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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit13.doc
标题 unit13
章节 第十三单元
关键词 高二英语第十三单元
ruler L.49 四会
go on with the First World War wouldwide right(n.) L.50
work out stick(vi.) stick to ruler L.51
course(n.) L.52
communist professor L.49 三会
scientific darkness shy content lead to discovery L.50
cheque human right
prove bent respect leading sadness take sides(in) L.51
advance advanced mathematics education L.52
further education technical
Albert Einstein Alexander Bell L.49 二会
the Nobel Prize bookmark L.50
Swiss Hitler Jew L.51
Is it…? No, it’s not him/her Is he/she…?
Who is he/she? What did he do? It must be him/her
Lesson 49
⒈I’m doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. 我正在猜报纸上的字谜。
puzzle意为“谜”,do a word puzzle or do a puzzle in words意为“猜字谜”。
例如:The murder case was a puzzle to the police. 这桩谋杀案对警察局来说是一个难题。
The murder case continued to puzzle the police.
⒉It must be him! 那肯定是他!
My father must be watching TV now.
She must be in the classroom.
You mustn’t smoke in public places.
Lesson 50
⒈When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions…
used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”
be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”
be used to do sth. 意为“被用来干什么”
例如:I used to drink coffee in the evening, but now I am used to drinking coffee in the morning.
Computers can be used to do a lot of work nowadays.
⒉By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned maths all by himself.
My mother will be back by 5 o’clock this afternoon.
We had learned 2000 English words by the end of last term.
By the end of this century, China will have become a more powerful and beautiful country in the world.
By now, several bridges have been built over the Changjiang River.
⒊He found it hard to get along with the other boys.
在此句中,it为形容宾语,hard为宾语补足词,真正的宾语是不定式短语to get along with the other boys.
I found it difficult to learn French well.
They kept it quiet that he was dead.
⒋All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of this time alone, although he married twice and had lots of close friends.
content adj. 满足的;满意的;愿意的
be content with sth. 对…感到满意
be content to do sth. 愿意做某事
She is content with her present job.
I am always content with very little.
I shall be well content to do so.
⒌With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university, where he received a doctor’s degree in 1905.
a: that he received and saved修饰the pay
b: where he received a doctor’s degree in 1905是非限定性定语从句,修饰university.
I received her invitation last week, but I didn’t accept it.
⑶a doctor’s degree 博士学位
a master’s degree 硕士学位
a bachelor’s degree 学士学位
receive/win/get a doctor’s degree/a master’s degree/a bachelor’s degree意为获得博士/硕士/学士学位
Tom received a doctor’s degree in physics in Boston University last term.
⒍…he began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.
⑴which led to his new discoveries in physics是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词组the research and studies
⑵lead to意为“引起”、“导致”、“造成”、“通向”
The car accident led to many deaths.
There is only one path leading to the forest.
Hard work and proper ways will lead you to success.
⒎In 1933 Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA.
leave for意为“动身到(某处)”介词“for”表示目标,去向。
My father left for Guangzhou two days ago.
She left home for the railway station a few minutes ago.
⒏Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the USA.
⑴此句中的live是及物动词,常用于live…a life结构。意为“过着”(某种)生活。
例如:live a happy life 过着幸福的生活
live a hard life 过着艰苦的生活
live a miserable life 过着悲惨的生活
live a quiet life 过着宁静的生活
They are used to living a quiet life in the country.
The children in the city are living a happy life.
Pick out the good apples and throw away the rest.
Some of the boys climbed the hill, the rest played games.
⒐Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress.
Three girls went to the park besides Mary.
All of us passed the maths exam besides Mike.
All the girls went to the park except Mary.
All of us passed the maths exam except Mike.
⒑It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killlings.
⑴句中which was missing in a world full of wars and killings是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the peace.
⑵full of意为“充满”。形容词短语full of…作定语,放在其所修饰的名词a world之后,a world full of wars and killings相当于a world which was full of wars and killings. 例如:
He brought us a basket full of vegetables. 他带给我们满满一蓝子蔬菜。
⒒Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century’s greatest scientist.
