《新目标英语第三册第四单元阅读部分》(Go for it! Book 3,Unit4, Reading :What would you do if----?)说课稿 |
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一、教材分析 Go for it! Book 3,Unit4, Reading :What would you do if----?是以对话形式呈现,旨在帮助学生掌握阅读策略,培养阅读能力.在完成课内阅读基础上,又增加三篇课外阅读语篇,以期增大阅读量,从而在多方位、多层面上感知、体验阅读,并成系统、科学、高效、实战的阅读策略。本课围绕日常发生的事故和青少年面临的一些问题、困扰这一主题逐层展开。为突出重点,归纳、感悟和掌握阅读策略,提高阅读能力,本课只采用Reading部分Section2,而将其它部分删去,以便节省时间,增加三个课外语篇,其中一篇是有关事故急救知识,另两篇是有关青少年学习、生活中的一些困扰。最后一篇是拓展篇,由学生自行设计问题,可视课堂时间决定课上或课后完成。 在内容的编排上,是以关注现实问题作为切入点。通过讲述我校一英语教师援救发生交通事故的英国旅行家Ian Hibell的真实故事,迅速进入主题。教师巧妙将本课有关生词融入到故事中,这样生词障碍基本扫除。 整个教学过程中,教师作为学生的合作者、引导者,不断地“穿”、“引”、“炒”、“收”、“放”,在师生及生生之间,通过阅读、感悟、讨论、归纳,互相的思维得以交锋、碰撞、融合,从而建构新知识,体验成功的快乐。 二、学情分析 大多数学生经过两年多的学习,已经掌握一定的词汇、句型,并具备一定的阅读能力。但在阅读过程中,也暴露出许多缺欠,具体表现为:(1)阅读过程中,遇到生词,注意力只停留在它上面,缺少结构意识,语感不强,不会根据语境和已有的信息,做合理的推断,“只见树木,不见森林”。(2)盲目、被动地阅读,不会带着问题去读,把握不住重难点,因此,速度慢,准确率低。(3)单纯地为阅读而阅读。不能有效从中提炼、加工信息,利用语言解决现实问题.不难看出,所有这些问题存在的原因,在很大程度上应归结于学生缺少阅读技巧,没有把握相应的阅读策略。 三、设计思路 1.教学目标 (1)知识目标 A.掌握本课的单词,短语,并能在交际中灵活运用。 B.把握四条阅读策略 (2)能力目标 提高阅读能力,借助阅读策略,快速准确提取信息,解决问题。 (3)情感目标 学会生存,学会关注他人、关注社会,学会博爱。 2.教学重难点 (1)掌握阅读部分的单词短语。(2)掌握阅读技巧和策略,运用材料,提取信息,解决问题。 3.教学方法 (1)任务教学法。(2)多媒体辅助教学。(3)导——读——悟——生,即教师引导,学生阅读,体验感悟,进而生发出新的能力。 4.学法指导 (1)以组为单位,在合作与竞争中共同提高。 (2)强化结构意识,以意群为单位进行阅读。 (3)学会预测课文内容,带着问题进行阅读。 (4)利用生活常识、逻辑知识和文化背景知识提高阅读速度和准确率。 Steps Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Purpose of design Step I Leading--in Free talk T: Do you like listening to stories? T: So today I’ll tell you a true story . Tell a story while showing some pictures on the screen. Ask the students if they have similar problems or accidents. S: Sure, we’d love to. Listen to the story and ask questions about it once in a while. Talk about the problems or accidents they have experienced and share their ideas with others. 教师讲述我校教师援救遭遇交通事故的英国旅行家的真实故事,以关注现实问题为切入点,迅速过度到课内语篇,讲述过程中,教师穿插使用课内语篇的生词、短语。 Step II Presentation Present the reading in the unit. Get the students to read the passage quickly and underline the key words and sentences. Underline the key words and sentences while reading. Fulfill the takes below the passage. Ask and answer questions in pairs .The rest of the class are supposed to do actions accordingly. S1:What would you do if you cut yourself? S2:I would cover the cut with a …… 引领学生在阅读中感知、体验阅读策略1:边浏览边在关键词句下划线。学生利用该策略,自主学习阅读,发现问题,提出问题,解决问题。 Step III Practice and development Present Reading A Encourage the students to make best use of the reading strategy I. Work together with the students in search of more strategies . T: What’s the main idea of the passage? T: How did you know ? T:I agree. You can often find the main idea in the topic sentence . T: Then where does the topic sentence lie ? T: Who can help him? T: You mean it has something to do with air as in the sentence “Man can’t live without air’’. T: In which sentence? Present Reading B Focus students’ attention on the passage and encourage them to ask questions with “who”, “what” “when”,etc. Finish Reading A within 2 minutes. Fulfill the tasks in pairs. Then try to answer questions. S1:First aid. S1:The topic sentence told me. S2:It’s often the first sentence of each paragraph. S3:Excuse me,I don’t know the meaning of the word “breathing”. S4: According to the word “air”, it’s about air. S5:It also has something to do with mouth. S6: “Open the mouth……” Fall into four groups to have a competition: Which group ask the most questions! 学生之间合作互动,快速提取信息,解决问题。完成任务的过程是对已归纳的阅读策略的印证,并将其内化为自身能力。同时通过师生间的对话和教师的点拨,促使学生感悟、生发新的阅读策略:阅读策略2:通过上下文判断词义;阅读策略3:在主题句中找文章主旨。 通过填写图表、问答、判断正误等多种形式,深化理解,进一步印证已学的阅读策略。最后一个任务是以组为单位,就有关内容,自己设计问题。并归纳出阅读策略4:带着问题阅读。 Step IV Creation Present Reading C. Draw students’ attention to the strategies learnt so far and stimulate them to design their own questions . Fall into several groups and try to design questions about Reading C. 该部分是总结、创新阶段。教师放手让学生自主阅读,体验阅读策略,在问题设计中,提升阅读能力,设计问题形式不限。旨在给学生更大展示自我,培养创新能力的空间。学生主动学习,大胆探究,真正成为学习的主体。 Step V Production Show some flash of accidents and problems. Fall into groups of four and choose any topic that interests them and role—play some conversations. 通过互动交流,巩固有关事故和困扰的一些知识和技能,懂得如何应对困难和危险形成正确的价值观,学会生存、学会做事、学会做人。 |
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