高一英语第二十三单元 Rescuring the Temple

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit23.1.doc
标题 Rescuring the Temple
章节 第二十三单元
关键词 高一英语第二十三单元
Ⅰ . 词汇学习
at breakfast , edge , in danger , regularly , mark , face ( v . ) , god , Africa , East Africa , flood , level , figure , date from , rebuild , effort , make a good effort , extra , temple , Egypt , dam , pyramid
Ⅱ . 交际英语
1 . There are several thing we could do .
2 . Can't we… ?
3 . Maybe we could…
4 . How about… ?
5 . I think we should do that another day .
6 . You'd ( we'd ) better…
征求意见 What shall we do ?
意愿 I'd prefer to do…
偏爱 I'd like to do…
判断 I think that's a good idea .
Ⅲ . 语法学习
I was the only person in the office who was invited .
He is her father , who is a doctor .
关系代词 which 和 as 可以指代它前面整个句子的意思,引导非限制性定语从句。
He was late again , which made his teacher angry .
As everybody knows , all that glitters is not gold .
一冠之差 意义迥异
1 . go to church 去做礼拜,go to the church 去教堂。如:
While going to the church , he met with many people who would go to church .
2 . go to hospital 去看病,go to the hospital 去医院。如:
Mary went to hospital because she didn't feel well .
He went to the hospital to see his sick aunt .
3 . go to sea = become a sailor 当水手,go to the sea 到海滨度假。
When he was a boy , his greatest wish was to go to sea .
It's windy and we can't go to the sea . That's a pity .
4 . out of question 毫无疑问,out of the question 不可能,办不到的,不必谈的。如:
He is an honest man and his honesty is out of question .
He is too young . It is out of the question for him to support a large family .
5 . in front of 在 ( 某范围外的 ) 前面,in the front of 在 ( 某范围内的 ) 前部。如:
He is sitting in the front of the classroom , reading a foreign novel while the others are playing football in front of the teaching building .
6 . take place 发生,take the place of 取代,代替。如:
Mr . Jin , who will take the place of Mike , knows how . the accident take place .
※ 不定冠词不可忽视。
1 . at a time 每次,一次,at times 有时,不时。如:
Please pass me the bricks two at a time .
At college we had a class - meeting at times .
2 . have a word with sb . 与……谈话,have words with sb . 与……争吵。如:
Can I have a word with you ?
He is a cross man . He often has words with his neighbours .
3 . on fire 失火,on a fire 在火上。如:
They are eating something that were cooked on a fire .
4 . take a turn 兜一圈,take turns 依次,轮流。如:
They took a turn in the park on a bike and went home .
They take turns to look after the old lady .
1 . level 水平线;水平
The mountain is 8000 feet above sea level . 此山海拔高度为8000英尺。
2 . effort 努力,艰难的尝试
He made an effort to finish his work . 他努力完成他的工作。
I'll make every effort to help you . 我将尽力帮助你。
Tom made a big effort to move the rock . 汤姆花了很大的劲去搬那块大石头。
3 . extra 额外的,外加的
I must buy extra bread because friends are coming to tea . 我必须再买些面包,因为朋友们要来吃茶点。
I don't suppose they want any extra help . 我认为他们不需要额外的帮助。
Dinner costs £ 3 , and wine is extra . 饭钱是三英磅,酒钱另加。
4 . flood 洪水 ( 常用复数 ) ( 使 ) 淹没;泛滥
When the water went down again after the floods , a lot of rich soil was left in the fields .
The river was in flood .
First , the River Nile used to flood large areas at the same time every day .
In Egypt , the Nile used to flood every year .
Our street floods whenever we have rain .
5 . mark 标明;作记号于 ( 常与 with 连用 ) 记号;标记
… each stone was marked with a number .
mark one's clothes with one's name
a horse with a white mark on its head
6 . face 面向;朝向
Inside the temple is a row of stone animals , which face the rising sun .
