牛津译林版高中英语单词精析系列(模块8单元2) 备课资料(译林牛津版英语高二) |
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1. in the U/universe →an university;Beijing University(专有名词前无冠词the);go to university;university/college/academy/institute →universal adj.普遍的/一般的/共同的/公认的/全世界的/万能的/通用的:universal truth/rule/weakness:universal language/peace 2. splendid adj.①极好的≈wonderful/great/fantastic/terrific/superb ②壮丽的/光辉的/辉煌的≈glorious 3. star n.①恒星:planet行星;satellite卫星 ②明星/星形物:superstar →v.(-red/-ring) ③vi.主演:sb star in sth ④vt.由…主演/使…成为明星:sth star sb;a movie starrring sb≈feature 4. music→musical→musician;cast (cast/cast) vt.:cast sb (as角色/in sth) →sb be cast as/in… 5. cold-hearted≈cruel冷酷的/无情的;warm/kind-hearted热心的/善心的→cold-blooded冷血的;handsome/troublesome/tiresome (注意some的发音) 6. empire帝国;emperor/empress →kingdom王国;king/queen/prince/princess 7. marry sb≈get married to sb≠be married to sb(可延续);marry sb to sb →marriage n./u/c/ 8. in/outdoor adj.:an outdoor sport→in/outdoors adv.;fall/be in love with sb at first sight 9. solo ①n./c/独奏/唱/舞/演→duet/chorus ②adj.单独的/独自的/独(奏/唱/舞/演)的 ③vi.独奏/唱/舞/演 ④adv.:dance/play/sing/perform solo 10. slave n/c/奴隶;salvery n./u/奴隶制度/身份:abolish slavery废除奴隶制度:slaver n.奴隶船/贩子;angel天使≠angle角→uni-单/一:uniform/unique;bi-二/双:bicycle;tri-三:triangle 11. feature n.①特征/特色≈characteristic ②features 面貌/容貌≈appearance/looks ③特写/专门报道→v.④vi.起作用:feature in sth ⑤vt.以…为特色 ⑥由…主演:a film featuring sb≈star 12. in condition健康;out of condition健康不佳;in…conditions/situations在…状况/情况/形势下;on condition that-clause=if-clause假如;on no condition绝不 →(un)condition(al):unconditional love/surrender投降 13. be drunk with≈be lost in/be addicted to→drink/drank/drunk →drunken man/driving(drunk不置于名词前) 14. dare v./-s/-d/daring/ ①敢于:dare sb/sth敢于面对;dare to do sth;dare sb to do sth挑战/激将→v.aux. /dared,daren’t/ ②敢:dare do sth用于否定句/疑问句→I dare say=I daresay +省略that的宾语从句:我猜想/我以为…→dare做行为动词时,其否定为:don’t/didn’t/doesn’t dare (to) do sth (难点:此时to经常省略) 16. disturbing≈annoying/troubling/troublesome/worrying;give/make a promise→carry out / keep one’s promise/word→break one’s promise/word 17. recite vt.①背诵/朗诵/吟诵 ②叙述/描述≈describe ③列举/一一说出≈list 18. threat ①n.威胁/恫吓:under threat of punishment ②威胁者/危险的人物:a threat/danger to sb/sth →threaten v.威胁/恐吓/恫吓:threaten sth;threaten to do sth;threaten sb with sth 19. terrify sb (to death) → terrified/terrifying/terrible≈scare/frighten/horrify vt. 20. guard n.①/c/守卫/警卫/岗哨(人)/防护物 ②/u/看守/警戒:keep/stand guard;on/off one’s gurad →v.