江苏省淮北中学英语学科教案9A Unit4 TV programmes(译林牛津版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit4 TV programmes 总课时 10 第6 课时
课题 Grammar(B) 课型 新 授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To use ‘while’ and ‘as’ to talk about when things happen.
2. To use comparative and superlative adverbs.
能力目标 培养学生理解运用的能力
情感目标 培养良好的学习习惯,生活习惯有利于身心健康
教学重点 连词‘while’,‘as’的用法以及副词比较等级的用法
教学难点 如何准确地运用这两部分的语言知识
课前预习 Get ready for Grammar C & D
Pay attention to the new vocabulary
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Step 1Revision
Translate some phrases by using ‘between…and…’,‘from…to…’ and ‘before, after, until’
Step 2
Explain that ‘while’, ‘as’ mean ‘at the same time as’. We use them to talk about two or more actions that happen at the same time.(It is important to learn this topic)
Step 3
Ask four students to read out the four examples on page 67 and spend more time to explain them. Ask some able ones to give their own sentences and put forward their own questions. 巩固练习,进一步夯实基础
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Step 4
Explain the context of the exercise at the top of page 68. Millie is asking Daniel about what he did last night. Ask students to read through the conversation for all over meaning and complete with ‘while’ and ‘as’.
Step 5 Act out
Students read the completed speech bubbles and the teacher divides the class into groups to role-play the conversation.
Step 6
Give students some examples using adjectives comparatives and superlatives
Remind them most adverbs ends with -ly: carefully, badly, easily, seriously, late, fast, etc..
We use the same structure as when we compare adjectives.
Step 7
Tell students to look at the picture in part D and identify which came first, second and third in the race. Go through the grammar table at the top of page 69.
Step 8
Explain the context of the exercise at the bottom of page 69 and ask students to complete it on their own.
Preview the next part.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit4 TV programmes 总课时 10 第7 课时
课题 Integrated skills 课型 新 授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To identify the context for an interview and distinguish between three different interviewees.
2. To identify main ideas and vocabulary and use this information to complete a report.
3. To talk about preferences in TV programmes
4. To respond to opinions
5. To express agreement and disagreement
能力目标 培养学生的综合运用语言的能力,把所学的知识付诸实践
情感目标 适当地看电视或听广播有利于激发学生学习的热情,一张一弛,文武之道。
教学重点 识别采访的语境大意,区分不同的采访对象
教学难点 识别采访的语境大意,完成信息报告
课前预习 Get ready for Integrated skills
Listen to the tape for the main idea
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Talk about many different types of TV programmes.
Explain the context. Millie is interviewing schoolmates about TV viewing preferences. Ask them to read the profiles of the three students in Part A1 before listening to the recording.
Tell them that they will be able to complete all the information in Part A2 by listening carefully.
Step 3
Get an idea of each interviewee’s interests with the help of the table at the top of Page 70. Play the 讨论不同类型的电视节目
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recording for the first time without referring to the textbooks.
Step 4
Play the recording, stopping after each answer to let them complete all the information in Part A2.
Step 5
Tell students to look at the answers, look closely at the information they are missing and ask students to read one answer each and check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
Step 6 Explain to students that Part A3 is a report about the interview on Page 70.Finish the exercise on their own.
Step 7
Choose two students to play the roles of Kitty and Millie and ask them to read the conversation out loud. Tell them to change roles and read the conversations again. Then tell the students to talk about their own TV preferences, using Kitty and Millie’s conversation as a model and replacing the underlined words with their own information.
Step 8Homework
Do some exercises.
Preview the next lesson Pronunciation 根据表格内容,说出每位采访者的兴趣所在。
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit4 TV programmes 总课时 10 第8 课时
课题 Pronunciation 课型 新 授
教学目标 知识目标 To understand and distinguish the differences between /s/, /z/ and /iz/ sounds
能力目标 准确地发出/s/, /z/ and /iz/这三个音。
情感目标 /
教学重点 识别,区分并能正确地发出/s/, /z/ and /iz/这三个音
教学难点 区分并能正确地发出/s/, /z/ and /iz/这三个音
课前预习 Get ready for Pronunciation
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Step 1
Ask a few students to present their conversation about the types of TV programmes that you like or dislike to the class.
