高二英语第一单元 Mainly Revision

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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit1.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第一单元
二会:L1 Disneyland
L2 Walt Disney Chicago Kansas Milky Mouse cartoon cartoon-maker character Donald Duck studio
   L3 Disney World Euro Disney View
   L4 Magic the Magic Castle carriage
三会:L1 castle the sleeping Beauty castle ahead bear Bean country tower
   L2 garage mouse unsuccessful
   L3 operate beard imagine bring on
四会:L1 yard horse—drawn streetcar men's room sign the Tomorrow Land Building
   L2 film—maker take along in the hope of well known lose heart day after day in this way snow white
   L3 strict button beat
Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to …? Go straight till you see…
It's about …yards/meters down this street.
Excuse me .How can I get to…?
Go through gate and you'll find the entrance to …on the other side .
Excuse me please, where is the nearest men's room?
I considered (that) the park was good value for the money .
May I ask you when and where you were born ?
Lesson 1 第1课
1. Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to the sleeping Beauty Castle ?
向别人打听去某地怎么走时,先说Excuse me, 以表示礼貌,然后再问路。通常的问路方式有以下几种:
1)Can you tell me the way to the zoo ?
2 )please show me the way to zoo.
3 )Can you tell me which is the way to the zoo ?
4 )Excuse me ,where is the zoo?
5 )Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?
6 )Would you please direct me to the zoo?
2.Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side .
1)在祈使句+and +含有一般将来时的这一句型中,祈使句表示的是一种条件或假设,陈述句表示
的是一个结果。祈使句在作用上相当于if 从句,大多数表示建议或提出要求。所以,这个句型一般
可转换 为if 条件(假 设)状语从句+主句。
例:①Think carefully and you will find the answer.
  =If you think carefully, you will find the answer .仔细考虑一下,你就会找到答案。
②Turn off the main road here and you will come to the castle.
=If you turn off the road ,you will come to the castle .在这儿拐入小路,你就会到达城堡。
2)这种句型还可以用连词or,或otherwise连接,相当于if not,意思是“否则的话”,
例:③ Hurry up ,or /otherwise you will be late.
  =If you don't hurry up ,you'll be late .快点,否则你要迟到了。
  ④ Take a taxi ,or /otherwise you'll miss the train.
  =if you don't take a taxi , you'll miss the train . 坐出租车,否则,你就会赶不上火车。
Lesson 2 第二课
1.He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there.
1)take along 意为“带领,携带”,有“一道带来”,“随身携带”的意思。
例如:She took her little sister along to the concert .她带了她妹妹一同去音乐会。

例如:①I went there in the hope of meeting some of my old friends.我到那儿去,希望能见到一 些老朋友。
   ②My father went to France in the hope that his health would improve .我父亲去法国以期 望他的健康能有所改善。
in the hope of /that有时也可以说成in hopes of /that .意为“希望有某种情况。
例如:①Mother was in hopes that the cake would be good to eat .母亲希望那块蛋糕很好吃。
   ②He did it in hope of a reward .他做了这件事,希望受到奖励。
2.We don't think there's anything of interest in your pictures .我们认为你的画并没有什么有趣的地方。
此句尽管形式上否定了主句的谓语动词,但在意思上却否定了后面的宾语从句。后面的宾语从句如具有否定意思,则习惯上要否定主句中的谓语动词,而不否定宾语从句中的谓语动词。例如,本句不能说成We think there isn't anything of interest in your pictures.类似的动词还有believe ,suppose 等等。
①I don't think she is at home at this time of day .我想她白天的这个时候不会在家。
(不说:I think she is not at home at this time of day.)
②I don't believe it will rain tomorrow .我认为明天不会下雨。
(不说:I believe it will not rain tomorrow.)
3.Disney did not lose heart .迪斯尼并没有灰心。
“lose heart”意为“灰心,丧失信心”。
例如:①He failed in the exam ,but he didn't lose heart .虽然他考试没及格,但他并不灰心。
   ②Don't lose heart . You'll be successful sooner or later . 别灰心,你迟早会成功的。
类似的短语还有: Lose one's head失去理智;惊慌失措。lose one's breath上气不接下气,喘不过气来。
例如:① When the fire broke out in the movies ,the people lost their heads and ran in all directions .
