英语高考词汇教学教案 (人教版英语高一) |
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一、 学生分析 我校是一所相对偏远的农村中学,学生学习的成绩偏低,学习积极性不高,尤其是英语。大部分学生认为英语难,光花时间却不见成绩,根本谈不上学习兴趣。归根结底是英语单词难记,昨天记的今天忘,早上记的下午忘,绝大部分学生没有耐心和恒心去反复记忆枯燥的单词。久而久之,连最基本英语单词都不懂,更谈不上单词的灵活运用和综合能力的提高。因此,英语成为学生最畏惧的课程。 二、 内容分析 本课内容以高考词汇为基础,以分类的方式引导学生运用各种方法高效快速地记忆高考词汇。 三、 教学目的与目标 词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,没有词汇也就无所谓语言,英语教学自然离不开词汇教学。学生不掌握一定的词汇量,就无法顺利进行听、说、读、写、译,就无法进行英语交流。高考考纲要求学生掌握3700个词汇,英语词汇的记忆是英语学习最枯燥最繁琐却又是最基础最重要的部分,词汇量少直接影响学生的学习兴趣和学习成绩。本课题的重点就是以考纲词汇为基础,对高考词汇进行分类整合,重点突出写作词汇的运用,使学生科学地掌握英语词汇的记忆方法,明确学习目的,挖掘学生自主学习的潜能,使他们掌握有效的单词记忆方法,消除学生对英语的畏惧心理,使他们树立信心,提高英语学习兴趣及积极性,使他们能够灵活地运用英语词汇,进而提高他们的英语综合能力。 四、 教学策略 《英语课程标准》强调教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目标的学习方式。英语词汇教学理念为以语言发展为中心,通过师生互动,生生互动,让学生学会用英语处理现实生活的问题,让学生在完成任务的过程中体验、实践、参与、交流和合作,实现任务目标,感受学习的快乐和成功,以此来提高学生学习英语的积极性。为了使学生更好地系统地记忆和理解英语词汇,我将高考词汇大致分为四大类:听说词汇、语法词汇、阅读词汇和写作词汇,重点训练语法词汇和写作词汇的用法。为此,课前主要是分析近年来高考常考的语法题型和写作常用句型,让学生在实践中掌握高考词汇的用法。 五、 教学过程 1.导入 向学生介绍高考考纲对学生掌握词汇的要求,让学生了解记忆单词的重要性,对英语词汇进行简单的分类,让学生有针对性有主次地学习和掌握英语词汇。同时让学生交流一下自己平时记单词的方法和心得体会,使学生重视英语词汇的积累,为本课时做好铺垫。 2.教学方法 (1)运用构词法记单词。构词法作为一项语法项目,主要是识别词缀和词根,从根本上把握单词的含义。久练这种学记单词的方法,能够领略一些英语单词的构造奥妙,并减轻记忆的负担。更重要的是,如果学生能真正领悟并进而拓展这种方法所蕴涵的思路,他们将能触类旁通,从而受益匪浅。例如courage一词,学生能通过构词法迅速识记discourage, discouragement, courageous, courageously,encourage,encouragement等同词根的多个新词,从一个词汇引申出这么多的新词,可谓一箭多雕,这样的记忆使他们觉得很有成就感,增添了自信心。 (2)在语境中学习词汇。从近几年来高考写作的话题出发,分析出常用的写作句型以及常用的连接词,把词汇与句子,语境结合起来,多让学生自己造句,掌握词的用法,在词汇与句子结合的基础上,我们将词汇、句子与语篇相结合,进一步扩大词汇的交流功能。使学生感觉英语学习是一件很简单的事情,从而消除学生的畏惧心理,也让学生既对词汇学习有了明确的目的,又对高考的考题有一定的了解,并树立信心,提高他们学习英语的积极性。例如remind 一词,remind sb of sth 这个固定搭配,只要是描写自己或身边的人的类似经历都可以用这个句子作为段落的开头:The story remind me of my own experience.对于我校这种比较差的学生把词汇融入一个固定句式的学习对他们的记忆和运用都有很大的帮助。 五官特征:长睫毛long lashes,双下巴 s double chin ,小眼睛 small eyes, 鹰勾鼻 a hooked nose, 五官明显 strong features, 无神的眼睛lifeless eyes,明亮的眼睛 glowing eyes ,四肢特征:粗壮的手臂thick arms, 肮脏的指甲 dirty nails,细手臂 thin arms, 涂指甲油的指甲 painted nails, 瘦腿 thin legs 身材特征: 结实的 trim ,年老的 old ,过重的 overweight, 凹凸有致的 shapely(女) ,白发苍苍的 gray-haired ,瘦的 thin, 身材比例很好的 well-proportioned, 病恹恹的 sickly ,皮包骨的 skinny 行为特征:落寞的 depressed ,情绪化的 emotional ,萎靡的 lifeless ,寂寞的 lonely, 笨拙的 clumsy ,精力充沛的full of life, 无精打采的 listless, (4).单词记忆法总结 (1)“五到”记忆法。记单词要“五到”,眼嘴手脑齐开炮;读写背默各几遍,印象清晰记得牢。 (2)循环记忆法。记过单词莫靠边,几天之后再看看;似忘非忘又温习,反反复复印心间。 (3)分组记忆法。单词多了别心烦,分片分组来攻占;五个一组先吃掉,几组连成一大片。 (4)语音记忆法。要想单词不写错,语音一关还得过,读音规律掌握好,拼写自然少差错。 (5) 理解记忆法。结合词组句子记有情有景有意义;重点段落须背诵。理解深刻有乐趣。 (6)归纳记忆法。分类归纳便于记,同类词汇放一起;bike,play和jeep,归到交通工具里。 (7)对比记忆法。同义近义反义词,辨析对比来记忆,比较对照才开窍,印象深刻记得牢。 (8)卡片记忆法。单词长了容易忘,卡片纸条来帮忙;mathematics不好记,纸条贴到《数学》上。 (9)构词记忆法。构词法,要学习,前缀后缀有规律;转换常把词类变。合成本是二合一。 (10)阅读记忆法。课外读物有情趣,单词复现便于记;只要坚持常阅读,一举几得大有益。 3、巩固练习 (1)写出下列词汇的变体 born(名词形式) , brave(名词形式) ,breath(否定词缀) occupy(名词形式) environment (形容词形式) equal(名词形式) comfort(形容词形式) consider(形容词和名词形式) , (2)把下列中文翻译成英语 方脸 ,单眼皮 ,大嘴巴 ,圆脸 ,双眼皮 ,小嘴巴 ,心形脸 ,瘦鼻子 , 薄嘴唇 ,长鼻子 ,厚嘴唇 , 暴牙 ,苍白的脸 魁梧的 , 骨瘦如柴的 , 年轻的 ,大骨架的 , 弱不禁风的 , 中年的 ,小骨架的 ,优雅的 , 心烦的 ,精疲力竭的 , 粗枝大叶的 , 内向的 ,不悦的 , 做作的 , 外向的 ,好动的 , 轻浮的 ,举止夸张的 ,多话的 ,有活力的 ,手舞足蹈的 . in spite of prevent……from lead a………live look forward to be famous for 4. homework (一)词类转换 1..In the past, oxen played an important role in the ____(spirit)life of the Chinese. 2.Some are for ____ (begin) and others are for _____ (advance) students. 3.The dark chocolate ___ (popular) began about five years age and has reached the highest point now. 4.Obama said he didn’t see any controversy in the fact and said he was unaware of any _______ (satisfy) in the black community. 5.The government is promoting a program making science more _____ (access) to young people. 6.It`s ____(exact) these tight rings marks that we found in the fossil bones,” said Sander. 