Turn round and face me .
The building faces north / towards the north .
7 . regularly 规则地;经常地
The new dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year .
Take the medicine regularly three times a day .
We meet regularly to discuss business .
1 . be on holiday 在度假;休假
2 . at breakfast 早餐时;在吃早饭
She was at breakfast when I called her yesterday .
3 . feel like ( doing ) sth . 想 / 愿意做某事
I don't feel like ( drinking ) beer tonight .
4 . on the edge of 在……边的缘
The temple is on the edge of the lake that has been made by the dam .
Don't put that glass on the edge of the table ; it might fall off .
2 . rise by… 增加 / 提高 / 升高了…;以…的幅度升高 / 提高
rise to 增加 / 提高 / 升高到…
As a result of the dam , the water level of the lake was going to rise
The water level rose to 63 meters .
6 . in danger 在危险中
These temples were in danger .
He had a car accident . His life is in danger .
注:在in danger 这一词组中不能加不定冠词 a,因为 danger 是作为不可数名词,但在 danger 前可以加上 no 或 great 和形容词构成 in no danger , in great danger 等词组,in danger 的反义词组是 out of danger。
These two countries are at war . Their people are in great danger .
Don't worry about your son . He is out of danger now .
7 . date from ( = date back to ) 属于 ( 某一历史时期 ) ;始于 ( 某一历史时期 )
…there dress dates from the 19th century .
My interest in stamp collecting dates from my school days .
8 . in all ( = in total ) 总共
In all , 1 , 700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project .
There were 20 people in all in the party .
9 . make a ( n ) … effort to do sth . 尽力做某事
Please make an effort to arrive early .
The prisoner made no effort to escape .
The people made a good effort to work on the project .
10 . interesting places — places of interest 游览胜地
There are plenty of interesting places to visit in my hometown .
11 . in groups 分组地,成群结队地
They were discussing the plan for their trip in groups .
12 . stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地
13 . all through — 在整个……时期中,自始至终,在整个……范围内
The baby cried all through the night .
There was silence all through the room . 屋里一片沉默。 ( 表示范围 )
14 . rush through — 掠过, ( 使 ) 快速通过;匆忙做完
Electricity can now be made from the water which rushes through the base of the dam . 从水坝底部急速流出的水现在可用来发电。
A strange idea rushed through my mind .
I had to rush through breakfast in order to catch my train .
15 . at the base — 在底部
We camped at the base foot of the mountain .
He built a house at the base of the mountain .
16 . at the top — 在顶部;居首位
It is 980 metres wide at the base and 40 metres wide at the top . 它 ( 水坝 ) 底部宽980米,顶部宽40米。
The tree grows up straight and thin , with branches at the top .
He is at the top of his class . 他在班上名列前茅。
17 . as a result of — 由于……;因……的结果
As a result of the dam , the water level of the lake rose by 63 metres . 由于这座坝 ( 筑坝的结果 ) ,使该湖的水位上升了63米。
As a result of the forest , the cold wind reduced its power .
注意①as a result of 是个介词短语,与其意义及用法相同的是“as the result of”,但 as a result of 用得较多些。
②as a result 意为“结果,因此”,在句中作插入语。如:
The workers worked harder than ever . As a result , the output of the iron and steel company went up rapidly .
18 . from across… — 从……的对面
Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake . 今天你既可以乘飞机去阿布辛波古庙,也可以从湖的对岸乘小船过去。
I saw you first from across the street .
He said hello to me from across the room .
19 . make a good effort — 作很大的努力
I will make a good effort to help you .
The wounded soldier made a good effort to stand up .
1 . The dam , which is the biggest in the world , is 3 , 830 metres long . It is 980 metres wide at the base and 40 metres wide at the top . 这座水坝是世界上最大的一座,长3,830米,底部宽980米,顶部宽40米。
表示计量的句型的常用结构形式:“主 + 谓 + 数词 + 表示单位的名词 + 形容词”用来表示“某物有多长 ( 宽、深、高 ) 等,又如:
The wall is three metres high .
