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Ã÷ÄêÒª½¨µÄÄÇ´±Â¥½«ÊÇÎÒÃǵÄѧУ¡£ China is a developing country£»America is a developed country£® ÖйúÊÇÒ»¸ö·¢Õ¹Öйú¼Ò£¬ÃÀ¹úÊÇÒ»¸ö·¢´ï¹ú¼Ò¡£ 3)Ãû´ÊÀà There are thirty women teachers in our schoo1£®ÎÒÃÇѧУÓÐ30ÃûÅ®½Ìʦ¡£ More than thirty students in our class have read the book£® ÎÒÃÇ°àÈýÊ®¶à¸öѧÉú¶Á¹ýÕâ±¾Êé¡£ Mary¡¯s parents have gone abroad£®ÂêÀöµÄ¸¸Ä¸³ö¹úÁË¡£ 4) ½é´Ê¶ÌÓï He is reading an article about how to learn English£® ËûÕýÔÚ¶ÁһƪÓйØÈçºÎѧϰӢÓïµÄÎÄÕ¡£ Who is the girl in red? ´©ºìÒ·þµÄÄǸö¹ÃÄïÊÇË? 5)¸±´Ê(¶àλÓÚ±»ÐÞÊδÊÖ®ºó) A noise outside made him turn around£®ÍâÃæµÄÐúÄÖÉùʹËûת¹ýÉíÀ´¡£ The man in the room below is friendly£®Â¥Ï·¿¼äµÄÄÇÈ˺ÜÓѺᣠ6)´Ó¾ä There is nothing that worries him£®Ã»ÓÐʲôÊÂʹËû·³ÄÕ¡£ I will remember the day when I first met her£® ÎÒ½«¼ÇסµÚÒ»´ÎÓö¼ûËýµÄÄÇÒ»Ìì¡£ 7¡¢×´Óï ÐÞÊζ¯´Ê¡¢ÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡¢¸±´Ê»òÕû¸ö¾ä×Ó£¬ËµÃ÷¶¯×÷»ò״̬ÌØÕ÷µÄ¾ä×ӳɷ֣¬½Ð×ö×´Óï¡£ ¿É³äµ±×´ÓïµÄÖ÷ÒªÓи±´Ê¡¢½é´Ê¶ÌÓï¡¢·ÇνÓïÀàºÍ´Ó¾ä¡£ 1)¸±´Ê Light travels most quickly£®¹â´«²¥µÃ×î¿ì¡£ Factories and buildings are seen here and there£® µ½´¦¶¼Äܼûµ½¹¤³§ºÍ½¨ÖþÎï¡£ 2)½é´Ê¶ÌÓï He has lived in the city for ten years£®ËûÔÚÄÇ×ù³ÇÊÐסÁË10ÄêÁË¡£ In spite of the difficulties£¬we went on with our work£® ¾¡¹ÜÓÐÀ§ÄÑ£¬µ«ÊÇÎÒÃÇÈÔ¼ÌÐø¹¤×÷¡£ 3)·ÇνÓïÀà The box is too heavy for me to lift£®Õâ¸öÏä×ÓÌ«ÖØ£¬ÎÒ̧²»Æð¡£ He is in the room making a model plane£®ËûÔÚ·¿¼äÀï×öÒ»¼Ü·É»úÄ£ÐÍ¡£ Not knowing what to do£¬he decided to ask the teacher for advice£® Ëû²»ÖªµÀÔõô°ìºÃ£¬¾ÍÈ¥ÎÊÀÏʦ¡£ Encouraged by the teacher£¬I made up my mind to learn English well£® ÔÚÀÏʦµÄ¹ÄÀøÏ£¬ÎÒ¾öÐÄ°ÑÓ¢ÓïѧºÃ¡£ 4)´Ó¾ä Once you begin£¬you must continue£®Ò»µ©¿ªÊ¼£¬Äã¾ÍµÃ¼ÌÐøÏÂÈ¥¡£ I must work harder in order that I may catch up with the others£® ΪÁ˸ÏÉÏÆäËûÈË£¬ÎÒ±ØÐë¸üŬÁ¦Ñ§Ï°¡£ ×´ÓïµÄÖÖÀà 1)ʱ¼ä×´Óï How about meeting again at six? 6£º00ÔÙ¼ûÃæÔõÑù? 2)ÔÒò×´Óï Last night she didn¡¯t go to the dance party because of the rain£® ÓÉÓÚÏÂÓ꣬Ëý×òÍíûÓÐÈ¥²Î¼ÓÎè»á¡£ 3)Ìõ¼þ×´Óï I shall go there if it doesn¡¯t rain£®Èç¹û²»ÏÂÓ꣬ÎÒ½«µ½ÄÇÀïÈ¥¡£ As(So)long as you work hard£¬you can make rapid progress in English£® Ö»ÒªÄãŬÁ¦£¬Äã¾Í¿ÉÒÔÔÚÓ¢Óï·½ÃæÈ¡µÃºÜ¿ìµÄ½ø²½¡£ 4)µØµã×´Óï Mr. Smith lives on the third floor£®Ê·ÃÜ˹ÏÈÉúסÔÚ3Â¥¡£ Where there is water£¬there is life£®ÓÐË®µÄµØ·½£¬¾ÍÓÐÉúÃü¡£ 5)·½Ê½×´Óï She put the eggs into the basket with great care£® ËýСÐĵذѼ¦µ°·ÅÔÚÀº×ÓÀï¡£ He has greatly improved his spoken English by this means£® ËûÓÃÕâÖÖ·½Ê½¼«´óµØ¸ÄÉÆÁËËûµÄÓ¢Óï¿ÚÓï¡£ 6)°éËæ×´Óï She came in with a dictionary in her hand£®Ëý½øÀ´Ê±ÊÖÀïÄÃ×ÅÒ»±¾×ֵ䡣 The teacher came in, followed by a group of students£® ÀÏʦ×ßÁ˽øÀ´£¬ºóÃæ¸ú×ÅһȺѧÉú¡£ 7)Ä¿µÄ×´Óï In order to catch up with the others£¬I must work harder£® ΪÁ˸ÏÉÏÆäËûÈË£¬ÎÒ±ØÐë¸üŬÁ¦Ñ§Ï°¡£ I went there to see a friend of mine£®ÎÒÈ¥ÄÇÀï¿´ÎÒµÄÒ»¸öÅóÓÑ¡£ 8)½á¹û×´Óï He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately£®ËûÀÛ¼«ÁË£¬Á¢¿Ì¾Í˯×ÅÁË¡£ We arrived there only to find an empty room. ÎÒÃǵ½ÁËÄǶùÖ»·¢ÏÖÁËÒ»¸ö¿Õ·¿¼ä¡£ 9)Èò½×´Óï She works very hard though she is old£® ËäÈ»ËýÄê¼Í´óÁË£¬µ«ËýÈÔȻʮ·ÖŬÁ¦¹¤×÷¡£ No matter when you come£¬you are warmly welcomed£® ²»¹ÜÄãʲôʱºòÀ´£¬¶¼»¶Ó¡£ 10)³Ì¶È×´Óï They were greatly moved to hear the hero¡¯s story£® ÌýÁËÓ¢ÓïµÄ¹ÊÊ£¬ËûÃÇÉîÊܸж¯¡£ I quite agree with you£®ÎÒÍêȫͬÒâÄãµÄÒâ¼û¡£ 11)±È½Ï×´Óï I am taller than he is£®ÎÒ±ÈËû¸ß¡£ The more I speak English£¬the better I¡¯ll be£®ÎÒÔ½¶à½²Ó¢Ó¾Í½²µÃÔ½ºÃ¡£ ¾ä×ӳɷÖÁ·Ï° Ö¸³öÏÂÁоäÖлÏß²¿·ÖµÄ´ÊÐÔ¼°ÔÚ¾äÖеÄ×÷Óà 1. Tonight we have something special for dinner£® 2. a. Thank you for years of your valuable service b. She keeps her jewels, money and other valuables in the bank 3. He is a very fine musician£® 4. a. The farmer enjoys the beauty of the long stretch of his land. b. My wool sweater stretched when I washed£® 5. a. I had a sharp pain in my back£® b. The meeting starts at 3 o¡¯clock sharp. 6. a. Sound travels at 1,000 feet per second£® b. Your idea sounds a good one. c. Old as Mary is£¬she still enjoys sound health 7. a. Father booked three seats on a plane£® b. Tom bought the tickets at the booking office outside the cinema£® 8. a. On his way home he bought some apples at fruit stand£® b. The injured driver can hardly stand the pain any longer c .This book stands high in my opinion£® 9. To construct a reservoir is an important government project 10. a. Lovely Christmas presents are placed on the floor around a tree£® b. When George left office, the director presented him with a silver teapot£® c. We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future. µÚ¶þÕ ¾ä×Ó µÚÒ»½Ú ¼òµ¥¾ä ¼òµ¥¾äµÄÎåÖÖ»ù±¾¾äÐÍ Ó¢Óï¾ä×ÓµÄÖ÷ÒªÌØÕ÷ÊÇ£ºÊǾä×ӾͱØÐ뺬ÓÐÖ÷¡¢Î½¡£Ó¢Óï¼òµ¥¾äÓÐÒÔÏÂÎåÖÖ»ù±¾¾äÐÍ¡£ 1£®Ö÷Óï+ϵ¶¯´Ê+±íÓï(¼ò³Æ£¬Ö÷ϵ±í) ϵ¶¯´Ê+±íÓï¹¹³ÉÃû´ÊÐԺϳÉνÓ¿É×÷±íÓïµÄÓÐÃû´Ê¡¢Ãû´ÊËùÓиñ¡¢´ú´ÊÖ÷¸ñ»ò±ö¸ñ¡¢Ãû´ÊÐÔÎïÖ÷´ú´Ê¡¢Ö¸Ê¾´ú´Ê¡¢²»¶¨´ú´Ê¡¢ÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡¢¸±´Ê¡¢Êý´Ê¡¢½é´Ê¶ÌÓï¡¢ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê¡¢¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê¡¢¶¯Ãû´Ê¡¢¶¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½ºÍ´Ó¾äµÈ¡£ She is a student£®(Ãû´Ê)ËýÊǸöѧÉú¡£ He seems a clever boy£®ËûËƺõÊǸö´ÏÃ÷µÄÄк¢¡£ She looks like her mother£®(½é´Ê¶ÌÓï)ËýÑù×ÓÏóËýĸÇס£ The film is moving£®(ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê)ÕâӰƬÁîÈ˸ж¯¡£ This shirt is not yours£¬but hers£®(Ãû´ÊÐÔÎïÖ÷´ú´Ê) Õâ¼þ³ÄÉÀ²»ÊÇÄãµÄ£¬ÊÇËýµÄ¡£ 2£®Ö÷Óï+²»¼°Îﶯ´Ê£¨¼ò³Æ£¬Ö÷ν£© The sun rises£®Ì«ÑôÉýÆðÀ´ÁË¡£ He has just come£®Ëû¸ÕÀ´¡£ 3£®Ö÷Óï+¼°Îﶯ´Ê+±öÓ¼ò³Æ£¬Ö÷ν±ö£© We love our motherland£®ÎÒÃÇÈÈ°®×æ¹ú¡£ she reads newspapers after supper£®ËýÍí·¹ºó¶Á±¨¡£ I like swimming£®ÎÒϲ»¶ÓÎÓ¾¡£ Li Ping wants to be a doctor£®ÀîƽÏëµ±Ò½Éú¡£ 4£®Ö÷Óï+¼°Îﶯ´Ê+¼ä½Ó±öÓï+Ö±½Ó±öÓ¼ò³Æ£¬Ö÷ν˫±ö£© Ö±½Ó±öÓïºÍ¼ä½Ó±öÓïÓÖ½ÐË«±öÓï¡£Ö±½Ó±öÓïÖ¸Î¼ä½Ó±öÓïÖ¸ÈË¡£¶þÕßûÓÐÂß¼µÄÖ÷ν¹Øϵ¡£ÒªÇó¸úË«±öÓïµÄ¶¯´Ê¿É·ÖΪÁ½Àࣺ (1£©give£¬show£¬send£¬pass£¬hand£¬lend£¬post£¬serve£¬read£¬take£¬write£¬tell£¬teach£®return£¬wish£¬allow£¬offer£¬promise£¬throwµÈ¡£(sth. to sb.) I lent her a novel£®= I lent a novel to her. ÎÒ½è¸øËýÒ»±¾Ð¡Ëµ¡£ Please show her your photos£®= Please show your photos to her. Çë°ÑÄãµÄÕÕƬ¸øËý¿´¿´¡£ (2)buy£¬do, make£¬find£¬build, choose£¬cut£¬draw, earn£¬gather£¬paint£¬pick, prepare get£¬order£¬sing£¬spareµÈ¡£(sth. for sb.) Her mother bought her a red skirt£® = Her mother bought a red skirt for her£® ËýĸÇ׸øËýÂòÁËÒ»Ìõºìȹ×Ó¡£ Please do me a favor£®= Please do a favor for me£® Çë°ï¸öæ¡£ 5£®Ö÷Óï+¼°Îﶯ´Ê+±öÓï+±ö²¹(¼ò³Æ£¬Ö÷ν¸´ºÏ±ö) ÓÐЩ¶¯´Ê´øÒ»¸ö±öÓïÒâ˼²»ÍêÕû£¬»¹ÐèÒªÒ»¸ö±öÓï²¹×ãÓï½øÒ»²½ËµÃ÷£¬Òâ˼²ÅÍêÕû¡£±öÓï+±öÓï²¹×ãÓï¹¹³É¸´ºÏ±öÓï¡£±öÓïºÍ±öÓï²¹×ãÓïÖ®¼äÓÐÂß¼µÄÖ÷ν¹Øϵ¡£Ë«±öÓïÖ®¼äÔòûÓÐÂß¼µÄÖ÷ν¹Øϵ¡£ ¿É×÷±öÓï²¹×ãÓïµÄ´ÊÀàÓУºÃû´Ê¡¢ÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡¢¸±´Ê¡¢²»¶¨Ê½¡¢ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê¡¢¹ýÈ¥·Ö´ÊºÍ½é´Ê¶ÌÓï¡£ ³£¼ûµÄÒªÇó´ø±ö²¹µÄ¶¯´ÊÓУºmake£¬elect£¬choose£¬call£¬name£¬leave£¬find, keep, think, set, let£¬see£¬show£¬ask£¬tell£¬invite£¬want£¬wish£¬advise£¬get£¬force£¬oblige£¬allow£¬permit£¬like£¬encourage£¬order£¬expect£¬prefer£¬hate£¬persuadeµÈ¡£ Her parents named her Mary£®(Ãû´Ê)¸¸Ä¸¸øËýÈ¡ÃûÂêÀö¡£ Do you find life hard here?