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标注:反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态、人称和数上都要保持一致。且简略问句要的主语皆用相应的人称代词主格来代替陈述部分的主语(there be 除外)。否定句中的not与be动词、助动词和情态动词用缩写形式表示,可用yes或no来回答。
1) 反意疑问句附加问句部分主语及谓语的确定。
a、 若陈述句中含有no, little,few,never,nothing,hardly,seldom,none 等隐形否定时,附加问句用肯定形式。
He has few friends here, does he?
b、 当陈述部分的主语为this,that时,附加问句的主语用it,若为these,those时,则用they。
This is a map of China, isn’t it? These aren’t your books , are they?
c、 everyone ,nobody, someone等不定代词作陈述句的主语时,附加问句部分主语用he/they.
Everyone likes good news, doesn’t he /don’t they?
d、 everything, nothing, something 等不定代词作陈述句主语时,附加问句部分主语应用it。
Everything is OK, isn’t it?
e、 陈述部分是“there be ”结构时,疑问部分用“be(not)+there”.
There is a little milk in the glass, isn’t there?
f、 肯定祈使句的附加问句用will you /won’t you .否定祈使句用will you。
Write down your name, will you/ won’t you?
g、 以Let’s 开头的祈使句,附加问句用shall we ; 以 Let us 开头的祈使句,附加问句用will you .
Let’s go skating, shall we?
Let us go skating , will you?
h、 当陈述部分是“ I am….”, aren’t I?
I am good at dancing,aren't I ?
He said that Mary wouldn't come early ,didn't he?
I think he is an honest boy,isn't he?
j、当陈述部分动词为have(has) 时有下列几种情况:
1、have 表示“有”意,反意疑问句谓语可用have或do。
Tom has a new watch, hasn’t /doesn’t he?
2、have to 表示“不得不”时,反意疑问句用do。
Kate has to help her mother ,doesn’t she?
3、have 表示“吃、喝、玩、度过”时,反意疑问句用do。
Tom had a good time in Beijing ,didn’t he?
4、had better 表示“最好”时,反意疑问句用had。
We’d better talking ,hadn’t we?
5、have 用于完成时,反意疑问句用have。
Lucy has ever been to Japan, hasn’t she?
2) 反意疑问句答语:
——He is a student ,isn’t he? ——Yes, he is.
——Your uncle isn’t a reporter , is he? ——No, he isn’t.



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