江苏省淮北中学英语学科教案9A Unit 6 Detective stories(译林牛津版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 总课时 10 第1 课时
课题 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand clues about a crime.
2. To read notes on four suspects and decide which suspect is most likely to be guilty
3. To draw a picture of the suspect.
能力目标 Describe a person
情感目标 Learn to tell a good man from a bad man
教学重点 Vocabulary about describing a person
教学难点 Learn to describe a man
课前预习 Preview the new words and phrases
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Step1. warm-up
What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
Do you think of being a detective when you grow up?
(Give your opinions to be or not)
Do you know something about the things about detective stories? etc.
Step2. welcome to the unit
Explain the context.
This is a detective’s report. Everyone wants to make sure who the murder is , so let the Ss read the profiles of every suspect in Part A
Discuss in groups of four and guess who is the murder.
Ask some students to stand up to say who the murder is .
and give out the reason, sent the best drawer to draw out the murder on the blackboard Talk about their own dreams and give the reasons
Discuss something about detective
Discuss and guess who is the real murder
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Compare which team is the best group.
Underline some words and phrases about describing a person’s appearance.
Step 3. Practice
Still in groups, learn to describe their own friends’ appearance, using the phrases they learned.
Have a speech, choose the best speaker and give him some prize.
Step 4. comic stripes
Give a listening task
1.Why is Eddie dressed like a detective?
2. What is he really looking for?
Play the tape for the Ss to catch the answers.
Act the dialogue out in pair
Discussion :
What do you think of Eddie? Do you like him?
Point out the phrases:
dress sb / dress up
go missing
Step 5 Topic
Talk about the topic of this unit and guess some vocabulary
Learn about some famous detectives in the world
Learn to tell a detective story After learning some vocabulary about describing a person, try to describe a friend of theirs by themselves
Listen to the tape and find sth about Eddie
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 6 Detective stories 总课时 10 第2课时
课题 Reading (A) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand key vocabulary related to crime.
2. Understand sentences as true or false by reading
3. Know about the main meaning of the text.
能力目标 To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
情感目标 have a sense of protecting yourself
教学重点 Know something about the detective story by reading
教学难点 Learn some vocabulary about the crime
课前预习 New words about this text
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Step 1. Presentation
1) Say: Good morning, everyone. First of all, let’s watch a part of a film.
2 Say: Just now we saw a young man in the film. What did he do? Yes, he murdered the woman, his wife. He was the murderer, the attacker. And his wife is the victim. (Write the three words on the Bb.)
Step 2 Reading
1. Say this film is full of horror and mysteries. Now today we shall read another murder story. Please open your books and turn to P96. Here’s the article about the murder from a newspaper. Before we read it, let’s deal with the new words first.
2 skim and answer the following 3 questions:
a) Who was murdered?
b) When did the murder take place?
c) So far how many suspects do the police have ?
3 Scan
Say: Now please read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake. Watch and feel the situation then learn the new words.
victim, and murder
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a)The victim’s body was found in Valley Town. _____
b)The victim sold computer programs. _____
c)The victim worked in New Town, _____
d)It is possible that there was more than one ttacker.
e)The victim had lots of enemies. _____
f)The victim was attacked with a gun. _____
g)The suspect is a short, fat man. _____
h)The police have arrested the murderer. _____
i)The victim’s parents offered a reward for
information. _____
Check their answers.
4 Listen
Say: Now listen to the tape and try to underline the difficult sentences and phrases that you don’t understand.
Read the article themselves for several minutes, then ask 8 students to read one paragraph by one paragraph. While reading, after each paragraph, do some explanations about the difficult points. Also do some explanations about the title. Show the students more examples.
Read together with the tape once.
Step 3. Skim
1) Ask the students to work in pairs and tick out the main idea of the article.
victim: clues:
suspects: the police:
2) Check out their answers orally, then give out the answers on pieces of paper.

Read the text carefully again and learn more about the text.
Make sure the language points they can’t understand.
Read again and tick out the main ideas of each paragraph.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 6 Detective stories 总课时 10 第3课时
课题 Reading (BC.) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. Grasp the phrases and expressions
2. Have a better understanding about the text.
3. Retell the story easily.
能力目标 Improve Ss’ listening , speaking, reading and writing
情感目标 Learn to protect yourself
教学重点 Use the phrases and expressions fluently.
教学难点 Describe the story easily
课前预习 Finish off all the exercises in their books
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Go over the words and have a dictation of some of phrases
the body of a 22-year-old man
in the doorway of a clothes shop
a computer programmer
be killed somewhere else
top detective
be attacked with a knife
bleed to death
as a result
put up a good fight
check the scene for fingerprints and other clues
be guilty of computer crime
be charged with
so far
break heavily Prepare for the dictation 温习并听写检测学生所学
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Have blood on his shirt
Offer a reward of 5000 yuan
Contact the police
Over the last year
Step2: Read and Consolidation
1. Read and Put the following events in order.
The victim died.
The body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.
The victim’s parents offered a reward for information.
The victim struggled with the attackers.
The victim was charged with computer crimes.
The police checked the scene for clues.
The victim left his office in New Town.
2. Fill in the blanks according to the text.
A young man was m______ in Valley Town. The body was f____ in the doorway of a clothes shop. The v___ was a computer programmer who worked in New Town. When he l___ his office, he said he was g____ to visit his parents.