Such is my wish. 这就是我的愿望。
Such were his words. 这就是他讲的话。
Such is the answer to the question. 这就是问题的答案。
Lesson 51
⒈But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.
⑴动词短语stick to意为“坚持(意见,看法等)”,其中to是介词,后跟名词或代词。例如:
No matter what you say, I will stick to my opinion.
I will stick to my work unitl it’s finished.
⑵stick(stuck, stuck)既可以作动词,也可以作名词。意为“贴,粘”,“卡住,陷在…里(无法移动)”、“手杖”例如:
The old woman can not walk without a walking stick.
Don’t forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail-box.
The car stuck in the mud.
The key has stuck in the lock.
⒉From that time on Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist of the century.
from that time on/from then on意为“从那时起”,常与过去时连用。
since that time/since then/ever since then意为“从那时起”,但与完成时连用。例如:
From then on he began to learn Russian.
Since then he has been writing poems.
⒊…as Switzerland did not take sides in the war. ……由于瑞士在大战中没有参加战争的任何一方。
take sides with sb./take the side of sb. 同意某人,支持某人,和…站在一边。例如:
Switzerland refused to take sides in world War II.
He took sides with Mother against Father in the argument.
⒋When Germany was ruled by Hitler in the early 1930s…….
in the early 1930s也可以写成in the early 1930’s二十世纪三十年代初期
in the middle 1990s 二十世纪九十年代中期
in the late 1990s 二十世纪九十年代末期
⒌Grammer:Noun Clauses as the Subject
What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.
What he has done has nothing to do with us.
That there is life on another planet is almost impossible.
Who killed the young man remains a question.
When we will hold the meeting hasn’t been decided yet.
Whether we can control the floods is still uncertain.
Which team will win the football match is still unknown.
Why he didn’t tell the truth wasn’t quite clear.
⒈It is+adj./n.+that-clause.
It’s a pity that… 遗憾的是……
It’s possible that… 可能是…….
⒉It is said/reported that……据说/据报道…
⒊It seems/happened that…似乎/碰巧……
例如:It is possible that he misunderstood what I said.
It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
It happened that I was free that day.
Whoever comes will be welcome. 无论谁来都会受到欢迎。
Whatever she did was right. 不管她做什么都是对的。
⒈Don’t always ______ your own opinion.
A.stick B. stick to C. stick in D. insist in
⒉His mistakes _____ his failure.
A. led to B. led of C. lead on D. lead for
⒊The Second World War broke out in _____ when Einstein was in ______.
A. the early 1940s; the USA B. 1937; Switzerland
C. the late 1930s; the USA D. the thirties; France
⒋My sister ______ an invitation but she didn’t _____ it.
A. accepted; receive B. received; accepted
C. accepted; accept D. received; accept
⒌By the time I ______ the bus station, the bus _______.
A. got to/left B. reached/has left
C. arrived/has gone D. left/arrived
⒍_____ five years _____ the book about pollution.
A. It spent him/to finish B. It spent him/finishing
C. He spent/finishing D. He spent/to finish
⒎Facing this _____ problem, I found myself _____ about how to work it out.
A. puzzled; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzling
C. puzzling; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling
⒏In the daytime the stars are not seen to twinkle ______.
A. in a apace B. in the space C. in space D. on space
⒐______, paper was first made in China.
A. It is known to all B. We all know
C. It is known that D. As it known to all
⒑______ we will go to the beach tomorrow depends on the weather.
A. Why B. If C. Where D. Whether
⒒Nobody knew _______.
A. where he comes B. where he was from
C. where he is from D. where does he come from
⒓Computers can only give out _____ has been stored in them.
A. that B. which C. what D. anything
⒔She wanted to know ______.
A. whether I knew her and where did she work.
B. if I knew her and the factory she worked there.
C. whether I knew her and the factory she worked.
D. if I know her and the factory where she worked.
⒕It doesn’t matter _____ I rest or not.
A. if B. whether C. that D. when
⒖The trouble is ______ we are short of tools.