7.I stood there ____ (astonish), barely believing that man, whose existence was ____ (know) to me only moments ago, could be so _______ (thought). 8.More than half of them cross the bridge ________ the morning and evening rush hours when traffic is so heavy that the trip is not ________. (please) 9.One young drinker interviewed thinks price is ______ (relevant) to the increase of alcohol addictions and that teens, determined to get drunk , will find a way. 10.As an _____ (skill) game player, he often lost money. 11.If all drivers exercised good ______ (judge) , there would be few accidents. 12.In May 2009, a hurricane left thousands of people homeless and ruined the island’s freshwater _____ (supply). 13. Your _____ (argue) is not ________ (convince) enough . 14. Hydrogen fuel cells would provide a renewable, clean source of energy; however, the technology is expensive and presents a number of _______ (convenient). 15. He is ______ (simple) a fool, who can’t ___ (simple) his life just by planning it _____ (effect) (二)短语动词 1. He promised to attend my birthday party, but till now he hasn’t turned _____ yet. 2. All the girls swam in the lake except two, who gave _____ halfway. 3. If the new arrangement doesn’t work _____, we’ll go back to the old one. 4. “Have great changes taken place in your village?” “Yes, A new school was set ______ in the village last year.” 5. I had to hang ______ because someone else wanted to use the phone. 6. Elephants would die ______ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 7. My study of biology has taken ______ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment. 8. The plan broke______ just because people were unwilling to co-operate. 9. The government has called _______the parents to work with teachers in the education of their children. 10. John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to let ______ all his trousers to his measure. 11. I can put up _____ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise. 12. The mother often tells her son to be a good boy, warning him to keep out ______ trouble 13. To my surprise, the manager kept ____ 30 dollars from my salary without any good reason. 14. Steven has a lot of work to make ____ in the office since he has been away for quite a few days. 15. Although Jane agrees with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give _______. 16. You should live up ______ what your parents expect of you. 17. I can hardly believe my eyes. What a poor composition you have turned ______. There are so many wrong spellings in it. 18. Some kinds of animals can take _______ the colour of their surroundings. 19. Let’s congratulate Li Ming and Li Hua ______winning the first prize. 20. The hospital provided the patients ___many advanced equipments. 21. I can’t put up _____the heat here. 22. The government should come up ____a better solution to the problems caused by the high price of beef. 23. His health broke ____under the pressure of work. 24. This project adjusted ___what I meant. 25. Please leave _____all the useless contents in the article. 26. All the students, please put your hands _____the poor children in the distant area. 27. He is addicted ______smoking and drinking wine. 28. We accused him ______killing our friend. 29. We assure him _____ going to America smoothly. 30. Do you mind if I carry______with my work while you are getting tea ready? 31. Old memories are often called ______ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music. 32. He looked through as many daily newspapers as he could to find______ what they said about his latest book. 33. We had a good many anxious moments but everything turned ______all right in the end. 34. Twenty people were expected, but only ten turned ______. 