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By 21ST 1. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) 国际奥委会 2. The IOC Evaluation Commission 国际奥委会评估委员会 3. The IOC Evaluation Report 国际奥委会评估报告 4. The IOC Executive Board 国际奥委会执行委员会 5. 112th IOC Session 国际奥委会第112届全会 6. The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) 中国奥委会 7. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee北京2008年奥林匹克运动会申办委员会(简称北京奥申委) 8. Olympic Movement 奥林匹克运动 9. The Olympic bid/bid to hold the 2008 Summer Olympics 申奥/申请举办2008年夏季奥运会 10. 2008 Olympics Boulevard 奥运大道 11. Logo of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid 北京申办2008年奥运会会徽 12. Motto of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid 北京申办2008年奥运会口号 13. New Beijing, Great Olympics 新北京,新奥运 14. Green Olympics, People's Olympics and Hi-tech Olympics 绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运 15. An Olympic candidate city 奥运会候选城市 16. An Olympic host city 奥运会主办城市 17. Good-will ambassador for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid 北京申奥亲善大使 18. Candidate City presentations 候选城市的陈述 19. Submission of Candidature File提交申办报告 20. Spirit of the Olympic Movement 奥运精神 21. Swifter, higher, stronger 更快,更高,更强 22. Olympic Charter 奥林匹克宪章 23. World Olympic Day 国际奥林匹克日 24. Action Plan for a Green Olympics 绿色奥运行动计划 25. Olympic torch relay 奥运火炬接力 26. Five-ring Olympic flag 奥运五环旗 By 21ST Editor's note: The US's declaration of war on terrorism brought us many new words. Knowing them may facilitate your understanding of the news. 1. International coalition 国际联盟 Washington is assembling a broad international coalition to support its war on terrorism.--Reuters 2. Humanitarian crisis 人道主义危机 The United Nations and other aid organizations made a plea for more aid for Afghanistan at an emergency meeting called to deal with the region's mounting humanitarian crisis.--AP 3. Military might 军事力量 Sensing it is only a matter of time before the US uses its military might to strike at Afghanistan, foreign relief organizations in neighbouring Pakistan began to cope with an influx of up to one million refugees from the war-torn country.--Reuters 4. Military strike 军事打击 Chanting "war is not the answer," the protesters flooded the streets of the US capital to call for peace as President Bush moved forward with plans for military strikes against those he blames for the September 11 hijacker attacks that left 6,500 feared dead in New York and Washington.--AP Momentum appeared to be building for the 86-year-old former king of Afghanistan, Mohammad Zahir Shah, to play a role as a neutral figure overseeing a transition of power should the Taliban fall as a result of threatened US attacks.--AP 6. Anti-war protesters 反战示威者 Opposition of a different sort was heard as anti-war protesters in Washington and several other cities around the world demonstrated against possible military action.--Reuters 7. Jihad 圣战 (伊斯兰教教徒反对异教徒的战争) Afghanistan's ruling Taliban has mobilized 300,000 Afghans for jihad, or holy war, the Islamic militia's defence minister said on Monday.--Reuters 8. Kamikaze attack/suicide attack 神风式飞机的攻击,二战时期日本与对手同归于尽的自杀性飞行攻击/自杀性攻击 Washington has said that this week's kamikaze attack on its landmarks was a declaration of war and Congress authorized President Bush on Friday to use "all necessary and appropriate force" in response.--Reuters British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw warned the country on Monday to brace for casualties when a US-led coalition retaliates for the suicide attacks on Washington and New York.--Reuters 9. Highest alert 一级戒备 The US military went on highest alert today after the worst terrorist attacks in the nation's history crippled New York's financial centre and struck at the heart of the federal government in Washington.--AP 10. Airstrike 空袭 An Iraqi military spokesman told the Official Iraqi News Agency that one civilian had been injured in the airstrikes on Thursday.--Reuters 11.Commandos 突击队 A small number of US Army commandos have slipped into northern Afghanistan to seek information on the whereabouts of suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, senior administration officials said yesterday.--AP 相关链接:教学论文
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