江苏省淮北中学英语学科教案9B Unit 1 Life on Mars(译林牛津版九年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 10 第 1 课时
课 题 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 课型 新授课
教学目标 知识目标 To learn some new words and expressions
能力目标 To think about life in the future.
To discuss the advantages of a given situation
情感目标 To love the nature and treasure our globe
教学重点 To learn some new words and expressions
教学难点 To discuss the advantages of a given situation
课前预习 Preview the new words.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1 Lead-in

Step 2

Step 3
Listening and Answering

Reading and Acting

Step 7

Step 8
Say: What is life like now? What life will be like on the earth in the future? What will people do in the future?
Show some pictures :Review “robot ”, “helmets”, “pills” and complain Mars
Explain the context of Part A .Daniel is thinking about what it might be like to live on Mars. He is comparing life on earth to what life might be like on Mars and whether Mars would be a better or worse place to live.
Check the students’ answers.
Ask students to work in pairs to complete Part B .Ask one student to read out the name of each object in turn. Then ask students to say whether they think Daniel should take the object.
Now Eddie and Hobo are talking about Mars. Listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo, and then try to answer
Does Eddie like life on Mars?
Read the dialogue after the tape, and then act it out.
The apples are too high for me to get to.
Jim always studies hard so he can get to the top in his class.
Who will care for the children if their mother dies?
The old will be cared for in our country.
1. Revise today’s phrases.
2. Read and recite the dialogue.
Listen to the teacher and try to catch the main points.

Learn some new words.

Listen and catch the main points.

Complete part A.

Work in pairs and complete Part B.

Discuss what objects Daniel should take.

Listen and answer.

Read and act.

Do some exercises to consolidate the main language points.

Finish off the homework. 营造氛围,激发兴趣。





初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 2 课时
课 题 Reading(1) 课型 新授课
教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand the context of a future life on another planet.
2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about life on Mars.
3. To recognize and list differences between life on Earth and life on Mars.
能力目标 To be able to do some reading comprehension exercises.
情感目标 To try to read carefully.
教学重点 To understand the context of a future life on another planet.
教学难点 To recognize and list differences between life on Earth and life on Mars.
课前预习 Preview the new words.
Listen to the tape.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1. Lead-in .

Step 2.

Step3 Reading

Step4 Discussion
Step 5
Homework Say: People have long been dreaming about living on Mars. There are a number of films about this topic like The Red Planet and Mission to Mars .Do you believe that humans will ever be able to live on a different planet?
1) Now, let’s watch some pictures about life on Earth today .Teach crowded and polluted.
2) Say: Simon and Daniel are talking about living on Mars. Listen and answer.
1) Say: Daniel wants to find out more about life in space in the future, here’s the article. Please open your books and turn to 4. Before we read it, let’s deal with the new words first. Look at here, please find out these new words in the article and guess their meanings.
2) Check their answers.
Read the new words.
3) Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
1. How long does it take to fly to Mars at present?
2. What is the gravity on Mars?
3. Where will we live on Mars?
4. How will we study, do homework and take exams?
5 What will food be like on Mars?
4) Say: Now please read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake.
1. By 2100, people might live on Mars.
2. Mars is becoming crowded and polluted.
3. By 2100, the space shuttles can travel at half the speed of sound.
4. By 2100, scientists can develop plants on Mars to get food and oxygen
5 Humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves lighter.
6. We will have less time for our hobbies on Mars.
7. Students will go to school by spacecraft.
8. Space travel might make people feel ill.
5) Check their answers.
6) Say: Now listen to the tape and try to find out differences between life on earth and life on Mars.
Life on Earth today Life on Mars in 2100
Clean and has more space.
Space shuttles travel at half the speed of the light.
Gravity isn’t a problem.
Wear many kinds of shoes.
Do not have much space.
Study online.
Food is different and tasty.
Would you like to live on Mars? Why or why not?
Read the article again and again
Finish off the exercises in your homework. Listen to the teacher and catch the main points.

Listen and learn some new words.

Try to guess the meaning of some words.

Listen and answer some questions.

Read and article and try to judge T or F.

Check the answers together.

Listen and try to get info. to complete the form.