35. After the meeting, I set ______ to write a report on our next term’s work. 36. The English evening party turned ________ a great success. 37. A good writer must connect what he writes_____ what has happened around him. 38. The gentleman does not join______the argument but watches the other guests. 39. Although the working mother is very busy, she still devotes a lot of time ______ children. 40. We want our children to know that hard work pays ______. 41. It wears me ______ to look after these naughty grandchildren of mine for a whole day. 42. His pale face took ______a reluctant smile when he heard the news. 43. The Party Central Committee calls______the Chinese people to work hard for the economic development. 44. Don’t forget to put______your things after you have finished your homework . 45. Being much too fat, the lady was advised to reduce her food for each meal, yet she would have none______that. 46. The good service at the hotel made up______the poor food to some degree. 47. His strength had almost given______when they found him in the desert. 48. —Your tie looks smart. It goes______ your shirt perfectly. — Thanks. I’m glad you like it. 49. It takes a long time to build______a good fame, but this name is quickly lost but just one crime or piece of bad behavior. 50. —I’m putting______ too much weight, doctor? — I think you ought to go on a diet. 51. When he heard the news, she couldn’t keep ______ her tears. 52. Please go to your teacher to ask ________ his help if you meet with any difficulties. 53. Please walk slowly. I can’t keep up ________ you. 54. After a heated discussion, we agreed _________ the policy. 55. Last night his house was broken _________, and many valuable things were found stolen. 56. After hearing the news, some burst ________ laughter, while others burst ________ tears. 57. Whenever he comes to Beijing, he calls _________ me at my house. 58. We must keep learning new things so that we can keep pace ________ the times. 59. This morning they checked______ at a hotel and will check out tomorrow. 60. Whether we will have the match today depends_______ the weather. 61. The teacher is devoted ______ teaching in the countryside in his life. 62. She has a gift_______ language, as she could speak four languages. 63. They worked day and night in order to pay ________ their debts. 64. On getting home, mother gets down _______ preparing supper for her children. 65. The sports meet will be put______ till next week because of the rain. 66. He was badly ill, so a doctor should be sent _______. 67. The five rings on the Olympic Flag stand________ the five continents. 68. The wounded soldier struggled _______ his feet and moved on. 69. He is always running_______of money before payday. 70. Korea is now divided_______two countries, North Korea and South Korea. 71. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was cut ______ from the outside world. 72. Then the car I was in broke_______, so I had to walk home. 73. After the 90th failure, he was almost ready to give ________. 74. We decided to give _______ to the wish of the majority. 75. Hearing the news, she couldn’t hold ______ her tears coming down her cheeks. 76. Mr. Smith set _____ to write a history of America in 1980. 77. We take pride _____ our responsibilities as teachers in China. 78. To whom should we turn ______ the key when we leave the room? 课后反思 这节课是以高考词汇记忆作为法作为重点,帮助学生解决记单词难的问题,在教学过程中引导学生通过观察,体验,探究等积极主动的学习方式,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,提高自主学习的能力,同时刺激学生的思维,多种单词记忆法相结合,降低单词记忆的难度,进而提高对英语的学习兴趣。 由于我们是农村学校,英语知识的来源单一,英语底子也差,词汇积累也少,所以学生反应相对较慢,所以能够回答问题的学生相对较少。 |
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