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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit8.doc
标题 高二第八单元
章节 第八单元
关键词 高二英语第八单元
   knee  ought  ought  to  still(adj)            L.29 四会
   medical  care  bite  mouth-to-mouth  lay  burn(n.)   L.30
   cut(n.)  electric  container  pool
   by mistake  pay attention to  in a short while          L.31
   breathe  take it easy                        L.29三会
   within  handkerchief  deal(vt.)  deal with  wound  safety    L.30
  running water wire guard out of one's reach sideways
  firm firmly wherever stomach    L.31
  aid first aid injure injured    L.29 三会
 bleed hold up injury poison  L.30
 quantity throw up nearly   L.31
   We must carry her to the side of the road.
   You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.
   You should/shouldn't .…
   I ought to go home.
   I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
   复习情态动词must, should和学习ought to的用法。
  1.fist aid急救
  With the aid of the computer, he worked out the problem.  借助于计算机,他解决了这个难题。
  They are determined to aid him in his scientific research.  他的决心对于他的科学研究给予援助。
  She came quickly to his aid . 她急忙来帮助他。(=She came quickly to help him.)
  2.No! Leave her where she is ! 别动他,让她留在原地。
  Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.  不要让她在外面的雨中等着。
  You'd better leave the door open.  你最好把门开着。
  Her illness has left her weaker.  她的病使她比以前更虚弱了。
  Don't touch the thing on the desk. Leave them as they are.  不要动书桌上的东西,让他的照原样放着。
  b)的中的where it is的是地点状语从句。where引导的状语从句可放在句首。例如:
  Where there is a will, there is a way .  有志者事竟成。
  Please put the books where they were.   请把书放回原处。
  3.You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.  如果一个人受了重伤,你一定不要挪动他。
  The chair is in the way, move it please.  那把椅子碍事,请挪开。
  We were deeply moved by what he had done.  我们为他所做的一切深受感动。
  move作不及物动词 时,作"活动"、"迁移""摇动"解。例如:
  He was tied so tightly that he couldn't move hand or foot.  他紧紧地被捆住,手脚不能动。
  He moved with great difficulty.   他十分艰难地移动着。
  The old couple moved to the country after they were retired .  那对夫妻退休以后搬到乡下去了。
  The little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself .  小男孩从梯子上摔了下来并受了伤。
  The driver hurt himself in the accident.  司机在事故中受了伤。
  It hurts the eyes to read in such poor light .  在这么弱的灯光下看书会伤害眼睛的。
  My feeling were hurt when they talked about me like that.  他们那样谈论我使我的感情受到伤害。
  She was hurt to think of being left alone . 他一个人被留下很难过的。
  4."Take it easy! I've just called the First Aid Centre…" 别紧张,我刚刚给急救中心通了电话。
  句中的take it easy是"不要着急"、"别紧张"的意思,通常用来安慰别人。类似的有Don't worry. 有时也可说"take things easy"。例如:
  Take it easy. Everything will be OK. 不要紧张,一切都会好的。
  Take it easy. It's still early and we've got plenty of time.  不要着急。还早着呢况且我们有足够的时间。
  The doctor asked Bob to take things easy for a while. 医生让鲍勃先放松一会儿。
  5.I ought to go home . 我该回家了。
  ought to是情态动词,意思为"应该"。与should意思基本相同,但语气要比should强些。含有"按道理应该……"的意思。例如:
  You ought to attend the meeting .  你应该参加那个会议。
  I ought to tell you about it before you leave.  我应该在你走之前把这件事告诉你。
  It isn't what I ought to do .  这不是我该做的事。
  ought to的疑问句式是把ought移至句首,其否定式是把not放在ought和to之间。
  Ought he to go ? Yes, he ought to .  他该去吗?是的,他该去。
  He ought not to do that.  他不该做那件事。
  1. Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid; you don't have to be a doctor.
  a)这里要注意的是与first aid搭配的动词。除了句中的动词give以外,还可与动词offer或do连用,作"进行急救","施行急救"解。例如:
  A worker was badly injured in the workshop and his workmates gave him first aid .  
  When someone is hurt, first aid should be immediately offered.  当一个人受了伤时,应立即对他进行急救。
  b) have to和must都作"必须"解。二者的意思稍有区别,但肯定式基本上可以通用。其否定式(mustn't和don't have to )却在意思上有很大的差别,则不可以通用。
  don't have to表示"不必(做某事)",同needn't(do sth)意思相当,含"不必要"之意。例如:
  You mustn't park your car in front of the entrance.  你不得把汽车停放在入口处。
  You don't have to come.  你不必来。
  2.check that the person can breathe. Open the mouth and make sure that there is no food at the back of the mouth. 检查一下,看看这个人还能否呼吸。把掰嘴开,看看口腔后部是否有食物堵住。
  句中的check和make sure的意思基本相同,作"核查""弄确实"解,后面的宾语从句则具有待核实,核查的事情。例如:
  Check/Make sure that the gas and lights are turned off before you heave.