(ÐÎÈÝ´Ê)Äã¸Ð¾õÕâ¶ùµÄÉú»î¼è¿àÂð? I¡¯m so glad I found you in£®(¸±´Ê)ÎҺܸßÐËÄãÔÚ¼Ò¡£ I strongly advised him not to do so£®(²»¶¨Ê½)ÎÒ½ßÁ¦È°Ëû²»ÒªÕâÑù×ö¡£ Suddenly I felt the atmosphere grow tense£® (²»´øto µÄ²»¶¨Ê½)ÎÒͻȻ¸Ðµ½Æø·Õ½ôÕÅÆðÀ´¡£ I noticed him leaving the house£®£¨-ingÐÎʽ£©ÎÒ×¢Òâµ½ËûÀ뿪·¿×Ó¡£ I was glad to see them so well treated£® £¨-edÐÎʽ£©¿´µ½ËûÃÇÊܵ½ÕâÑùºÃµÄ´ýÓö£¬ÎҺܸßÐË¡£ ÁíÍ⣬ÓÐЩ¶¯´ÊÒªÇóÓÃit×÷ÐÎʽ±öÓÃû´Ê»òÐÎÈÝ´Ê×÷±ö²¹£¬È磺make£¬find£¬feel£¬think£® I feel it necessary to speak about my opinion£® (ÐÎÈÝ´Ê)ÎÒ¾õµÃÓбØҪ̸̸ÎÒµÄÒâ¼û¡£ ˼¿¼Ìâ 1¡¢Ê²Ã´½ÐË«±öÓ 2¡¢Ê²Ã´½Ð¸´ºÏ±öÓ 3¡¢Ë«±öÓïºÍ¸´ºÏ±öÓïÓÐʲôÇø±ð£¿¾ÙÀý˵Ã÷¡£ Á·Ï°Ì⣺˵³öϵÁи÷¾ä·Ö±ðÊÇÄÄÖÖ¾äÐÍ£»Èç¹ûº¬Óбö²¹£¬Çë»®³ö×÷±ö²¹µÄ´ÊÓï¡£ 1¡¢The old man stopped to watch the children playing£® 2¡¢She is deeply moved£® 3¡¢What I want is this£® 4¡¢She is out£® 5¡¢Her job is looking after the children£® 6¡¢I hope that you can often write me letters£® 7¡¢Allow me a few minutes to read the magazine£® 8¡¢She offered an old man her seat£® 9¡¢She wrote a letter to me£®£¨ËýдÁË·âПøÎÒ¡££© 10¡¢She wrote a letter for me£®£¨ËýÌæÎÒдÁË·âÐÅ¡££© 11¡¢How do you find the dish? 12¡¢Please ask them upstairs£® 13¡¢Will you allow me to take this magazine home? 14¡¢I¡¯ve never seen you look so well before£® 15¡¢He kept you wait a long time£® 16¡¢They invited me to attend the party£® 17¡¢They made Smith the president of the University£® 18¡¢Doctors recognize Johnson as a leading authority£® 19¡¢His teacher advised him to take up the piano£® 20¡¢He gave me the facts in brief µÚ¶þ½Ú ²¢ÁÐ¾ä ²¢Áоä°üÀ¨Á½¸ö»òÁ½¸öÒÔÉϲ¢ÁжøÓÖÏ໥¶ÀÁ¢µÄ¼òµ¥¾ä¡£Æä½á¹¹Îª¡°¼òµ¥¾ä+Á¬´Ê+¼òµ¥¾ä¡±»òÖмäÓÉ¡°£»¡±Á¬½Ó¡£ 1¡¢±íʾÑÓÐø¡¢²¢ÁйØϵµÄÁ¬´ÊÓÐand(ͬ£¬ºÍ)£¬so(ËùÒÔ£¬Òò´Ë)£¬for, therefore(ÒòΪ£¬ËùÒÔ)£¬not only¡but(also)(²»½ö¡¡¶øÇÒ)£¬neither¡nor(¼È²»¡¡Ò²²»)µÈ¡£È磺 We help them and they help us£® ÎÒÃÇ°ïÖúËûÃÇ£¬ËûÃÇ°ïÖúÎÒÃÇ¡£ He has been working hard, so he has made much progress recently. ËûһֱŬÁ¦¹¤×÷£¬ËùÒÔËû½üÀ´È¡µÃÁ˺ܴó½ø²½¡£ I think£¬therefore I exist£® ÎÒ˼¹ÊÎÒÔÚ¡£ She not only writes her own plays, but she also acts in them£® Ëý²»½ö×Ô¼º±à¾ç±¾£¬»¹ÊÎÑÝÆäÖеĽÇÉ«¡£ He neither speaks English, nor understands it£® Ëû¼È²»»á½²Ó¢ÓҲÌý²»¶®Ó¢Óï¡£ 2¡¢±íʾÁ½ÕßÖ®¼äÑ¡ÔñÆäÒ»³£ÓõÄÓÐor(»òÕߣ¬·ñÔò)£¬otherwise(·ñÔò)£¬or else(·ñÔò)£¬either¡or(²»ÊÇ¡¡¾ÍÊÇ)¡£È磺 Either he is to blame or I am£® ²»ÊÇËû¸ÃÊÜÔ𣬾ÍÊÇÎÒ¸ÃÊÜÔð¡£ You must go to work or£¯or else£¯otherwise you¡¯ll lose your job£® ÄãµÃÈ¥ÉÏ°àÁË£¬Òª²»È»¾ÍҪʧȥÕâ·Ý¹¤×÷ÁË¡£ 3¡¢±íʾתÕÛ¹ØϵµÄ²¢ÁÐÁ¬´ÊÓÐbut(µ«ÊÇ)£¬yet(È»¶ø)£¬still(ÈÔÈ»)£¬however(È»¶ø)£¬while(¶ø£¬¿ÉÊÇÁíÒ»·½Ãæ)£¬whereas(¶ø£¬·´¹ýÀ´)µÈ¡£ He is well over seventy, but he doesn¡¯t look at all old£® ËûÆßÊ®¶àË꣬µ«¿´ÉÏÈ¥Ò»µã¶ùÒ²²»ÀÏ¡£ She trained hard all year, yet she still failed to reach her best form. ËýÈ«Äê¼è¿àѵÁ·£¬È»¶øÈÔδ´ïµ½×Ô¼ºµÄ×î¼Ñ״̬¡£ I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream ÎÒ°®ºÈÇ忧·È¶øËûϲ»¶¼ÓÄÌÓ͵ġ£ µÚÈý½Ú ¸´ºÏ¾ä ¸´ºÏ¾äÓÉÒ»¸öÖ÷¾äºÍÒ»¸ö»òÒ»¸öÒÔÉϵĴӾ乹³É¡£´Ó¾ä°üÀ¨Ãû´ÊÐԴӾ䣨Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä£¬±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬±íÓï´Ó¾ä£©¡¢×´Óï´Ó¾äºÍ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä¡£ È磺 What he said is true. ËûËù˵µÄÊÇÕæµÄ¡££¨Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä£© I didn¡¯t hear what he had said. ÎÒûÌý¼ûËû˵µÄʲô¡££¨±öÓï´Ó¾ä£© The question is who will go there. ÎÊÌâÊÇËÔ¸ÒâÈ¥ÄÇÀï¡££¨±íÓï´Ó¾ä£© I was about to leave£¬when the telephone rang£® ÎÒÕý×¼±¸À뿪£¬µç»°ÏìÁË¡££¨×´Óï´Ó¾ä£© This is the book that I bought yesterday. ÕâÊÇÎÒ×òÌìÂòµÄÊé¡££¨¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£© Ãû´ÊÐԴӾ䡢״Óï´Ó¾äºÍ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÈý´ó´Ó¾äµÄ¾ßÌåÓ÷¨ÏÂÃæÎÒÃÇÒª·Ö±ð¾ßÌå½âÊÍ¡£ Á·Ï°£ºÅжÏÏÂÁоä×ÓÊDz¢Áо仹ÊǸ´ºÏ¾ä¡£ 1. The wind blew hard; the snow fell heavily. 2. Use your head£¬and you¡¯11 find the answer£® 3. Do what you¡¯ve been told£¬otherwise you will be punished£® 4. Would you like a cup of coffee or shall we get down to business right away? 5. He is strong£¬while his brother is weak£® 6. He got up early£¬(and)yet he failed to catch the early bus£® 7. He knew what he wanted£¬however£¬he didn¡¯t know how to get it£® 8. Why he didn¡¯t come wasn¡¯t quite clear£® 9. When we¡¯ll have the sports meet hasn¡¯t been decided yet£® 10. She is weak, while his son is strong£® 11. Though he is old£¬(yet)he works very hard£® 12. I really believe(that)Tom was telling the truth£® 13. I am sure that we can get there on time£® 14. Do you know the man who is talking to Mr. Jack? 15. Where there is a will, there is a way. 16. Spring comes and trees turn green£® 17. He doesn¡¯t smoke£¬neither£¯nor does his brother£® 18. I spoke so slowly that I could make myself understood. µÚËÄ½Ú Ãû´ÊÐÔ´Ó¾ä Ò»¡¢ ¶¨Òå Ê×ÏÈ£¬ÇëͬѧÃÇ˵³öÏÂÁоä¸÷Öл®ÏߴʵĴÊÐÔ¼°Óï·¨×÷ÓᣠMary is a teacher. I like English. ½áÂÛ£ºËüÃǶ¼ÊÇÃû´Ê£¬ÔÚ¾äÖзֱð×öÖ÷Óï¡¢±íÓïºÍ±öÓï¡£¼´ÔÚÓ¢ÓïÖÐÃû´ÊµÄÖ÷Òª×÷ÓÃÊÇ×öÖ÷Óï¡¢±íÓïºÍ±öÓï¡£ È»ºó£¬ÎÒÃÇÒ»Æð·ÖÎöÏÂÁи÷¾äÖл®Ïß²¿·ÖµÄÓï·¨×÷ÓᣠThat Mary is a teacher is known to us all. I know that Mary is a teacher. The fact is that Mary is a teacher. ½áÂÛ£ºËüÃÇ·Ö±ð×öÖ÷Óï¡¢±öÓïºÍ±íÓï¡£¾ùÆðµ½ÁËÒ»¸öÃû´ÊµÄ×÷Óá£ÔÙÕߣ¬»®Ïß²¿·Ö±¾Éí¾ÍÊÇÒ»¸ö¾ä×Ó£¬¹ÊÔÚ¸´ºÏ¾äÖÐÆðÃû´Ê×÷ÓõĴӾäͳ³ÆÃû´ÊÐԴӾ䡣 ¶þ¡¢·ÖÀà ÇëÖضÁÉÏÊöÀý¾ä²¢ÒÀ¾ÝËüÃÇÔÚÈ«¾äÖеÄ×÷Óã¬Ëµ³öËüÃǾßÌåµÄ´Ó¾äÃû³Æ¡£ That Mary is a teacher is known to us all. I know that Mary is a teacher. The fact is that Mary is a teacher. ½áÂÛ£ºÔÚ¸´ºÏ¾äÖÐÆðÖ÷Óï×÷ÓõĴӾä³ÆΪÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä£» Æð____×÷ÓõĴӾä³ÆΪ±öÓï´Ó¾ä£» Æð±íÓï×÷ÓõĴӾä³ÆΪ____´Ó¾ä£» Ãû´ÊÐÔ´Ó¾ä·ÖÈýÀࣺÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä£»±öÓï´Ó¾äºÍ±íÓï´Ó¾ä¡£ Èý¡¢Á¬´Ê Òýµ¼Ãû´ÊÐÔ´Ó¾äµÄÒýµ¼´ÊÓÐÈýÀࣺ 1. that 2. whether/if(Ö÷ÒªÓÃÓÚÒýµ¼Ö÷Óï´Ó¾äºÍ±öÓï´Ó¾ä)£»as if(Ö÷ÒªÓÃÓÚÒýµ¼±íÓï´Ó¾ä) 3. who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, why, how. Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä thatÒýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä That he will come tomorrow is certain. That she became monitor made us happy. Ó¢ÎÄÖÐÓÐÒ»ÖÖÏ°¹ß£¬°Ñthat Òýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾äÓÃitÀ´´úÌæËü£¬¼´it×öÐÎʽÖ÷Ó°Ñ×öÕæÕýÖ÷ÓïµÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä·ÅÔÚÖ÷¾äÖ®ºó¡£È磺 That he will come tomorrow is certain. =It is certain that he will come tomorrow. ÔÙÀý£º It is necessary that we learn English well. It is a pity that we can¡¯t go shopping. It is said that he has been to England. whetherÒýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä Whether she will be our teacher is not clear. =It is not clear whether she will be our teacher. Whether he will succeed or not doesn¡¯t interest me. =It doesn¡¯t interest me whether he will succeed or not. wh-´ÊºÍhow Òýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä £¨who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, why¾ùÒÔwh¿ªÍ·£¬¹Êͳ³Æwh-´Ê£© Who will be our English teacher has not been decided. What you have said sounds reasonable. ×¢Ò⣺1. thatÔÚÖ÷Óï´Ó¾äÖв»ÆðÈκÎÓï·¨×÷Ó㬵«²»ÄÜÊ¡ÂÔ¡£ 2. if ²»ÄÜÒýµ¼Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä¡£ ±öÓï´Ó¾ä Ëü¿ÉÒÔ×÷¶¯´ÊνÓïµÄ±öÓҲ¿É×÷·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡¢Ä³Ð©½é´ÊºÍijЩÐÎÈݴʵıöÓï¡£ thatÒýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä I really believe(that)Tom was telling the truth£® I am sure that we can get there on time£® ÓÉthatÒýÆðµÄ±öÓï´Ó¾äÔÚÒâ˼ÉÏÏ൱ÓÚ³ÂÊö¾ä£¬´Ëʱthat³£¿ÉÊ¡È¥£¬µ«ÔÚÒÔϼ¸ÖÖÇé¿öÏ£¬that²»¿ÉÊ¡¡£ 1)that´Ó¾ä±»¶ÌÓ´Ê×éµÈÓëνÓﶯ´Ê·Ö¸ô¿ªÊ±£¬that²»¿ÉÊ¡¡£ They told us once again that this should never happen£® (´Ë¾äÖÐthatÒýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä±»´Ê×éonce againÓëÖ÷¾ä¸ô¿ª£¬Òò´Ëthat²»¿ÉÊ¡¡£) Everyone could see£¬I believe, that Mike was terrified£® (¾äÖÐI believeΪ²åÈëÓ¹Êthat²»¿ÉÊ¡) 2)µ±Á¬½ÓÁ½¸ö»òÁ½¸öÒÔÉϵıöÓï´Ó¾äʱ£¬µÚ¶þ¸ö´Ó¾ä¼°ÒÔºóµÄÁ¬½Ó´Êthat²»¿ÉÊ¡¡£ She said(that)her mother had gone abroad and that she would come back in a week. whether£¬if Òýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä I don£¬t know if£¯whether he has ever been to New York£® I wonder whether he can speak German or not£® ÒÔÉÏÀý¾äÖеÄwhetherºÍif(ÊÇ·ñ)¶¼ÊÇÒýµ¼±öÓï´Ó¾äµÄ£¬Ò»°ãÇé¿öÏÂwhether£¬ºÍif¿É»¥»»¡£µ«ÔÚÏÂÁÐÇé¿öÏÂwhetherºÍif²»¿É»»Óᣠ1)whetherÖ®ºó¿É½ô¸úor not»ò¹¹³Éwhether£®. .or not½á¹¹£¬ifºóÒ»°ã²»Äܽô¸úor not,µ«¿É¹¹³Éif£®..or not½á¹¹£® I wonder whether£¯if Mr£®Smith has arrived or not£® I wonder whether or not Mr£®Smith has arrived£®(²»¿ÉÓÃif´úÌæ) 2)µ±±öÓï´Ó¾äÊÇ·ñ¶¨¾äʱ£¬Ö»¿ÉÓÃif¶ø²»¿ÉÓÃwhether¡£ I don¡¯t care if she doesn¡¯t smile£® 3)µ±¸Ã±öÓï´Ó¾äΪ½é´Ê±öÓïʱ£¬Ö»¿ÉÓÃwhether¶ø²»¿ÉÓÃif. I¡¯m not interested in whether you are against the proposal or not£® 4)µ±±öÓï´Ó¾äÖгöÏÖÁ˲¢ÁÐÁ¬´Êor¹¹³ÉµÄ²¢Áнṹʱ£¬Ö»¿ÉÓÃwhether¶ø²»¿ÉÓÃif£® He asked me whether I was a student or a teacher£® wh-´ÊºÍhow Òýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä I can¡¯t imagine why he did that thing. Please tell me where you went yesterday. ×¢Ò⣺1. Õû¸ö¸´ºÏ¾äÊÇÒÉÎʾäʱ£¬ÆäÖеıöÓï´Ó¾äÓ¦ÓóÂÊö¾äµÄÓïÐò¡£ 2. µ±Ö÷¾äµÄνÓﶯ´ÊÊǹýȥʱ̬ʱ£¬±öÓï´Ó¾äµÄνÓïÓ¦ÓùýÈ¥ÏàÓ¦µÄʱ̬¡£(±íʾÕæÀíµÄºÍ¿Í¹ÛÊÂʵµÄ³ýÍâ) ±íÓï´Ó¾ä thatÒýµ¼µÄ±íÓï´Ó¾ä The reason was that he fell ill. My idea is that we should spend our holiday in Qingdao. as if Òýµ¼µÄ±íÓï´Ó¾ä The question is whether it is worth doing. It looks as if it is going to rain. wh-´ÊºÍhow Òýµ¼µÄ±íÓï´Ó¾ä Is this where he was born? The important thing is what on earth has happened to him. The question is who will go there. ˼¿¼Ìâ 1.Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä¡¢±öÓï´Ó¾äºÍ±íÓï´Ó¾äΪʲôͳ³ÆΪÃû´ÊÐԴӾ䣿 2.that Òýµ¼Ö÷Óï´Ó¾äºÍ±öÓï´Ó¾äÓÐʲôÒìͬ£¿ 3.whether ºÍif ÔÚÒýµ¼Ãû´ÊÐÔ´Ó¾äʱµÄÇø±ðÊÇʲô£¿ 4.ÔÚ±öÓï´Ó¾äÖУ¬Äļ¸ÖÖÇé¿öthat²»ÄÜÊ¡ÂÔ£¿ÔÚÓïÐòºÍʱ̬·½ÃæӦעÒâʲô£¿ Á·Ï°: Ò»¡¢ÕÒ³öÏÂÁи÷¸´ºÏ¾äÖеĴӾ䲢˵Ã÷ÊÇʲô´Ó¾ä£¬ÇÒ¿ÚÒëÈ«¾ä¡£ 1. It is a wonder that he should know so much about this matter. 2. I¡¯m sure that you are the tallest man in the world. 3. We are afraid that the trip will be too much for an old man£® 4. It doesn¡¯t make much difference whether they come or not. 5. Whether or not he is your friend doesn¡¯t too much. 6. Where she has gone is not known yet£® 7. You may take whatever you like£® 8. He told me where he had been£® 9. I know when we will take off for London£® 10. How he became a three-good student is known to us a11£® 11. Why he didn¡¯t come wasn¡¯t quite clear£® 12. It happened that they went out when I called. 13. When we¡¯11 have the sports meet hasn¡¯t been decided yet£® 14. Whom the teacher will praise in class is an important question£® 15. I¡¯m sorry that I didn¡¯t recognize you just now. 16. We are glad that none of you failed in this exam. 17. He said that he would call on his old teacher£® 18. I heard that some of the old teachers in our school had retired£® 19. I want to know what has happened to her£® 20. Whose answer is correct will be discussed at the meeting£® 21. Which composition is the best will be decided tomorrow£® 22. I was surprised at what you said£® 23. Did he say anything about how the work was to be done? 24. The question is whether it worth doing. 