Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(人教版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?
本单元的核心项目是“喜欢和不喜欢(like and dislike)”。围绕着这一中心项目,课文中设计了各种食物及水果的插图和不同形式的表格,让学生进行听、说、读、写等各种学习活动。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会询问对方与了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学会谈论自己与他人早、中、晚餐喜爱吃的食物,为其今后能在交际中恰当地表达自己的情感、灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目、进一步学习并掌握新的语言功能奠定坚实的基础。本单元的重点内容仍然是行为动词在一般现在时句子中的使用,应该是上一个单元内容的延伸,通过本单元的教学,学生应初步掌握行为动词一般现在时的肯定句、否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的构成以及简单的回答。
采用自主学习、小组合作探究、Different opinions和Classifying的学习策略,利用实物、教学图片等来展开课堂pairwork问答式或groupwork讨论式的口语交际活动,使用like询问对方对食物的喜好和谈论自己、他人喜欢吃的食物。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取演示讲解的方式进行教学,让学生进行情景操练、反复使用;口语教学——采取pairwork问答式和groupwork讨论式的口语交际活动互相操练练习;阅读教学——让学生学会抓住主要词汇和句型;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填空、造句为主;语法教学——比较不同、总结规律、模仿操练。
Section A (1a-2d) 用1课时
Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时
Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时
Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时
Section A (1a-2d)
1. 语言知识目标:
1) 能掌握下列词汇:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, food, week, sure, How about …?, burger, vegetable, fruit, right, then
2) 能掌握以下句型:
① — Do you like salad? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
② — Does she/he like …? — Yes, she/he does./ No, she/he doesn’t.
③ — I like … /I don’t like …
④ — He/She likes … / He/She doesn’t like …
3) 能通过介绍食物学会询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物。
2. 情感态度价值观目标:
1. 教学重点:
1) 学习并积累一些食物的词汇。
2) 名词复数的使用。
2. 教学难点:
1) 行为动词like的一般现在时的用法;
2) 使用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用。
Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision
1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.
2. Ask some Ss questions:
T: Do you have volleyball?
S1: Yes, I do.
T: Do you like volleyball?
S1: (Help S1 answer) Yes, I do.
3. We have learned about sports equipment. Now let’s have a revision about sports equipment.
S2: basketball, soccer ball, tennis ball, baseball …
Then let some other Ss add other words.
S3: baseball bat, ping-pong bat …
Ⅱ. Presentation
1. (Show a banana on the screen.)
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a banana.
T: Do you like bananas?
Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
(Show other pictures of food on the screen and learn the new words.)
(banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, food, burger, vegetable, fruit)
2. Let Ss read and try to remember the new words.
3. T: Let’s look at the picture in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Then check the answers.
Ⅲ. Listening
T: Let’s work on 1b. Listen and number the conversations [1-3].
Ss listen to the tape and number the conversations.
Ⅳ. Pair work
1. Read the conversations in 1b. Have Ss read after the teacher.
2. Now let’s act out the conversations 1-3.
(Ss work with their partner and act out the conversation 1-3.)
3. Look at the picture and make more conversations using the words in 1a.
4. Let some pairs act out their conversations.
Ⅴ. Listening
1. Point to and read each word aloud, Ss only listen. Then let some Ss read the words by themselves. Check that Ss understand the meaning of the each word.
2. Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen.
3. Then play the recording again Ss circle the words they hear. Play the recording again. Check the answers.
4. A girl and a boy want to have something in the restaurant. Do they like hamburgers? Does the boy like milk? Does the boy like ice-cream? Now let’s listen to the recording.
For the first time, Ss only listen.
For the second time, Ss listen and fill in the blanks.
Play the recording for the third time, Check the answers.
Ⅵ. Pair work
1. Read the conversation in speech bubbles in 2b. Ask Ss to read after the teacher.
2. Ss practice the conversations in pairs.
3. Let some pairs act out the conversations.
4. Ss give answers that are true for them. Then practice their conversations.
5. Ask some pairs act out their conversations.
Ⅶ. Role-play
1. Read the dialogue with your partner. Then fill in the blanks below.
① It’s _______ birthday dinner next week.
② For food, John likes ___________.
③ For vegetables, John likes __________.
④ For fruit, John likes ________.
2. Ss read the conversation and fill in the blanks.
3. Practice the conversation with your partner.
4. Let some pairs role-play the conversation in front of the class.
5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)
1. Review the words we learn today.
2. Fill in the chart after class.
Fruit Food Vegetable

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)
1. 语言知识目标:
1) 继续学习描述自己或他人喜欢或不喜欢的食物,能够用but来表达简单的句子。
3) 总结复习可数名词复数的知识。
2. 情感态度价值观目标:
1. 教学重点:
2. 教学难点:
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.