Discuss in groups and get ready to report. 设计情景导入新课,利用学生感兴趣的话题导入激发他们的学习兴趣。



初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 3 课时
课 题 Reading(2) 课型 新授课
教学目标 知识目标 To learn some language points in the text.
能力目标 To be able to finish some exercises according to the text.
情感目标 To keep work hard and carefully.
教学重点 To learn some language points in the text.
教学难点 To be able to finish some exercises according to the text.
课前预习 Preview the new words.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1.
Greetings and revision.

Step 2.

Step 3
Step 4:
Step 5:
Homework Greet with the class and ask them to take good care of themselves.
Help them to revise the text.
1. Ask some individuals to read and after that correct some error pronunciations that they probably will make.
2. Ask some top students to retell the text.
Present some main language items.
1There will be various designs for settlers to choose from. 将有许多种设计可供移居者选择。
to choose from…意思是“从……中挑选”。
eg 我有很多双鞋子可以选择,但我决定不了选哪双。
I have many pairs of shoes _____________(to choose from),but I don’t know which pair __________. (to choose)
2 The journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light.用以光速一半速度飞行的太空穿梭机进行的旅程可能只要花很短的时间。
分析:此句是that连接的定语从句。that引导的定语从句修饰先行词space shuttles, 从句中的动词的人称和数由先行词space shuttles决定。
3 Compared with life on Earth, life on Mars will be better in many ways .
compare with…意思是“ 与……做比较”。在句中是过去分词短语作状语,此时with和to可通用。
eg 与我们的那条路相比,这条路繁忙得多 。
This road is quite busy______ ____ ours. (compared … with / to )
4 Every student will have a computer at home connected to inter-planetary network. 每个学生在家里有一台连接星际网络的电脑。
connect to 意思是“与……连接”。这里的connected to 是过去分词后置作定语,修饰computer。当然我们也可以用connect … to…结构表示“把…和…连接起来 ”。
eg 江阴大桥把江阴和靖江连接了起来.
Jiangyin Bridge _______ Jiangyin ___ Jingjiang. (connects … to )
1 There is less air ________ ( pollute) in town that in the town.
2 Look at the newest T-shirt . It’s made of cotton. I think it will become ______ ( fashion ) this summer.
3It’s ______( high) possible that people can live on Mars in the future.
4 Grandma is too old _______ ( settle ) on another planet.
5 The helmet is made of metal. It’s too heavy. When I wear it , I feel _________ ( comfort).
6 My father cooks very well. The food he cooks is as _______ ( taste ) as that in the restaurant.
7 Here are many kinds of moon cakes for you_____( choose ) from.
8 ______ ( compare ) with what he had already, the new stamps were not very interesting.
9 _______( hope ), doctors have found a new way to operate on the patients --- flying hospital.
10 We should keep water from _____( be ) polluted .
Greet with the teacher.
Some individuals read.
Top students retell the text.

Learn some language points.

Write down some important language items.

Finish some exercises.

Do some exercises to consolidate the main points.


初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 3 课时
课 题 Vocabulary 课型 新授课
教学目标 知识目标 To recognize and be able to name astronauts’ equipment.
To understand what the equipment looks like and is used for.
能力目标 To discuss which item(s) of equipment is/are important for an astronaut.
情感目标 To set good ideal goal and work hard.
教学重点 To recognize and be able to name astronauts’ equipment.
To understand what the equipment looks like and is used for.
教学难点 To discuss which item(s) of equipment is/are important for an astronaut.
课前预习 Preview the new words.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1: Revision

Step 2:
Step3: Practice

Step 4: Read and role-play

Step 5 :Homework 1. Give Ss meanings in English orally and let them give out the words.
e.g. T: a vehicle designed for travel in space.
S1: spacecraft
2. Revise what we should take with while camping on the moon.
Ask: What should an astronaut take with?
Present: dried food, power pack, digital camera, etc. with pictures.
1. Ask Ss to describe what the objects are used for.
2. Ask Ss to complete Part A on their own.
1. Ask Ss to role-play Simon and Daniel.
2. Read aloud the conversation to the class.
3. Work in pairs to decide which are the most and least important items.
4. Get some pairs to share their conversations with the others.
Learn the new words by heart.
Follow the teacher and learn some new words.

Say something about travel in space.
Listen and learn
Describe the objects.
Complete Part A.

Read in roles.

Work in pairs.


