息,他们非常高兴。
Is your boss pleased with your work? 你的老板对你的工作满意吗?
Mother was pleased with her son’s success. 母亲对儿子的成功很满意。
在pleased前面可以有修饰词very (much)。例如:
Our teacher was very (much) pleased with our exam results.
4.Dr. Manette had been mentally disturbed by his long years alone in prison and his hair had turned white. 由于多年被单独关在牢里,莫奈特医生精神失常了,头发也变白了。
She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.
Don’t disturb the papers on my desk. 别把我写字台上的文件弄乱了。
No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. 入夜时分,万籁俱寂。
5.Now he could not live in peace unless his door was locked.
句中的介词词组in peace,意思是“平静地”,作状语用。类似的词组有:
in surprise惊奇地 in excitement激动地 in silence安静地 in a hurry匆忙地
People in the world are all eager to live in peace without being disturbed.
The soldiers were marching forward in silence. 士兵们默不作声地向前行进。
He left in a hurry. 他匆匆地离开了。
6.Dr. Marette had been put in prison for no good reason.
a)be put in / into prison的意思是“被关进监狱”,与prison构成的词组还有be sent to prison(被送进监狱),be in prison(在坐牢),要注意的是在这些词组中,prison为不可数名词,因为这里prison不是指监狱的房子,而是表示被监禁的状态,所以这些词组中的prison之前通常都不加冠词。例如:
He was sentenced to prison for five years. 他判了五年监禁。
He has been in prison for three years. 他已经坐了三年牢了。
He was sent to prison for breaking laws. 他因触犯了法律而被送进了监狱。
Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him.
Mrs. Black goes to the prison to visit her husband once a month.
He is in the prison. 他在监狱里。(他不一定是犯人。)
b)句中的for no good reason是介词词组,意思是“没有正当的理由”。表示“为了……的缘故/原因”时,用介词短语for…reason。例如:
for this (that) reason为此,for no reason(无缘无故),for some reason(为某种原因)。
The boy was punished for no good reason. 那孩子莫明其妙地受到了惩罚。
The meeting was put off for some reason. 由于某种原因会议推迟了。
He went to France for some political reasons. 他因为政治原因去了法国。
She had to give up teaching for the reason of health. 由于健康的原因她不得不放弃教学工作。
7.Although Lucie married Charles, Sydrey promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness. 虽然露西嫁给了查尔斯,但是悉尼还是向她许诺,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿永远为她做一切可能做的事。
a)这是一个复合句,主句是Sydney promised her,后面跟一个由that引导的宾语从句,既he would always do…of her happiness,而在这个宾语从句中,又插入了一个省略了关系代词that的定语从句,即he could (do),这个定语从句所修饰的先行词是anything。而句首由although引导的又是一个让步状语从句。
b)句中的make sure (of)的意思是“确信”,“弄确实”,常用于make sure of sth / doing sth这一结构中。例如:
I think the door’s locked, but I’d better go and make sure.
We’d better start early so that we can arrive early at the station to make sure of getting tickets.
另外在make sure之后还可以跟that引导的从句(作宾语用)。例如:
She looked behind her to make sure that she was not being followed.
Have you made sure that the train has not already left?
8.So he left France, preferring to give up the fortune that would one day come to him, and went to live in English.
a)这是一个复合句。主句是So he left France…and went to live in English.在这个句子中又插入一个表示原因的~ing短语,既preferring to give up the fortune.而在其后又跟了一个定语从句:that would one day come to him,修饰先行词fortune。
b)句中的one day即可以指过去的“有一天”,又可以指将来的“某一天”,指将来的“某一天”时,可以用some day替换。例如:
One day, a fox saw some ripe grapes on the shelf.
We’ll be able to travl to Mars one day (some day). 将来有一天我们能去火星旅行。
c)句中的come to有多种意思,译法也较灵活,常见的译法有“降临”,“发生”,“出现”,“谈到”,“涉及到”,“共计”,“达到”等。例如:
A strange idea came to my mind. 一个奇怪的想法出现在脑海中。
Let’s come to the next question. 咱们谈谈下一个问题。
“How much does our bill come to?” “The bill comes to one hundred dollars”.
The wounded came to when they were taken to the hospital.
9.However, an English spy told the Defarges in Paris that the naphew of the old Marquis was living in England under and English name.
He lived abroad for years under the name of White. 他用怀特这一称呼在国外居住了多年。
He writes under the name of George. 他用乔治这个名字写作。
He sold the car he had stolen under a false name. 他以假名卖掉了窃来的汽车。
1.The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country, having lived such a hard life for so long, took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles.
