Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 教学设计(人教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

教学目标 Section A Section B
guitar n. 吉他  sing v. 唱歌 swim v. 游泳  dance v. 跳舞 draw 绘画 chess n.国际象棋      speak v.说,演说 join v参加,加入 club n.俱乐部 tell v 告诉,讲 story n.故事 write v.写 talk v. 谈话 show v&n表演 or conj. 或                drum  n. 鼓  piano n. 钢琴   violin n 小提琴also adv 也,还       people n.人(们) home n.& 家 make v.使,制造 today adv 今天 center(=centre)n 中心,中央 weekend n 周末 teach v 教musician n. 音乐家
常 考 短 语 play chess, play the guitar, speak English,join the art /music / swimming club, sounds good, talk to(sb.) play the drums / the piano /the violin , help (sb.) with (sth.), be good with , make friends (with sb.), on the weekend
典型例句 --Can you (sing)? --Yes , I can./No, I can’t. --What can you do? – I can dance. --What club do you want to join? --I/We want to join (the art club). I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Are you good with old people? Please call us at 689-7729 today!
重点语法 情态动词can的用法
能力目标 1.谈论个人的能力;2读懂关于个人能力的文章;3.写招聘广告/海报
情感态度 积极参加学校或社团活动,丰富阅历,锻炼能力,帮助他人,提高自身素养。
Section A (1a-2d)
I 据意填词
1. I can s____ a little English. 2. Do you want to join the s______ club?
3. Can you play c____? 4. I c___ play the piano, it’s really difficult.
5. What c_____ does he want to j_____?
II 短语互译
1. join the art club ________________ 2. 爱说英语_________________
3. 想参加 _____________ 4. play the guitar _____________
5. 写字画画 _______________ 6. 能歌善舞 ________________
1. —I want to join the music club. 2. —What club do you want to join?
3. —Yes.I can. 4. —Can you play the guitar?
I 补全句子(注意词形变化)
1. I want __________ (join) the music club.
2. He can speak English very ________(good).
3. Do you want to join the ________ (swim) club?
4. Bob ______ (want) to join the English club.
5. Ann likes _________________(write and draw) .
II 单项选择
1.Jenny is a quiet girl, and she likes playing_____ violin.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
2. Do you want _____ the music club?
A. join B. joining C. to join D. to joining
3. He can’t sing _____ dance.
A. and B. or C. so D. but
4. Can you _____ English?
A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
5. Let’s _____.
A. play the chess B. play guitar C. swimming D. sing and dance
III 翻译句子
1. 我想加入游泳俱乐部。 I _____ _____ _____ the _____ _____.
2. 你会唱歌还是会画画? _____ you sing _____ _____?
3. 我们不想参加体育俱乐部。We ____ want ___ ____ the _____ club.
4. 他们想参加什么俱乐部? _____ _____ _____they want to join?
5. 咱们现在就参加吧! Let’s _____ _____!
I 补全对话
A: Can I help you? B: Yes , please. _ 1
A:_ 2 B: I’m not sure yet.
A: 3 B: Sorry ,I can’t.
A: Can you play chess? B: No, I can’t.
A: _4 B: I can draw, but not very well.
A: I see. __5
II 句型变换
1. She can play chess. (对划线处提问) ______________________ _?
2. Alan wants to join the music club. (对划线处提问) _________________?
3. I can play the violin.(Yes/No?) ____________________ __?
4. Alice can sing and dance. (Yes/No?) ______________________?
5. I want to join the art club because I like drawing very much. (对划线处提问)
. ____________________________________________?
Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)
I 我会发现 “can 的用法”
1. 迈克,你会(干)什么?
2. 我会画画。
3. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗?
4. 我不会唱歌但会跳舞。
5. 比尔会说汉语吗?
6. 是的,他会。/不,他不会。
II 英汉互译
1. want …for… ___________ 2. 学校演出 ___________
3. Come and show us! ___________ 4. 来加入我们吧!___________
5. talk to Ms White ___________ 6. 在音乐教室 ___________
I 用关键词编问题并且回答
Model: Ann, sing, dance
Can Ann sing? No, she can’t, but she can dance.
1.Bill,write stories, tell stories
________________________ ____________________________
2. Tom and Tim , play soccer, play baseball
________________________ ____________________________
3. Grace, play the piano, play the guitar.
________________________ ____________________________
4. Jane and Jill , play chess, play computer games
________________________ ____________________________
II Groupwork 讨论并报告:What can you do?
name can can’t