The stick is five inches long .
The hole is seven feet deep .
The river is half a mile wide .
The boy is eight years old .
2 . Can't we visit the High Dam ? 我们去看大坝好吗 ?
以否定形式提问的疑问句叫否定疑问句,这种疑问句包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构。句中的 not 可以和有关的 be , have 以及助动词、情态动词结合,构成~n't 形式放在主语之前。
Can't you come over and join us ? 你就不能过来和我们作伴吗 ? ( 表示征求意见 )
Won't you sit down . 请坐。 ( 表示邀请 )
Can't you ( really ) ride a bicycle ?
你 ( 真的 ) 不会骑自行车吗 ? ( 惊讶,不相信 )
Can't you shut the door behind you ? 你难道不能随手关门吗 ? ( 责备,不期望得到回答 )
Don't you remember that holiday we had in Beijing ? 难道你不记得我们在北京的度假吗 ? ( 惊讶 )
Won't you help me ? 难道你不会帮助我吗 ? ( 表示不相信 )
Mustn't we leave now ? 难道我们现在一定不能走吗 ? ( 表示惊讶,不相信 )
Haven't you forgotten something ? 难道你们没忘记什么吗 ?
Haven't we cleaned the room already ? 难道我们没有把房间打扫干净 ?
3 . As a result of the dam , the water level of the lake was going to rise by 63 metres . 由于兴建水坝,湖面将会提高63米。
by 在此处表示增减程度。如:
He is older by five years than Tom .
The price has been increased by 2 yuan .
Production fell by about one - third .
Line AB is by 4 feet longer than Line CD .
My father missed the train by three minutes .
4 . It was carved in the rock and had on the outside four large stone figures , each of which was 20 metres high . 这座庙凿雕在岩石中,外边有四尊大型石雕像,每个高20米。
①句中的 each of which was 20 metres high 是一个非限制性从句。句中 had 的宾语是 four large stone figures . 把状语 on the outside 放在宾语前,是为了强调石像的位置。each 是个代词,each of which = each of the four figures。这种定语从句是由“名词 ( 代词或数词 ) + 介词 + 关系代词”来引导的。又如:
In his house there are three rooms . each of which has a bed .
They lived in a house , the door of which opens to the south .
China has hundreds of island , the largest of which is Taiwan .
These books , two of which I have read , are interesting .
②除了 of which 外,还有 of whom 这种句型。即:“名词 / 代词 / 数词 + of whom。”
There are around 100 teachers in our school , most of whom are women .
These girls , the youngest of whom is my sister , will dance a waltz for us .
Her brothers , both of whom ( three of whom ) work in Scotland , ring her up every week .
③除了上述所举的名词、代词、数词外,some , all , none , several , few 等词都可接 of + which / whom 的句型。
5 . Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip . 那么,想乘船去的人,就可以在乘船旅游后到阿斯旺各处去走走。
①句中的 who wants to 是个定语从句,用来修饰 anyone。
②to 后面省掉了前面提到的“to take a boat on River Nile . ”英语中有些动词,如:want , hope , like 等之后,为了行文简洁,避免重复 嗦,往往用 to 来代表不定式或不定式短语的内容。又如:
I went there because I wanted to . ( to = to go there )
I meant to go but forgot to . ( to = to go )
If you'd like to .
6 . All the visitors who go there believe that it was right that the temple was rescued . 去那儿参观的人都认为拯救这座古庙是做得对的。
①这是一个复合句。主句是 All the visitor…believe… , 主句的主语 visitors 后跟一个定语从句 who go there 来修饰主语。主句谓语动词 believe 后又跟一个较长的由连词 that 引起的宾语从句…that it was right that the temple was rescued . 在这个宾语从句中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是第二个 that 引导的从句 the temple was rescued。
②it is right 可接 that 从句,也可接不定式短语 to,也可接“for + 代词 ( 名词 ) + “不定式”的复合不定式三种句型。例如:
It was right that the temple was rescued . = It was right to rescue the temple = It was right for us to rescue the temple .
