Lesson 62: Take Short Showers!
教案教学设计(冀教版英语八年级) |
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张军鹏 学习 目标 知识与技能: .take care of = look after worry about =be worried about try ( not ) to do sth 过程与方法: 学生通过导学案引导,自学课文,背诵课文中的单词短语及重点句型。划出不理解的语句课堂共同交流。 情感与价值观:了解世界地理,热爱地球,保护环境 教学 重点 Know about the pollution in our country. 教学 难点 Know结 how to stop pollution. 学法指导 先理解,再背诵。组内相互交流。 教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间分配 创设情境导课: How often do you take a bath or shower? What can you do to save water and paper? 让学生依据实际情况回答 5分钟 自主学习案: _A.写出下列词及短语。 pollution(动词)_____________ 2.many/mu比较级、最高级)__________ ______________ 3.little(比较级;最高级)___________ _______ 4. 节约水______________ 5.照看;照顾__________ 6.在地面上____________ 7.尝试去做某事___________________ (否定式)_____________________ 8.洗短时间的淋浴___________ 9. worry about________________ 10. waste paper _______________ 让学生在文中找出这些短语翻译并背诵。各组抢答 5分钟 教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间分配 B.根据提示写出适当的单词 How often do you t_________ a bath or shower? What can you do to s________ water and paper? People don't t__________ garbage on the ground. I think cars and big factories make the most p_______. 5.There are some toy ______________(工厂)in his hometown. 让学生认读课文,在文中找出答案,不会的组内讨论交流 合作探究案: 一.Read the text answer the following questions What province does LiuYan live? ______________________________________ ________________________________________ What do people in Dalian waste the most? ______________________________________ 4. Does Liu Yan waste water? _______________________________________ Does a bike make any pollution? __________________________________________ 二.Read the text and fill the blanks according text Our city is clean ,but I think we_______ things I think we waste _________ the most .people waste water ,_________ . I try not to waste water .I take short ________. A bike ______ make any pollution . It makes the _____ pollution of all types of transportation. Buses make _______ pollution than cars. 三.知识点拨 What can you do to save water and paper? 翻译:____________________________________ 单词:save vt . & vi . (常与from连用)表“挽救,抢救,拯救” 让学生认真读课文,在文中划出这些句子,查阅资料,组内讨论交流,指名学生讲解 15分钟 欣赏教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间 合作探究案: I saved the animals from the flood. 翻译:__________________________________ 2. Do you worry about pollution? Idon’t worry about it too much. 翻译:________________________________________ worry vt . & vi . 使着急,使担心;发愁 Worry about your health. 翻译: _________________________________ worry about 可翻译为“担忧;为„„担心”,后面可跟人或物。其中worry为不及物动词,故worry about 的宾语无论是名词还是代词都要放于介词about之后。 3. try to do sth . 表面的意思是:试着做某事儿。但实际上的意思是:表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one's best to do sth . 。 4.take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴,固定词组,take showers泛指“洗淋浴”。 She takes showers every day in summer. 翻译:_________________________ She have a shower every morning. 翻译:_________________________ 课堂检测案: 一.句型转换 I think more people should ride bikes to work.(否定句) I ________ _______more people _________ride bikes to work. When do they get up on Sundays? Could you tell us?.(宾语从句) Could you tell us _______ when ______ up on Sundays. Where did my sister put my sweater? Could you tell me ?(宾语从句) Could you tell me _______ my sister _______ my sweater? I ride my bike to school every day.(同义句) I go to school _________ _________ every day. The air is clean.(感叹句) 教 学 过 程 二.单项选择题: A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many The mother always ________her little son. A. worries B. worried C. worries about D. worried about He tries ________ computer games this term. A. not playing B. not to play C. not play D. don’t play Many big factories ___________ the most pollution. A. make B. do C. work D. are India has the second _________ population in the world. A. largest B. larger C. most D. smallest We should keep the water_________ . A. cleaning B. cleaned C. cleans D. clean 运用本课所学知识,先独立完成,再分组讨论交流。指名回答。 畅谈 收获 本节课你学到了什么: 本节课你还有哪些困惑: 课后 反思 课后 作业 一类:练习册ⅠⅢ合二类:抄写本课重点短语并造句抄抄写写 板书 设计 Lesson 62: Take Short Showers! take short showers 洗短时间的淋浴 take care of = look after照顾,照料 worry about =be worried about(担心) try ( not ) to do sth.尝试(不)去做某事 pick up捡起 ride my bike骑我的自行车 the least pollution最少的污染 |
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