A. what B. that C. how D. which
⒗That is ______ there appears a rainbow in the sky.
A. what B. when C. why D. however
⒘The thought ______ he might fail in the final exam worried him.
A. which B. that C. when D. /
⒙_____ I will accept the gift is none of your business.
A. If B. Whether C. What D. Which
⒚_____ wants the book many have it.
A. who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. The person
⒛The problem is _____ will go.
A. that B. that who C. who D. whoever
In the year 2000, the world is going to have a population of about 8 billion(十亿). Most scientists agree that the most severe problem is food supply.
Who is going to feed all those people? Where is the food going to come from? Are we going to have enough food? Are we going to produce more artificial(人选的) food?
One way of improving the situation is for people to eat less meat. Why? Because it takes 4 kilos(公斤) of grain protein(蛋白质) to produce half a kilo of meat protein. Clearly, there is not going to be sufficient meat protein for 8 billion people. Gherefore, it will also necesssary to change eating habits because meat is the main part of many people’s food today.
A possible solution to this latter problem is the soybean.(大豆) The soybean plant produces beans which have a very high fat and proteim content. Scientists can now make these look and taste like real meat. They can also make many other artificial products such as soybean milk, for example, which has a taste of milk and can be used in cooking in very much he same ways as cow’s milk. In fact, one woman in the United States fed her family only on soybeans for year! She gave them soybean beef, soybean chicken, soybean milk, and sometimes just soybeans. Possibly, we are all going to eat soybeans in the future and finally give up meat completely from our tables.
⒈What is the main subject of the passage?
A. A solution to man’s food problem.
B. A solution to the population problem.
C. Advantages of soybean.
D. How to develop good eating habits.
⒉According to the passage, meat will completely disappear in the future because _____.
A. people have to spend too much time energy to produce it
B. too much grain protein is needed to produce it
C. it contains too much fat and protein
D. it is no good to the health
⒊According to the passage, the main part of food that many people are eating today is ____.
A. soybeans B. grain C. meat D. milk
⒋In this passage, “artificial food” refers to food made from _____.
A. milk B. grain C. protein D. soybeans
⒌Soybean meat is similar to real meat _____.
A. in appearance but not in taste.
B. neither in appearance nor in taste.
C. both in appearance and in taste.
D. in taste, but not in appearance.
It is true that times are changing for the old people in Brtain. But not all the changes are bad ones. Modern medicine, for example, has made old people healthier than ever before. Aother advantage is that there are many more old people than there used to be. This means that old people often have a good social life with their own clubs and organizations. Old people, too, have more money now than their own parents and grandparents had.
The biggest disadvantage of modem life is loneliness. The young leave home when they grow up and many old people live alone. Fewer old people have brothers and sisters. An old person’s one or two children may have moved to another part of the country.
Even when they live nearby, the young people have their own work to do and their own children to look after. They have not much time for the old. Problems of loneliness often start when people stop work. When people retire they often find it difficult to start a new life without their jobs.
The world has changed so fast since 1900 that it is difficult for old people to understand the problems of the young. And the world is changing even faster these days than it was fifty years ago. It makes you thing, doesn’t it? What will it be like when today’s young people are old?
⒈To the old people, the changes in society are ______.
A. better than they expected
B. not as good as they wish
C. both good and bad
D. difficult to understand
⒉According to this passage, the old people today ______.
A. often go to clubs with their brothers and sisters
B. prefer lonely life to social life
C. live more happily than their parents and grandparents
D. like to share their feelings and thoughts with other people
⒊Although some old people live near their sons or daughters, ______.
A. they still feel lonely
B. they want to move to other places
C. they have no time to look after the young people’s children
D. they like to live with their own brothers and sisters
⒋In the last century, old people did not have so many problems because ______.
A. they had big families
B. they lived with their children
C. the young were king to the old
D. the society didn’t change so rapidly
⒌What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Modern society only belongs to the young.
B. Modern life has brought new problems to the old.
C. Today’s young people are happier than their parents.
D. It is necessary to take better care of the old people.




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