
中学英语教学资源网英语论文中考复习指导 手机版

1.人称代词 Personal Pronoun 2. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun
3. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun 4. 不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun
1 名词 n. 表示人或者事物的名称。 实 词
2 代词 pron. 用来代替名词、形容词或数词。
3 形容词 adj. 用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征。
4 副词 adv. 用以修饰动词、形容词或其它副词。
5 动词 v. 表示动作或状态。
6 数词 num. 表示数量或顺序。
7 冠词 art. 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。 虚 词
8 介词 prep. 表示名词、代词等和句中其它词的关系。
9 连词 conj. 用来连接词与词,短语与短语或句与句。
10 感叹词 int. 表示说话时的高兴、惊讶等情感,不在句中担任成分。
主语 Subject 宾语 Object 定语 Attribute 补语 Complement谓语 Predicate 表语 Predicative 状语 Adverbial
1. 人称代词

单数 复数
主格 宾格 主格 宾格
第一人称 I me we us
第二人称 you you you you
第三人称 he him they them
she her
it it
1.主格作主语 I like football. They are student.
a.作宾语 Do you know him? Come with me.
b.作介词的宾语 He was playing tennis with us. Let the baby sit between you and me.
2. 物主代词

种类 单数 复数
第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
形容词性物主代词 my your his,her its our your their
名词性 物主代词 mine yours his,hersits ours yours theirs
1.形容词性物主代词只可作定语,后面必须更名词。I like his book. My parents love me.
a.作主语 Our house is here, and theirs is there.Is this her T-shirt? No, hers is red.
b.作表语 A: Whose bike is this? B: It’s his.(=his bike)That new flat is ours.
c.作宾语 I have lost my dictionary. Please lend me yours.
Let’s clean their room first and ours later.
3. 反身代词

人称 单数 复数
第一人称 myself ourselves
第二人称 yourself yourselves
第三人称 himself themselves
1.表示强调,在句中的位置较灵活 I cooked it myself. = I myself cooked it.
You spoke to the chairman himself.
2.作宾格 Mary saw herself in the mirror. Tom taught himself English.
3.介词+反身代词 Rose said to herself, “Where am I?”
The children made the model planes by themselves.
人称 单复数 人称代词 物主代词 反身代词
主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性
I 单 I me my mine myself
复 we us our ours ourselves
II 单 you you your yours yourself
复 you you your yours yourselves
III 单 he
it him
it his
its his
its himself
复 they them their theirs themselves
4. 不定代词
1) 复合不定代词
something anything nothing everything
somebody anybody nobody everybody
someone anyone no one everyone
2) one ones3) some , any4) one…the other(s)5) another6) both , neither , either 7) all , none
8) each , every9) many , much , a lot10) (a) few , (a) little 11) it
1.复合不定代词 someone, anything等作主语时,其后用单数谓语动词。
a. Someone has told me about this before.(作主语)Everything is ready for the Open Day.
形容词修饰something, anything, nothing三者时,形容词要放在其后。
b. I’ve got something interesting to tell you.
c. I don’t know anything about it.=I know nothing about it.

