What color is it? 教学案例(人教版英语七年级) |
中学英语教学资源网 → 英语教案 → 教学案例 2016-09-19 手机版 | ||||
第一课时 教学目标 1.学习本课的知识点: (1)字母:Ss,Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz (2)单词:blue,green,red,yellow,black,white,brown,purple,co lor,UFO,CCTV (3)句型: —What's this/that? —It's ... —What color is it? —It's ... 2.使学生能运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色。 3.对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。 教学重难点: 教学重点 熟练掌握Ss—Zz八个字母的大小写形式和颜色的表达方法。 教学难点 准确而熟 练地描述物体的颜色。 教学工具: 多媒体 教学过程 Step 1:Warm-up 游戏活动 这一部分的Guessing game主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“What's this?It's ...”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。我们在游戏的最后用同样的方式引出本堂课所要教授的新字母的小写形式。 For example: The teacher shows a part of a letter and asks: T:What's this? Get the students to answer the question like this: S1:I think it's A/B... Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether they're right or wrong. 教师指着带颜色的字母问: T:What color is it? S1:It's red ... 导入新课What color is it? 教师用各种色粉笔在黑板上写字母,询问学生: T:What's this? Ss:It's 。。。. T:What color is it? The teacher answers himself/herself: It's red. 教师使用不同颜色的粉笔在黑板上写下字母Aa—Rr,让同学们一个接一个地读出来,教师问: T:What color is it? Ss:It's red.(Help the students to answer.) Step 2:Present the new letters and words 1. 教师通过多媒体呈现一组本课要学习的字母图片,并且每张字母图片颜色不一样,让学生以小组为单位进行辨认。教师可采取竞赛的方式来调动学生的学习积极性。 For example: T:Look at these pictures.Let's play a game.Who can say these letters and the colors as quickly as possible?If you can,you will be the winner.Now let's begin. S1:It's “Z”;it's red... 2. 读一读表示颜色的单词,然后把颜色与对应的单词连起来。 T:They are the names of colors.Draw them on the blackboard or show them on the screen.Now please read after me.You should pay attention to your pronunciation. Let's match the words with the colors Step 3:Present the skils 1.教师让学生听1b部分的录音,通过听力训练操练所学的新句型。 具体操作建议是:第一遍 让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让个别学生读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生掌握本课所学的新句型。 2.教师板书并强调What question 句型。 A:What's this? B:It's V. A:What color is it? B:It's red. A:What's that? B:It's Z. A:What color is it? B:It's black. Step 4:Practice the new skills 1.让学生先按照课本的内容练习,建议前后位互问,同位互问,一生随意选择另一学生互问,尽量采取多形式从多角度练习,让更多 的人参与进来。 2.Pa ir work:Let's look at the pictures below.Can you ask and answer questions about the colors?Now work in pairs.Ask your partner about the letters in the pictures. 3.脱离课本,让学生根据身边的事物进行问答,或者用彩笔在白纸上随意写出学过的字母进行问答。 4 教师出示一些带有字母的卡片,并涂上颜色,让学生任意抽取一张,反复操练句型,为了培养学生的竞争意识,也可以让学生以组为单位进行比赛 Step5 Read and write 根据大写字母写出小写字母,根据小写字母写出大写字母,必须使用四线格。 写完之后找同学读一读,再次巩固字母的读音。对于书写比较漂亮的同学,教师将其书写投影,供大家学习,同时也能激励大家认真书写。 Step 6:Summary 让学生自己总结。 Step 7:Homework 1.把Ss—Zz八个字母的大小写形式每个写5遍。 2.制作彩色字母卡片,并在卡片上写出本节课学习的句型。 3.预习第二课时的单词。 板书 Unit 3 What color is it? Letters Ss,Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz Words blue,green,red,yellow,black,white,brown,purple,color Sentences What color is it? It's red... |
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