高一英语第二十二单元 Britain and Ireland

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit22.doc
标题 Britain and Ireland
章节 第二十二单元
关键词 内容
1. Where are you from ?
Are you…? (Chinese / English / German)
Are you from…? (China / England / Germany)
“What country are you from ?” ── “I’m from China .”
“What nationality are you ?” ── “I’m of Chinese nationality” / My nationality is Chinese”
2.在课文word study中要求完成表格现将答案显示如下:
Country Adjective People Language
England English the English English
Scotland Scottish the Scots English / Scottish
Ireland Irish the Irish English / Irish
Wales Welsh the Welsh English / Welsh
Germany German German German
France French Frenchmen / Frenchwomen French
Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese
China Chinese Chinese Chinese
The U.S.A American American English
3. The larger of the two islands is Britain , Which lies to the east of Ireland .
①lie to the east / west . north . south of… 在…之东/ 西、北、南,并不强调是否接壤
Taiwan lie to the east of Fujian . 台湾位于福建的东方。
Cardiff is to the west of London . 卡尔地夫在伦敦的西边。
②lie on……表示强调二者交界
Wales lies on the west of England .
③lie on……还可以表示在……河畔,……沿线
London lies on the River Thames . 伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。
There are several villages on the coast . 海岸沿线有几个小村庄。
Wu han , the capital of Hubei Province , lies on the Changjiang River .
④lie in……表示“在……境内”。
Japan lies (is) to the east of China , it lies (is)
Taiwan lies in the east of China .
4.The letters “UK” stand for “the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” .
字母 “UK”代表The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .
stand for : “代表”、“代替”
①Our flag stands for our country . 我的旗子代表着我们的国家。
②Each star on the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation .
5.The “UK” is made up of four countries . 联合王国是由四部分组成的。
make up of : 由……组成
①A car is made up of different parts . 汽车是由许多不同的部分组成的。
②The audience was made up of very young children .
6.Scotland has many lakes and mountains and is famous for its beautiful countryside .
be famous for : 以……而闻名,以……著称
①Beijing is famous for its ancient places of interest .
②Egypt is famous for the pyramids .
7.There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south , but many of them have been closed , or are about to be closed .
※There used to be… “过去常有,曾经有过”暗指现在不复存在了。
①There used to be a big supermarket , but it has been moved to another place .
②There used to be some trees in this field , usen’t / didn’t there ?
※be about to……即将做某事。
①Be quick ! The plane is about to take off .
②It’s too late , the film is about to be finished .
8.London lies on the River Thames and has a population of seven million .
population 人口,提问有多少人口用“What”,修饰人口众多用“large”。
①What was the population of Beijing in 1999 ?
②China has the largest population in the world . 中国是世界人口最多的国家。
9.Ireland is divided into two countries . 爱尔兰被分成2个国家。
divide “分,分开”。指把整体分成若干份。
①He divided the cake among the children .
②Let’s divide our Class into 7 groups .
Separate : v. “隔开”“脱离”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的分割开来,使之有一段距离,常和“from”连用,做不及物动词时为“分手”。
①England and France are separated by 22 miles of open ocean at their closest point .
②You’d better separate the good ones from the bad ones.
③We have been separated for a long time .
④Separate . adj . 不同的,独立的。
We went our separate way after the party . 聚会结束后我们分手了。(走不同方向的路)
10.Ireland is especially wet .
especially “尤其”强调个别超过其它部分,它后面提到的东西必须是前面叙述事物的一部分。
①I love the country , especially in spring .
②The Great Wall had been rebuilt and repaired many times , especially during the Ming Dynasty .
Specially , “特别地”,指为一特别的目的而专门做的。
①The books are specially written for children .
②I made this specially for your birthday .
11.They lived mainly on potatoes . 他们以土豆为主食。
live on “靠吃……为主”,“靠……(收入)生活”。
①The cows live on grass . 牛以草为食。
②The people in north China live mainly on wheat .
③How could you live on such a small income ?
12.Around 1850 , a terrible disease hit the potato crop , and potato went bad in the soil .
go bad “变坏”,go是系动词,表示由一种状态变成另一种,例如go blind(变瞎),go mad(变疯)
go wrong(出毛病)同样的系表构成还有由become和get引导的,如
①The fish went bad , it smells terrible .
②Beethoven went deaf almost completely at the ago of 40 .
③The situation has become better .
④They are getting stronger and stronger .
13.Although many families became separated , people still kept in touch with each other .
keep in touch with…… 和……保持联系。
①People can keep in touch with each other even-when they do live far away from each other .
②A good teacher should always keep in touch with students .
14.Altheugh many farmerms in the west continue to lead a simple life .
lead a…life,过着…的生活。
①Mathild led a hard life for the lost necklace .
②Her parents are leading a quiet life in the country side .
③We , young people should lead an active life .
15.Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people’s lives .
play a part in… 在…方面起作用,在……中扮演角色。
①Foreign languages study plays an important part in Karl Marx’s life .
② “Which parts do you play (in the film) ?” “你(在电影中)扮演中哪个角色?”
“──I play the part of king” . “我演国王”。
16.The Irish are very fond of music and poems .
be fond of… 喜欢,爱好
①She has many faults , but we’re all very fond of her .
②Girls are usually fond of watching fashion-shown .
运用所学语言,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务,阅读课文“Britain and Ireland”和“Ireland”,了解英国和爱尔兰的地理和历史情况,并完成有关课文内容的练习。
1.Are you from…?
Where are you from ?
What are you ?
I’m (form)…
2. Expressions for location(方位表达)
例如:①London is in the southeast of England .
②Wales lies to / on the west of England .
③London lies on the River Thames .
④North of England lies in Scotland .
England and France are separated by 22 miles of open ocean at their closest point . People of all ages and different jobs had tried to swim across the English Channel . Each swimmer decides to have this great try for different reasons , but each has the same aim-to conquer(征服)the channel .
The English Channel was first crossed in 1875 by Matthew Webb , an Englishman , who swam from Dover , England , to Calas , France . Since then , over 3,700 people have had about 4,500 tries on the channel . Only 297 people (199men and 98 women) , however , have successfully gained(得到)Webb’s remark-able(非凡的)achievement(成就)。
1.The English Channel is .
A. a river from Dover to Calas . B. a canal(运河)between England and France
C. a sea between Britain and France D. a strait between Britain and France
2.The Channel is about 22 miles .
A. long B. wide C. deep D. shallow(浅)
3.Of the following statements , which is true according to the passage above ?
A. More men have succeeded(成功)in crossing the Channel than women .
B. All swimmers have their tries on the Channel for special prizes .
C. The Channel was first conquered over two centuries ago .
D. No one failed in his try on the Channel .
4.According to the passage , how many people have crossed the Channel up to now ? .
A. 4,500 B. 3,700 C. 298 D. 297
5.The best title for this passage may be“ ”.
A. How to Cross the English Channel B. The Importance of Swimming
C. Conquering the English Channel D. The English Channel
答案:B B A B C




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