2. one ,ones
数 单数 复数 人称 物主代词 自身代词
One Ones One’s oneself
a. A: Look at that boy! B: Which one? A: The one wearing a blue sweater.(作主语,指人)
b. Which T-shirt do you like? The one with the V-neck. (作宾语,指物)
c. The old houses here have been pulled down and a lot of new ones will be built.(作宾语,指物)
3. some , any
a. He asked for more sauce and I passed him some.
b. Do you know any of her friends?
c. There is much milk in the fridge. Would you like some? (表示邀请)
d. Haven’t you forgotten something?你难道没忘记什么事吗?
4. one…the other(s) , some…(the) others
a. She has got two pets. One is a dog, the other is a cat.
b. I have three uncles. One is a teacher, the other two = (the others) are engineers.
c. Some like prawns, others like crabs.(泛指)
d. There are thirty students in our class. Twenty are girls. The others (= The other students ) are boys.(特指)
5. another
a. I don’t like this one. Show me another.(作宾语)
b. This book is too difficult for me. Will you please give me another one ( = another book)? (作定语)
c. He got three books, one is a dictionary, another is a play, the third is a grammar. (作主语)
6. both , neither , either
both either neither
含义 两者都(肯定) 两者之中的任意一个 两者都不(否定)
名词时 名词要用复数 名词要用单数 名词要用单数
谓语动词 用复数 用单数 用单数
常用搭配 both…and… either…or… neither…nor…
a. I have two brothers. Both (=Both brothers) are doctors.
I have two brothers. Either is a doctor.
I have tow brothers. Neither is a doctor.
b. Both my brother and your sister have passed the exam.我哥哥和你姐姐两个都通过了考试。Either my brother or your sister has passed the exam.不是我哥哥就是你姐姐考试及格了。(他们之中的一个)
Neither my brother nor your sister has passed the exam.我哥哥和你姐姐两人都没有通过考试。

7. all , none
a. All enjoyed themselves at the party.All of us like to eat potato chips.(作主语)
=We all like to eat potato chips.(作同位语) All the oil has been used up.(作主语)
b1) A: How much bread is there? B: None.=No bread.
2) A: How many students went there? B: None.=No students. B: None of the students went there.
3) In the past, none of the buses were/was air-conditioned.
8. each , every
each Every
1)可修饰人或物 与each相同
2)谓语动词需用单数 与each相同
3)指两个或两个以上中的一个(数量) 指两个(不含两个)以上中的一个
4)侧重于个体、个别(含义) 侧重于全体,意思上等同于all
5)可单独使用,作定语时后面名词要用单数 不可单独使用,后面必须加名词(只能在句中作定语),名词用单数
6)可以和of连用 不可以和of连用,但every one(分开写)可以和of连用
7)可作同位语、主语、宾语 只能作定语,后面必须跟名词单数
8)没有合成词 有合成词,与one/body/thing组成,合成词后不能加名词,动词要用单数
a.There are many trees on each side of the street.
b. Each boy here likes football.
=All the boys here like football.
=Every boy here likes football.
c. Each of the rooms (them) is big and bright.
9. many , much , a lot
many(多数) 只能和复数可数名词连用 在句中可作主语、宾语、表语和定语
much(多量) 只能和不可数名词连用 主要用于否定句和疑问句中
a lot of many a large (great) number of = many
lots of
plenty of much a great (good) deal of = much
a.There are many new buildings is that estate.= There are a lot of / lots of new buildings.
b. At the party I didn’t know many people.
c. How much money do you have? Can you lend me some?
10. a few , few , a little , little
a few (肯定) 用于可数名词 在句中可作主语、宾语、定语等
few (否定)
a little (肯定) 用于不可数名词 在句中可作主语、宾语、定语等
little (否定)
a.There are a few minutes left, aren’t there? Don’t worry!
There is a little time left, isn’t there? Don’t worry!
b.There are few minutes left, are there? Hurry up!
There is little time left, is there? Hurry up!
11. it It is a robot.(指物) It is raining now, but it’ll be fine soon.(指天气)
It’s cold in this room.(指天气)
1) A: What time is it? B: It’s six thirty.(指时间)
2) How far is it from here to the hospital?
It’s about three miles.(指距离)
6) It’s important (for us) to fight pollution.(作形式主语)
单数 复数
this these
that those
1. Is this your motorcycle? No, it isn’t.
2. Are those calculators expensive? Yes, they are.
3. The history of China is as interesting as that of America.
4. The radios made in Shanghai are as good as those(= the radios) made in Tianjin.
通格 each other , one another
所有格 each other’s , one another’s
1. In school all my classmates help one another / each other.
2. Don’t talk to each other / one another.
3. We should point out each other’s / one another’s shortcomings.
7. 疑问代词
who , whom , whose, what , which…
8. 关系代词
who , whom , whose, that , which




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