   ② He lost his breath in running .他跑得上气不接下气。
4.Day after day the mouse came back and was given more bread .老鼠一连几天都回来,而迪斯尼也天天给它吃面包。
day after day意为“一天又一天地,日复一日”,强调动作或情况的连续性。类似的词组还有,week after week每周地;month after month一月一月地;year after year年复一年地;generation after generation 一代一代地。
例如:① I have to do this work day after day .我不得不天天做这项工作。
   ②Some folk songs are passed on generation after generation .不些民歌是一代一代地传下来的。
5.at last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse .最后,他对其中的一张画表示满意了。be pleased    with对……感到满意;喜欢……
例如:① We are very pleased with our new house .,我们很喜欢我们的新房子。
   ②I'm very pleased with he has done .我对他所做的事情感到很满意。
⒍But the studios which he started are still busy today ,producing more and more interesting films .
1)句中的which he started是定语从句,修饰先行词studios 。
2)producing more and more interesting films是--ing短语作伴随状语,对上文所说的are still busy的情况作补充说明。
例如:①The children went into the forest , talking and laughing all the way .孩子们往森林走去,一路上又说又笑。
   ②The boy lay on the grass ,looking at the stars .这个男孩躺在草地上,望着天上的星星。
Lesson 3第三课
The parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine .这些公园都是你可以想象得出的最干净的公园。
1)That you can imagine 是定语从句,修饰先行词parks。由于parks被形容词最高级所修饰,定语从句中的关系 代词用that,而不用which。如果关系代词代替先行词作从句的宾语,则常常可以省略。例如:
① This is the best film (that) I have ever seen .这是我所乍过的最好的一部电影。
② He is the tallest person (that) I ever know.他是我所认识的个子最高的人。
例如:① I can imagine the situation there .我可以想象那儿的情况。
②Can you imagine him becoming a doctor ?你能想象他成为一名医生了吗?
③ We could not imagine what would happen next .我们想象不出下一步会发生什么情况。
2.You can see as far as the coast .你可以一直看到海岸。
as far as意为“远到”“一直到”,例如:
①He walked as far as the village where I lived .他一直走到我住的那个村庄。
②We rode as far as the foot of the mountain .我们骑车一直骑到山脚下。
as far as = so far as意为“就……而论”,“据……”。例如:
①As/so fat as I can see ,it's likely to be cloudy tomorrow .据我看,明天象是阴天。
②As/so far as I know ,she is still wording as a teacher .据我所知,她仍在教书。
Lesson 4第4课
Grammar : Revision of the Object clause 语法:复习宾语从句。
May I ask you where you were born ?但当疑问词本身是主语或主语的修饰语时,语序不变。
He asked me who ran fastest in my class .
He doesn't know which method they will use for the experiment .
①I think he'll be back in a few days .
②Do you understand what the teacher said ?
③He asked me whose English book it was .
He said he was born in 1975.
The teacher told us that the light travels faster than sound .
He said ,“I was born in 1981 He said that he was born in 1981.
4.由that引导陈述句,if/whether引导一般疑问句,而用- wh ,或how引导特殊疑句。
He said to me ,“Are you a teacher ?” He asked me if I was a teacher .
He said that he would leave for Shanghai the next week .
Do you know who (whom)she is waiting for ?
1.When he left for the sea ,he ___nothing but some food and water.
A. brought on B. took along C. took down D. brought up
2.Can you imagine ____a physicist ?
A. for him to become B. for him becoming C. him becoming D. him to become
3.Bring ____some water, please .I'm very thirsty .
A. along B. on C. away D. off
4.It wasn't long ____the rain stopped and the sun came out again .
A. since B. before C. until D. when
5.Keep on trying .Never____ I'm sure you'll be successful sooner or later .
   A. lose hearts B. lose your heart C. lose heart D. lose your hearts
6._____Chicago is a beautiful city to day .But ____ Chicago of the 1920s was a very dirty place .
   A. The ; the B. / ; / C. A ; the D. / ; the
7.I thought hard _____ and finally had an idea .
   A. one day after day B. day after another C. day after day D. day by day
8.Tom is pleased _____you have given him and _____you have told him .