25. The reason is that he fell ill. ¶þ¡¢µ¥ÏîÑ¡Ôñ 1£®Can you tell me_____? A. who is that gentleman B£®that gentleman is who C. who that gentleman is D£®whom is that gentleman 2£®Can you tell me _____ the railway station? A, how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D£®where can I get to 3£®Ask her _____ come with me£® A. if she will B£®if will she C£®whether will she D£®will she 4. I have no idea _____ far the airport is from here£® A£®what B. how C£®it¡¯s D£®that 5£®They have no idea at all ______ £® A. where he has gone B£®where did he go C. which place has he gone D£®where has he gone 6£®_____ he said is true£® A. What B£®That C£®Which D£®Whether 7£®_____ you have done might do harm to other people£® A£®That B. What C£®Which D£®This 8£®They want to know _____ do to help us. A. what can they B. what they can C. how they can D£®how can they 9. These photographs will show you ______£® A£®what does our village look like B. what our village looks like C£®how does our village look like D£®how our village looks like 10. _____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights£® A. Anyone B£®The person C. Whoever D£®Who 11. _____ we need more practice is quite clear£® A£®When B£®What C. That D£®£¯ l2. _____ I accept the gift or refuse it is none of your business A£®If B. Whether C. Even if D£®No matter when 13£®_____ he is doing seems quite difficult£® A£®How B£®That C£®Which D. What 14£® ______ that there is another good harvest this year£® A£®It says B. It is said C£®I was said D£®He was said 15. It is suggested that a new building_____£® A. be built at once B. should build next year C£®would be built at once D. could be built next year 16£®It is suggested that the experiment _____ under low temperature£® A£®makes B£®is making C. should be made D£®will be made 17£®_____ was quite helpful£® A. What they advised me to do B£®That they advised me to do C. What did they advise me to do D£®All what they advised me to do 18£®_____ still needs to be discussed£® A. How is the plan to be carried out B. How the plan is to be carried out C. Why is the plan carried out D. Why the plan is carried out 19£®The question is _____ we¡¯11 overcome all the difficulties£® A£®what B. how C£®that D£®which 20£®Shanghai is no longer the same city _____ £® A. as it used to be B£®what it used to be C. as it is used to being D£®that it used to be 21£®Is it possible _____ he misunderstood _____ I said? A£®that, that B. what, what C£®what, that D. that, what 22£®He thought _____ he might fail in the exam worried him£® A£®which B. that C£®when D£®so that 23£®The fact is ____ he is an advanced worker£® A£®what B£®which C. that D£®why 24£®I have no idea _____£® A. what does the word¡°infinity¡±mean B. what the word¡°infinity¡±means C. what the meaning of word the¡°infinity¡± D. what the word¡°infinity¡±mean 25£®I wonder _____ he asked such a silly question in public£® A£®how B£®what C£®that D. why 26£®Are you sure _____? A. whether she is honest B£®that she is honesty C. she is honest D£®is she honest 27£®He _____ you are not going abroad£® A£®surprised that B. is surprised that C£®surprised at D. is surprised whether 28. What I said was wrong in the last letter for you£®I wish I ______ it back. A. could take B. would take C£®will take D£®take 29£®I wish I _____ yesterday¡¯s lecture£® A£®were able to attend B. had been able to attend C£®attend D. could be attending 30£®Do you know what time _____ ? A. does the football match begin B£®begins the football match C. the football match begins D£®will the football match begin 31£®___ will take part in the physics contest will be announced at tomorrow¡¯s meeting£® A. Whoever B. Who C£®Which D£®That 32£®_____ certain that his invention will lead to the development of production£® A£®That¡¯s B£®This is C. It¡¯s D£®What¡¯s 33£®It seems to me _____not all the government officials are honest. A. that B£®why C£®even if D£®how 34£®_____ that he has written several books in the last few years£® A£®It says B. It is said C£®It was said D£®He was said 35£®_____ I was free that evening£® A£®It happened to B. It happened that C£®That happened D. It is happened that 36£®It is strange ______ . A. that no one should like this book B£®that no one liked this book C. that why no one likes this book D£®why no one likes this book 37£®That was _____ the Party called on us to do£® A. what B£®that C£®how D£®why 38£®The trouble is ______ we are short of hands£® A£®what B. that C£®how D£®why 39£®Qingdao is no longer ______ £® A. what it used to be B£®what it used to like C. which it used to be D£®what it is used to 40. _____I can¡¯t understand is _____ he wants to change his mind£® A£®What£¬that B. what, why C£®Which£¬how D£®What£¬what 41. The reason why I have to go is ______if I don¡¯t£® A. that she will be disappointed B. because she will be disappointed C. that she will be disappointing D. on account of her being disappointed 42. The fact _____ in the past few years proves that the reform and open policy is correct. A. that great achievement was made B. which great achievements were made C. what have been made D. that great achievements have been made 43£®His suggestion _____ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us£® A. that we go B£®which we should go C. that would go D£®when we should go 44£®I will give this dictionary to ____ wants to have it£® A£®whomever B .whoever C£®who D£®whatever 45. He kept looking at the girl£¬wondering ______ £® A. where he has seen her before B. where has he seen her before C. where he had seen her before D. where had he seen her before 46. He was interested in ______ he had seen at the exhibition£® A. which B£®that C. all that D. all what 47£®I don¡¯t think _____ . A. he came to the concert yesterday true£® B. true that he came to the concert yesterday£® C. it that he came to the concert yesterday true£® D. it true that he came to the concert yesterday£® 48£®I did ______ I could ______ the orphan£® A. that, take care of B£®how£¬take care of C. what, to take care of D£®what£¬take care of 49. In the room he wrote down _____ £® A£®that had happened B£®that had happened to him C£®what had been happened D£®what had happened to him 50£®My English teacher asked _____ £® A. what was wrong with me B. what was wrong with you C. what is wrong with me D. what is wrong with you 51£®Can you make sure _____ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B£®where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D£®where has Alice put 52. No one can be sure _____ in a million years£® A. what man will look like B£®what will man look like C£®man will look like what D£®what look will man like 53. It worried her a bit ______ her hair was turning grey£® A. while B . that C£®if D£®for 