  Please go and check/make sure if the baby is asleep.  请去看看孩子睡了没有。
  3.Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries… 这儿有条关于处理普通创伤的意见……。
  句中的短语动词deal with有多种意思,如"对待某人"、"处理问题","计论某事"等。例如:
  They try to deal politely with angry customers .  他们的尽量对发怒的顾客彬彬有礼。
  How shall we deal with the situation?  我们怎样来处理这个局面呢?
  Our teacher will deal with the grammar point in the next lesson.  我们老师下一堂课要讲这个语法点。
  另外deal with sb/sth.还有"与某人有社交、商业等关系"的意思。例如:
  We don't deal with large impersonal companies.  我们不与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。
  4.However, after a few hours of study you will manage to know enough to save other people's lives .
  We have enough time (time enough) to get to the airport.  我们来得及赶到机场。
  There's enough food (food enough )on the table .   桌上的食物足够吃。
  Is the river deep enough for swimming/to swim in ?  在这条河里游泳水够深吗?
  She isn't old enough to go to school.  她不到上学年龄。
  She plays well enough for a beginner.  对于初学者说来,她弹奏得相当不错了。
  -Would you please have some more ?  再吃点吗?
  -I've had enough. Thank you.  谢谢,我已经吃饱了。
  He couldn't earn enough to support the family of five.  他没能挣足够的钱来养活五口之家。
  I have enough to do every day.  我每天有足的事情做。
  5.If everyone in the country knew first aid , many lives would be saved.
  If I were a bird, I could fly.   如果我是只小鸟,我就能飞了。(事实上我不是小鸟,我也不会飞。)
  If he knew the truth, he would tell me. 
  6.keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.  把它们(毒物)放在小孩够不着的高架上。
  句中的介词短语out of one's reach作"够不关","拿不到"解,在此reach为名词,意思是手能触及到的范围,与其相对应的短语是within one's reach。例如:
  The shelf is so high it is well out of my reach.  架子太高,我根本够不着。
  Please have a dictionary within my reach.  请把字典放在我够得着的地方。
  7.Don't reach sideways while standing on a ladder.  站在梯子上的时候,不要侧着身子伸手去拿东西。
  I can't reach the apples on the top branch.  我够不到最上边树枝上的苹果。
  I reached across the table for the jam.  我伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱。
  Please reach me the dictionary from the bookshelf.  请把字典从书架上取下来给我。
  A crab moves sideways.  螃蟹横着爬行。
  He looked sideways at me.  他斜着眼看我。
  另外,句中的while standing on a ladder是while you are standing on a ladder的省略。在有些表示时间、地点、条件等的状语从句中,主语和主句中的主语一致时,从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是动词be)常省略。例如:
  Don't listen to the radio while doing your homework.(=Don't listen to the radio while you're doing your homework.)
  I visited my professor while in Shanghai.(=I visited my professor while I was in Shanghai.)
  8. Make sure that your children can not get close to pools, lakes and rivers by themselves.
  a)句中的get close to…作"到……的近旁"解。例如:
  We got close to the old people to see what they were doing.
  The children were warned not to get close to the fire.
  b)by oneself意思为"单独地"、"独自地"。在句中作状语。例如:
  The little girl travelled from London to New York by herself.  那小姑娘独自一个从伦敦旅行到了纽约。
  Dinny walked home by himself last night.  迪尼昨晚独自一个人去回家的。
  1.What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?   假如有人误喝了毒药,你该怎么办?
  句中的by mistake是固定词组,意为"错误地"、"无心地(做了某事)"例如:
  I took your dictionary by mistake.  我拿错了你的词典了。
  I used your towel by mistake.  我(无心)用错了你的毛巾了。
  I mistook you for your brother.  我错把你当成你的兄弟了。
  The visitors mistook the house for a hotel.  那些游人把这栋房子当成旅店了。
  a)you must keep the patient warm if he/she has been in the water a long time .
  句中的keep the patient warm是keep+宾语+形容词、现在分词或过去分词作宾语补足语的结构,表示"处于(保持)……状态)"。例如:
  They closed the door and windows to keep the room clean.  他们将门窗关上以保持房间的清洁。
  I'm sorry to have kept you waiting outside a long time .  我很抱歉让您在处面久等了。
  She kept her eyes shut and stayed where she was.  她紧闭双眼呆在原地不动。
  b)You need to pay attention to the children wherever they are playing.
  句中的pay attention to为"留心……"、"注意……"之意。这是一个固定词组,其中to是介词,后接名词,代词或动名词。例如:
  The teacher asked his students to pay attention to him in class.  老师要求学生在上课时要专心听讲。
  Much attention should be paid to the problem of pollution.