The murder t___ place between 9 pm and 1 am last night. The victim was killed w___ a knife and there was evidence of a struggle. We are checking the scene for f_____ , which will help us find the murder.
A witness saw a man running down Upper Street with b____ on his shirt. But the man said that he was not g____.
Step 4 homework
Read the paragraphs one by one, learn the main idea, and find out the key words and try to retell the story one by one.
Step 4. Exercises Read the text more , be more familiar with the context and finish the exercises in their books. Enable the Ss retell the story.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 6 Detective stories 总课时 10 第4 课时
课题 Vocabulary 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. To understand and use vocabulary relating
2 .Know how to express themselves while meeting others
能力目标 Learn to identify different types of crimes and criminals
情感目标 Far from the crimes and criminals
教学重点 Name the types of criminals after learning this unit
教学难点 The same as above
课前预习 Words: kidnap kidnapping kidnapper murder murderer shoplift shoplifting shoplifter theft thief
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Show the students a video about Detective Kenyan.
Ask students :
What does Kenyan do?
What does a detective do? (students various answers)
How many kinds of crimes do you know about?
and what are they?
Step2. Pre-task
Ask students to match the words and the paraphrases.
Kidnap A. a person who takes another person’s things secretly
rob B. steal sb. away by force in order to get money
murder C. a person who takes things from a shop secretly
thief D. unlawfully kill sb.
E. take things or money from a person or a place by force
Step 3. Part A
Ask students to write the correct words under each picture
using the words from the box.
Students peer checking, then present the correct answers.
Extension Watch the video and list the crimes they know, either in Chinese or in English
Read the paraphrases and match them with the suitable crime
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Tell the students that we have learnt some names about crimes and criminals, here are some other names for them, could you guess their Chinese names?
Crimes criminals
Battery attacker
Drug dealing drug dealer
Mugging mugger
Robbery robber
Vandalism vandal
Money laundering money launderer
Burglary burglar
Forgery forger
Step 4 Cosolidation
Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese
1.He was charged with being the ___________(凶手).
2.Those __________(小偷)were caught at last.
3.There’re many ________________(犯罪行为)in that city.
4.It is said the boy was ______________(绑架)last Friday.
5.She was fined three hundred dollars for _____________
Fill in the blanks with right forms of the words given
1. His body____(find) in the garden the day before yesterday.
2.My food has _________(go)_________(miss).
3.The story_____________(happen) last night.
4.There __________(be) many changes over the years.
5.He ______(charge) with _____(break) into my house soon.
6. By whom _________ the young cook _________ (kill).
7. Why __________they _________(kidnap) by you yesterday.
Finish off the Part A and Part B and learn more about all kinds of crimes
Consolidate what they learnt by exercises. 学习有关犯罪的词汇并即使的巩固.
初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师
总课题 9A Unit 6 Detective stories 总课时 10 第5课时
课题 Grammar (A,B) 课型 新授
教学目标 知识目标 1. Distinguish commonly confused verbs
2. Go on studying Reported Speech with tense changes
能力目标 Enable the Ss to grasp the Reported Speech further.
情感目标 Learn to talk about what someone else said.
教学重点 Enable the Ss to distinguish Commonly confused verbs and
Reported Speech
教学难点 Enable the Ss to grasp how to talk about what someone else said
课前预习 Preview Reported Speech
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Step 1: Lead—in
T: Do you still remember the detective story
‘ Murder in Valley Town’?
S: Yes.
T: Who was killed?
S: A 22-year-old computer programmer.
T: Where was he found?
S: In the doorway of a clothes shop in Valley Town.
T: Was he killed there?
S: We don’t know.
T: Yes. People are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town.
Step 2: Grammar
Ⅰ. take and bring
Write down the sentences on the blackboard. Check the understanding of the sentence by students. Then ask them if I can change the sentence into people are not sure whether the Make a dialogue to consolidate what they learnt. 通过编对话来复习所学的内容
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the victim was killed somewhere else and then taken to Valley Town.May some students will say ‘yes’ and some will say ‘no’.
2. Ask students to say the base form of the two words ‘brought’ and ‘taken’. Write them on the blackboard. They are ‘bring’ and ‘take’.
Fill in the blanks with bring and take
1. When you come , don’t forget to____ the wine with you.
2. Look at the cloud. It’s going to rain. You’d better_____ an umbrella with you when you go to work.
3._____ the empty box away and _____ me a full one.
4.______ this present to your uncle’s house.
hear and listen
1. Play a short period of music and say, ‘Please listen to it carefully and tell me what you can hear?’
2. Ask students to try to say the differences between the two words according to the sentence.
Fill in the blanks with hear and listen to
1. I___ a strange noise in the midnight yesterday.
2. He was _____ to the radio when I came into the room.
3. I ____ and ___ , but I could ___ nothing at all.
4. Can you ____ the telephone ringing?
5. ___ to that noise. It sounds like someone is moving future.
6. It was so noisy that I couldn’t _____ the report.
see, look and watch Use the computer to do some exercises and try to remember how to use them correctly.
Distinguish look for, look after, look out. come and go
1. Invite a student to show the use of the two words with you. Say, ‘Please come to the front.’ And ‘Please go back to your seat.’ The students should do as you tell him/her to do.
2. Read the explanations and the example sentences
Learn and consolidate the commonly confused verbs by




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