新目标八年级英语上册第三单元知识点总结(Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? )

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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?
1. go camping 去野营
2. go shopping 去购物
3. go skateboarding 去滑滑板
4. go swimming 去游泳
5. go boating 去划船
6. go skating 去滑冰
7. go hiking (in the mountains) 去山上徒步旅行/远足
8. go climbing 去登山
9. go fishing 去钓鱼
10. go bike riding / cycling 骑自行车旅行
11. go sightseeing 去观光
12. visit my grandma/ cousins/ my friends in Hong Kong 拜访我的祖母/堂兄弟/香港的朋友
13. spend time with friends 和朋友度过
14. babysit her sister 照顾她的妹妹
15. relax at home 在家休息
16. go to sports camp 去运动野营
17. go to the beach 去沙滩
18. take a vacation 去度假
19. go to Tibet for a week 去西藏一个星期
20. go away 离开,走开
It made me sad to hear you have to go away. 听到你非走不可,我觉得很伤心
21. (for) too long 太久
22. how long 多长(时间)
23. have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,玩得开心
24. get back to school/ home 回学校/回家
go back= come back= get back 回来 get back to +some where回到某地
get back home/ here /there 回家、这、那儿
go back to school 回到学校=return to school
go back home 回到家=return home
25. stay for three weeks 呆三个星期
26. take walks / take a walk 散步take walks=have walks=go for a walk 散步
27. rent videos 租录像带
28. a famous French singer 一个著名的法籍歌手
29. take a long vacation 度长假
30. take vacations in Europe 在欧洲度假
31. think about/ of 考虑/思考
32. something different/ interesting/ important 一些不同的/ 有趣的/ 重要的东西
I have something interesting to tell you. 我有一些有趣的事要告诉你。
She wants something new. 她想要一些新的东西。
33. spend time in the beautiful countryside 在美丽的乡村度过
34. forget all the problems 忘记所有的问题(烦恼)
35. sleep a lot 多睡觉,睡个够
36. can't wait 迫不及待can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
She can’t wait to get home to see her parents.
37. a good place to go sightseeing 一个观光的好地方
38. leave for Italy/ Greece/ Spain/ Europe 离开/出发去意大利/希腊/西班牙/欧洲
39. places to visit in China 在中国参观的地方
40. plan my vacation to Italy 计划去意大利度假
41. the first week in June 六月的第一周
42. leave for … 离开/出发去……
  When did you leave Shanghai?
2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如:
  Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London.
  Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing?
43. rent videos to sb. 租碟片给某人
rent videos from sb. 从某人那租碟片
44. make a movie 拍电影
45. ask sb about sth 问某人某事
46. at night =in the evening 在晚上
47.What/How about+ doing> …怎么样呢?
48 on Monday 在星期一
49..next week 下周
50.the Great Wall 长城
1. show sb. sth. 让某人看某物
= show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看
He showed me a postcard from Hong Kong yesterday.
= He showed a postcard to me from Hong Kong yesterday.
类似的结构还有: give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人
buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物
2. send sb. sth. 寄给某人某物
= send sth. to sb. 寄某物给某人
My friends sent me a letter just now.
= My friends sent a letter to me just now.
3. think about/ of sth./ doing sth.
He often thinks about going to Europe for vacation.
4. decide on sth. 决定某事
decide to do sth. 决定做某事
They will decide on the case(案件) tomorrow.
He decided to go sightseeing at last.
5. plan to do sth. 计划做某事(过去式) planned (现在分词)planning
She planned to go to Greece for vacation.
vacation plans 假期计划 make plans 制定计划
We should make plans before we do anything.
6. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事
Don't forget to close the door when you leave the classroom.
I forget going to Spain before.
7. remember to do sth. 记得去做某事
= remember doing sth. 记得做过某事
Remember to bring your book here tomorrow.
He remembered calling you just now.
8. finish sth./ finish doing sth. 完成某事/完成做某事
Do you finish your homework?
When did you finish doing your homework?
9. need to do sth. 需要做某事
We need to go home early.
10. leave for + 地名 离开/出发去…
leave A for B 离开A地去B地
My parents and I are leaving (here) for Beijing tomorrow.
My uncle will leave Beijing for Tokyo tomorrow.
11. have a good time/ have fun 玩得开心
enjoy oneself
We had a good time/ had fun last night.
= We enjoyed ourselves last night.
I hope you can have a good time/ have fun.
