2012届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 4 Unit2 Sporting events(译林牛津版高考复习英语下册学案设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

I .words Spelling:
1. I am ( 愉快的)__________to have been invited to your school to talk to you .
2. I will talk to you about the history and (重要性)___________ of the Olympic Games .
3. I will (简要地)________share some interesting facts and stories with you.
4. Some of the sports from the ancient Olympic are still seen today ,such as discus, long jump, (摔跤)_________and running .
5. At the ancient games , the (运动员)_________ were all men .
6. the players had to (比赛)__________ wearing no clothes.
7. (未婚的)__________ women were then allowed to take part in games .
8. They were only allowed to take part in their own competition at a (单独的)____________ festival .
9 .His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people live(和平地)___________ side by side .
10.He won the (金牌)________ _______for the USA ,under the name Cassius Clay .
11.He returned the Olympic Games to light the Olympic Flame at the (开幕式)__________ ____________.
12.Another (超级明星)____________I would like to mention is Michael Jordan .
13.Hail Gebrselassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatest(长跑运动员)_________ __________ of all time .
14.Chinese athletes have also made important(贡献) ________ the Olympic Games .
15. After 32 years’ (缺席)________, China returned to the Olympic Games in 1984.
16. Join me in wishing the Olypmic movement a successful future to match its (光辉的)____________ past .
17.The city itself should be clean and (公共交通) _______________ ____________ought to be convenient .
18. Visitors may be interested in (旅游胜地)_____________ ____________too , so we also need to pay attention to the standards of services .
19.The exact (由来)___________ of table tennis is not known .
20.A lot of successful players use a staring (技巧)___________ to make their (对手) _____________uncomfortable .
21.There are many (要求)____________ that must be met before a sport can be considered by the Intenational Olypmic Committee.
22. First ,a sport must have its own international (协会)______________ .
23. Next it must be practised by men and women in at least 40 countries and on three
(大陆)_____________ .
24 .Some sports that were part of the Olympic Games in the past have been( 去掉)_______________ for certain reason .
25. Many people think that (先前的)_____________ Olympic sports like rugby and golf will be included again .
II. Phrases fillings:
1.Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition (纪念)_______ _______ ________the wife of Greek god Zeus .
2.The Olympic Games would make it possible for people to live peacefully (并肩地)________ _______ _________ .
3.In 1995 he (打破世界记录)_________ __________ ________ _________for the 10 km run in the Olympic Games . .
4.Chinese athletes have also (对…..作出重要贡献)_________ __________ _________ ________ the Olympic Games .
5.Today players from China , South Korean and Germany (在……中发挥主要责任)__________ __________ __________ _________ table tennis .
6.This helps ensure that the IOC can ____________ the Olympic Games (使……处于控制之下)________ __________..
7.These sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to (给……让路)________ ________ ________new more popular sports .
III.grammar : Model verbs.
1.( ) Michael _______ be a policeman, for he is much too short .
A.needn’t B.can’t C. should D. may
2. ( ) I told Shally how to get here . but perhaps I _______ for her.
A.had to write it out B. must have written it out
C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out
3. ( ) Jack________ yet .otherwise he would have telephoned me .
A.mustn’t have arrived B.shouldn’t have arrived
C.can’t have arrived D. needn’t have arrived
4. ( ) Sir , you ________ be sitting in this waiting room . It is for women and children only . A.mustn’t B.can’t C.won’t D. needn’t
5. ( ) A left-luggage office is a place where bags _______ be left for a short time , especially at a railway station .
A.should B.can C. must D. will
6. ( ) -----Is John coming by train ?
-----He should , but he _____ not . He likes driving his car .
A.must B.can C.need D.may
7. ( ) It has been announced that candidates______ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected .
A.can B.will C.may D.shall
8. ( ) You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentlemen _____ be so rude to a lady . A.might B. need C.should D. would
9. ( ) -----Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow .
A.I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t
10. ( ) I don’t see her in the meeting-room this morning .She _____ at the meeting
A.mustn’t have spoken B. shouldn’t have spoken
C. needn’t have spoken D. couldn’t have spoken
11.( ) There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practising in the driving school .
A.mustn’t B.shan’t C.shouldn’t D. needn’t
12. ( ) It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ____ in love , at the age of seven ,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown .
A. wouldn’t have fallen B. had not fallen
C. should fall D. were to fall
13. ( ) What would have happened_______ ,as far as up to the river bank ?
A.Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther.
14. ( ) Mr Bush is on time for everything . How ____ it be thet he was late for the opening ceremony ?
A.can B.should. C.may D. mustn’t
15 .( ) He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball , otherwise he _________ a goal .
A.had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored
16. ( ) Oh ,I’m not feeling well in the stomach . I _______ so much fried chicken just now .
A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten
C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat
17. ( ) I was really anxious about you . You ____ home wirhout a word .
A.mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left
C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t have left
18. ( ) ---Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there ?
---No , it ____ be him . I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses .
A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not
Multiple choice :
19. ( ) Mr Green left _____ suddenly ______ he came .
A. so, that B. so , as C. as , that D. as , as
20 .( ) Where do you think ______ gather for the picnic ?
A. we should B. should we C. that we should D. that we
21. ( ) ___________ students are required to take part in the boat race .
A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young
C. Chinese ten young strong D.Young strong ten Chinese
22. ( ) The World Cup will ________ in Tokyo next month . Do you know how many countries will be _______ ?
A.happen , taking part B. hold , taking part in
C. play , taking part in D. take place . joining in
无论多忙,他总是挤出时间和家人在一起。(no matter how )
本俱乐部主席的选举每四年举行一次。(every )
我已经报名参加跑步比赛,希望能打破记录。(enter---into -- , break the record )_________________________________________________
今晚将为新校长举行餐会,你想来吗?( in honour of )
李磊在全国物理竞赛中获胜, 你愿意和我们一起为他庆祝吗?(join –in doing ----)_____________________________________________
他们确信能让自己的模型汽车不通电就跑起来。(make it possible for ---to do )__________________________________________________
夏天是学游泳的好时间。我打算今年七月上游泳课。( be a good time to ) _______________________________________________________________________________这个奖将会颁给那些对世界和平作出重要贡献的人。( make contributions to )____________________________________________________________________________
I .words Spelling:
1.delighted 2.significance 3.briefly 4.wrestling 5.atheletes 6.compete 7.Unmarried 8.separate 9.peacefully 10gold medal 11opening ceremony 12 superstar 13distance runner 14contributions 15absence 16glorious 17public transport 18 tourist attractions 19 origin 20technique opponents 21requirements 22association 23continents 24removed 25previous
II. Phrases fillings:
1. in honour of 2.side by side 3.broke the world record 4.made important contributions to 5.played leading role in 6.keep under control 7.make way for
III. 1-5 BCCAB 6-10DDCBD 11-15 CBCAD 16-18 CBA 19-22DAAA
No matter how busy he is , he always makes time for his family .
The election for the club’s chairman is held every four years .
I have entered myself into the race and I hope I will be able to break the record .
There is a dinner party tonight in honour of our new headmaster .Will you like to come ?
Li Lei just won the national physics competition . Will you join us in celebrating ?
They are sure that they can make it possible for their model cars to run without electricity .
Summer is a good time to learn how to swim . I am going to take swimming classes this July .
This prize will be given to those who have made great contributions to world peace .




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