初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 4 课时
课 题 Grammar I 课型 新授课
教学目标 知识目标 To know the usages of ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’ and ‘might’ to talk about permission.
能力目标 To use ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’ and ‘might’ to talk about permission.
情感目标 none
教学重点 To use ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’ and ‘might’ to talk about permission.
教学难点 To use ‘may’ and ‘might’ to talk about permission.
课前预习 Go through the part and underline the puzzles.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step1: Lead-in

Step 2:

Step 3
Step 4
Homework. 1.T: There are different ways of asking for and granting permission. Each way has a different level of formality.
1.Go through the tables at the top of page 13.
Explain the different levels of formality.
1. Explain the context of the exercise.
2. Ss complete the exercise on their own.
3. Choose several Ss to read the completed questions and answers.
4. Ask Ss to write sentences to ask permission in the following Qs
(1)Your cousin is watching a boring TV program, you ask her for permission to change the channel.
(2)Your uncle and aunt have invited you to join them for a walk in a park nearby. You want to bring your dog along.
1.---______ I smoke here ?
---No , you mustn’t
A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need
2. ---_____I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum?
---Yes, you ____.
A. Must; can B. May ; may
C. Need ; need D. May ; need
3. He ______ finish his homework on time.
A. need not to B. doesn’t need
C. needs to D. needs
4. _____ you like to hold the ladder for me?
A. Could B. Should
C. Would D. Must
5. John didn’t come to the party, ____ at home .
A. he maybe B. maybe he
C. he may be D. may be he
二. 翻译
2.Daniel 认为空气比干粮更重要.
Go over the front part of Grammar and get ready for the back part. Listen and catch the main points.

Complete the exercises on page 13 and read.

Do some exercises to consolidate the learned part.

Check the answers.
初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 5 课时
课 题 Grammar 2 课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 To learn some useful expressions.
To learn the structure of the Object Clause
能力目标 To use the Object Clause correctly.
情感目标 To co-operate well with partners.
教学重点 To learn the structure of the Object Clause
教学难点 To use the Object Clause correctly.
课前预习 Go through the part and underline the puzzles.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1.
Step 2.

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5.

Step 6

Step 7.

Step 8
Summary and assignment. Greet with the class and ask them some simple questions. Remind that they should take good care of themselves to keep A/H1N1 flu.
Present something that happens in our everyday life. Show the some pictures on ppts. And some sentences with object clause.
Present that an object clause functions as the object in a sentence. It can be put after some verbs such as think, believe and know. It can also follow some adjectives such as certain and sure.
Tell the class that an object clause can be introduce by the connective “that”. Sometimes, we can leave “that” out.
1. Show some group sentences and ask the class to work in pairs to make sentences.
He has been here for two years.
A: How long has he been here?
B: I guess that he has been here for two years.
A: Yes.
C: I know he has been here for two years and a half.
A: I don’t think you are right.
2. Ask the class to read the sentences on Page 14 Part B and judge whether it is an object clause or not, if it is , write down O, or N.
Present that we can get different kind of forms of the object clause by the different types of sentences.
1. Statements.
A computer programmer was murdered, we all know.
We all know that a computer programmer was murdered.
2. General Questions
Have the police found out the murderer yet? We don’t know.
We don’t know whether the police have found out the murderer.
3. Wh-questions.
What clues have the police found out?
Can you tell me?
Can you tell me what clues the police have found out?
Ask the class to work in pairs to help Daniel to rewrite the sentences on Page 15 Part C1 using “if” or “whether” to make clauses.
Present that the tense in object clause sentences is changed with different situations.
If the main clause is a simple present tense, the object clause can come in a proper certain tense.
If the main clause is a simple past tense, the object clause can come in a certain past tense except the object clause describing a truth.
He said that he had been here for two years.
Our teacher told us that there are 12 months in a year.
Hand out the work sheets and ask the class to do some exercises to consolidate this class.
Summarize this class and ask the class to do some more exercises after school. Greet with the teacher.

Listen carefully and try to catch the main points.

Watch and work in pairs to make sentences.

Read and judge.

Listen and grasp the main points.

Work in pairs and make sentences.

Do some class work to consolidate the object clause.