2. Review the new words about food, fruit and vegetables. (Ss may look at the picture in 1a).
3. Ask and answer.
(Ss work in groups. Ask and answer about the questions according to the picture in 1a.)
S1: Do you like bananas?
S2: Yes, I do.
S3: Does he like bananas?
S4: Yes, he does.
S1: Do you like ice-cream?
S2: No, I don’t.
S3: Does he like ice-cream?
S4: No, he doesn’t.
(Exchanging the roles ask and answer questions.)
Ⅱ. Grammar Focus
1. 行为动词like的各种句式的构成
① 第一人称/第二人称/第三人称复数 + like + 其他
② 第三人称单数及其他单数名词 + likes + 其他
① 第一人称/第二人称/第三人称复数 + don’t + like + 其他
② 第三人称单数及其他单数名词 + don’t + likes + 其他
① Do + 第一人称/第二人称/第三人称复数 + like +其他?
回答:Yes, I/we/you/they do. No, I/we/you/they don’t.
② Does + 第三人称单数及其他单数名词 + like + 其他?
回答:Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.
2. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus and complete the sentences below.
① 你喜欢色拉吗?____ you_____ salad?
② 是的。___, I ____. 不,不喜欢。_____, I ______.
③ 他们喜欢梨吗? ____ _____ like pears?
④ 是的。____, they ____. 不喜欢。___, they ___.
⑤ 她喜欢西红柿吗? ____ she _____ a tennis?
⑥ 是的。___, she ____. 不喜欢。___, she ______.
⑦ 我们喜欢米饭。我们不喜欢汉堡。
We _____ _____. We _____ ______ hamburgers?
⑧ 她喜欢冰淇淋。她不喜欢蔬菜。
She ____ ________. She ____ ______ vegetables.
3. Check the answers with the class.
1. 可数名词与不可数名词的含义与特点
定义 特点
不可数名词 指不可以直接计数的名词,它只有单数形式。 不可以与a、an或数词连用,要表示数量的多少时,其前可以加some, any或表数量的词语。如:
some bread 一些面包
a cup of milk 一杯牛奶
可数名词 指可以用来计数的名词,它有单数和复数两种形式。 可以用a、an或具体的数词修饰。如:
a tomato 一个西红柿
an egg 一个鸡蛋
two pears 两个梨
既是可数名词又是不可数名词 有些词,既可用作可数名词,也可以用不可数名词,但意义却不同:如:
可数名词 不可数名词
orange 橙子 橙汁
chicken 小鸡 鸡肉
food 各种食物 食物
glass 玻璃杯;眼镜 玻璃
2. 可数名词复数的构成
构成方式 例词
规则变化 一般的直接加-s book → books
cat → cats
以s. x. sh. ch结尾的加-es bus → buses box → boxes
brush → brushes (刷子)
watch → watches
以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es family → families
strawberry → strawberries
以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es knife → knives (小刀)
leaf → leaves (树叶)
以字母“o”结尾的有生命词,加-es;以字母“o”结尾的无生命词,加-s tomato → tomatoes
photo → photos
Ⅲ. Practice
1. Let’s work on 3a. Here are some sentences. Please underline the correct words in the brackets.
2. Ss read the sentences and underline the correct words. They can discuss with their partners.
3. Check the answers and let some Ss say the grammar rules.
Ⅴ. Practice
1. Look at the sentences in 3b. Number the sentences [1-4] to make a conversation.
2. Check the answers and let Ss practice the conversation.
Ⅵ. Survey
1. T: Our likes and dislikes of food are different. Some Ss like these food and other Ss like other food. Let’s make a survey of our likes and dislikes about food.
First, look at the chart below and write down the names of the food.
Second, ask your classmates about the food in the chart. e.g.
You: Do you like ice-cream, Liu Li?
Liu Li: Yes, I do.
You: What about rice?
Liu Li: No, I don’t.

You: Do you like ice-cream, Zhao Jun?
Zhao Jun: No, I don’t.
Zhao Jun: What about rice?
Zhao Jun: Yes. I like rice.