Report(报告): In my group,I can but I can’t
I 连词成句(注意标点符号)
1.play, brother, the, your, guitar, can (?)
2.can’t, he, piano, the, play(.)
3.guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and(.)
4.to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our (?)
5.I, show, want, to, show , in, the , school(.)
II 补全对话
A: Can you draw?
B: _ 1
A: Here are all the clubs. 2
B: I’m not sure yet.
A: 3
B: Yes ,but not very well. _4
A: I can play it very well, but I like singing very much
and I want to join the music club.
B: __5 . We can join the music club together(一起).
A: Ok, let’s go and have a look.
III 补全下面的招聘广告并回答问题
Students wanted for our music club
We want two Students for our music club.____ you _____ ?
____ you _____ ? ______ you ______ the _____? ______ you
______ the _______? If you can, please _______ Li Ming at
790-4230 or ________ Cindy ___ cindyxcbz@163.com.
1. What’s your name? _________________________
2. What’s your phone number?
3. What’s your qq number? ______________________
4. What’s your email address(电子邮箱)?
5. What class are you in? ____________________________
6. Who is your music teacher? ____________________________
7. Why do you like music? ____________________________
Section B (1a-2a)
I 看图写短语
1 2 3 4
1.play 2. 3. 4.
II 找错纠错
1. Can you play the basketball with me? ( )
2. I want to join the swim club. ( )
3. Mary cans play the piano. ( )
4. Can you play the piano and the guitar? ( )
I我会发现 “play 的用法”
1. 踢足球 6. 做运动
2. 打电子游戏 7. 下棋
3. 播放音乐 8. music player
4. play…with… 9. soccer player
5. play the guitar 10.guitar player
II 据意填词
1. Bill can play the guitar b ____ he can’t sing.
2. I can speak Chinese a____ a little English.
3. Tom can play chess and he can a______ play the violin.
4. I can play soccer and I can play the piano ,t______.
5. Cindy can’t tell stories o____ write stories.
III 连词成句(注意标点符号)
1.play, brother, the, not, your , drums, can, (.)
2.can, Helen, piano, the, play, well(.)
3.guitar, the, I, play, can, also(.)
4. can, you, what , do (?)
I 句型变换
1. I can play the guitar. (一般疑问句及否定回答)
________________________? _____________________
2. He can sing and dance. (同义句)
3. Lisa can play the violin . (对划线处提问)
4. Li Yundi and Lang Lang can play the piano well. (对划线处提问)
5. I like drawing pictures ,so I want to join the art club (同义句)
II 补全对话(首字母已给出)
A: Here are all the c_ .
B: what club do you want to j ?
A: I want to join the English club. How a you?
B: Well ,I want to join the chess club. Can you p_____ chess?
A: No, I don’t l_____ chess. Do you like music?
B: Oh , yes, I can sing and d_____.
A: Me, t_____. Let’s join the music club.
III 阅读判断(T/F)
Name can can’t
Ben play the drums,
sing, dance, swim play the piano, paint,
speak English well
Jack play the piano, speak Chinese well ,sing well play the drums, play chess,
Victor play the guitar and drums, swim, paint well speak Chinese, dance or sing, play computer games
1. Ben can sing but he can’t play the piano. ( )
2. Jack can help Victor with his Chinese. ( )
3. Ben isn’t good at playing the piano but Victor can play it well. ( )
4.All of them can join the music club. ( )
5. If Victor wants to swim, Jack can help him. ( )
简介自己的能力. (约40单词)(尽量使用can, can’t ,and ,but ,also , or)
Section B (2b-3b)
I 找到对应词
1. old--______ 2. busy--______ 3. easy--______ 4. good--______
5. fun--______ 6. first--______ 7. can--______ 8. yes-- ______
9. Mr.-- ______ 10. so-- ______ 11. here--______ 12. teacher--_____
II 英汉互译
1. 与同学们相处好
2. music teacher wanted
3. 和我们做游戏 ____________
4. English-speaking students
5. 学生运动中心 ____________
6. Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival ____________
7. 请拨打我们的电话2811934. ____________
8. make friends with old people ____________
I我会发现 “help 的用法”
1. 需要帮助老人
2. 帮父母做家务
3. 帮助用英语做运动
4. 需要帮助教音乐
5. 老年之家需要帮助
6. 向老师求助一件事
II 单项选择
( )1. I need _____ my English.
A . help B. help for C. help with D. to help
( )2. Are you ______ today? If you say yes, please come to talk with me.
A . busy B. free C. easy D. interesting
( )3. They can you stories and you can make friends with them.
A . tell B. talk C. say D. speak
( )4. I like music because it’s _______.
A . boring B. difficult C. easy D. relaxing
( )5. Our teachers are good _______ us students.
A . of B. about C. with D. for
III合作探讨 What can we do to help old people/our parents/…?
I 句型变换
1. Mr Brown’s phone number is 293-7742. Please call him.(合二为一)
2. We need to help old people. (同义句)
3. I’m free today. (一般疑问句) __________________________
4. Music is relaxing. (对划线处提问) _______________________
5. Do you have time on the weekend? (同义句)
II 用方框里的词填空
guitar , in , call , for, then, dance , at, music , or, play
Musicians Wanted School Music Festival
Do you like ? Can you sing and ?
Can you the piano the violin? Can you play the
or the drums? you can be our school music festival.
Please Mr. Zhang 622-6033.
III 阅读理解
Wanted : an English tutor(家教)
Do you like kids? Are you good with kids? Are you an English
teacher for more than three years? Are you free on the weekends? We need
a woman English teacher for our daughter. She is twelve and she is not
good at English. If you want to be our daughter’s tutor, then you need to
teach her English at our home on Saturday mornings and on Sunday
mornings . It’s from 8:30 to 10:30. You also need to tell her stories in
English. Our home is near(在附近) No. 8 Middle School. You can get
¥15 an hour. If you want to know more ,you can call Mrs Smith at 825-6743.
1. Mrs Smith wants ______________for her daughter.
2. If you are the tutor, you need to teach the girl for _________ on Sunday.
3. If you want to be the tutor, you need to be a woman and _______
on weekends.
4. The tutor can get ___________yuan for a month.
5. The tutor must teach the girl ___________ and tell her stories ________.
IV书面表达:请为我校英语秀(English Show)招聘2名主持人(host)(男女各1名)
基本条件:普通话好, 能说会道,英语说得好,能歌善舞. 联系人:Mr Wang,2810678




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