高二英语第二单元 Mainly Revision

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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit2.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第二单元
一 、【教学目的和要求】:
1. 单词和词组:
go ahead L.5 四会
smoker burn down packet remain L.6
public give up
be used to hardly L.7
club L.8
non-smoking cigarette typewriter tape-recording L.5 三会
tobacco nation habit reduce compare L.6
compared to therefore
dislike smelly share non-smoker get into the habit of L.7
comparewith L.8
Hank permission L.5 二会t
male ban L.6
drug cancer nicotine L.7
2. 日常交际用语
Do you mind if I do…? I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed.
Would you mind if I did…? No. Go ahead.
I wonder if I could use your phone. Sure. Go ahead.
May/Can/Could I do…?
3. 复习名词性从名作宾语和表语的用法。
二 、【重点与难点】:
1. Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?
Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door? 我到隔壁办公室抽烟你介意吗?
Would / Do you mind…? 是提出请求的表达方式,后面一般直接跟动词的~ing形式或跟if从句。在回答时,如果不反对,也就是表示愿意时,可用Certainly not,(或Certainly),No go ahead. Not at all. I don’t/won’t。但是表示反对或不愿意时,显得不太客气,因此一般说I afraid you can’t. I’d rather you didn’t或者用you’d better not.等表示较委婉的语气。
例如:Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 如果你不介意的话,我问你几个问题可以吗?
Certainly not, Go ahead. 当然可以,请问吧。
Would you mind if I sat here? 我坐在这儿你介意吗?
I afraid you can’t. 恐怕不能。
另外需要注意的是在Would you mind if I sat here?句中,如果前面用了would ,if从句中通常用一般过去时,但它不表示过去,而是表示说话人的礼貌与委婉的语气。
在Do/would you mind …?这一结构中,除了后面用if从句外,还可以用动词的~ing形式。这时表示说话人请求对方做某事,动作的执行者仍是主语you,因此也不用if从句。但是mind后面的动作不是主语you的动作时,用动词~ing时,前面须有人称代词宾格或物主代词,这一人称代词宾格或物主代词便是动词~ing形式的逻辑主语,也就是动词~ing形式的动作执行者。例如:
Would you mind opening the windows? 请您把窗子打开好吗?
Would you mind my opening the windows? (or, Would you mind if I opened the
Windows?) 我打开窗子您不反对吧?
2.I wonder if I could use your phone. 我能不能用一下你的电话?
  Sure. Go ahead. 好的,你用吧。
a. I wonder if I could /can…是请求允许的交际用语,表示请求对方允许自己干某
事的意思。句用的wonder是动词,作想“想知道”解,后面可以跟if/wheather 从句。另外句中的could 比can在语气上更委婉一些。在回答这一请求时,表示肯定时多用:
  Sure, go ahead. 好的,请吧。
  Yes, please do. / Of course /Sure. 当然可以。
  I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行吧。
  I sorry, but…对不起,…
  you’d better not. 最好不。
b. 句中的go ahead 直译为“往前走” ,“先走” ,“走在前面” 。但在这里用于
引伸意义,表示鼓励对方做某事,作“请吧” 、“说下去”、“请尽管用”解,常见于日常对话中。
  例如:Can I have a look at your new dictionary?
  Sure, Go ahead.
1. Every year, millions of smokers die because of illness which are caused by
smoking tobacco.每年有数以百万计的人因吸烟而引起病死亡。
  句中的die because of …也可以说die of …,作“因……而死亡”解。die of常指由于疾病,饥饿,寒冷,年老等而死亡,同时也表示死于忧愁、失恋等情感因素。例如:
  The man died of lung cancer.哪个人死于肺癌。
  The beggar died of cold and hunger.这个乞丐由于寒冷和饥饿而死亡。
  The poor man died of sorrow.可怜的穷人因忧愁而死亡。
  另外,指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡一般用die from来表示,课文中出现类似的句子有:
  This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit.这是因为每
  The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking.每四个烟民中就
  The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illness caused by smoking.
  但有时die from也可以用来指由于疾病的原因而造成的死亡。
  例如:He died of /from lung cancer. 他死于肺癌。
  2.Finst, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking.
a. 表示“花钱/时间干某事”可能性用句型“sb spends time/money doing sth”。在此句中,用的是这一句型的被动语态结构。例如:
Every morning he spends half an hour reading English.他每天早晨用半小时读英语。
He spent a lot of money mending his old car.他花了很多钱修他那辆旧车。
b. 句中的cause为动词,表示“导致”、“引起”,作及物动词,有时可接直接宾语和间接宾语。例如:
Somoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟可致肺癌。
He caused his parents much unhappiness.他惹得他父母很不愉快。
She’s always causing trouble for people.她总是给人添麻烦。
What was the cause of the accident?这场事故的原因是什么?
She is never absent from work without good cause .她决不无故缺勤。
His life was devoted to the cause of justice .他为正义事业而献身。
3. The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.铺盖着火了,整个房子都可能烧掉。
a. catch fire作“着火”、“起火”解,有动态的含义,(尤指意外地烧着,着火。)
The house caught fire while we were away. 当我们外出时,房子着火了。
The girl was standing too close to the fire and her dress caught fire. 那小姑娘站得离火太
除此之外,还有短语be on fire, set …on fire表示“烧着”、“着火”的意思,但be on
fire有静态的含义,而set …on fire是“使……着火”、“放火烧……”的意思。例
如: Look, the house is on fire. 瞧,房子着火了!