A Stranger's Gift
When a man named Vengalil Menon ( 1897 - 1974 , Minister of National Defence of India from 1957 to 1962 ) first arrived in New Delhi , India , to look for a job in government , all his possessions ( 财物 ) were stolen at the railway station . He would have to return home on foot , defeated . In desperation ( 绝望 ) he turned to an elderly gentleman , explained his troubles , and asked for a loan of 15 rupees ( 借15个卢比 ) . The gentleman gave him the money . When Menon asked for an address so that he could later pay back the rupees , the gentleman wouldn't give it . He said the help had come from a stranger , and was to be repaid ( 偿还 ) to a stranger . Menon never forgot that debt and eventually earned a reputation ( 名望 ) for his charity ( 慈善 ) work .
Some time ago I was in the Bombay Airport ( 孟买机场 ) at the baggage counter , trying to get back my bags . But I had no Indian money left , and the man would not accept a traveller's check . A stranger standing beside me paid the fee for me — about 89 cents . He then told me the story of Menon in refusing my attempt ( 尝试 ) to find out how to repay him . His father , he explained , had been Menon's asistant .
From a nameless gentleman to an Indian civil servant ( 公务员 ) to his assistant to the assisant's son and to me , a foreigner in a moment of trouble , though the gift was not of great value , its giver's spirit is priceless .
1 . I see you're today .
2 . This please . 请这边走。
3 . We with our feet . 我们用脚走路。
4 . He by me . 他从我身旁走过。
5 . this road to the corner . 沿这条街走到拐角。
6 . He wanted to Tom from school . 他想把汤姆从学校撵走。
7 . The clock well . 这钟走时很准。
8 . My watch has . 我的表不走了。
9 . He was by water . 他被水冲走了。
10 . Remember to take your book when you . 走时别忘了把你的书带走。
11 . It would be necessary to 53 , 000 people from their villages . 这就需要把53,000 人从他们所住的村庄迁走。
12 . You I will catch up with you . 你先走,我一会儿来追你。
13 . The wind my hat off . 风把我的帽子吹走了。
14 . As the guests out of the car , we to greet them . 来宾从车里走了出来,我们走上前去迎接。
15 . I must through the night . 我得走一夜。
16 . He jumped on his bicycle and . 他跳上自行车就骑走了。
17 . Can you tell me to the museum , please ? 请问到博物馆怎么走 ?
18 . I must now . 我现在该走了。
答案:1 . on foot 2 . way 3 . walk 4 . passed 5 . Follow 6 . send , away 7 . works 8 . stopped 9 . washed 10 . take , leave 11 . more 12 . go on / ahead 13 . blew 14 . stopped , came up 15 . travel 16 . rode away 17 . the way 18 . be off 或 be leaving
The boy who lives in the next door swims very well .
The students who are in Class Three are now doing experiment .
②引导定语从句的关系副词可以用“介词 + which”来代替。例如:
Is this the house in which ( = where ) they left .
Those are the children whom Aunt Li is looking after .
The house which you are looking for is at the other end of the street .
④注意介词与关系代词的位置:介词在关系代词前时,只能用 which 和 whom,且不能省略;介词在句尾时,关系代词可用 which , that , whom , who,且可省略。例如:
This is the drawer in which I put my letters .
= This is the drawer ( which ) I put my letters in .
Have you seen the pen with which I wrote letters this morning ?
= Have you seen the pen ( which ) I wrote letters with this morning ?
Is he Li Ping to whom you talked after lunch ?
= Is he Li Ping ( whom ) you talked to after lunch ?
The woman that you saw her in the park is our English teacher ( 错 )
The woman that you saw in the park is our English teacher . ( 对 )
This is the classroom where we have our classes in . (错 )
This is the classroom where we have our class . ( 对 )
1 . ______ what reason did you force him to leave ?
