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Lesson One Visiting Britain
Language Points
1. owe v. 欠债; 归于 owe sb sth. = owe sth to sb. 欠某人某物;把…归于
He owed his teachers his success.= He owed his success to his teachers.他把他的成功归功于他的老师们。
The man owed me 30 yuan for my work.那个人欠我工作的三十元。
He got a full mark in English competition yesterday, which he owes to his hard work.由于努力学习的结果,昨天的英语竞赛他得了满分。
owe it to …that clause / to do it 作形式主语,that从句或不定式作真正主语。
The boy owed it to the doctors that he was still alive.他至今还活着,这要归功于那些医生。
She owes it to herself to develop her skills.她靠自己发展了她的技能。
owing to 因为(常作状语)
Owing to the rain they could not come.因为下雨,他们不能来.
Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane.由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。
2. apology n.C 道歉
make an apology to sb for sth = apologize to sb for sth / doing sth =offer sb an apology = offer an apology to sb
The young man at last offered the lady an apology for knocking her down. = The young man at last offered an apology to the lady for knocking her down.= The young man at last made an apology to the lady for knocking her down.= The young man at last apologized to the lady for knocking her down.那个年轻人因为撞到那位女士最终向她道歉。
She owed her friend an apology. = She owed an apology to her friend.她得向她的朋友道歉。
3. absorb vt. 吸收 be absorbed in致力于=work hard at = be devoted to = be buried in
We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们必须吸取对我们有用的一切经验。
He was too absorbed in the newspaper to hear the bell.他专心读报, 连门铃也没听见。
I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.我专心看书来着,没听见你喊。
4. brief n. 简明新闻 adj. 简短的,简要的
in brief = briefly 简单的说,简言之
briefly adv. 简短地,简要地
to be brief (用做插入语) 简单的说,一句话
to be brief and to the point简明扼要
a brief stay(visit,speech…)一个简短的逗留(访问,讲演)
It’s a long letter, but in brief (briefly), he says “no”.这是一封长信,但是简单的说,他拒绝了。
He told me briefly what had happened.他简单地告诉我所发生的事。
To be brief, she was happy with that result.简而言之,她对那个结果感到满意。
5. get used to sth / doing 适应于…,习惯于…
be / become used to 适应于…,习惯于…(表示状态)
The boy got used to the country life. 这男孩适应了农村生活。
They soon got used to getting up early.他们很快就适应了早起。
The girl was(became)used to studying here.女孩适应了在这里学习。
6. toast n. 烤面包;干杯,祝酒 vt. 干杯,祝酒
I had two slices of toast as breakfast.我吃了两片烤面包当早餐。
I wish to propose a toast to our friendship / the health of the guests.我提议为我们的友谊(来宾的健康)干杯。
Let's toast the friendship between two countries.让我们为两国间的友谊干杯。
7. waiter n. 侍者,服务员
waitress女侍者,女服务员 actor男演员 actress 女演员 prince王子 princess 公主
8. at least= at the least至少at most = at the most至多 at the best充其量
To go abroad to study, you should at least master the language.要到国外读书, 你最起码要掌握那种语言。
We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
Give your mom a call; if not, miss her in the heart at (the) least.给妈妈打电话。如果不行,至少在心里想着她。
*The best books are offered to the most people at the least cost.以最低成本,提供最佳的图书给最多的读者。
9. exchange n. 交换,汇兑 vt.交换;调换
exchange A with sb for B = change / trade A with sb for B 与某人用A换B
in exchange for 交换(调换)
May I exchange (change, trade) seats with you? 我和你调一个座位好吗?
I thought you could anytime exchange for the online information.我以为你可随时交流在线信息。
Now there are many exchange students in the key senior schools in our province. 我省重点高中有很多交换学生。
What's today's exchange rate for US$? 今天美元的牌价比率是多少?
He gave me an apple in exchange for an orange.他给了我一个苹果,换了一个桔子。
10. cheque = check n.支票
by cheque / check用支票结算;in cash用现金结算
Are you paying in cash or by cheque? 你用现款还是用支票支付?
He gave me a cheque for $500.他给了我一张五百元的支票。
We can pay in cash or give you a cheque.我们可以支付现金或者支票。
11. wander vt. 漫游,徘徊
The river wanders through some beautiful countries.这条河蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的乡村。
His mind is wandering.他心不在焉。
The class is so boring. My mind start to wander.这堂课太糟了,我都开始神游了。
12. tasty adj.美味的,好吃的 taste (n.) + y →tasty adj.
foggy smelly, windy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, healthy, wealthy;hairy多毛的
13. majority n. 大多数,多数
The majority(表示可数名词意义) v. 单数或复数 …
The majority(表示不可数名词意义) v. 单数…
The majority of … U v.单数… Majorities of U v.复数…
The majority of … C v.复数…
The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。
The majority were / was in favour of his plan.大多数人赞成他的计划。
The majority of the damage is easy to repair.大部分已损坏的容易修复。
Majorities of water in the lake have been polluted.护理大部分水污染了。
14. reasonable adj.合理的;讲道理的
He gave me a reasonable explanation.他对我作了合理的解释。
You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father.你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。
My mother was always reasonable.我母亲一向通情达理。
The plan doesn't sound reasonable.这个计划听起来不合情理。
15. book vt预定(…的票,旅馆,服务,座位…);书
We'd be glad to book the hotel for you.我们很高兴为你预定酒店。
Could I book a ticket to Shanghai? 我可以预定一张去上海的票吗?
Could you please book me a air ticket for next Wednesday? 你可以为我预定一张下个礼拜三的机票吗?
I believe it's terribly crowded, so you'd have to book seats now.我认为一定十分拥挤,你最好现在就预定座位。
I think this appropriation will allow you to book air time on our local broadcasting station.我看这笔广告费用够在我们地方电台预定播出时间的。
16. mosquito n. 蚊子 mosquitoes pl.复数
a mosquito net一顶蚊帐 some mosquitoes 一些蚊子mosquito bites蚊子咬
My legs are itchy from so many mosquito bites.我的腿被蚊子咬了好多包,痒死了。
17. northeast n.东北
northwest西北 southeast东南 southwest西南
18. physician 内科医生
n. surgeon外科医生, physics物理, physical身体的,物理的, physicist物理学家




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