what were you doing when the rainstorm came 教案教学设计(新课标版英语八年级) |
中学英语教学资源网 → 英语教案 → 教学设计 2016-04-13 手机版 | ||||
The Second Period: Section A (3a-3c) Teaching aims(教学目标): 1.掌握运用阅读技巧skimming和scanning来获取信息; 2. 能够理解过去进行时态在文章中的运用。 Key points (重点): 1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1) What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (2) Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure …2.要求掌握以下词汇: (1)动词:report, beat, rise (v. & n.) (2)名词:storm, wind, light, area, wood, window, flashlight, matches, candle (3)副词:apart (4) 形容词:asleep, serious, fallen, broken (5) 介词: against (6) 词组:die down, fall asleep, break (sth.) apart, bring (sth.) closer together (本节课的生词在之前的学习中都已接触过,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难,如果班级学生的水平较高,可以鼓励学生当堂掌握。 Difficulties(难点): 理解文中过去进行时的运用。 Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Revision(复习) T: Yesterday, we learnt some important phrases, let’s review them now! Please translate the following expressions. 1. 在…时候 at the time of 2. 等公交 wait for the bus 3. (闹钟)响 go off 4. 洗个热水澡 take a hot shower 6. 雨下得很大 rain heavily 7. 接电话 pick up / answer the call 8. 昨天很多人都遭遇了暴风雨。 Many people were caught in the rainstorm yesterday. (先给出汉语,让学生一起逐个翻译,关注学生的反应速度及流利程度,把掌握没到位的短语重新板书在黑板上,强调) 教学设计说明: 复习是为了巩固上节课所学内容,以词块翻译的形式,兼顾单词的用法,又没有句子那么复杂,减轻学生畏难情绪,并有助于学生语感的形成。 2. Lead-in(新课导入) T: In summer, there are always storms, right? And the storms always bring us some problems . Look at the pictures on the screen. What can you see? S1: In the first picture, the wind is strong and the rain is heavy . T: So what is it? S1: It is a storm. T: Yes. What happened to the trees? S2: Some trees have fallen. T: Yes. The storm destroyed the trees. And we can say “The storm damaged the trees.” or “The trees are damaged.” However, do you think the storm can be good for us? (教师引入新课的同时,讲解新词 storm和destroy,并补充damage, 它既可以作动词,也可以是名词) S3: I think the storm can … (让学生自由发挥,老师和其他学生做出适当评价) 教学设计说明: 读前准备,设置好合适的情境,引导学生往阅读内容方面思考,为接下来的阅读做好准备,并先理解一些重点单词。 3. The 1st reading T: As the saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” While the storms can cause lots of damage to the environment, the storm can be good for us. Please read the passage on page 35 quickly to find out how a storm can be good for the people. . (第一次阅读是skimming,这里学生只要看文章标题,再快速看段落主旨句尤其是最后一段验证即可,用时大概1分钟;讲解时得到答案的方法更重要;核对答案时可以叫2-3名同学分享他们的答案和依据。) 教学设计说明: 第一遍阅读是略读,快速阅读来获取文章主旨,这是理解文章的第一步。 4. The 2nd reading T: Now we have known the main idea of this passage. Let’s move on to deal with two questions about the content of this passage. Please look at 3a on page 35. First, you have to understand the questions and remember the key words. Then look for the answers from the passage. Please underline the answers in the passage. T: Are you finished? S: Yes. T: OK. Let’s check the answers now. No.1, who would like to have a try? What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? S1: The strong winds were blowing outside. T: Is this the correct answer? S2: Yes. But it is not complete. And black clouds were making the sky very dark. T: Yes. Very good! There are two points. You have to pay more attention. But where did you find the answer? Ss: The 1st and 2nd sentences of the 1st paragraph. T: You are right! Please look at the screen. Have you got it? (以超链接的形式展示答案在文中的位置) Ss: Yes! T: Good! Now No. 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm? Who can give us the answer? S3: The neighborhood was in a mess and fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. T: Bingo! That’s right! There are also two points. Where did you find the answer? Ss: The last paragraph. T: Yeah! Look at the screen please. Let’s read the two sentences together. (在PPT上以超链接的形式展示答案在文中位置) 教学设计说明: 通过阅读获取信息回答问题后,理解文章要点,进一步理解文章。在原文做标记找答案的阅读习惯养成。通过超链接的方式展示问题答案在原文中的位置,给中下层次的学生便利,提高课堂效率。 5. The 3rd reading T: OK, now let’s move to some details of the passage. Please look at 3b. You have to read the passage again and complete the sentences. T: OK, time to stop! Please check your answers in your group in two minutes. (4人学习小组组内成员互相核对答案) T: Time is up. Let’s read out the four sentences and check the answers together. If your answer is not right, please correct it. (以超链接的形式展示每个答案在原文中的位置,并逐段讲解) 教学设计说明: 任务中的4个句子正好每个段落一句,在展示答案所在段落时正好梳理讲解该段知识点;以超链接的方式,明了易懂;知识点的逐个呈现,清楚且详细,避免了一次性讲解知识点的无聊。 6. Learning useful expressions T: Let’s read each paragraph more closely and learn some useful expressions. 7. Post-reading T: From the passage, we know that although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. And what other things can bring people closer together? T: I will give you a sample first. Look at the screen. What is the picture about? S: The Wenchuan earthquake. T: Yes. It was on May 12th 2008. And at that time, people in China got together to fight against the earthquake. So this shows that a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, can bring people together. T: Now, let’s discuss in small groups. What other natural disasters happened before which brought people together? Ss: …… (让学生各抒己见) T: Also, a big event, such as the Olympic Games, can bring people together. Let’s discuss. Have Ss discuss as a class or in small groups. Have Ss express their opinions about big events. Encourage them to say the reasons why big events can bring people together. T: As you have just discussed, a big event or a disaster can bring people together. So how can we help each other in times of difficulty? T: Do you know the phrase “in times of difficulty”? S: 在困难的时候。 T: Yes. Now discuss with your partner how to help each other in times of difficulty. First, you should share your ideas and reasons with your partner. Then share them with the class. (学生讨论之后,让2-3组的组长代表发言展示讨论结果,最后给出参考ideas) (1) cheer people up by saying some kind words to encourage them (2) donate clothes, food, and other things to those who need help (3) donate some money to those who lost their homes (4) send some police officers and doctors to save the people in danger ……………… 教学设计说明: 这是个小组合作讨论的环节,既可以锻炼口语,也可以发散思维,深化文章内涵;学生之间通过讨论分享,也可扩大自己的视野,向同伴学习。先给例子再让学生讨论,给其一个方向。 8. Think T: We have learnt the content and the language points of this passage. Please think about it: What can we learn from this passage other the language structures? (让学生思考然后给出自己的想法;老师给出贴切文章内涵的参考答案) (1) We should protect the environment. (2) When a natural disaster happens, we human beings should work together to help each other and overcome the difficulties (3) We should remember that “each coin has two sides.” Natural disasters can cause lots of damage to the environment, but they can be good for us if people work hard together.. 教学设计说明: 通过对文章内容的思考,挖掘其内在的意义,这也是课堂三维目标“情感、态度和价值观”的体现,掌握语言的基础上,学得一定道理。 9. Homework 1. Memorize the language points in the passage; 2. Try your best to recite the whole passage. |
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