MODULE 7 TEACHING PLAN 教案 (外研版英语九年级) |
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MODULE 7 TEACHING PLAN Content:Module 7 Australia 一、 题材内容 本模块以澳大利亚为话题,以旅游为引线,介绍了澳大利亚的饮食、历史、文化等,使学生在学习语言知识的同时能了解不同国家、不同文化。旅游是一个很好的话题,澳大利亚也是一个热门话题,根据这个话题展开教学有主语激发学生的参与感,也有助于教学的开展,而且在语境中很自然地体验本单元的语法项目“that引导的定语从句。”本模块紧紧围绕“Australia”这一主题展开多方面的听、说、读、写的语言实践活动,使学生由简单到复杂,渐渐感知新的语言,并通过范例,引导学生总结、归纳,掌握完整的语法知识。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材,增加一些开放性的活动,把话题再扩展一些,让学生灵活地掌握that引导的定语从句。 教学目标 1) 语言知识: 语音 掌握感叹句的语调。 词汇 crocodile, hand, alongside, grasp, ham, lamb, outback, sheep, spirit, wine, surfing, helicopter, purple, similar, ours, especially, cricket, rugby, sunshine, full, expression, mate, temper, lifestyle, sunbathing, mineral, ancestor 词组 have a look at, similar to, full of , water sports 语法 能够that引导的定语从句。 功能 能够询问他人的旅游经历;能够向他人介绍自己(在一个国家)的旅游经历;掌握相应的表达方式。 话题 以“Australia”为话题。 2) 语言技能: 听 能够辨别所描述的细节。 说 能够所参观过的地点。 读 能读懂旅游介绍的文章,理解语片主题和细节。 写 能够用定语从句描写自己的旅游经历;能用短语等表明先后顺序。 演示与表达 能够利用图片等资料介绍自己所喜欢的东西。 3)学习策略 学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 自学策略 能够根据图片等资料介绍自己的经历、介绍景点地区。 合作学习策略 能够与他人合作制作招贴画。 4)文化意识: 中外对比 能够了解不同国家的风景,了解其不同的自然与文化;同时能够介绍中国的文化景点,增强民族意识。 5)情感态度: 交谈经历时能够注意他人的情感,不因别人不能周游各地而蔑视,要表现关怀与平等。 6)任务:能够利用各种资源介绍一个景点、城市等,并选择适当的展示方式,比如招贴画、宣传栏等。 教学重点和难点 重点:1.掌握介绍“Australia”的基本词汇,能够叙述自己的旅游经历,读懂含有that引导的定语从句 难点:正确运用that引导的定语从句。 教学方法 基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:pre-task…task-cycle…post-task。 核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构介绍“Australia”。三个环节如下: pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。 task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“Australia”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况 三、 教材安排 根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时: Period 1: Listening and Vocabulary & Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Period 3. Language in use Period 4. Writing& Around the world &Module Task 注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。 『教学设计』 Title: Module 7 Time off Period 1: Listening and Vocabulary and Pronunciation and Speaking Teaching Content : Listening and Vocabulary and Pronunciation and Speaking Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary and phrases: hand, have a look at , alongside Key structure: The attributive clause with that (难点) 2. Listening skill: To understand the conversation involving the use of restrictive attributive clause.(重点) 3. Speaking skill: To ask and give information about one’s travel experiences or competition experiences. Improve the students’ speaking ability. Learning strategies: Bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision Task: Recall what we have learned in Module 6. Directions: Step one: Label the pictures with the phrases. (1). Read through the phrases in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you. (2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen. (3).Make some sentences with the phrases. Ask students to speak out as many as they can. Step two: Talk about Save our world. g. When are you going to write about environmental education? If we don’t the future is hopeless. It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal. Reuse means “use again”. Every class collects reusable waste. Part II: Lead in: Task 1 : Introduce to them the new words . Directions: Step one: Read through the new words and phrases and have the Ss. repeat them after you chorally and individually. Step two: Ask the students to talk about the pictures on the screen. Step four: Pair the Ss to discuss what else they know about Australia. Step five: Collect any other information they can provide from them and list them on the board. Task 2: Introduce to them about Australia. Directions: Step one. The teacher can show them the video abut Australia. Step two: Free talk about Australia. Part III: Listening 1. Task:. Step three: Listen and answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 56. Directions: Step one: Let the Ss read through the questions in Activity 1 on page 56. Make sure the Ss. understand the questions. Step two: Play the recording and have them listen. Step three: Play the recording again and have them write the answers individually. Step four: Play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner. Step five: Call back the answer from the whole class. 2..Task: activity 4 on page 57. Directions: Step one: Play the recording again and have them complete in Activity 4. Have them check their answers with a partner Step two: Play the recording again .Have them check their answers with a partner Step three: Call back the answer in a whole- class setting. 