Step 2
Explain to students that there are three different ways to pronounce ‘-(e)s’ endings. The endings can be pronounced /s/, /z/ and /iz/
Step 3
Remind the students to make a list of phonetic symbols or just go through the list with them, pointing out which consonants are voiceless.
Step 4
Ask students to read the example words for the /s/, /z/ and /iz/ sounds.
Ask them to repeat after you together. Listen carefully for correct pronunciation of the
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‘-(e)s’ endings. Ask a few students to read out the words to the class and ensure they are pronouncing the endings correctly. Ask the rest of the class if they can hear the difference.
Step 6
Explain to the students that they do not have to fill in any answers for Part A. All they have to do is to listen carefully to the different pronunciations and try their best to imitate them.
Step 7
Play the recording through once without stopping. Tell them to listen carefully and follow the words in the books.
Play the recording again and tell students to repeat each word out loud after it has been read. Tell students to ask questions if they are confused by any of the pronunciation.
Step 8
Tell the students to complete Part B on their own as this will be a good indication of how well they have understood this section.
Tell them to listen carefully to the recording and write down whether each word ends in an /s/, /z/ and /iz/ sound.
Preview main task/ recite the new vocabulary. 听录音跟读,模仿并纠正错误发音
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit4 TV programmes 总课时 10 第9 课时
课题 Main task 课型 新 授
教学目标 知识目标 1.To think about TV preferences
2.To plan a TV programme
3.To write an outline of a story
4.To write a TV programme
能力目标 培养学生的写作能力
情感目标 培养良好和谐的人际关系
教学重点 写一个故事提纲,并根据提纲写一个电视节目
教学难点 写一个故事提纲,并根据提纲写一个电视节目
课前预习 Get ready for Main task
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Step 1
Explain the context of the main task. There is a competition to write a story for a TV programme. Daniel and Simon have entered it. They wrote an outline and the story.
Step 2
Choose the students to read the background and plot in Part A.
Step 3
Ask some questions to check understanding
① Who is the programme about?
② How many people are there in Chen family?
③ Who are they?
④ Do the children get along well? 开门见山,直点主题,写一篇关于电视节目的文章
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⑤ What did Nancy and Victor argue about?
⑥ What happened to the remote control?
Step 4
Ask students to complete Part A2 using information from the outline in Part A1. And then check in class.
Step 5
Ask a few students what they think will happen next in the story.
Ask them what they would do if they were the characters. Discuss in pairs.
Step 6 Divide the class into groups. Tell students they are entering the competition.
① Think of an idea for a TV programme
② Think about where the programme takes place, the characters in the story and the personalities and favourite activities of the characters.
③Remind students that they can choose whichever they like, and use their imaginations to develop the plot. If they wish, they can use other elements.
Step 7 Ask students to write a story for their programme using the elements in their outline.
Homework: Write another article about your favourite TV programme
Preview Checkout
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit4 TV programmes 总课时 10 第10 课时
课题 Checkout 课型 新 授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
2.To give students the opportunity to practise the grammar and vocabulary items, and to gain confidence through doing so
3.To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have
能力目标 让学生有机会体验自己是否已理解本单元的新词汇和语法项目
情感目标 给学生机会练习语法和词汇项目,通过练习增强学生的信心
教学重点 复习本单元的词汇和语法项目
教学难点 /
课前预习 Get ready for Checkout
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Step 1
Tell students that this is revision and that they have already learnt these words and grammar items. Remind students that this is an opportunity to ask questions about anything they still do not understand.
Step 2
Explain the context of Part A. Daniel and Simon have won the TV programme competition. Daniel is writing to Simon about it. 解释感谢信的语境
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Step 3
Ask students to read through Daniel’s letter for overall meaning before they begin filling in the blanks.
Step 4
Ask students to complete the letter by choosing the best words from the blankets. And then read out the paragraph each.
Step 5
Tell students that there are five words from the unit hidden in the puzzle in Part B. Ask them to circle the words as they find them.
Step 6
Ask students who have finished the word puzzle first to read out the five words found in the guide.
Review the whole unit and complete a unit paper. 根据括号里的最佳选项来完成Daniel的信





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