= I hope you can enjoy yourself/ yourselves.
spend…on sth.
Spend…(in) doing sth. 如:
How long do you spend on your homework everyday?
How long do you spend (in) doing your homework everyday?你每天花多少时间做作业
1. What are you doing for vacation?
I am babysitting my sister.
2. Where is he going? 他要去哪?
He is going to Italy. 他打算去意大利。
3. When is he going? 他什么时候要去?
He is going on the 11th./ in December.
4. Who is she going with? 她打算和谁去?
She is going with her parents.
5. How long are they staying in Tibet?
They are staying for three weeks.
6. That sounds interesting. 那听起来有趣。
sound 为感官动词
感官动词为:look(看起来), sound(听起来), feel(感觉起来), taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来)…
7. I don't like going away for too long.
like to do sth./ like doing sth. 喜欢做某事
8. I know there are many people there (who speak French.) 我知道那儿有许多说法语的人。
Who speak French 为定语从句,用来修饰先行词 people 的。当先行词为人物时,定语从句必须由关系代词 who 来引导。
I know the girl( who comes from Spain in his class.)
Do you know the man (who is fishing)?
9. He planned to have a very relaxing vacation.
plan to do sth. 计划做某事
10. I just finished making my last movie.
finish doing sth. 完成做某事
11. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing. 我听说泰国是个观光的好地方。
a good place to go sightseeing 一个观光的好地方
12. I want to ask you about places to visit in China.
want to do sth. 想做某事
ask sb. about sth. 问某人有关某事
13. I am planning my vacation to Italy this weekend.
plan my vacation to Italy 计划去意大利度假
= plan to go to Italy for vacation
14. What should tourist take with them?
take sth with sb. 带某物在身上/随身带某物
It's going to rain. Please take an umbrella with you. 就要下雨了。请带上一把雨
They take some money with them.他们随身带着些钱。
○1.What are you doing for vacation?
I am going sightseeing.
这里用了“现在进行时 be doing”的结构来表示在最近计划或安排将要进行的动作, 有“意图” 或“打算”的含义.通常与表未来时间的状语连用。
I am visiting him tomorrow.
He is leaving for Italy in three days.
Are they coming this afternoon?
○2.“be + 动词-ing”
1)“be + 动词-ing”表示动词的现在进行时,指正在进行或发生的动作或事情。如:
He is doing his homework.  他正在做作业。
2)“be + 动词-ing”也可以表示近期的计划或马上要发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。
She is leaving for Shanghai this evening. 他打算今晚动身去上海。
They are taking a long vacation this summer. 他们打算今年夏天度一个长假。
relaxing 令人轻松的
relaxed 感到轻松的
①He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.他计划去度一个轻松的假期
②I am relaxed after reading the interesting book.看了一本有趣的书后我感到很轻松
interesting 有趣 interested 感到兴趣
I am interested in the interesting film. 我对这部有趣的电影很有兴趣
surprising 令人吃惊的
surprised 感到吃惊
He was surprised when he heard the surprising news 听到这个令人惊讶的消息他感到很吃惊。
exciting 令人兴奋的 excited 感到兴奋
○4.表示时间的 in、on 与 at
  in, on 与 at 都可以和表示时间的词(组)连用。
  1. in 表示时间的一段或较长的时间。如:
    in the morning 在上午  in May, 2004 在2004年五月
    in a week 在一周之内(后)
    It's Sunday, I can finish it in two days.
    Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是在一天内建起来的。
  2. on 主要指在具体的一天。如:
    on Sunday 在星期天     on May Day 在“五一”节
    on a hot afternoon 在一个炎热的下午
    He arrived in Beijing on April 26,2004.
  3. at 表示时间的一点或比较短的时间。如:
    at 8:00 在八点     at noon 在中午
    I always get up at 6:00 every morning. 我总是每天早晨六点起床。
    It's always warm at this time of year. 每年的这个时候总是暖和的。
例1. When I __________ home, I’ll show you the photos.
A.get to B. return to C. get back D. return back
解析 home 之前的to 要省略,故A、B为错误选项,而D选项中的return与back搭配,属于语意的重复,因此正确答案为C。
例2.I decide ______ go fishing with Sally.
A.on B.to C.at D.in
解析 decide 可与介词on 或to连用,但decide on表示“决定” 时后面的宾语为名词或代词,而decide 与不定式to do 连用表示“决定去做 …”,故正确答案为B。




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