2. Fill in the chart with the names of your classmates.
3. Report the result of your survey likes this:
Liu Li likes ice-cream, but she doesn’t like rice. Zhao Jun doesn’t like ice-cream but he likes rice. …
1. Review the Grammar Focus.
2. Write the report of your survey result on your workbook.
Section B 1a-2c
1. 语言知识目标:
1) 继续学习有关膳食名词:breakfast,lunch,dinner,egg,apple,chicken,fruit,vegetables;并能按食品、水果和蔬菜进行分类总结。
2. 情感态度价值观目标:
1. 教学重点:
2. 教学难点:
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Greet the Ss. Then check the homework. (Let some Ss report their survey result)
2. Review the words on food. And list them into countable nouns, uncountable nouns, countable and uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns: hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pear, carrots, vegetables, strawberries
Uncountable nouns: milk, bread, rice
Uncountable and countable nouns: food, fruit, ice-cream, salad, chicken
3. Ss read and try to remember the new words.
4. Review the plural forms of countable nouns.
构成方式 例词
规则变化 一般的直接加-s book → books
cat → cats
以s. x. sh. ch结尾的加-es bus → buses box → boxes
brush → brushes (刷子)
watch → watches
以“辅音字母 + y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es family → families
strawberry → strawberries
以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es knife → knives (小刀)
leaf → leaves (树叶)
以字母“o”结尾的有生命词,加-es;以字母“o”结尾的无生命词,加-s tomato → tomatoes
photo → photos
Ⅱ. Presentation
1. T: How many meals do you have every day?
Ss: Three.
T: What are they? (The students can answer them in Chinese.)
Ss: They are “早餐、中餐和晚餐”.
T: Oh, yes. In English “早餐”we can say “breakfast”.
(Show a picture of the breakfast)
Read after me, “breakfast”.
B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T, breakfast.
Ss: B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T, breakfast.
T: Do you have your breakfast every day?
S1: No, sometimes I get up late. I have no time to eat.
T: I think it’s not good for your health.
(Teach the other two words lunch, dinner in the same way.)
2. Ss read and try to remember the new words.
Ⅲ. Writing
1. T: Look at 1a, read the words in the box, then write the number in the box next to the correct food.
(The students finish off 1a.)
T: Look at 1b. How many other food words can you add to the chart?
Try to write them down in the chart.
(The students write them down as soon as possible and then read them. See who will add most.)
Ⅳ. Listening
1. T: Look! There are so many foods. Maybe they are very delicious. Which food do you like? Do you like tomatoes? (Show the picture.)
S1: …
T: How about chicken? Do you like it?
S1: …
T: Can you guess what food I like?
S1: Do you like …?
T: No, I don’t.
S2: Do you like …?
S3: Do you like …?
T: Yes, you are right. I think you are very lucky. But I have two friends. They are Sally and Tom. Do you know what food they like? Now, let’s listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.
(Play the recording 1c in Section B. The students find out each food mentioned in the conversation on the recording. Then check the answers.)
2. T: Now open your books and listen again. Fill in the chart.
(Play the recording the first time. Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts. Play the recording the second time and then the students can check their answers to be sure they are correct.)
Ⅴ. Pair work
1. T: Does Tom like tomatoes?
Ss: Yes, he does.
T: Ask and answer about the chart in pairs.
2. Let some Ss act out their conversation.
Ⅵ. Discussing
1. T: There is much food around us. Some food is healthy, but others are not so healthy.
I think fruit like apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges are very healthy. I think hamburgers are not so healthy. Maybe, chicken, eggs are healthy, too.
Which food do you think is healthy? Check (√) Yes, Maybe or No.
2. First, Ss make a list of food on their workbook. Then discuss with their partners. Check (√) Yes, Maybe or No behind the food on the workbook.
S1: I think fruit is healthy.
S2: I also think fruit is healthy.
S1: I think …
3. Make a report, then read the report to their partner.
Ⅶ. Presentation
1. T: We have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Let’s see what do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
T: What do you like for breakfast, S1?
S1: I like milk and bread.
T: What do you like for lunch?
S1: I like chicken and vegetables.
T: What do you like for dinner?
S1: I like rice and vegetables.
T: Great! You have healthy eating habits
(Write “eating habits” and “— What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? — I like…” on the blackboard. )
2. OK. Now ask your partners questions to see if they have healthy habits.
3. T: Many boys and girls like ice-cream. Do you like it?
Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: Do you eat ice-cream, S1?
S1: Yes, I do.
T: Do you eat ice-cream, S2?
S2: No, I don’t.
Ⅷ. Reading
1. T: Well, let’s see some sports star’s eating habits. Cindy Smith is a volleyball star. What does she like for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Does she eat ice-cream? Now let’s read the magazine article about Cindy Smith. First, read the article and circle the food words.