③守望/监视/看守 ④守护/保护:guard A from/against B≈protect/ensure/defend/shelter A from/against B 21. kiss ①vt/vi.:kiss one’s cheek=kiss sb on the cheek;kiss sb goodbye/good night;kiss…away 吻去 ②n./c/:give sb a kiss;throw/blow a kiss to/at sb飞吻 22. affection n./u&c/感情/爱情:have an affection for/toward sb/sth;have/win/gain one’s affection 23. ①aloud adv.强调大声以能听见;无比较级;前只加少数动词如speak/say/sing/talk等 ②loud adj./adv.:louder/loudest;in a loud voice③loudly adv.:more/most loudly;可修饰各种动词 24. stage ①n.舞台:on (the) stage在舞台上/当演员 ②n.阶段/时期:at/in…stage ③vt.上演≈perform:stage/perform sth →stage setting舞台布置/stage direction舞台说明 25. direct ①adj.直接的/笔直的:direct speech/flight/current/object ②adv.直接地≈directly adv.直接地/立刻马上/conj.一...就…≈immediately/as soon as ③vt.指导/指挥/监督/管理/导演 ④vt.命令/指示:direct sb to do sth;direct that-clause(虚拟语气) ⑤vt.指引/指点 →director n.董事/理事/管理者;导演/指挥(者) →direction n.①方向/方位:in/from…direction ②/u/指导/指挥/监督/管理:under one’s direction/guidance ③directions指示/吩咐/命令:+ for sth 26. orchestra管弦乐队→a symphony orchestra交响乐团; 27. conduct ①n./u/品行/操行;指导/引导;管理/经营→vt.②指导/引导;指挥(乐队) ③经营/管理≈direct ④vt.传导(光热电等) →conductor n.①领导者/引导者;管理经营者 ②乐队指挥 ③售票员/列车员 ④导体 28. location n.位置/场所≈place/spot/post/position→locate vt.①定位/使位于②找出位置:locate A +介宾 →be located +介宾;Located in the middle of the schoolyard, the garden looks beautiful. 29. break one’s heart →heartbreaking adj.令人心碎的;compose ①v.作曲/绘画/写作 ②组成/构成→composer n.作曲家→be compsed/constitued/made up + of≈consist of→component n./c/ 30. breath n.:out of breath;take a deep breath;hold one’s breath →breathe sth in→breathless adj. 31. authentic adj.可信的/可靠的/真实的/确实的≈actual;speak fluent+语言=speak 语言 fluently→be fluent in+语言 33. privilege n./u&c/ 特权/特别待遇;abuse privilege;obtain/have/enjoy (a/the) privilege(s) of doing sth;award/give a privilege to sb 34. desire ①vt.希望/渴望/要求:desire sth;desire to do sth;desire sb to do sth;desire that-clause(虚拟语气) →②n./c&u/愿望/欲望;要求/请求:have a desire+for sth / to do sth / that-clause(虚拟语气):express/voice a desire表达;satisfy a/one’s desire 35. hire n./v.①雇用≈employ;hire sb for/as;fire/dismiss sb for (doing) sth解雇/开除②租借≈rent 36. perform ①vt/vi.上演/扮演/演奏 ②vt.做/实行/完成/履行≈carry out ③vi.运作/运转≈funtion/work →performance/performer n. 37. employ sb as …→employ oneself in…=be employed in..从事/在做/忙于;employee/employer n. →employment n.雇佣/就业;employment agency职介所;out of employment/work失业→unemployment n./u/失业:be thrown into unemployment;There is little unemployment at present. 38. person/personal→personally adv.亲自/就个人而言→personality n.人格品格/个性性格/名人→personnel n.①(总称,视为复数)职员/员工:All personnel were present at the meeting. ②人事部门:the personnel department →the human resources department人力资源部 39. apply to…for…向…申请…→apply (A) to B应用运用/贴抹/适用→apply oneself to...