高一英语第十六单元Unit 16 Fire

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit16.doc
标题 Unit 16 Fire
章节 第十六单元
Unit 16 Fire
catch fire, (be) on fire, in that case, get burnt, belong to, break out, be out, put out the fire, escape from, lose one’s life, get close to.
Look out! Be careful! Take care ! Never mind. If you…, you will …
The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense.(一般过去时和过去进行时)
eg.1. The fire destroyed the cars.
2.While the fire fighters was trying to control the fire, holicopters flew to the burning building.
▲Catch fire /be on fire着火
①The pan was so hot that the oil in it caught fire.锅太热了,里面的油着了。
②Once the pan is on fire, the first thing you do is to turn the gas off .一旦油锅着了,你首先该做的是把煤气关掉。
▲control fire控制火势
①The fire was too strong for them to control.火势太大了,他们控制不了。
②Firefighters came quickly so that the fire was controled.消防员很快赶到控制了火势。
▲discovery a fire.发现火警
If you discovery a fire, break the glass to sound the fire alarm.如果你发现了火灾,打碎玻璃去弄响火警铃报警。
▲put out the fire灭火
Who helped you to put out the fire?谁帮助你们把火扑灭了?
▲escape from the fire逃离火境
They tried their best to escape from the fire, but they failed.他们努力想逃离火境,但带是失败了。
▲make a fire.生火 set…on fire使……燃烧着火
fire alarm. 火警警报 fire exit出口 fire escape(火警时用的)太平梯
2.Is the fire out ?火灭了吗?
反义:Is the fire sill burning?火还着着吗?
3.You might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil.
eg. Jane might come later, but I don’t think she will. 珍妮可能来得晚些,但我想她不愿这样。
4.In that case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire. 如果那样的话,就不仅仅是一口锅着火了。
①You haven’t finished your work. In that case, you aren’t allowed to leave.
②The room is full of smoke. In that case, you’d better call 119 immediately.如果整个房间的都是烟了,这种情况下你最好马上打119.
5.Or you may be trapped by the fire. ……否则你可能被大火困住。
①He couldn’t return in time because he was trapped by something difficult.
②The police trapped a thief down narrow street from which he couldn’t escape.警察把贼堵在一条小胡同里,使他无路可逃。
6.The fire also destroyed ears which belonged to people who worked in the building.
这句话中有两个定语从句,1个是which引导的定语从句修饰cars.另1个是who引导的worked in the building,限定people两个关连词作定语从句的主语,所以不能被省略。
belong to:属于,没有被动语态
①China belongs to developing country.中国属于发展中国家。
②I gave it to you as a gift. So it belong to you from mow on.我把它做为礼物递给你,从现在起它是你的了。
7.the fire broke out on the 11th floor.
break out =start通常指战争火灾等大事件的突然爆发。
①The first World War broke out in 1914. 1914一战爆发
8.an electrical fire:电路走火
9.Below the 11th floor people were able to escape into the street .
escape vt.vi.n.逃跑 通常和from连用,做及物动词逃脱、逃避讲时后跟名词n或动名词ving.
①He had a marrow escape from eleath.他幸免于一死。
②Every large theatre should have fire escapes.每座大剧院都该有太平门。
③The gas is escaping somewhere.什么地方漏气了
④None of the criminals escaped punishment/being punished.罪犯一个也没有逃脱惩罚。
10.…but it was impossible to control it .
…it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.
…but it was impossible for them to get close enough.
▲It is /was impossible(possible),necessary, important) for sb. To do sth.对某人来说,做某事不可能(有可能,很必要,很重要)
It is /was +adj for sb to do sth和It is /was +adj sb to do sth的区别。
eg. ①It is necessary for students to listen English every day.对学生来说每天听英语很必要。
这句话表示to listen English is necessary是对动作的评价
②It is kind of you to help me. 你来帮我太好了。
这句话表示“you are kind”是对人的主观评价。
▲get close (to )接近
11.There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.
“watching”在这里是分词做伴随,表示“There were many people in the street. They were watching the fire.”
eg. The professor put his finger into mouth, looking rather pleased.
12. The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it .
①The performance lasted two hours.演出持续了2小时。
②This cloth lasts well.这种布很耐穿。
③──It has been raining for a week. How long do you think it’ll last ?
13.The whole building was destroyed and over 220 people lost their lives in the fire.
lose one’s life丧生
eg.①Most people lost their lives in the earthquake, Only few of them were rescued.
②Thanks to the doctors, he didn’t lost his life in the traffic accident.多亏了医生他才没死于这场交通事故。
eg. ①While I was running towards the nearest exit, my coat caught fire.当我朝最近的出口跑的时候,我的衣服被烧着了。
②I was answering a telephone, when the pan was on fire.锅被烧着时,我正接电话。
③The man looked worried because he didn’t know how to sound the fire alarm.
④As we were walking back, we saw some smoke over the hill.
过去时的构成 主+r.ed.
过去进行时的构成 主+was /were+ving.
1.用下列词组写一篇小作文,以Fires in Homes为题,然后完成下面的完型填空,从文章中找出下列词的同义词。
break out, fire department, put out, escape from, be careful, lose one’s life, last firefighter, discover.
Fires in Homes
What should you do if your house catches a fire ? Warn the ① and get out as ②as possible. Don’t stop ③your things, ④call 119 at once.
Most fire—safety experts suggested that bedroom doors ⑤at night. Can you think why? If a fire breaks out at might, if often burns for a long time ⑥it is discovered. Hall ways(过道)sometimes become ⑦smoke and poisonous(有毒的)gases. A closed door prevents these from
⑧the bedroom ⑨someone may be sleeping.
If you should wake up ⑩and smell smoke, remain calm(冷静).Go to the bedroom door and
⑾it .If it is warm or hot, ⑿it.There is fire in the hall. Wake up ⒀of the family. Then go to the window. If you can do so safely, ⒁down, But don’t jump ⒂as a last resont(手段),Wait for help. If the door is not warm, open it . And make your ⒃ care fully out of the house.
1.A.home B. house C. family D. members
2.A.quick B. well C. far D. quickly
3.A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved
4.A.but B. and C. than D. or
5.A. closed B. be closed C. close D. closing
6.A. before B. after C. unless D. within
7.A. covered B. filled with C. full D. enough
8.A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. enter into
9.A. that B. which C. on which D. where
10.A.one day B. some night C. some day D. some mights
11.A. open B. feel C. close D. catch
12.A. some B. do open C. close D. don’t open
13.A. some B. many C. most D. the rest
14.A. climb B. walk C. jump D. fall
15.A. beside B. besides C. except D. except that
16.A. things B. decisien C. way D. record
1—5 C D B A B 6—10 A B B D B 11—16 B D D A C C
3.stop to save停下来去收拾东西。 “stop doing”表示“停止做”
4.Don’t stop to save …,but call…“不要……而去做”
5.suggest sb (should )do sth. The door should be closed
8.prevent from doing sth =stop from doing sth




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