   A. what ;all what B. with what ; that C. that ;all that D. with what ; all that
9.Crusoe searched the woods carefully ,_____finding some food to keep himself alive .
   A. in the hope of B. in this way C. in order to D. hoping
10.I don't think there's ____in what you've said .
   A. interest of anything B. interesting anything C. anything interest D. anything of interest
11.She ____to me with this pen I had once presented her with .
   A. was used to write B. used to writing C. used to write D. used to be writing
12.“I wonder if I could use your dictionary , “ ”Sure_____ ”
   A. Go on B. Go ahead C. Go up D. Go a way
13.My mother wrote me a letter last week _____ hard .
A. encouraging me to study B. encouraging me studying C. to encourage me study D. to encourage me studying
14.I met her for the first time in the Summer Palace and ____ a few weeks we find it hard to get apart .
A. over B. for C. through D. on
15.Men workers in this company are not allowed to_____ beards .
A. get B. remain C. dress D. wear
16.The taxi stopped to ____a passenger .
A. pick up B. get on C. pick out D. get off
17.The club was ____ by a group of young people at the end of last year .
A. held B. put up C. started D. found
18.London ,the capital of Great Britain , lies ____ the Thames .
A. in B. at C. on D. to
19.We climbed higher up the mountain so that we could get a better _____
A. view B. idea C. point D. opinion
20.I have a good eyesight I can see ____ the distant is land in the sea .
A . as long as B . so far as C . as far as D . so long as
Instructions :
  Grown-ups : 2 tablespoonfuls
  Children : according to age :
  10—14 : tablespoonfuls
  6—10 : 1 tablespoonful
  3—6 : tablespoonfuls
  Repeat above dosage (剂量) every two to three hours if needed until eight doses (服量)are taken .If relief (减轻,好转)does not occur within two days ,see a doctor .
1.According to the instructions ,what should you do before taking the medicine ?
A .See a doctor B . Repeat the instrucfions each time C . Mix it D . Add water to it
2.For whom would a dosage of one tablespoonful be suggested ?
A . A grown-up B . A child under ten C . A teenage D . A baby
3.What is the maximum (最大限量的) amount of medicine that should be taken by a grown-up in a four-hour period ?
A . Two doses B . Three doses C . Four doses D . Fire doses
4.How are children's dosages decided ?
A . By the weight of the child B . By the time of the day C . By seeing a doctor D . By the age of the child
5.Most likely this medicine is _____.
A .a pill (药剂) B . a lozenge (锭剂) C . an injection (针剂) D . a liquid
  Indianapolis is the capital and largest city of Indiana , V . S . A . with a population of 744,000 , it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water .However ,Indianapolis is a city through which many railways , roads ,buses and planes pass .There are many factories which make trucks ,farm tools ,and electrical things .These factories cause little pollution for the city .Butler Vniversity , well-known for engineering , and the law medical schools of Indiana Vniversity are in the city centre .Nearby is the Indianapolis race course ,where the nation's most famous car race is held each year on May 30th .
  If you visited Indianapolis you would be able to find your way around easily because most of the streets cross each other like a chessboard (棋盘).In the centre of the Circle ,stands the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument , 100 metres high . Also in the centre there are many buildings made of the famous Indiana stone ,which makes them white in colour .
6.What is Indianapolis best known for ?
A . Its yearly motor race .
B . Its schools and libraries
C . Its unirersities and medical schools
D . Its soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
7.You car NOT travel to Indianapolis by .
A . boat B . train C . car D . bike
8.From the text ,what do we leam about the size of Indianapolis ?
A . It is the largest city in the V . S . A .
B . It has a population of over a million .
C . It has a population of under a million .
D . It is one of the largest cities in the world .
9.It is easy for a stranger to go about in the city because .
A . most of the buildings are in the centre of the city .
B . there are many different ways of travelling .
C . the buildings are very close to each other .
D . the city is planned in squares .
10.Many buildings in Indianapolis are white because .
A . they are painted white every year .
B . the Indianan people keep then clean .
C . they are made of a special stone .
D . there is little pollution form factories .
  1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. A
  14. A 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. C
  (A) 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
  (B) 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C




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