专心于→appliance n.器具/装置:household appliances家电;electrical appliance电器→applicant n.申请者/应征者→application form申请表→applied maths/chemistry应用数学/化学 40. chorus n.①合唱团/队 ②合唱曲 ③齐声/异口同声→a chorus of…;in chorus齐声地/合唱地 41. tune n.曲调/调子→in tune 音调准确/协调和谐→(反义)out of tune→to the tune (of…)和着…的调子→sing/dance to the music和着音乐唱歌/跳舞 42. have a sore throat喉咙发炎疼痛;status n.①地位/身份:official status②状态/情形≈situation→status symbol地位/身份的象征物;motherland/homeland→mother country/tongue 43. tremble ①n/vi.震颤/发抖:tremble with anger/fear;tremble at the news;a tremble in one’s voice ②vi.焦虑/担心:tremble for…;tremble to do sth →trembling adj.震动的/摇动的 44. tutor ①n.家庭教师/导师 ②v.做家教指导:tutor (sb) in English→tuition n./u/学费/授课 45. symphony n./c/①交响曲/乐 ②交响乐团=symphony orchestra ③交响音乐会→symphonic adj. 46. bachelor n.①单身汉:He’s a bachelor.→He is single/married. ②学士:master/doctor 47. kindergarten n.幼儿园:in kindergarten;go to kindergarten→primary school→(junior/senior) middle/high school→college/university/academy/institute 48. folk ①n./c/ 人们/亲人 ②adj.民间的/通俗的:folk music/song/dance/singer→ballad n.民谣 49. ballet n./u&c/芭蕾舞/芭蕾舞剧/芭蕾舞曲→classical ballet;ballet dancer 50. fame n./u/名声/名气/名望≈distinction/reputation/note→be eager for fame;win/earn/achieve fame=come to fame成名→famous/famed:be famed/famous for/as/to… 51. go/be on或take或have + a transatlantic voyage (to sw);the Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Arctic Ocean太平洋/大西洋/印度洋/北冰洋;voyage n./c/(专指越海/越空)旅行→tour/trip/journey/travel 52. make friends with sb=develop a friendship with sb→shake hands with sb 53. pop chart;jazz/pop/classical/blues/R&B/folk (music);swing (music);rock and roll (music) 54. evolve vi.演变/发展/进化≈develop/advance→evolution n.演变/进化≠revolution革命→the theory of revolution/relativity 进化论/相对论 55. anchor ①n.锚 ②vt/vi.(使)停泊:The ship anchored/was anchored in the bay. ③(使)固定/稳定→be anchored in… 停泊在/固定于/扎根于… 56. play the trumpet;essential adj.①必不可少的/绝对必要的/极为重要的≈necessary/important:be essential to/for…;it’s essential that-clause;it’s essential for sb to do sth ②本质的/实质的→essential difference本质的区别;essential element要素;essential English基础英语 57. swing ①n./u&c/摇摆/振动;②摇摆乐=swing music→vt/vi.(swung/swung)③(使)摇摆/摇晃 ④挥舞/挥动;blues n.布鲁斯音乐(单复数同形) 58. decline ①vt/vi.婉拒/谢绝=refuse:decline (sth);decline to do sth ②vi.倾斜/下沉 ③vi.衰弱/衰败/减弱;下跌/下降:His health/influence began to decline recently. →④n.衰弱/减退;退步/减少:There has been a gradual decline in this country’s population/economy.→on the decline在衰退中/走下坡路;go into a decline (身体等)开始衰弱/衰竭→(反)prosper vi.繁荣/兴盛 59. rhythmn n.韵律/节奏/节拍:rhythmn and blues (R&B) (music) →rhyme n.