54£®_____ the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing again is not known yet. A£®Whenever B£®If C£®Whether D£®That 55£®_____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present£® A. What B. That C£®How D£®Why 56£®Ò»Do you remember ______ he came? ¡ªYes£¬I do£®He came by car£® A. how B£®when C£®that D£®if 57£®It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants£® A£®however B. whatever C£®whichever D£®whenever 58£®¡ªI drove to Zhuhai for the air show 1ast week£® ¡ªIs that ______ you had a few days off£® A. why B£®when C£®what D£®where 59£®The ability to do the job matters not ______ you come from or what you are£® A£®when B. where C£®what D£®how 60£®A computer can only do _____ you have instructed it to do£® A£®how B£®after C. what D£®when Èý¡¢ººÒëÓ¢ 1£®ÎÒÏëÖªµÀµÄ¾ÍÊÇËýÃ÷ÌìÊÇ·ñÀ´¡£ 2£®ÏÂÖÜÎÒÃÇ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÇÈ·¶¨ÎÞÒɵġ£ 3£®ËûÔõÑù±»Ñ¡Îª°à³¤ÊÇÖÚËùÖÜÖªµÄ¡£ 4£®ÎÒÃÇʲôʱºò¶¯ÉíÈ¥ÉϺ£»¹Ã»¶¨ÏÂÀ´¡£ 5£®ËÔÚ»áÉÏ×÷±¨¸æ»¹²»Çå³þ¡£ 6£®²»ÂÛ˵ÚÒ»´Îʧ°Ü»¹¿ÉÒÔÔÙ¸øÒ»´Î»ú»á¡£ 7£®ËùÓÐÎÄÕÂÖÐÄÄһƪ×îºÃÒªÔÚÃ÷Ì춨ÏÂÀ´¡£ 8£®Ëý˵ËýµÚ¶þÌìҪȥ°Ý·ÃËýµÄÓ¢ÓïÆôÃÉÀÏʦ¡£ 9£®ÇëÎʵ½ÖÐɽ¹«Ô°Ôõô×ß? 10£®ÎÒºÜÏëÖªµÀ˽«È¡µÃµÚÒ»Ãû¡£ 11£®ÎÒÏàÐÅËû½«ÔÚ¼ÒÀïµÈÎÒ¡£ 12£®ÎÒÄÉÃÆΪʲôÄãÕâô¾Ãû¸øÎÒ»ØÐÅ¡£ 13£®Õâ´Î¿¼ÊÔÄãûÓеø߷ÖÎҸе½Ææ¹Ö¡£ 14£®²»ÖªÄãÄÜ·ñ¸øÎÒÖ¸³öµ½Óʵç¾ÖµÄ·¡£ 15£®ËûËƺõºÜ¸ßÐË¡£ µÚÎå½Ú ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä Ò»¡¢ ¶¨Ò壺¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÊÇÒ»ÖÖÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐԴӾ䡣Ï൱ÓÚÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬ÐÞÊÎÃû´Ê¡¢´ú´Ê»òÕß¾ä×Ó¡£ 1£®ÏÈÐдʣº±»¶¨Óï´Ó¾äËùÐÞÊεĴʽÐÏÈÐдʣ¬¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÐë·ÅÔÚÏÈÐдÊÖ®ºó¡£ 2£®Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄ´Ê½Ð¹Øϵ´Ê£¬¹Øϵ´Ê·Ö¹Øϵ´ú´ÊºÍ¹Øϵ¸±´Ê¡£¹Øϵ´ú´ÊºÍ¹Øϵ¸±´Ê£¬²»µ«ÆðÁ¬½ÓÖ÷´Ó¸´ºÏ¾äµÄ×÷Ó㬶øÇÒÔÚ¾ä×ÓÖбØÐëµ£Èξä×ӳɷݡ£ ¹Øϵ´ú´ÊÓУºwho£¬whom£¬whose£¬that£¬whichµÈ¡£ ¹Øϵ¸±´ÊÓУºwhen£¬where£¬whyµÈ¡£ A doctor is a person who looks after people¡¯s health. ¾äÖÐpersonÊÇÏÈÐдʣ¬»®Ïß²¿·ÖÊǶ¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whoÊǹØϵ´ú´Ê Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×öÖ÷Óï¡£ 3£®¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖеÄνÓﶯ´ÊÒªºÍÏÈÐдÊÔÚÈ˳ÆÉϺÍÊýÉÏÒ»Ö¡£ 1) This is the girl who usually is the first to come to school. £¨is ºÍgirl ±£³ÖÒ»Ö¡££© These are the girls who usually are the first to come to school. (are ºÍgirls ±£³ÖÒ»Ö¡££© 2)one of +¸´ÊýÃû´Ê+¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä+¸´ÊýνÓï He is one of the boys who have been to Beijing. µ«the only one of +¸´ÊýÃû´Ê+¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä+µ¥ÊýνÓï He is the only one of the boys who has been to Beijing. ¶þ¡¢¹Øϵ´ú´ÊµÄÓ÷¨£º ¹Øϵ´Ê ´úÌ湦ÄÜ ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ µÄ×÷Óà Àý¾ä who ´úÌæÈË Ö÷Óï The girl who plays the piano very well is his daughter£®ÄÇλ¸ÖÇÙµ¯µÃºÜºÃµÄС¹ÃÄïÊÇËûµÄÅ®¶ù¡£ ±íÓï He is no longer the man who he used to be£®Ëû²»ÔÙÊÇÒÔÇ°ÄÇÑùµÄÈËÁË¡£ whom ´úÌæÈË ¶¯´Ê±öÓï Where is the student whom Professor Su praised at the meeting? ËÕ½ÌÊÚÔÚ»áÉϱíÑïµÄÄǸöѧţÔÚÄÄÀï? ½é´Ê±öÓï The man with whom she was traveling is her boyfriend£®¸úËýÒ»µÀÂÃÐеÄÄǸöÄÐÈËÊÇËûµÄÄÐÅóÓÑ¡£ Whose(=of whom\which) ´úÌæÈË ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ãû´ÊµÄ¶¨Óï She is looking after the little child whose parents have gone to London£®ËýÔÚÕÕ¿´Æ丸ĸȥÁËÂ׶صÄÄǸöСº¢¡£ ´úÌæÎï He lives in the room whose windows face south£®ËûסÔÚ´°»§³¯ÄϵÄÄǸö·¿¼ä¡£ that ´úÌæÈË Ö÷Óï The man that is speaking at the meeting is a famous scientist£® ÔÚ»áÉϽ²»°µÄÄǸöÈËÊÇһλÖøÃûµÄ¿Æѧ¼Ò¡£ ±öÓï Is this the teacher that you talked about yesterday£® Õâ¾ÍÊÇÄãÃÇ×òÌìµµ½µÄÄÇλÀÏʦÂð? ±íÓï She is no longer the girl that she was in her childhood£®Ëý²»ÔÙÊÇËýͯÄêʱ´úµÄÄǸöÅ®º¢ÁË¡£ ´úÌæÎï´úÌæ ´úÌæÎï Ö÷Óï The train that has just left is for Shanghai£®¸Õ¸ÕÀ뿪µÄÄÇÁлð³µÊÇ¿ªÍùÉϺ£µÄ¡£ ±öÓï Is this the photo that you took last summer? ÕâÊÇÄãÈ¥ÄêÏÄÌìÕÕµÄÏàƬÂð? ±íÓï My home town is not a polluted place that you think it to be£®ÎҵļÒÏç²»ÊÇÏñÄãÈÏΪµÄÒ»¸öÎÛȾµÄµØ·½¡£ which ´úÌæÎï Ö÷Óï The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket£® λÓÚ»ð³µÕ¾¸½½üµÄÄÇ×ù´óÂ¥ÊÇÒ»¼Ò³¬ÊС£ ±öÓï The computer which I wanted to buy was sold out£®ÎÒÏëÂòµÄÄÇÖÖ¼ÆËã»úÂôÍêÁË¡£ ±íÓï She was fond of dancing£¬which her brother never was£®Ëýϲ°®ÌøÎ裬ËýµÜµÜ´Ó²»Ï²°®¡£ 1£®ÓÃwho´úÌæwhomÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷±öÓÖ÷ÒªÓÃÓÚ¿ÚÓï¡£ 2£®ÔÚ¿ÚÓïÖÐ who, whom, that, whichÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷¶¯´Ê±öÓïʱ³£³£Ê¡È¥¡£È磺 The boy (whom)I mentioned is his son£®ÎÒ¸Õ²ÅÌáµ½µÄÄǸöÄк¢ÊÇËûµÄ¶ù×Ó¡£ 3£®Á½ÖÖ²»ÄÜÓÃthat Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄÇé¿ö£º Ò»Êǵ±¹Øϵ´ú´Ê×÷½é´Ê±öÓÇÒ½é´ÊÔÚ¹Øϵ´ú´ÊÇ°Ãæʱ£¬²»¿ÉÓÃthat£¬Ö»ÄÜÓÃwho, whom»òwhich¡£ This is the house in which we lived last year. This is the house that we lived in last year. ¶þÊÇ·ÇÏÞ¶¨ÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä²»ÄÜÓÃthat Òýµ¼£¬Ö»ÄÜÓÃwhom»òwhich¡£ The book here, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by Mary. 4£®¼¸ÖÖÖ»ÄÜÓÃthatÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄÇé¿ö£º 1£©ÏÈÐдÊÊDz»¶¨´ú´Êall£¬few£¬little£¬much£¬everything£¬nothing£¬anything£¬noneµÈ¡£È磺 Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop? ÄãÔÚÉ̵êÀïÓÐʲô¶«Î÷ÒªÂòÂ𣿠2£©ÏÈÐдʱ»ÐòÊý´Ê»òÐÎÈÝ´Ê×î¸ß¼¶ËùÐÞÊΣ¬»ò±¾ÉíÊÇÐòÊý´Ê¡¢»ùÊý´Ê¡¢ÐÎÈÝ´Ê×î¸ß¼¶¡£È磺 This is the best movie that I¡¯ve ever seen£®ÕâÊÇÎÒ¿´µ½¹ýµÄ×îºÃÒ»²¿µçÓ°¡£ 3) ÏÈÐдʱ»all£¬any£¬every£¬each£¬few£¬little£¬no£¬someµÈÐÞÊÎʱ¡£È磺 I have read all the books(that)you gave me£®ÎÒ¶ÁÁËÄã¸øÎÒµÄËùÓеÄÊé¡£ 4£©ÏÈÐдʱ»the only£¬the very£¬the same£¬the lastÐÞÊÎʱ¡£È磺 He is the only person that I want to talk to£®Ëû¾ÍÊÇÎÒҪ̸»°µÄÄǸöÈË¡£ 5£©µ±²¢ÁеÄÁ½¸öÏÈÐдʷֱð±íʾÈ˺ÍÎïʱ¡£ È磺 They are talking about things and persons that they remembered. ËûÃÇÔÚ̸ÂÛËûÃÇËùÄÜ»ØÒäÆðÀ´µÄÈ˺ÍÊ¡£ 6)ÔÚÒÔwho»òwhich¿ªÍ·µÄÌØÊâÒÉÎʾäʱ£¬Îª±ÜÃâÖظ´¡£È磺 Who is the girl that is crying? ÕýÔÚ¿ÞÆüµÄÄǸöÅ®º¢ÊÇË? Which of the books that were borrowed from the library is yours? ´ÓͼÊé¹Ý½èµÄÄÄÒ»±¾ÊÇÄãµÄ£¿ 7) Èç¹ûÓÐÁ½¸ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÆäÖÐÒ»¸ö¹Øϵ´ÊÒÑÓÃwhich£¬ÔòÁíÒ»¸öÓÃthat¡£È磺 The country built up a factory which produced things that have never been seen