初中英语课堂教学导语设计例谈 |
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导课是一堂课的启动环节,一堂课启动的好,等于成功了一半。我在自身教学中认为教师用浅显易懂的英语科学巧妙地设计的导语,常常能起到一箭双雕,一举多得的教学效果。它既能唤起学生们学习英语的强烈动机,又能激起他们浓厚的学习兴趣,还能启迪其思维,它能深深地吸引学生们的注意力,使其很快地进入学习状态。同时,在较真实的语境中,运用了所学的语言材料,训练了学生们的听说能力。我的经验是: 一、由歌唱导入新课 唱歌能稳定情绪,激发兴趣,但所选歌曲必须和将要上的课有某种联系。例如我在执教冀教版初中英语第六册第27课《The Dove and the Olive Branch》时,是这样设计导语的:Hello, everyone . Let’s sing the song —《Today is your birthday, China》. Ok, you sing very well. Now please pay attation to this sentence in the song: “In the early morning, I let a group of doves fly out of my house.They come back with green olive branches in their mouths.” What does the sentence mean? ( some students answer that it shows peace.) Good, the dove with olive branch is symbol of peace.Then, what does the meaning of the symbol get from? It is from a Bible story. Now Let us tell you the story—《the story of the dove and the olive brand 》. Listen carefully. 学生们在听故事时特别用心,教室里静悄悄的。让他们讨论回答问题时,个个都表现的积极踊跃。可见,他们的学习兴趣被激发起来了。 二、由复习旧课引入新课 温故而知新,但复习内容要有新意,且与新课有某种内在的联系,要能引起新课的学习。例如我在执教冀教版初中英语第五册第38课《To China , With Love》时,是这样导入新课的:By learning the front lessons, we have known the famous physical scientist, Albert Einstein. We have also known “Father”of Hybrid Rice, Yuan Long ping and the well-Known writer and educator, Helen Keller. What makes them great or famous? Love! Their hearts are full of love. They Love themselves. They love their parents. They love their work. They love science. They love the people. This class we’ll know another famous foreign doctor. He is Norman Bethune. He is from Canada, But he lives in Chinese people’s hearts forever. Why? What did he do for Chinese people? Let’s Learn lesson38 《To China, with love 》to know him. 这种总结性的导语既加深了学生们对旧课的理解,对伟人的认识,也使学生们受到了深刻的思想教育。引起他们对白求恩的了解欲,自然引起对课文的阅读兴趣。 图片能够形象地再现生活,在教学中运用它,常常能抓住学生们的注意力并引起思索。例如我在执教冀教版初中英语第四册第60课《Fix and mend》时,先出示两幅展示堆积如山,浩瀚如海的垃圾的图片,用英语向学生们发问并启发其回答:What’s this? —It’s garbage. What does it look like?—It looks like a hill or sea. Where is so much garbage from? — I think most of it is from the things that people throw away. How should we do for making less garbage? For this question let’s learn Lesson 60:Fix and mend . 这样的导入,既引起了学生们对生活现象的思索,又引起他们对课文学习的兴趣。 英语教材中的插图往往形象地展现了这课的主要内容或重要故事情节,面对它可以提出相关的好些问题,这些问题会抓住学生们的注意力,引起他们学习课文的兴趣。例如我在执教冀教版初中英语第四册第30课《Keep the Candle Burning》时,让学生们观察课本中做实验的插图,是这样提问导入新课的:Look,the woman is doing an experiment . How does she do the experiment ? What does she need? What will happen in the experiment ? Will the candle stop burning when the jar cover the dish? Why? How keep the candle buring? 然后让学生们围绕这些问题学习新课,做实验,观察现象,思考回答问题,取得了较好的教学效果。 四、由明白学习目的,阐明教学思路而导入新课 明白了学习的目的意义,方能主动积极地学习。明白了教学的目标思路, 知道了一堂课学什么或如何去学的问题,才能有效地学习。为此,我在执教新目标英语第2单元《 Where’s the post office 》 SectionB 3a—4时,是这样设计导语的:Boys and girls, Do you want to be a tourist Guide? Then you must learn to speak English. You must learn to write tour guide in English. Then do you know how to write tour guide? Don’t worry! This class we’ll talk about this question. Our book gives us a few examples. I hope you can read and think carefully. At last we’ll try to write a passage about tour guide. I’m sure you can write it well. Ok let’s read the first passage. 这样导入新课,既使学生们将英语学习与未来要从事的导游工作相联系,从而调动了其学习的积极性,又使他们明白了本堂课的主要学习目标、方法和要求;同时,培养了他们的听读能力。真正实现了一举多得的教学效果。 相关链接:教学总结
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