韵/押韵/韵文 60. play the piano/violin/guitar/saxophone/bass→pianist/vionlinist/guitarist/saxophonist/bassist低音乐器演奏者/低音歌手;trend n.倾向/趋势/潮流≈tendency(tend v.) 61. mix ①vt/vi.混合/掺混/混淆:mix (A) (up) with B ②vt.使结合/调和 ③vi.交往/往来:mix with sb→mixed adj.:mixed doubles混合双打→mixture n.①/u/混合/调和 ②/c/混合物 62. discriminate ①vt/vi.区别/辨别/分别:discriminate A from B;discriminate between A and B ②vi.歧视/差别对待/分别对待:discrimiate between A and B;discriminate against…歧视…≈have a prejudice against…≈be prejudiced against…;discriminate in favor of…偏袒…→racial/sex discriminaton/prejudice 种族/性别歧视/偏见 63. promote vt.①使晋升 ②促进/增进/助长 ③促销→promotion/promoter n. 64. fortune n.①/u/运气/幸运/命运:by good/bad fortune幸好/不幸;have fortune to do sth;seek /try one’s fortune找出路/碰运气 ②n./c/u/财富/巨款:make a fortune →(un)fortunate/ (un)fortunately:be (un)fortunate in (doing) sth;be (un)fortuante to do sth;It’s (un)fortuante that-clause →luck/ (un)lucky/ (un)luckily →misfortune ①恶运/不幸:by misfortune;bear/endure misfortune忍受不幸;suffer misfortune遭受不幸;have the misfortune to do sth ②/c/不幸的事/灾难:Misfortunes never come singly. 祸不单行 65. pray ①vt/vi.祈祷/祷告:pray sth;pray to do sth;pray to God for sth ②vt.恳求/请求≈ask/beg:pray sb to do sth →prayer n.①祈祷/祷文;祈愿/愿望 ②祈祷者/恳求者 66. cut…short ①缩短/截短 ②提前结束/停止/中断 ③打断/制止;cut…up ①切碎/剁碎 ②使人身心受伤;cut…away ①切下/砍掉 ②逃走;cut…back=cut back on… 缩减(生产)/削减(开支);cut down ①vt.砍到/砍伐 ②vt/vi.减少(量)/缩减:cut…down=cut down on… ③vt.使减价/使降价;cut in (on sb/sth) vi.插嘴/插入/插队;cut…off ①切断/砍掉:cut A off (from) B ②切断/停止(水/电/汽/热等的)供应 ③切断电话/通话 ④使孤立/与外界隔绝;cut…out ①切下/剪下:cut A out from B ②删除≈leave out ③停止 67. draft ①n.底稿/草稿/汇票 ②n.征兵/征集→③vt.草拟/起草 ④vt.选拔/征召→be drafted into… 68. regain one’s charm→charm n.≈appeal→appeal ①vi.要求/恳求:appeal to sb for sth;appeal to sb to do sth ②vi.有吸引力/感染力:appeal to sb ③(法律)上诉:appeal to A (against B) ④诉诸(武力/舆论/裁判/法律等):appeal to A →n.④恳求/请求:+ to sb for sth ⑤吸引力/魅力 ⑥呼吁/诉求 ⑦上诉/抗议→appealing≈charming/attractive/inviting adj.有魅力的/有吸引力的 69. break(…)up ①vt/vi.击碎/粉碎;拆散/分开 ②vt/vi.(使)(关系/谈判等)破裂/分手;结束/中止 ③vt/vi.驱散/解散 ④vt/vi.(使)精神上颓丧/垮下去 →break down ①vt.捣毁/毁坏 ②vt/vi.镇压/溃败;打垮/垮掉 ③vi.(机械等)出故障/坏掉 ④vi.(身体/精神)出毛病/垮掉 ⑤vt/vi.溶解/分解 70. phenomenon n./c/①现象:a natural/social phenomenon ②神奇的人/事≈wonder:He was called a phenomenon as a child. 神童 →phenomena (pl.)复数 71. physical→emotional→mental adj.精神的/心理的;智力的/智能的→mental disorder精神错乱;mental disease/illness精神病;mental hospitalpatient精神病院/患者;mental test智力测验 72. haircut n./c/①理发:have/get a haircut去理发 ②发型/发式;catalogue n.目录/唱片目录/产品目录≠category n.种类/范畴 73. copy①n.誊本/册:a copy of…②vt.复写/复制→copyright n.版权/著作权:the copyright(s) to sth |
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