3. .Task: Listen and read: Directions: Step one: Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation. Step two: Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually. Step three: Put the Ss. into groups of 2 to practise the dialogue. Step four: They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time. 4.Task: activity 5 on page 57. Directions: Step one: Read through the questions with the Ss. Step two: Have them answer the questions in Activity 5. Step three: Call back the answers in a whole- class setting. 5. Task: activity 6 on page 57. Directions: Step one: Read through the sentences with the Ss. Step two: Have them complete the sentences in their own words in Activity 6. Step three: Call back the answers in a whole- class setting. Part IV: Pronunciation and Speaking Task 1 : Listen and repeat the sentence Directions: Step one: Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen to the sentences and repeat the sentences. Step two: Play the recording again and have the Ss repeat chorally and individually. Step three: Pair them to practise and sum up. Task 2 : Make notes about the best things you saw there. Directions: Step one: Think of somewhere you have visited and which you liked. Make notes about the best things you saw there. Step two: Now work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place you have chosen. Step three: Say what it’s called. Say where it is . Say what special details it has. Part V: A test Listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into Chinese. Homework Act out the short dialogue as fluently as possible. Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language knowledge: New words: grape, ham, lamb, outback, sheep, spirit, wine, surfing, helicopter, purple, similar, ours, especially, cricket, rugby, sunshine, full, expression, mate, temper, lifestyle Key structure: The restrictive attributive clause with that (难点) 2. Reading skill: ①To have a general idea of what the reading passage mainly talks about. ② To train reading strategies including taking notes and scanning. (重点) Learning strategies: Communicative approach. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision 1. Help students to revise what is learnt in Period one of this module. Show them some pictures about the new words in last period. Have the Ss. spell them chorally and individually. 2. Revise the attributive clause with that. Part II : Preparation Task: Learn the new words. Directions: Label the pictures with the words. (1). Read through the words in the box. Have the Ss. Repeat them after you. (2).Ss match the pictures with the words. (3). Call back the answers from the whole class. (4) Show the Ss the videos of Australia. Ask them “Do you know these places?” (5) Talk about the videos. Part III: Scanning and Skimming 1.Task: Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 2. Directions: Step one: 2. Look at the words in the box in Activity 1. Guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Step two: Ss read the passage and discuss with their partner. Step three: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers 2. Task: Read the passage and write notes about these. Directions: Step one: Make sure the Ss understand what they should do. Ss read the passage and write notes about these in Activity 4 individually and check with a partner. Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers. 3. Task: Read the passage and check (√) the true statements. Directions: Step one: Read through the statements and make sure the Ss understand what they mean. Ss read the passage and check (√) the true statements in activity 4 on page 59 individually and check with a partner. Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers Part IV : Dealing with expressions: 1. be surprised at 对…感到惊讶 Tom was surprised at the result of the exam. be surprised to + v. Tom was surprised to hear the news. 2. be similar to 与…相似 His answer is similar to mine. 3. be full of充满了…(强调状态) The bottle is full of water. be filled with 用…装满(强调动作) The bottle is filled with water. 4. have a good/bad temper有好/坏脾气 Miss Li is very kind. She has a good temper. 5. keep doing一直做… He has kept working for 3hours. 6. although/though尽管(不能与but同时使用,但能与still, yet同用) Although/though he is very poor, he still tries his best to help others. 7. worry about担心…(v. phr.) They worry about their son’s health. be worried about担心…(adj. phr.) They are worried about their son’s health. 8. such as(例如) He likes sports very much, such as swimming, running and surfing. Part V: Language use 1. Exercise 6 on page 59 in the TB. Direction: Ss do it by themselves .Let`s see who can finish it as soon as possible. 2.(Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class) First think by themselves Then discuss in pairs and finally share their answers with the class. Part VI: Homework: Exercise 11 on page 138 in the WB. Period 3: Writing & Around the world &Module Task Teaching Content: Writing & Around the world &Module Task Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Write about one’s travel experiences. Improve the students’ writing ability (难点). 2. Making a poster about English-speaking countries. (重点) 3. Know something about Cathy Freeman. Learning strategies Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision Task: Help students to revise what is learnt in last module. Directions: (1). Revise the words and phrases. (2).Put the Ss. in pairs to practice the dialogue and the text. Part II: Writing 1. Task: Write a short passage about one’s travel experiences Directions Step One: Imagine that you are visiting a city / town of China. Write three places that you have visited or things you have done there. Step two: Now write a letter to a friend and tell them what you have visited. Begin and end the letter like Tony’s. Write about: the people/ lifestyle/ countryside/ food/ language /events during the trip Step three: Call back a few examples from the whole class. Step four: Then summarise Part III. Around the world Task: Learn something about Cathy Freeman. Directions: 1. Ask the Ss. to look at the different pictures about Cathy Freeman. Tell the Ss. some things about him. 2. Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have. Part IV: Module Task Making a poster about English-speaking countries. Directions: 1.Activities10 and 11 on page 63. Ask the Ss. to think about three places that they have visited or things you have done there. 2. Ask them to write a letter to a friend and tell them what they have visited. Begin and end the letter like Tony’s. 3. Circulate and monitor their production. 4. Ask some Ss to read their letter. Give comments and encourage them. Part V: Recalling Recall what we learn today. Part VI: A test Do Ex.8 on page 138 and hand in immediately. Part VII: Homework: Do the Self-assessment on Page 139 in the workbook. Period 4. Language in use Teaching Content: Language in use Key structures: The restrictive attributive clause with that (重点) Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. To summarise and consolidate grammar focus: The restrictive attributive clause with that 2. To summarise and consolidate the expressions and vocabulary. Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I Revision Help students to revise what was learnt in 3 periods of this module. Part II Language practice Task1: To summarise and consolidate the usage of the restrictive attributive clause with that Directions (1).Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of The restrictive attributive clause with that . (2). Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box. (3). Ask “Can you make other similar examples?” (4).Focus the Ss’s attention on the ways in which they are formed. Task2 : To consolidate The restrictive attributive clause with that: (1). Do activity 1 on page 60 and 4 and 5 on page 61. Grasp the use of the structure: (2). Ask the Ss. to call out the answers from the whole class. (3). Ask the Ss. to read the complete sentences. Task 3 : Practise the conversations in Activity 5. Directions: (1). Ask the Ss. to work in pairs to practise the conversations. (2) Circulate and monitor their production, paying particular attention to on page 60. Part III: Revise the words that we learned in this module: Task 1 : 6. Write the words in the correct column. Directions 1. Explain the rules to the Ss and ensure that the Ss. Know what to do Let the Ss read through the words. 2.Ask the Ss to do the activity individually. Then check with a partner. 3.Collect the answers. Task 2 : Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. Directions 1.Let the Ss read through the passage. 2.Ask the Ss to do the activity individually. Then check with a partner. 3.Collect the answers. Task 3 :.Have a dictation. Let the Ss hand in immediately. Directions 1.Explain the rules to the Ss and ensure that the Ss. Know what to do 2.Let the Ss write the words the teacher read. 3. Let the Ss hand in immediately. Part IV: Listen and number the photo s 1-5 in the order that they are described. Directions 1. Play the tape while they just listen and focus in activity 6 on page 62. 2. Play the tape again for them to correct and check. 4. Then check with a partner. 5. Collect the answers. Part V: A test Do activity 1on page 136 in the WB. Let’s see who can finish it as soon as possible. Part VI: Homework. Finish all the exercises in the WB. |
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