2 . Marx wrote articles in English ______ an American newspaper .
3 . He was highly praised ______ his good work .
4 . It rained so much that there was enough grass ______ sheep and cows .
5 . Who suggested the plan ______ our trip ?
6 . He was already ______ his sixties in the 1920's .
7 . Does the church play an important part ______ people's lives there ?
8 . Is the bridge ______ danger because of the flood ?
9 . The temple at Abu Simbel was carved ______ the rock .
10 . Do you have any problem ______ English pronunciation ?
11 . The speech began with a famous poem and closed ______ a well-known old saying .
12 . They are having a friendly talk ______ each other .
13 . Each room is marked ______ a number .
14 . It is thought that the old temple dated ______ the year of 1806 .
15 . Almost half of the electricity they need is produced ______ the Nile .
16 . The big stones were moved one ______ one to the new place for the temple .
17 . We were told that the price had risen ______ 50%
18 . What do you know the people there mainly live ______ ?
19 . In all , two thousand young men worked ______ the project .
20 . It is strange that the tower is two metres wide ______ the base and five metres wide at the top .
答案与简析:1 . For . for…reason 是固定搭配,意为“因……原因”。2 . for . write articles for…意为“为 / 给……撰稿”,write to…表示“给……写信”。3 . for , praise sb . for… 意为“因……表扬某人”。4 . for . 意为“对于”,这是 for 的一个常用意思”。5 . for , plan for…意为“……的计划”。6 . in . in one's sixties 表示“六十多岁”。7 . in . play a part in…是固定短语,意为“在……中起作用”。8 . in . in danger / trouble / difficulty 均为介词短语,in 表示“处于……之中”;9 . in。阿布辛波的那座寺庙凿雕在岩石中,这是事实。10 . with。表示“问题 / 毛病”意义的词,如 the matter , problem , trouble , difficulty , wrong 等之后常接 with , with 说明谁或什么有问题 / 毛病。11 . with . close with…是固定搭配,意为“以……结束”。12 . with . 意为“与,同”。13 . with . be marked with…意为“标着……”。类似的有 be filled with ( 装着 ) ,be covered with ( 盖着 ) 等。14 . from . date from 是固定搭配,意为“始于”。15 . from。表示来源,意为“从”。16 . by . one by one 意为“一个一个地”。17 . by。表示增 / 减的程度。18 . on . live on…表示“以……为生”。19 . on . work on 意为“从事于”。20 . at , at the base 如同 at the bottom / end / foot .
1 . He went to high school and then went on with his studies at university .
He ______ his studies at a university ______ high school .
2 . The box is so heavy that nobody can move it away .
It is ______ a ______ box that nobody can move it away .
3 . Yang Mei is talking with her teacher .
Yang Mei ______ her teacher ______ ______ a talk .
4 . I'm British , but I'm not English .
I'm ______ ______ , but I'm not ______ ______ .
5 . It lies to the north of England . It ______ to the north of England .
6 . I don't know , he doesn't know , either .
______ I ______ he ______ .
7 . Potatoes rot away in the soil .
Potatoes ______ ______ in the soil .
8 . The Irish like music and poems very much .
The Irish ______ very ______ ______ music and poems .
9 . The Whites are spending their holidays in Egypt .
The Whites ______ are ______ in Egypt .
10 . I'd like to go shopping .
I'd like to ______ ______ shopping .
11 . The project went on for 4 years and took one billion US dollars .
The project ______ 4 years and _______ one billion US dollars .
12 . I would like to have a drink .
I ______ ______ ______ a drink .
答案:1 . continued , after 2 . such , heavy 3 . and , are having 4 . from Britain from England 5 . is 6 . Neither , nor , knows 7 . went bad 8 . are , fond of 9 . family , on holiday 10 . do some 11 . lasted , cost 12 . feel like having




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