before. Õâ¸ö¹ú¼Ò½¨ÁËÒ»¸öÉú²úÒÔǰδÔø¼ûµ½¹ýµÄ¶«Î÷µÄ¹¤³§¡£ 8£©Ö÷¾äÒÔthere be¿ªÍ·¡£È磺 There is a seat in the corner that is still free£®ÔÚÄǸö½ÇÂ仹Óиö×ùλ¿Õ×Å¡£ Èý¡¢¹Øϵ¸±´ÊµÄÓ÷¨£º Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄ¹Øϵ¸±´Ê´úÌæÓëÆäÏàÓ¦µÄÏÈÐдʣ¬²¢ÇÒÔÚ´Ó¾äÖзֱðÆðʱ¼ä¡¢µØµãºÍÔÒò×´Óï×÷Ó᣹Øϵ¸±´ÊÔÚÒâÒåÉϳ£³£Ï൱ÓÚÒ»¸ö¡°½é´Ê+which¡±½á¹¹¡£ÈçÏÂ±í£º ¹Øϵ´Ê ´úÌ湦ÄÜ ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ µÄ×÷Óà Àý ¾ä when (= at£¬on£¬in£¬during which) ʱ¼äÃû´Ê ʱ¼ä×´Óï I shall never forget the day when(on which)we moved into our new house£® ÎÒ½«ÓÀÔ¶²»»áÍü¼ÇÎÒÃÇ°á½øоӵÄÄÇÒ»Ìì¡£ where (=in, at which) µØµãÃû´Ê µØµã×´Óï This is the place where(at which)Jack parks his car£® ÕâÊǽܿ˷ųµµÄµØ·½¡£ why(for which) Ö¸´úÔÒò ÔÒò×´Óï He didn't know the reason why(for which)he was dismissed£® Ëû²»ÖªµÀËûΪʲô±»½âÖ°¡£ 1£®ËäÈ»ÏÈÐдÊÊDZíʾʱ¼ä¡¢µØµã¡¢ÔÒòµÄÃû´Ê£¬µ«¹Øϵ´ÊÔÚ´Ó¾äÖв»Êdz䵱״Ó¶øÊdz䵱Ö÷Óï¡¢±öÓïʱ£¬¾Í²»ÄÜÓÃwhen£¬whereºÍwhy¡£Ò²¾ÍÊÇ˵ѡÔñ¹Øϵ´ÊÓëÏÈÐдÊÔÚÖ÷¾äÖеÄÓï·¨µØλÎ޹أ¬Ö÷Òª¿´´úÌæÏÈÐдʵĹØϵ´ÊÔÚ´Ó¾äÖе£ÈÎʲô³É·Ö£»Æä´ÎÔÙ¿´ÏÈÐдʱíʾµÄÊÇÈË¡¢Îʱ¼ä¡¢µØµã»¹ÊÇÔÒò¡£È磺 I still remember the days when I stayed in Beijing£® ÎÒÈÔÈ»¼ÇµÃÔÚ±±¾©´ýµÄÄÇЩÈÕ×Ó I still remember the days which we spent together£® ÎÒÈÔÈ»¼ÇµÃÎÒÃÇÔÚÒ»Æð¶È¹ýµÄÄÇЩÈÕ×Ó¡£ He showed me the place where he lived£®Ëû´øÎÒ¿´ÁËËûסµÄµØ·½¡£ This is the place which we visited last year£®ÕâÊÇÎÒÃÇÈ¥Äê²Î¹Û¹ýµÄµØ·½¡£ This is the reason why we must go earlier now£® Õâ¾ÍÊÇÎÒÃDZØÐëÔçµãÈ¥µÄÔÒò¡£ The reason which you gave us was unacceptable£® ÄãÌá³öµÄÀíÓÉÊDz»ÄܽÓÊܵġ£ 2£®ÔÚ¿ÚÓïºÍ·ÇÕýʽ³¡ºÏ£¬when£¬whereºÍwhy»òÏ൱ÓÚ¹Øϵ¸±´ÊµÄ¡°½é´Ê+which¡±½á¹¹¡£È磺 Do you know anywhere where (=at which) I can get a drink? ÄãÖªµÀÔÚÄǶùÎÒÄܺȱ¾Æ£¿ The last day when (= on which)I saw her was a fine morning in July£® ÎÒ¼ûµ½ËýµÄ×îºóÄÇÌìÊÇÆßÔ·ݵÄÒ»¸öÑô¹âÃ÷ÃĵÄÔ糿¡£ Spring is the best season when (during which) we can go outing. This is the reason why (=for which)he was absent yesterday£® Õâ¾ÍÊÇËû×òÌìȱϯµÄÀíÓÉ¡£ This is the dictionary with which I can translate the book. ×ܽáÒÔÉÏÀý¾ä£¬¡°½é´Ê+which¡±ÖеĽé´ÊµÄµÄÑ¡¶¨Ö÷Òª¸ú¾ÝÈçÏÂÈýÖÐÇé¿ö¶ø¶¨£º1£©ÏÈÐдÊ2£©¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖеĶ¯´Ê3£©È«¾äµÄÒâ˼¡£ ÔÙÐÀÉÍÏÂÃæÁ½¸ö¾ä×Ó£º They reached a big mountain£¬at the foot of which there was a farmhouse£® ËûÃǵ½ÁËÒ»×ù´óɽ£¬É½½ÅÏÂÓÐÒ»¼ÒÅ©Éá¡£ The beautiful building£¬in front of which there is a flower bed£¬is our teaching building£® ÄÇ×ùƯÁÁµÄ´óÂ¥ÊÇÎÒÃǵĽÌѧ¥£¬Ç°ÃæÓиö»¨Ì³¡£ ´ËÀà½á¹¹»¹ÓУºat the foot of£¬at the hack of£¬in front of£¬on the top ofµÈ¡£ ËÄ¡¢ÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äºÍ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£º ÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÓëÖ÷¾äµÄ¹ØϵÃÜÇУ¬Ê¡È¥¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÒâ˼²»ÍêÕû£¬Ö÷¾äºÍ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖ®¼ä²»ÄÜÓöººÅ¸ô¿ª£¬³£ÒëΪÏÈÐдʵĶ¨Óï¡£ ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äºÍÖ÷¾ä¹Øϵ²»ÃÜÇУ¬Ö»ÊǶÔÏÈÐдÊ×÷¸½´ø˵Ã÷£¬Ê¡È¥¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬Ö÷¾äµÄÒâ˼»¹ºÜÍêÕû£¬¶¨Óï´Ó¾äºÍÖ÷¾äÖ®ÎÊÓöººÅ¸ô¿ª£¬³£ÒëΪÁíÒ»¸ö¾ä×Ó¡£ The project£¬which lasted four years£¬cost$1 billion. Õâ¸ö¹¤³ÌºÄ×ÊÊ®ÒÚ£¬ËüÓÃÁËËÄÄêʱ¼ä¡£ Bob¡¯s father£¬who worked on the project£¬spent four years in Egypt£® ±«²ªµÄ°Ö°ÖÔÚ°£¼°¶È¹ýÁËËÄÄêµÄʱ¼ä£¬Ëû¾ÍΪÕâ¸ö¹¤³Ì¹¤×÷¡£ ÊԱȽÏÏÂÁоä×Ó£º All the magazines here£¬which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by Tom£® Õâ¶ùËùÓеÄÔÓÖ¾¶¼ÊÇTomдµÄ£¬ÀïÃ涼ÓÐͼ»¡£ (¸½´ø˵Ã÷£¬Õâ¶ùËùÓеÄÔÓÖ¾ÀïÃ涼ÓÐͼ»¡£) All the magazines here which have beautiful pictures in them were written by Tom£® Õâ¶ùÀïÃæÓÐͼ»µÄËùÓÐÔÓÖ¾¶¼ÊÇTomдµÄ¡£ (Æ京ÒåÊÇÀïÃæûÓÐͼ»µÄÔÓÖ¾²»ÊÇËûдµÄ) His young sister£¬who is eighteen years old, is a college student£® ËûÃÃÃÃÊǸö´óѧÉú£¬½ñÄêÊ®°ËËê¡£(º¬ÒåÊÇËûÖ»ÓÐÒ»¸öÃÃÃÃ) His young sister who is eighteen years old is a college student£® ËûÄǸöÊ®°ËËêµÄÃÃÃÃÊǸö´óѧÉú¡£(º¬ÒåÊÇËû¿ÉÄÜÓв»Ö»Ò»¸öÃÃÃÃ) Îå¡¢×¢ÒâÊÂÏ Ðí¶àͬѧÔÚ·Ò붨Óï´Ó¾äʱÈÝÒ×·¸ÈçÏÂÁ½ÖÖ´íÎó£¬ 1¡¢ÉÙÖ÷Óï There are ten girls come from the south in our class. (¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐÉÙÁËcome µÄÖ÷Ó ÎÒÃÇ°àÓÐÊ®¸öÀ´×ÔÄÏ·½µÄÅ®Éú¡£ 2¡¢¶à±öÓï This is the book I bought it yesterday. (¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐbought¶àÁ˸ö±öÓïit) ÕâÊÇÎÒ×òÌìÂòµÄÊé¡£ Áù¡¢¡°as¡±Òýµ¼µÄ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¨´Ë²¿·ÖÖ»×öÁ˽⼴¿É£© asÓÃ×÷¹Øϵ´ú´ÊºÍ¹Øϵ¸±´ÊÒýµ¼ÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬²¢ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óï¡¢±öÓï¡¢±íÓï»ò×´Ó¹¹³Éthe same ¡ as£¬such¡as£¬so¡asµÈ½á¹¹¡£È磺 Here are such questions as are often asked by the students£® ÕâÊÇЩѧÉúÃdz£³£ÎʵÄÄÇÀàÎÊÌâ¡£(as×÷Ö÷Óï) This is the same computer as I have bought£® Õą̂¼ÆËã»úºÍÎÒÂòµÄÄÇ̨һÑù¡£(as×÷±öÓï) I have never seen such kind of girl as she is£® ÎÒ´Óδ¼û¹ýÏñËýÕâÑùµÄÅ®º¢¡£(as×÷±íÓï) I¡¯ll do the experiment the same way as he does ÎÒ½«²ÉÓúÍËûͬÑùµÄ·½·¨×öÕâ¸öʵÑé¡£(as×÷·½Ê½×´Óï) I came the same day as she left£® ÎÒÔÚËýÀ뿪µÄͬһÌìÀ´µÄ¡£ (as×÷ʱ¼ä×´Óï) He studies in the same college as I do£® ËûºÍÎÒÔÚͬһËù´óѧѧϰ¡£(as×÷µØµã×´Óï) He didn¡¯t believe such reason as she did so£® Ëû²»ÏàÐÅËýÄÇÑù×öµÄÀíÓÉ¡£ (as×÷ÔÒò×´Óï) Here is so easy a question£¯such an easy question as everybody can answer£® Õâ¸öÎÊÌâºÜÈÝÒ×£¬Ë¶¼ÄÜ´ðµÃÉÏÀ´¡£(as×÷½á¹û×´Óï) Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄso£¯such¡as Óë±íʾ½á¹ûµÄso£¯such¡that½á¹¹µÄÇø±ð£º µ±´Ó¾äÖв»È±³É·ÖʱÓÃso£¯such¡thatÒýµ¼µÄÊǽá¹û×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ µ±´Ó¾äÖÐȱÉٳɷÖʱÓÃso£¯such¡asÒýµ¼µÄÊǶ¨Óï´Ó¾ä¡£È磺 As a teacher, I seldom give students so difficult a problem as they can¡¯t work out£® As a teacher, I seldom give students so difficult a problem that they can¡¯t work it out£® They are such beautiful pictures as drew£¨ÎüÒý£©many people¡¯s attention£® They are such beautiful pictures that they drew many people¡¯s attention£® asÒý³ö·ÇÏÞ¶¨ÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äʱ£¬´úÌæÕû¸öÖ÷¾ä£¬¶ÔÆä½øÐÐ˵Ã÷¡£µ«Ò»°ãÓÃÓÚÏñas we all know£¬as is known to all£¬as it is£¬as is said above£¬as is often the caseµÈ¾äʽÖС£asÔÚ·ÇÏÞ¶¨ÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óï¡¢±íÓï»ò±öÓÇÒÒý³öµÄ´Ó¾äλÖñȽÏÁé»î£¬¿ÉλÓÚ¾äÊ×»ò¾äÄ©£¬Ò²¿É²åÈëÖ÷¾äÖм䡣ͨ³£¾ùÓɶººÅ½«ÆäÓëÖ÷¾ä·Ö¿ª¡£asÓС°ÕýÈç¡¡¡±£¬¡°¾ÍÏñ¡¡¡±Ö®Òâ¡£ He forgot to bring his pen