  3.关于情态动词must, should , ought to的用法小结:
  If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.
  If someone is in trouble, we must help him/her.
  这时must主要是用于表示说话人主观上的看法。如表示客观需要,我们可用have to这一结构。另外,must没有时态的变化,一般用于现在时,have to可用于更多的时态。例如:
  We have to walk there because we missed the last bus.  由于我们没赶上末班车,只好走着去那儿。
  He has to change his mind .  他只好改变主意了。
  另外,must和have to的否定式的意思是不同的,例如:
  mustn't是"不要……",有禁止的含义;而don't have to则表示"不必要……"含有"客观上无此必要"的意思。
  you mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.  如果有人受了重伤,一定不要搬动他。
  you don't have to tell him this .  你没必要告诉他这件事。
  should和ought to:
  should和ought to都有"应该"的意思,而且可以通用。should的语气比must弱些,它含有"建议"、"劝告"的语气;ought to的语气比should要强些,强调"有责任"、"有义务(做某事)"的意思。例如:
  you should be here earlier.  你应该早点来。
  you ought to tell him how to operate the machine.  你应该告诉他如何使用(操作)这台机器。
  "I'll start the work tomorrow."──"No, you should start now."
  如果用ought to替换should,口气就有所不同了。例如:
  "I'll start the work tomorrow."──"No, you ought to start now."
  should的否定形式是shouldn't;ought to的否定形式是oughtn't to。例如:
  you shouldn't put the books here . you ought to put them where they were.
  you ought to take good care of your sick grandma.  你应该细心照料生病的祖母。
  1. I was rather    by what they said about me.
   A. hit  B. harmed  C. hurt  D. wounded
  2.Badly wounded in    back, he had to lie in bed    face.
   A. the, on his  B. the, on the  C. his, by the  D. his, in his
  3.you'll come to see the    you have done.
   A. bad  B. wrong  C. mistake  D. mistaken
  4.The doctor did    to save his mother's life.
   A. all what he could  B. as much as possible
   C. all could be done  D. as much as could
  5.He felt sorry for     completed his work on time.
   A. not have  B. not to have  C. not having  D. having not
  6.She     her baby in her arms.
   A. fetched  B. carried   C. sent  D. brought
  7.Our school is     walk from the park.
   A. for a half and an hour's  B. within one and a half hour's
   C. in an hour and a half    D. at one and half hour's
  8.Lucy tried to    for the banana on the shelf, but it was too high.
   A. took  B. get  C. reach  D. pick
  9.The leaves of the trees gently     our faces as we walked along the street.
   A. got  B. struck  C. knocked  D. reached
  10.That kind of grass always grows best     it is wet.
   A. there  B. in which  C. the place where  D. where
  11.He has a wife and three children to     .
   A. keep  B. hold  C. raise  D. grow
  12.You should      yourself out of their quarrels.
   A. put  B. keep   C. take  D. prevent
  13.I don't believe him      he says.
   A. whatever  B. how   C. what  D. however
  14.They      do it today,      they?
   A. needn't, do  B. don't need, need  C. don't need to, do   D. needn't to, need
  15.Please keep your mouth    and your eyes     .
   A. closed, open   B. close, opened  C. close, open  D. closing, opened
  16.I    the book, but I enough money.
   A. would have bought, had no   B. had bought, hadn't had
   C. would buy, had no       D. could have bought, had not
  17."When can you finish it ?""It's hard to say, we'll finish it    ."
   A. as fast as possible      B. as soon as possible
   C. as much as possible      D. as possible as we can
  18.She doesn't work as hard as she    .
   A. did  B. used to do  C. used to be   D. was used to
  19.I would tell the reason to     would like to know it .
   A. those  B. whoever  C. anyone  D. who
  20.The box brought here last week is very heavy     .
   A. being moved   B. to be moved  C. to move  D. moving
  I gave my servant an old pair trousers to wash and then I entered into my study to do some reading. My servant usually examined my pockets after she washed my clothes, but for some reason she didn't do so this time .
  As I was reading, I suddenly remembered I had forgotten a 100-dollar note at the back pocket of the trousers which  I had given her to wash. I fell my book night away and went to the bathroom. But it was very late. My servant told me that the trousers had washed in the washing-machine for ten minutes. I had the machine stop at once and pulled my trousers out of it as quickly as I could. I discovered that it had become a ball of waste paper. I stood there, glaring at my servant until she began to cry. 1.        
  Ⅰ.1-5 C A B B C   6-10 B B C D D   11-15 A B A C A   16-20 D B A B C
  Ⅱ1. Pair后加介词of   2.去掉into   3.将after改成before   4. 将forgotten改为left  5.将at改成in   6.将fell改成dropped   7.将very改成too   8. 在had后加been  9.将stop改成stopped   10.√




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