初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 6 课时
课 题 Integrated skills 课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 To identify the context of the preview of a TV programme.
To use information to complete notes and a conversation and talk about own ideas.
能力目标 To identify the advantages and disadvantages of living on Mars.
情感目标 The training of the students' consciousness of popular science, and through his hard work, effort to keep to the future of humanity to Mars of dreams to become a reality.
教学重点 From television in access to information and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Mars express individual life and opinions
教学难点 To use information to complete notes and a conversation and talk about own ideas.
课前预习 Preview the new words and expressions .
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step1 Warm-up:
Step2. Listen and write
Step3. Listen and write
Step 4. Write
Step 5. Speak up
Step6: Discussion
Homework Have you ever thought of living on Mars? Will it better to live on Mars than on earth?
(Present pictures of aliens)
Step 1. Lead-in
Daniel is going to watch a TV programme. On the programme, people will discuss what it might be like to live on Mars.
First listen to the passage and help Daniel make notes in Part A about if he wants to live on Mars.
Now listen to the second part of the TV programme, and try to find out all the information you need to complete Daniel’s lists in Part A2.
Check the answers.
Tell the students that they can use the notes from page 16 to help them complete Part A3.
Ask two students to play the roles of Simon and Daniel. Ask them to read the conversation aloud. Other students listen and answer.
Would you like to live on Mars?Why or why not?
1. Recite the important sentences.
2. Preview Main task. 学生的讨论既能够活跃课堂气氛消除他们的紧张心理,也为他们的下一步听力做一个语言知识上的准备。
两个学生分别扮演Daniel和Simon, 大声朗读对话,其他学生听听有无错误,有问题举手。
初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 7 课时
课 题 Main task 课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 1. To complete a flow chart
2. To complete an article
能力目标 To order ideas using a flow chart
情感目标 To describe specific details about life on Mars
教学重点 Discuss in part of life on Mars, obtain certain information, complete the writing life guide Mars.
教学难点 Discuss in part of life on Mars, obtain certain information, complete the writing life guide Mars.
课前预习 Learn the profiles of Millie and Daniel
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step1 Warm-up
Step2 Presentation
Step3 Presentation

Step4 practice
Step 5
Homework Free talk
Do you like to live on Mars? Why?
How do people go to Mars?
Is the journey to Mars very comfortable?
Use pictures to present the following:
cars float in the air
keep away with laser light
low-gravity basketball games
many online theatres
no air pollution caused by traffic
Planet Mars Bank
space fashion and food shops
things from Earth are hard to find
Usually friendly
visit the two moons
1. Tell students that producing a flow chart is a useful way to organize their ideas。
2. Explain the context in Part A. Daniel is planning to write a guide to Mars. Review “float, laser, low-gravity” and “pollution”.
1. Ask the students to complete the chart using the phrases from the box. 2. Ask 5 students to read out the points for the five categories. Ask students to think of two or three extra items they can add to the chart.
3. Ask students to fill in the blanks in Part B, page 20 with the information from the flow chart on Page 19.
4. Ask 6 students to each read one paragraph. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
1.Remember the expressions and patterns.
2.Finish off the article 学生的讨论既能够活跃课堂气氛消除他们的紧张心理,也为他们的下一步写作做一个相关话题的准备。
初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初一英语组全体老师
总 课 题 9B Unit1 Life on Mars 总课时 8 第 8 课时
课 题 Checkout 课型 New
教学目标 知识目标 1. To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.
2. To give students the opportunity to practice the programmer and vocabulary items, and to gain confide once through doing so.
3. To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.
能力目标 1. To give students a chance to practice grammar and vocabulary project, through practice strengthening students' confidence.
2. Let the students to check whether their progress and put forward the existing questions.
情感目标 none
教学重点 To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.
教学难点 To give students a chance to practice grammar and vocabulary project
课前预习 Do the exercises before class.
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记
Step 1:Revision
Step 3:Revision
Step4: Practise
Step5 Homework
Revise the use of can, could ,may, might and object clause.[来源:学_科_网]
1. Explain the context of Part A. Simon is dreaming about going into space.
2. Ask students to read through the text .Then ask them to complete e the sentences using the grammar items learnt in the unit.
Revise the vocabulary in the unit.
1. Tell the students that in Part B they have to rearrange the letters to form words.
2. Ask the students to unscramble as many words as they can without looking at the previous pages. When they have done as much as they can, ask them to refer to the Vocabulary section on page 8 for extra help.
3.Ask students to volunteer answers.
Ask another student to write the words on the board as they are read out. Students then write their scores in the paw.
1. Recite the context of this unit .
2 Draw a picture of what you think an alien looks like. And then write a guide to living on Mars in 2100.[来源:学 学生的讨论既能够活跃课堂气氛消除他们的紧张心理,也为他们的下一步的语法练习作知识准备。





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