with him£¬as was often the case£® ËûÍüÁË´ø±Ê£¬ÕâÊdz£Ê¡£(asÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óï) He is absorbed in work, as he often was£® ËûÕýÔÚÈ«Éñ¹á×¢µØ¹¤×÷£¬Ëû¹ýÈ¥¾³£ÕâÑù¡£(asÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷±íÓï) As we all know£¬the earth is round£® ÖÚËùÖÜÖª£¬µØÇòÊÇÔ²µÄ¡£ (asÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷±öÓï) Æß¡¢Ð¡½á£º 1¡¢ ¹Øϵ´Ê ×÷Óà ÏÈÐÐ´Ê that£¬who£¬whom Ö÷Óï¡¢±íÓï¡¢±öÓï ÈË that, which Ö÷Óï¡¢±íÓï¡¢±öÓï ÈË£¬Îʱ¼ä£¬µØµã whose ¶¨Óï ÈË¡¢Îï when ×´Óï ʱ¼ä where ×´Óï µØµã why ×´Óï ÔÒò 2¡¢×ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÌâʱӦ°´ÈçÏÂÁ½¸ö²½Öè·ÖÎö£º µÚÒ»£¬·ÖÎö¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐȱÉÙʲô³É·Ö¡£Èç¹ûÉÙÖ÷¡¢±ö¡¢±í¡¢¶¨Ó¾ÍȥѡÔñ¹Øϵ´ú´Ê£»Èç¹ûÉÙ×´Ó¾Íȥѡ¹Øϵ¸±´Ê¡£ µÚ¶þ£¬·ÖÎöÏÈÐдÊÊDZíʾʲôµÄ´ÊÓï¡£Èç¹ûÏÈÐдÊÊDZíʾÈ˵ľÍȥѡwho, whom, that, »òÕßwhose£»Èç¹ûÏÈÐдÊÊDZíʾÎïµÄ¾Íȥѡ that, which, whose,£»Èç¹ûÏÈÐдÊÊDZíʾʱ¼ä¡¢µØµã¡¢ÔÒòµÄ´Ê¾Í·Ö±ðȥѡwhen, where, why¡£ÆäÖжԵصãµÄÀí½âÓ¦ÍØÕ¹µ½¿Õ¼ä£¬Èçposition, book µÈ¾ù¿ÉÒÔÀí½âΪ±íʾ¿Õ¼äµÄ´ÊÓÇë×¢ÒâÏÂÃæµÄµäÐÍÀý¾ä(2)¡£ ×¢Ò⣺ÕâÁ½¸ö²½Öè²»Äܵߵ¹¡£ÓÐÐí¶àͬѧÔÚ×ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÌâʱµÄ·ÖÎö²½ÖèºÍÉÏÊöÊÇÏà·´µÄ£¬ËùÒÔ³£³ö´íÎó¡£ µäÐÍÀý¾ä£º (1) This is the house where we lived last year. £¨¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐlive ÉÙ×´Ó¹ÊÓÃwhere Òýµ¼¶¨´Ó¡££© This is the house that we visited last year. £¨¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐvisit ÉÙ±öÓ¹ÊÓÃthat Òýµ¼¶¨´Ó¡££© (2) This is the book where you can find the answer to the question. £¨book²»ÊDZíʾµØµãµÄÃû´Ê£¬µ«¶¨´ÓÖÐÉٵصã×´Ó¹ÊÓÃwhere£© 3¡¢¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÓë±íÓï¡¢±öÓï´Ó¾äµÄת»»£¨Ò»ÖÖÒâ˼¶àÖÖ±í´ï·½Ê½£© £¨1£© I don¡¯t know the things that he wants. = I don¡¯t know what he wants. ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä ±öÓï´Ó¾ä £¨2£©I don¡¯t know the place where he lives. = I don¡¯t know where he lives. ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä ±öÓï´Ó¾ä £¨3£©This is the place where he lived last year.= This is where he lived last year. ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä ±íÓï´Ó¾ä °Ë¡¢Í¬Î»Óï´Ó¾ä ÔÚÓÐЩÃû´ÊÈçidea£¬thought£¬news£¬fact£¬report£¬promise£¬hope£¬plan£¬belief£¬doubt, feeling, dream, wishµÈºóÃ棬¿ÉÒÔÓÃthatµÈÁ¬½Ó´ÊÓïÒýµ¼Ò»¸ö´Ó¾ä£¬À´½âÊÍ¡¢ËµÃ÷Ç°ÃæÕâ¸öÃû´ÊµÄÄÚÈÝ£¬½ÐͬλÓï´Ó¾ä¡£Í¬Î»Óï´Ó¾äÓ붨Óï´Ó¾äµÄÇø±ðÔÚÓÚ£º¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÊÇÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊΡ¢ÏÞ¶¨ÏÈÐдÊ(Ãû´Ê»ò´ú´Ê)£¬Ï൱ÓÚÒ»¸öÐÎÈÝ´Ê£»¶øͬλÓï´Ó¾äºÍÏÈÐдʵĹØϵÊǵÈͬµÄ¡£ Òýµ¼Í¬Î»Óï´Ó¾äµÄÁ¬´ÊÓУ¬that£¬whether, how£¬when£¬where£¬whyµÈ¡£ thatÖ»ÆðÁ¬½Ó×÷Ó㬲»×÷¾ä×ӳɷ֣¬µ«²»ÄÜÊ¡ÂÔ£¬ÕâÒ²ÊǺÍthat Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄÇø±ð¡£ The news that we¡¯11 hold the sports meet next week is known to a11£® ÎÒÃÇÏÂÖÜ¿ªÔ˶¯»áµÄÏûÏ¢´ó¼Ò¶¼ÖªµÀ¡£ I expressed the hope that he would come to visit our school again£® ÎÒ±íʾϣÍûËûÔÙÀ´²Î¹ÛÎÒÃÇѧУ¡£ The fact that he didn¡¯t attend the meeting surprised me£® ËûûÓвμӻáÒéµÄÊÂʵʹÎҺܾªÆæ¡£ I have no idea when she will be back£®ÎÒ²»ÖªµÀËýʲôʱºò»ØÀ´¡£ He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not£® Ëû±ØÐë»Ø´ðËûÊÇ·ñͬÒâ´ËÊÂÕâÑùÒ»¸öÎÊÌâ¡£ ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÁ·Ï° Ò»¡¢µ¥ÏîÑ¡Ôñ 1£®When they met again£¬the two friends talked about lots of things and persons _____ they could remember in schoo1£® A£®who B£®whom C. that D£®which 2£®This is the modern hotel _____ the guests can enjoy the most comfortable things£® A. where B£®which C£®that D£®in that 3£®July 27£¬1989 is the day _____ I will never forget£¬when both of us had a wonderful time£® A£®on which B£®when C£®whom D. that 4£®Both of them will remember the months and the years ___ they spent in the army. A. which B£®when C£®in which D£®what 5£®It is the factory _____produces all kinds of TV sets£® A£®in which B. which C£®what D£®where 6£®Do you know the little boy_____ broke the glasses yesterday afternoon? A£®which B£®how C£®whom D. who 7£®The sun is bigger than the earth£¬_____ even a child knows£® A£®that B£®who C. as D£®what 8£®Miss Zhang devoted herself to the development of education£¬_____ led to her final success£® A£®that B£®which C£®so that D£®so 9£®Is that the laboratory _____ the foreigners visited yesterday? A£®that B£®where C£®in which D£®the one 10£®Is that laboratory _____ we did physics experiments in during our middle school days? A£®that B£®where C. which D. the one 11. I have the same dictionary _____ you bought just now. A£®which B£®that C. as D£®whose 12£®I _____ one of the sports-lovers£¬often spend some time on training in the stadium. A. who am B£®who is C. am D£®that is 13£®Let¡¯s discuss _____ questions _____ are about the future of the youth£® A£®so£»as B£®so£»that C£®such£»that D. such; as 14£®Those _____ not only from books but also through practices will succeed£® A£®which learns B£®who learning C£®what learns D. who learns 15. A football fan is _____ has a strong interest in football£® A£®who B. a person who C£®a thing that D£®something that 16£®Didn¡¯t you see the girl _____ ? A. I nodded to a moment ago B. I nodded to her a moment ago C. whom I nodded a moment ago D. I nodded a moment ago 17£®Can you lend me the novel _____ the other day? A£®that you talked B. you talked about C£®you talked about it D£®which you talked with 18£®Please pass me the dictionary _____ cover is black£® A£®who B£®who¡¯s C. whose D£®which 19£®Ping Ping is not _____ girl _____ she was£® A£®such£¬as B. the same£¬as C£®that£¬as D£®the same, who 20£®Who is the man _____ talked to you just now? A£®who B£®whom C. that D£®which 21£®It¡¯s the third time _____ late this month£® A. that you arrived B£®when you arrived C. that you have arrived D£®when you have arrived 22£®Qingdao is the most satisfactory city ______ we¡¯re going to visit£® A. that B£®which C£®where D£®in which 23£®Xiao Yan is the only one of the students in our class who ____ a three-good student£® A£®are B£®is C£®were D£®was 24£®Qingdao is one of the most beautiful cities ______ in China£® A£®that have seen B£®that has seen C£®that have been seen D£®that has been seen 25£®The beautiful seaside£¬ _____ we both spend our summer holidays every