句中的take up短语意为“拿起”,“举起”,“占去(时间、空间)”“从事(某工作)”,“开始(某活动)”等。例如:
Many young people took up arms to defend the country in the war.
He took up the luggage and got off the bus. 他拎起了行李下了汽车。
I’m sorry to have taken up much of your time. 很抱歉我占用你了太多的时间。
I took up the study of English when I was six. 我六岁开始学英语。
He took up law after he left collage. 他大学毕业以后开始从事法律工作。
2.In the country, the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles castles and burnt the to the ground.
a)句中的set fire to sth.意为“放火烧……”,“使……着火”,set sth. on fire也是这个意思。例如:
He set fire to the waste paper. 他点火烧着了废纸。
Who set fire to the building hasn’t been found out. 谁放火烧的这座建筑物还没调查清楚。
They set all the papers and documents on fire before fleeing.
b)burr…to the ground的意思是“烧毁……”to the ground是介词词组,作表示结果的状语。类似的表示结果的状语有:
fall to the ground落在地上,tear…to pieces把…撕成碎片
sentence…to death判……的死刑,turn…to the ashes把……烧成灰烬
例如:In the big fire, the house built last month were burned to the ground.
The enemy burned the whole village to the ground. 敌人将整个村庄烧成了灰烬。
3.Some time later, Charoes Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him, or rather to the Marquis St. Evremonde, for his father and uncle were now dead.
本句中的addressed to him是过去分词短语,作定语,相当于一个定语从句which had been addressed to him,修饰先行词letter。address作动词用时意为“(在信上)写姓名地址”,“把信写给……”。除此之外,还有“向……说话或发表演说”,“把……讲给……”的意思。例如:
The letter was returned because of being wrongly addressed.
Is there a letter addressed to me? 有我的信吗?
Please address your reasons to the teacher. 请向老师陈述你的理由。
The politician will address us on the subject of war and peace.
4.On reading it, he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own.
a)On reading it中的on是介词,意思是“在……时”,“在……之后”它的后面跟~ing形式,相当于由as soon as引导的表示时间的状语从句,强调一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生。在on之后也可以接名词。例如:
On hearing the news, he rushed out of the room. 一听到这个消息,他就向外跑去。
On arriving at the foot of the mountain, we set up the tent and made a fire.
b)through no fault of his own的意思为“并不是由于他本人的过错”,其中的through是介词,表示“由于”的意思,相当于because of和as a result。例如:
The accident happened through no fault of yours. 这场事故的发生不是你的错。
We got lost through not knowing the way. 由于不认路我们迷路了。
It was through you that we were late. 都是因为你我们迟到了。
through的另一个意思是“经由……”,“以……”,“依靠……”,表示工具,方法,手段,相当于by means of。例如:
He learned English through the radio. 他通过收音机学英语。
She got the job through his uncle. 她靠她叔叔的影响谋到了这份工作。
5.When the people in the court heard this, there was no doubt in their minds that the St. Evremonde family had done much wrong.
a)在这个句子中,that the St. Evremonde family had done much wrong是doubt一词的同位语从句,是补充说明about一词的。
b)do wrong是动词词组,意思是“做错事”,“做坏事”,词组中的wrong是名词,与其相对应的词是right,因此可以说do right,意思是“做得对”。例如:
You did right to tell me the truth. 你把真相告诉了我,这事做得对。
I hope you’ll never do wrong. 我希望你永不做坏事。
类似的动词词组还有do good做好事,do harm有害处,do one’s best尽最大努力。
6.After Charlos had been sentenced to death, Sydney managed to get into the prison to visit Charles.
句中的manage to do sth.的意思是“设法做了某事”,相当于sueceed in doing sth.,但与try to do sth.略有区别,后者只表示“企图”或“尝试(做某事),而不强调结果。
例如:Though I didn’t have enough money on me, I managed to get the book.
I just about managed to get up the stairs. 我总算挣扎着上了楼。
In spit of these insults, she managed not to get angry.
The boy tried to reach the book on the shelf, but failed.
Can you manage children under 10 well?你能管好十岁以下的孩子吗?