(Ss read the article and circle the food words quickly.)
2. Read the article carefully again and answer the questions:
① Does Cindy like bananas?
② Does Cindy like salad?
③ Does Cindy like hamburgers for dinner?
④ What does Cindy like for dinner?
⑤ Does Cindy eat ice-cream after dinner?
⑥ Are Cindy’s eating habits healthy?
(Ss read the article and answer the questions. Then check the answers.)
3. We know Cindy has healthy eating habits. What food does she like? What food doesn’t she like? Read the article and write five sentences about Cindy’s eating habits. e.g.
Cindy likes fruit for breakfast.
(注意运用句型:Cindy likes … for … 或Cindy doesn’t like/eat … for …)
4. Let some Ss read their sentences to the class.
1. Review the word on food.
2. Make a survey about “What do your parents like for three meals?” after class.
Section B 3a-Self Check
1. 语言知识目标:
2. 情感态度价值观目标:
1. 教学重点:
2. 教学难点:
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Review all the food we learned. Let Ss say the words quickly.
S1: fruit: apples, bananas, pears, strawberries …
S2: vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, salad, carrots …
S3: food: bread, milk, ice-cream, hamburger (burger) …
2. T: I like eggs and milk for breakfast. What do you like eating for breakfast? (Point to a student.)
Sa: I like apples and bread.
T: What about you? (Point to another student.)
Sa: I like hamburgers and bananas. (Ask two more students to answer his/her questions for lunch and dinner.)
T: Who can ask and answer like this?
S1: What do you like to eat for lunch?
S2: I like …
S1: What do you like to eat for dinner?
S2: I like …
(Then ask the students to work in pairs one by one.)
Ⅱ. Survey
1. Now let’s make a survey what food you and your partner like for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Ask and answer with your partners and write down the results in the chart in 3a.
S1: What do you like for breakfast?
S2: I like eggs and milk.
S1: What do you like for lunch?
S2: I like hamburger and salad.
S1: What do you like for dinner?
S2: I like chicken and fruit.
S1: I think your eating habits are healthy.
(Exchange the roles)
2. Ss fill in the chart. If you forget what your partner likes. You may ask him or her a second time.
You: Oh, do you like eggs for breakfast?
Your partner: No, I don’t. I like oranges.
Ⅲ. Writing
1. Can you introduce yourself for three meals according to the survey result just now? Maybe many friends want to know you. Now let’s write about what you and your partner like and don’t like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can look at the chart above. You should use these sentence structures:
For breakfast/lunch/dinner, I like …, but I don’t like …
For breakfast/lunch/dinner, my partner likes …, but he/she doesn’t like …
(T goes round the classroom and offer helps if it’s necessary.)
2. The students write about themselves as quickly as they can. When they are ready, ask them to introduce.
Ⅳ. Self Check 1
1. T: Your friends also want to know what food/sports/colors you like. First, let’s talk about sports. What sports do you like? What sports do you dislike?
T: I like basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, soccer. I don’t like soccer, baseball. What about you?
S1: I like …, but I don’t like …
S2: …
2. Now, let’s talk about colors. I like red, blue, white and green. I don’t like black, brown, purple or yellow. What about you?
S3: I like …, but I don’t like …
S4: ….
3. OK. Now first think and write about what sports/color you like and dislike. Then tell your partner about it.
(Ss work with their partners. T goes around the classroom and offers any helps. )
Ⅴ. Self Check 2
1. Do you know the plurals of these words? Put them in the correct columns.
2. Ss work with their partners and put the words in the correct columns. Then check the answers with the class.
3. 规则总结:学生叙述名词复数构成的规则,并说出几个例词。
S1: 一般在词性加-s,apples, bananas
S2: 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es。families, strawberries
S3: 以s. x. sh. ch结尾的加-es。boxes, watches
S4: 以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es。knives
S5: 以字母“o”结尾的有生命词,加-es;以字母“o”结尾的无生命词,加-s。tomatoes, photos
4. 在屏幕上展示可数名词复数的构成规则,学生强化记忆。
Ⅵ. Self Check 3
1. T: Can you remember what color/sports your partner likes and dislikes. Write a short report about what color/sports your partner likes and dislikes. If you have forgotten what your partner likes and dislikes. Ask him/her again. (Or you can check his/her report.)
— What color do you like?
— I like …
— What sport do you like?
— I like …
2. Ss write about what his/her partner likes and dislikes. Then report to the class.
1. Review the rules of plural forms.
2. What food, sports and colors do you parents like and dislikes? Write a short article about them.




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