江苏省淮北中学英语学科教案9A Unit 5 Films(译林牛津版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 5 Films 总课时 10 第1 课时
课题 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1.To understand vocabulary relating to films and being a director
2. To talk about different jobs in the film industry
能力目标 To know about vocabulary relating to films
情感目标 Know about favourite films
教学重点 Vocabulary relating to films and being a director
教学难点 Different jobs in the film industry
课前预习 Preview the new words and phrases
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Step 1 : Talking about students’ future plans.
I would like to be …
I want to be …
I hope to be …
I plan to be …
I would rater be…
I prefer to be …
Step 2 : Talking about being a director.
Stand by!
Take two !
Good take!
Listen and think
their future plans
Think and say out what they know about films.
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Step 3: Practicing being a director.
Director Sun Director Zhang
Get ready for action! Stand by!
Start! Go! Action!
Another one! (Once more!) Take two!
A good job! Good take!
Step 4: Presentation
Show two pictures of Eddie and Hobo. Explain the meaning :daydreaming be realistic
Step 5: Practicing the conversation
Get Ss to fill in the blanks.
Listen, Hobo, you’re very l____, you kno___?____I’m your friend. Do you know _____I am?
Tomorrow’s TV_______!
You? A TV superstar? Why don’t you_________? You should____________.
You’re _____. I’m too _____for TV. I should be in _______ instead.
Step 6: Discussion
1. Eddie would like to be in Hollywood. Do you know anything about Hollywood ? Would you like to be in Hollywood?
“Hollywood” is a suburb of Los Angeles, California, and is the home of the American film industry
2.Who is your favorite Hollywood film star?
Main task:
Write an article about your favorite film star.

Look at the pictures , learn new words and remember them
Listen and answer what they are discussing in the dialogue

初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 5 Films 总课时 10 第2课时
课题 Reading (A) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand key vocabulary related to a profile of Audrey Hepburn.
2. To know some information about Audrey Hepburn
能力目标 To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
情感目标 Know about whether they are fans of Audery Hepburn
教学重点 Some names of Audrey’s films
The past perfect tense
教学难点 To learn to use the past perfect tense
课前预习 To get as much information about Audery Hepburn
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Step 1 Revision
1.Ask the students:
Where does Eddie think he should be? (Hollywood)
Then show the picture of Hollywood, introduce something about Hollywood. Then ask Ss if they know some actors or actresses in Hollywood. Show some pictures of the Hollywood superstars.
2.Ask Ss how much they know about the Oscars. Tell Ss that an Oscars is an award that is given in the USA each year for the best film, best actor ,etc. in the film industry.
Step 2 Presentation
1.Introduce to Ss Audery Hepburn by showing them some of her film pictures. Ask them to read the reading passages
to know more about her.
2. Introduce some background information to the Ss.
Listen and think. 和同学们一起复习卡通漫画为本课做铺垫
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Step 3 Reading and Listening
Ask the Ss:
1. Who is the famous actress in Roman Holiday?
2. Do you want to know more about Audrey Hepburn?
Then ask the students to read the report about Audrey Hepburn, play the tape for them to listen.
Play the tape again, pause if necessary to explain some new words or names of films.
Ask the students to answer the questions.
Check the answers together.
Step4 Parctice
1.Have a quick reading and find out a sentence to describe Audrey Hepburn.
●When Audrey died in 1993, the world mourned the loss of a great beauty,a great actress, a great humanitarian
●People remember her not only just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian
2.Look at the pictures and make sure the markers of the films
Step 5 Fill in the blanks
Ask the students to listen to the tape then try to retell the article. Then read it together.
Step 6 Consolidation
Have a discussion.
Did her success only depend on her beauty?
What can we learn from her?
Step 7 Homework
Write a passage about Audrey Hepburn.
Read the text after the teacher, and have a general impression about it , then read it carefully grasp the details about it .