year£¬lies in the north of Laizhou City£® A. where B£®that C£®which D£®what 26£®The hotel _____ during our holidays stands by the seaside£® A. we stayed at B£®where we stayed at C. we stayed D£®in that we stayed 27£®He is a man of great experience£¬ ______ much can be learned£® A£®that B£®who C£®from which D. from whom 28. Wang Hong has made great progress in her studies and has won a prize£¬_____ has made us surprised£® A£®that B. which C£®who D£®what 29£®Finally£¬the thief handed everything _____ he had stolen to the people£® A£®which B£®what C£®whatever D£®that 30£®His parents wouldn¡¯t let him marry anyone _____ family was poor£® A. of whom B£®whom C£®of whose D£®whose 31£®Robert is good at languages£¬_____ we all know£® A£®that B£®as C£®when D£®what 32£®All ______ is needed is a supply of oil£® A£®the thing B£®that C£®what D£®which 33£®He paid the boy$10 for washing ten windows£¬most of _____ hadn¡¯t been cleaned for at least a year£® A£®these B£®those C£®that D£®which 34. The girl _____ aunt is a famous singer is fond of music. A. who B. that C. which D. whose 35£®She heard a terrible noise£¬_____ brought her heart into her mouth£® A£®it B£®which C£®this D. that 36. In the dark street£¬there wasn¡¯t a single person to______ she could turn for help£® A£®that B£®who C£®which D. whom 37£®The weather turned out to be very good£¬_____ was more than we could expect£® A£®it B£®what C£®that D£®which 38£®After living in Paris for fifty years£¬he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child£® A£®which B£®where C£®that D£®when 39£®Carol said the work would be done by October£¬_____ personally I doubt very much£® A£®it B£®that C£®when D£®which 40£®Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _____ , of course£¬made the others unhappy£® A£®who B£®which C£®this D£®what 41.I have many friends, _____ are businessmen£® A. they B. which C. that D. and they 42. If a shop has chairs _____ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop£® A. that B. which C. when D. where 43. Last month£¬part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods£¬from _____ effects the people are still suffering£® A. that B. whose C. those D. what 44. Jim passed the driving test£¬_____ surprised everybody in the office£® A. which B. that C. this D. it 45. Peter, _____ you met yesterday, is now a good student£® A. where B. which C. who D. that 46. ---Is that the small town you often refer to? --- Right£¬just the one _____ you know I used to work for years£® A. that B. which C. where D. what 47. The boy, ______ father is an engineer, works hard£® A. that B. whose C. his D. as 48. Her sister has become a lawyer£¬____ she wanted to be£® A. who B. that C. what D. which 49. I came the same day ______ she left£® A. when B. that C. as D. on which 50. He was educated at a local grammar school£¬_____ he went on to Cambridge£® A. from which B. after that C. after which D. from this 51. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs ______ they are being trained£® A. in that B. for that C. in which D. for which 52. The place ______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _____ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest£® A. which, where B. at which, which C. at which, where D. which, in which 53. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _____ people were eaten by the tiger£® A. in which B. by which C. which D. that 54. I walked in our garden£¬_____ Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees£® A. which B. when C. where D. that 55. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf£¬_____ five are mine£® A. on which B. in which C. of which D. from which 56. There are two buildings£¬_____ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 57. He didn¡¯t believe such reason ______ she did so£® A. as B. why C. how D. when 58. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year£¬80£¥_____are sold abroad£® A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 59. Anyway£¬that evening£¬______ I¡¯ll tell yon more about later£¬I ended up staying at Rachel¡¯s place£® A. when B. where C. what D. which 60. Professor Wang, _____ is over sixty, still works hard day and night £® A. which B. he C. whoever D. who ¶þ¡¢ººÒëÓ¢ 1£®ÎÒ²»ÈÏʶ¸Õ²ÅͬÀîÁá̸»°µÄÄǸöÈË¡£ 2£®Ëû¸¸Ç×ÊǸöÅ©ÃñµÄÄǸöÄк¢ÔÚ°àÀïѧϰ×îŬÁ¦¡£ 3£®¸Õ²ÅͬÄã´òÕкôµÄÄǸöÈËÊÇË? 4£®Ä㻹ÓбðµÄÊÂÇéÈÃÎÒ°ïÄã×öÂð? 5£®±¾Ñ§ÆÚËýÈ¡µÃºÜ´ó½ø²½£¬ÕâʹÎÒÃǺܸßÐË¡£ 6£®ÎÒ½«ÓÀÔ¶¼Çס1989Äê7ÔÂ27ÈÕÄǸöÈÕ×Ó£¬ÔÚÄÇÒ»ÌìÎÒÃÇÁ©È¥º£ÉÏÓÎÓ¾£¬ÍæµÃºÜÍ´¿ì¡£ 7£®ÕâÊÇÎÒÁ½ÄêÇ°ÓÎÀÀ¹ýµÄÃûʤ¡£ 8£®ÎÒ²»ÖªµÀÂêÀö½ñÌìÉÏÎçÉϿγٵ½µÄÔÒò¡£ 9£®ÀïÃæÓÐͼ»µÄÊéÊÇËûдµÄ¡£ 10£®ÕâЩÊéÊÇËûдµÄ£¬ÀïÃæÓÐͼ»¡£ 11£®ÎÒÃǵĹú¼ÒºÍ¹ýÈ¥²»Í¬ÁË¡£ 12£®ÏÂÖܾÙÐÐÓ¢ÓᄎÈüµÄÏûÏ¢´ó¼Ò¶¼ÖªµÀ¡£ 13£®µ½³¡µÄÏÈÉúÃǺÍŮʿÃǶ¼ÊÇÎÒÔÚÏçϹ¤×÷ʱ½»µÄÅóÓÑ¡£ 14£®ÄãÈÏʶ½ñÌìÏÂÎç¸øÎÒÃÇ×ö±¨¸æµÄÄǸöÏÈÉúÂð? 15£®Äã±ØÐë×öÎÒ×öµÄÒ»ÇС£ 16£®ÄǸöºìÍ··¢µÄÄк¢×ӺܴÏÃ÷¡£ µÚÁù½Ú ×´Óï´Ó¾ä ×´Óï´Ó¾äµÄ×÷ÓÃÏ൱ÓÚ¸±´Ê£¬ÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊζ¯´Ê¡¢¸±´ÊºÍÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬Òò´ËÓÖ³ÆΪ¸±´ÊÐԴӾ䡣 ×´Óï´Ó¾äÓóÂÊö¾äÓïÐò£¬Ò»°ãλÓÚ¸´ºÏ¾äµÄ¾äÊ×»ò¾äÄ©¡£µ±´Ó¾äÔÚ¾äÊ×ʱ£¬´Ó¾ä ºó³£ÓöººÅ¡£×´Óï´Ó¾ä°´Æ京Òå¿É·ÖΪʱ¼ä¡¢µØµã¡¢ÔÒò¡¢Ä¿µÄ¡¢½á¹û¡¢±È½Ï(·½Ê½)¡¢Èò½¡¢Ìõ¼þµÈ×´Óï´Ó¾ä¡£ Ò»¡¢Ê±¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä Òýµ¼Ê±¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾äµÄ´ÓÊôÁ¬´ÊÓÐwhen¡(µ±¡¡Ê±ºò)£®whenever(ÿµ±)£¬as(µ±¡¡Ê±ºò£¬Ò»±ß¡¡Ò»±ß¡¡)£¬while(µ±¡¡Ê±ºò£¬ÔÚ¡¡ÆÚ¼ä)£¬before(ÔÚ¡¡Ö®Ç°)£¬after(ÔÚ¡¡Ö®ºó)£¬until£¨till£©(Ö±µ½)£¬since(×Ô´Ó)£¬once(Ò»µ©)£¬as soon as(Ò»¡¡¾Í)hardly¡when(¸Õ¡¾Í)£¬no sooner¡than(¸Õ¡¡¾Í)£¬every time(each time)(ÿµ±)µÈ¡£ 1¡¢when£¬whileºÍasÈý¸ö´ÓÊôÁ¬´ÊÓ÷¨ºÜÏà½ü£¬ÆäÇø±ðÊÇ£º £¨1£©whileÒýµ¼µÄ´Ó¾ä£¬Î½Óﶯ´ÊÖ»ÄÜÓÃÑÓÐøÐÔ¶¯´Ê£¬Ç¿µ÷Ö÷´Ó¸´ºÏ¾äÖÐνÓﶯ´ÊµÄ¶¯×÷ͬʱ·¢Éú£¬¶øwhen, asÒýµ¼µÄ´Ó¾ä£¬Î½Óﶯ´Ê¼È¿ÉÓÃÑÓÐøÐÔ¶¯´Ê£¬ÓÖ¿ÉÓ÷ÇÑÓÐøÐÔ¶¯´Ê¡£ When(As)she finished playing£¬she turned to look at Liszt£® µ±ËýÑÝ×à½áÊøºó£¬×ª¹ýÉíÈ¥¿´ÁË¿´Àî˹ÌØ¡£ (finishÊÇ·ÇÑÓÐøÐÔ¶¯´Ê£¬Ö»ÄÜÓÃwhen»òas)¡£ While I was in Beijing£¬I saw her only once£®ÎÒÔÚ±±¾©Æڼ䣬ֻ¼û¹ýËýÒ»´Î¡£ (was±íʾËù´¦µÄ״̬£¬¿ÉÒÔÑÓÐø£¬±íʾһ¶Îʱ¼ä£¬ÓÃwhile»òwhen) £¨2£©when´Ó¾äµÄ¶¯×÷¿ÉÒÔÔçÓÚÖ÷¾äνÓïµÄ¶¯×÷£¬¶øwhile, as ²»ÄÜ¡£ When I receive the letter, I¡¯ll tell you. 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