His parents are managing the bookshop well. 他的父母将书店经营得很好。
She is good at managing her money. 她善于理财。
语法:动词的~ing形式作定语和状语(The~ing form as Attribute and Adverbial)关于~ing形式作定语的用法前面已经讲解,这里不再细叙。这里主要讲解~ing作状语的用法。下面从三个方面进行讲解。
Hearing the cry for help, they rushed out of the room. 听到呼救声,他们都冲出了房间。
Having had supper, my father went out for a walk. 吃罢晚饭,我父亲出去散步。
以上的两个句子中,无论是hearing还是having had,这两个动作都是由句中的主语发出的。如果表示被动,则用被动形式being done和having been done,这时having been done可以由过去分词done所代替。例如:
Being asked what her name was, she was let in. 问过她的姓名之后,她被允许进去。
(Having been) Given such a good chance, he wouldn’t miss it.
b)~ing形式与句中的谓语动词的动作,如果是同时,用~ing的一般式,如果有先后,则用having done这一结构表示发生在先的动作,同时也由这一结构表示次要的动作,而句中的谓语动词表示主要动作。例如:
Walking along the streets, the little girl was attracted by the colourful ads.小女孩沿着走着,被五彩缤纷的广告所吸引。
Having done the homework, he went out to play. 做完功课他就出去玩了。
Given more time, we could do it better. 如果多给点时间,我们会做得好一些。(条件)
Being ill, she had to stay in bed. 由于生病,她只好卧床休息。(原因)
The husband died, leaving his wife a lot of money. 丈夫死了,给妻子留下了一笔钱。(结果)
1.Which of the following is correct?
A.Having lost the key, the lock was useless.
B.The key lost, there could be no use for the lock.
C.With the key missing, it was useless for the lock.
D.With the key lost, the lock could be no useless for me.
2. the path, he climbed up to the top of the mountain.
A.Following B.Take along C.Walking down D.Follow up
3.Even if , I won’t go to the see bathing.
A.was invited B.inviting C.being invited D.invited
4.The classroom is empty. I think the students home already.
A.may go B.must have gone C.must go D.should have gone
5.If the driver had been careful, the accident .
A.could have been avoided B.could have avoided
C.could be avoided D.would avoid
6. from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.
A.Having seen B.Seen C.To see D.Seeing
7. a reply, he decided to write a letter to her again
A.Not receiving B.Not having received
C.Not received D.Having not received
8.She’s writing a letter to a friend of hers, him to attend the party.
A.having invited B.inviting C.to invite D.invited
9. what you said you should be praised.
A.To judge from B.Being judge C.Judge from D.Judging from
10. the players began the game.
A.After we took our seats B.Being taken the seats
C.Taking our seats D.Having taken our seats
11.There’s no electricity in the village, so children had to read by of oil lamp.
A.light B.a light C.the light D.their light
12.They were pleased the news that our football team had won the game.
A.on B.by C.for D.at
13.You can’t have the lights all night long.
A.burnt B.to burn C.burning D.to be burning
14.“What it be?” “It be a car, for it’s not moving. It be a house.
A.must, mustn’t can B.can, can, must
C.can, can’t must D.can, mustn’t must
15.“Can’t you read?” she said, to the notice.
A.point angrily B.and pointed angrily
C.angrily pointed D.pointing angrily
16.By helping each other, the peasants to finish their autumn ploughing in time at least.
A.managed B.agreed C.wanted D.went on
17.He to get full mark, but he failed in the end.
A.was trying B.tried C.was managing D.managed
18.“I usually go there by train.” “Why not by sea for a charge?”
A.try to go B.try going C.trying to go D.to try going
19.I don’t know that my debts that much.
A.has come to B.come to C.would come D.would come to
20.While watching TV, .
A.someone came in B.the water was boiling
C.we heard a strang sound D.the phone rang
1.He had to give up his teaching because the was in poor bealth.
2.As soon as he heard the news, he jumped with joy.
3.The book you want can be easily found be cause they are preoperly marked with number.
4.As they have been trained to speak this language for quite a few years, they are able to express their ideas quite well in it.
Tom lived lonely in a house. A woman came in 1.
everyday to cook and clean to him but she did 2.
not live there. Tom’s bedroom was at back of the 3.
house, but she drew the heavily curtain across the 4.
window before he turned up the light. Then he 5.
felt in his pocket and pull out a glove. A 6.
look of surprised came onto his face. He felt 7.
in his pocket again. His hard had moved among 8.
the cold pieces there but he did not take them 9.
out. He was afraid look at them. He was white 10.
with fear. The other glove was not there.
Ⅰ.1—5 BADBA 6—10 BBBDA 11—15 CDCCD 16—20 ABBAC
Ⅱ.1.Being in poor health, …. 2.(On) hearing….
3.(Being) properly marked, the book…. 4.Having been trained…, they are….
Ⅲ.1.将lonely改为alone 2.改to为for 3.在back前加the 4.改heavily为heavy 5.改up为on 6.改pull为pulled 7.改surprised为surprise 8.去掉had 9.√ 10.在look前加to




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