Get Ss to make an interview.
Here are some fans of Audrey Hepburn in our class.
They know much about Audrey. You can ask them to know more about Audrey 通过“情境导入—词汇教学——快速阅读—研读—拓展与延伸”等环节激发学生的兴趣,引导学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,了解文章基本概况。
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 5 Films 总课时 10 第3课时
课题 Reading (B.C.) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1.To place headlines in the correct chronological order
2. To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage
能力目标 Describe Audrey Hepburn’s life
情感目标 Know about Audrey Hepburn’s career
教学重点 Use the phrases and expressions fluently.
教学难点 Describe Audrey Hepburn’s life
课前预习 Find as much information as they can about Audrey Hepburn’s career
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1. Before doing Part B, revise something about Audrey Hepburn.
2. Ask some Ss to retell the passage by looking at some key words on the screen.
Step2 Consolidation
Part B.
1.Ask Ss to read the words and definitions in Part B1 on page 80.Remind them that all the new words can be found in the reading passage..
2.Ask Ss to complete PartB1 on their own.
3.Ask Ss to read out one word and the definition each.
4.Ask Ss to complete PartB2 on their own.Encourage them to ask questions if they don’t understand the meaning or vocabulary.
Ss work out these exercises on their own.
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Part C
1. Make several photocopies of the headlines in PartC1.Cut the headlines into strips so that there is one headline on one piece of paper.
2. Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a set of headlines.
3.Ss then rearrange the headlines in the correct order ,the first
headline at the top and the last headline at the bottom.
4.Ask Ss to write the order of the sentences in their books.
5.Ask Ss to complete PartC2 by themselves.Explain that the passage in PartC2 is an article about Audrey Hepburn’s career.Ss have to write in the correct words over the “ink spots”
6.Ask Ss to read our the article.
Step 3Language points
1. not only …but also
2. the loss of a great beauty
3. put all one’s effort into…
4. attract one’s attention
5. shortly after
6. remember sb.as
7. devote one’s life into ,etc.
Step 4 Homework
Ask Ss which of Audrey Hepburn’s films they like most. Encourage them to respond using the following construction:
My favourite Audrey Hepburn film is ….For stronger classes
to give reasons for their choices.
Finish the exercise in C2, make sure they are more familiar with the
Career of Audrey Hepburn.
Try to write down a passage about Audrey Hepburn.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 5 Films 总课时 10 第4 课时
课题 Vocabulary 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To use vocabulary to talk about different types of films
能力目标 Grasp the names of different types of films
情感目标 Name the types of films after learning this unit
教学重点 Grasp the names of different types of films
教学难点 Name the types of films after learning this unit
课前预习 Find some information about different types of films
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Revise the phrases and expressions in Reading
one of Hollywood’s all-time favourite actresses
not only…but also
at a very young age = when sb. was very young
attract one’s attention
a novel called Gigi
be made into a play/film…
insist that …
shortly after etc.
Ask the Ss to retell the content of Hollywood’s all-time favourite---Audrey Hepburn
Listen , think ,and try to say out the phrases and expressions, and have a deep impression about them 提问并请人来复述课文,巩固我们所学的内容,加深学生对课文的理解。
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Part A
1. Ask a student to read out the types of films in the left-hand column in Part A on page 82.Ask another student to read out the meanings in the right –hand column.
2. Complete this exercise as a class.Write the types of films from PartA on the board.
3. Read out each category .Ask Ss to raise their hands if they know the types of films that matches the category.
4. Encourage Ss to name the types of films they know.
Part B
1. Expalin that pictures in Part B are VCD covers .Each cover represents one of the categoies in Part A.Ask Ss to write the correct film type under each picture.
2. Ask students to thik of any films that belong to the categories in Part A.Encourage them to think of as many examples as possible.
3.Ask them to think of other kinds of films that are not listed here.Encourage Ss to give their answers.
Historical film
War film
Finish some exercises in class. Give Ss some clips of different types of films.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit5 Films 总课时 10 第5课时
课题 Grammar (A,B) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To use the past perfect tense to talk about past actions
2. To use the past perfect tense to ask questions about past actions
3.Use ‘should’, ‘ought to’, ‘had better’, ‘have to’and ‘must’to give advice
能力目标 Enable the Ss to grasp the past perfect tense
情感目标 Learn to give advice in a gentle way after learning this unit
教学重点 Enable the Ss to grasp the the past perfect tense
教学难点 Enable the Ss to grasp how to give advice
课前预习 Preview the present perfect tense
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Step 1. Revision
He ________________________ his hometown.
2. Sandy不仅歌唱得好,舞也跳得很美。
Sandy ______________well _______________ beautifully.
Zhang Ziyi ______________________ in the film Hero.
4. 他坚持认为他的答案是正确的。
He insisted that _______________________.
5. 家长提醒我们要好好照顾自己。
Our parents ___________________________ ourselves.
Look and complete the exercises in class 练习来巩固所学的内容
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Step2 Part A
1.Revise the Present Perfect Tense.
2.Introduce the Past Perfect Tense and explain we mainly use the past perfect tense to show that one thing in the past happened before another thing in the past.
3.Explain the examples in Part A.
4.A1.Ask students to read the sentences and find out what action happened first.
5.Check the answers
6.Explain words and phrases students don’t understand.
7.A2.Write out the past participle of the words.
8.A3.Fill in the blanks . The students work alone.
9.Tell the students the negative and the question forms.
10.A4.Complete the dialogue and check the answers.
Step 3 Part B
1.Revise ‘speak up —giving advice’ on P33
Ask students to find out the ways of giving advice in the dialogue.
2.Explain we can also use different ways to give advice.
Remind the students that ‘have to’ and ‘must’ are stronger than ‘should’ ‘ought to’ and ‘had better’.
3.Explain the context of the exercise in Part B on P86.
Complete what kitty says about Do’s and don’t at the cinema.
4.Work out the rules.
Finish off the exercises in the exercise book. Listen ,and be familiar with the past perfect tense then practice .
had + v.ed (动词的过去分词)
Get Ss to make sentences using “must ,should ,
ought to ,had better ,have to” 先和同学们熟练过去完成时,然后操练。




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