
中学英语教学资源网英语论文中考复习指导 2015-07-22 手机版

1. in, on, at在……(之时)
①in与年、季节、月、年代、世纪及一般(泛指)的早、中、晚等较长时间的词连用eg: in summer在夏天; in January在1月;in 2012 在2012年; in the morning在早上 in the 21st century
如:on August 8th在8月8日; on Monday在星期一; on New Year’s Day;
on a cold morning在一个寒冷的早晨;on Sunday afternoon在星期天下午。
如:at 5∶10pm 在下午5∶10; at the beginning of在开始时;
at the end of...在……的末尾;at the age of...在……岁时; at noon在中午;at the same time在同时。at night在晚上;
2. in, after 在……之后
“in +时间段”用于将来时之中;“after+时间段”用于过去时态之中;“after+时间点”既可用于将来时也可用于过去时。如: Jim will go to Beijing in five days. 吉姆五天后会去北京。Jim went to Beijing after five days. 五天后,吉姆去了北京。Jim will go to Beijing after five o’clock. 吉姆会在五点钟后去北京。
3. for, since
for可以指过去、现在或将来,着重说明“多久”, 后面接时间段。since意为“自从……起”,多与完成时连用,后面接时间点或从句。since引导的从句通常为一般过去时。如:
He has lived here for 2 weeks. / He has lived here since 2 weeks ago. It’s five years since he left school.
4. after, behind 在……之后
after主要用于表示时间;behind主要用于表示位置。如:You should take a walk after dinner. /The picture is behind the door.
1. in, on, to
1).in表示A地在B地范围之内.(包含关系) 2).on表示A,B地接壤.(外切关系)
Hubei is ___ the north of Hunan /Tanwan is ___ the southeast of China . /Japan is ___ the east of China .
1)at 接小地点或较具体的位置”。at home/ at the station 如:He arrived at school at 8 o’clock. 他8点钟到学校
2)in 接在大地点 in China; in the world ; He arrived in Wenzhou yesterday. (较大地点)
3)on 表在一个平面上 on the farm
3. above, over, on 在……上
①above 指在……上方,表相对高度,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;
The bird is flying above my head. 鸟在我的头上飞。
②over指在……正上方,表垂直的高度,与under相对;There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。
③on表示某物体上面并与之接触。如:There is a book on the desk.
4. below, under 在……下面 ; under表示“在……正下方”; below表示“在……下,不一定在正下方”。如:
There is a dog under the desk./ Please write your name below the line.
5.in front of / in the front of
(1).in the front of 表示在…….内部的前面 ;(2).in front of 表示在……外面的前面
There is a desk in _____ front of our classroom . There is a big tree in _____ front of our classroom.
1. across / through / over / by 经过
①across 指横穿,穿过. 表示动作从某一物体表面上经过.②through 指穿过,透过,表示从某一物体空间内通过.
③over 表示从某人或某物的上空经过或越过,不与表面接触. ④by/past 表示从某人/某物的旁边经过.
Can you swim ______ the river ? / The elephant is so big that it can’t go _____ the gate .
I don’t think anyone can jump ___ the fence. / I walked _____ the bank of China yesterday .
2. between, among
① between指在两个人或两个事物之间;There is a bank between the post office and the police station.
② among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间eg:The teacher is standing among the students.
3 . in, into, out of
①in:在……里面,用于表示静止的位置。Her mother works in the hospital.
②into:进入,用于表示有特定终点的运动方向,经常与表示动作的动词连用如,come, go, run, rush等。
The child ran into his mother’s arms. 这小孩跑进了它妈妈的怀里
③out of:从……里出来,与into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向。如:
All the children rushed out of the classroom when the bell rang.
四.表示方式的介词 with / in / by 表示 “用……”
1.with 表示 “用…” 一般指有形的工具 / 手段 / 人体器官.
He cut the apple into halves ____ a knife . 注: with 表伴随, “带有,含有”
He came in _____ a big smile on his face .
2.in a)表示用某种语言,方式,途径. 或书写/绘画所用的材料..
Can you say it _____English ? / He wrote a letter ____ blue ink .
b)以…方式in this way 用这种方法 behave in a polite way
c)也可表交通方式travel in a car d)“穿着” in red穿红色的衣服
3.by a)表示乘坐交通工具, travel by bus
b)以……方式、方法或手段 I study for a test _____ working with a group .
4. on a)通过 study on the air/radio通过广播学习 b)乘坐on a bus/ on a bike
注意: 1).by phone = on the phone 2).by car = in a car 3).in pen = with a pen = with pens
In 在。。。。里边 in our class between 在两者之间 between us
among 在三者或三者以上的中间 among students
besides 除了。。。之外还有(包括后面的宾语)Tom,Jim besides Lily.
except 除了。。。之外(不包括后面的宾语)Tom,Jim except Lily.
including包括 All the students including me.
1. on the tree /in the tree
①on the tree 表示 “树上本身长的东西” 在树上. ②in the tree 表示 “外界的物体进入树中” 人或物在树上.
There are some apples _____ the tree ./ There is a boy ____ the tree.
2.in the wall /on the wall
①in the wall 表示“门窗在墙上” ②on the wall 表示“某东西张贴或挂在墙上”
a picture the wall the window the wall
3. .except / besides / except for
1).except 除了…之外, 都… 不包括在范围之内,排除同类的. We all went swimming except Lucy .
注: nothing but …除了…之外,什么也没有. There is nothing but a letter in the box .
2).besides除了…之外,还有… 包括在范围之内. We study Japanese and French besides English
3) except for 句中的主语与except for后的宾语不同类:
Smith is a good man, except for his bad temper. 史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人
.4. .with / without
1).with具有,带有 反义词: without 没有 词组: with the help of = with one’s help 反义词:without one’s help
2).without 的用法:A).without + sb./ sth. 没有某人或某物
B).without + doing sth . He left here without____(say ) “Goodbye”to us
C). without sth 常与if 引导的否定的条件句. If there is no water , we can’t live .= We can’t live ______ _______ .
5. be made +介词的区别:(见九上笔记)
be made of 由…制成 (看得见原材料);be made from由…制成 (看不见原材料)
be made in +地点 由哪儿生产 ; be made by sb. 由某人制造
6. since / for 注: since / for 常用于现在完成时.
1).since : a).since +时间点;b). 现在完成时+ since +一般过去时;c).since +一段时间+ ago.
2)for: for +一段时间= since +一段时间+ ago
be full of充满; be filled with装满……; be born in出生于; be sure of确信;
be used to 习惯于…; be late for迟到;be strict with sb对某人要求严格; be excited about对…感到激动。
arrive in/at 到达大/小地方; agree with同意,赞同; ask for要求,请求。
catch up with 赶上,追上; come from 来自; do well in在……做得好;
decide on决定; fall behind 落后; get to 到达; go to school去上学;
get on with与某人相处; go on with sth.继续做某事; go to bed(sleep)去睡觉;
go to the cinema 去看电影; have nothing with 与……无关; hear of 听说;
hear from收到…来信; help...with...在(某方面)帮助; hand in 交上来。
1.当时间状为: tonight, today, yesterday, tomorrow 等时,不用介词. What are you going to do tonight ?
2.含有this, that, these, those, last, next, every, each等时间状语. He went to Wuhan last week .
3.以all 开头的时间状语前面不用介词. He has worked all day .
4.以some ,any, one 等构成的时间状语前不用介词.
He met a bad man one cold morning .= He met a bad man a cold morning .




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