The police caught the man who set the house on fire.警察抓住了放火烧那房子的人。
b. 动词短语burn down 作“烧毁”、“烧掉”解,主语一般是表示事物的名词。例如:
The house burnt down in half an hour. 那所房子在半小时之内就被焚为平地。
Don’t leave the gas on, or you might burn the house down. 别忘了关煤气,不然会把房子烧掉的。
4. China produces one third of the world’s agarettes. 中国生产的香烟占全世界香烟的三分之一。
  除二分之一( )和四分之一( )分别由a(one)half和 a(one) quarter表示外,分数的构成通常是分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如果分子大于1,则分母用序数词的复数形式,如: (two thirds), (three quarters), (one half) (two sixths), (four fifths)
  5 .Every year, tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking agatettes.
  句中的persuade是“劝说”、“说服”的意思,常用于persuade sb to do sth句型中,
  意为“说服某人干某事”与其相同意思的结构有persuade sb into doing sth .这时表达的
  某人未被说服,则多用try to persuade..例如:
  The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.售货员劝说我们购买他的产品(我们买了。)
  Who persuaded you to join this society?谁劝你加入的个团体?(他已加入了)
  How can we persuade him into joining us?怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?
  The parents tried to persuade their daughter to change her mind, but they failed to .你父母试 图劝说他的女儿改变主意,但未劝说成功。
  6.The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking. 每四个烟民中就有一个可能因吸烟而死亡。
  在句中chance 作“可能性”解,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。例如:
  The chances are a hundred to one that he will win. 他只有百分之一赢的可能性。
  Is there any chance of getting tickets for the perfornance ? 有可能得到这场演出的票吗?
  you won’t get another chance of going there. 你没有再到那里去的机会了。
  Please give me a chance to explain. 请给我个机会让我解释一下。
  Chance plays a big part in many board games.在许多棋类游戏中,大多靠碰运气取胜。
  It was chance that we met in Shanghai. 我们在上海相遇属巧合。
  句型为chance to do …和It chanced that …。例如:
She chanced to be in when I called.
It chanced that she was in when I called.
7. In Britain, sales of agarettes have been reduced by 30% in the late ten years . 过去十年来,英国的香烟销售量下降了30%。
The number of the students in each class should be reduced to 40.每个班的学生人数应减到
He reduced his weight from eighty to seventy kilos.他把体重从80公斤减少到70公斤。
He reduced his weight by 10 kilos. 他体重减少了10公斤。
Their wages have been reduced by 20%.他们的工资减少了2%。
reduce的反义词是increase(增加),与by连用时,表示增加的程度;与 to连用时,
The wages of the workers have been increased by 30%. 工人的工资增加了30%。
The population of the country has increased from 1.2million 10 years ago to 1.8million mow .
8. In the 16-19 age group, 32% of women smoke, compared to 28% of men. 在16-19岁这个年龄组里,有32%的妇女吸烟,而吸烟的男子为28%。
句中的compare to /with是一个固定的短语,作“……和……比起来”、“与……相比”
解,compare with是具体的比较,而compare to是抽象譬喻,意思是“把……比作”,
Compared to many children, she was indeed very fortunate.和许多孩子比起来。她确实是
Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。
It was a small place then compared to/with what it is now.和现在比起来,那时它还是个小
Sugar production rose 30% compared to the first three months of this year. 和今年头二个月
compared to/with常在句中作状语,表示,“与……比起来”,这时它是过去分词短语,位于句首或句尾均可。
9. Therefore , if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking.因此,如果烟草公司要继续经营下去,就必须鼓励更多的年轻人吸烟。
a. 句中的remain是连系动词,意思是“(继续)保持”,“仍处于(某种状态)”,后面的表语可以是形容词、名词、介词短语或过去分词。例如:
He remained silent. 他保持沉默。
In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends.尽管他们吵过架,却仍不失为最
The aircraft remained on the ground..那架飞机仍停在地面。
The door remained closed.这门仍然关着呢!
They remained listening.他们在继续听着。
b. 句中的encourage为动词,作“鼓励”解,常用于encourage sb to do意为“鼓励某人 做某事”。例如:
Our teacher encourages us to speak English.我们的老师鼓励我们讲英语。
The parents encourage their children to make greater progress.父母亲鼓励他的孩取得更大的进步。
1. Ln Britain 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking ,and of these smokers,83% have tried more than once to give it up .在英国,有70%的烟民说,他们愿意戒烟,而且在这些烟民中有83%的人不止一次地试着戒过烟。
a. 句中的would like作“愿意”、“希望”解,后接不定式,表示“希望”、“愿意干某事”。
I would like to know something about the danger of smoking.我想要了解一些关于吸烟的危
Mr Smith would like to hear your opinions. 史密斯先生希望听听您的意见。
b. stop doing sth为短语,作“停业做某事”解,例如:
The baby stopped crying when she saw her mother.当小孩看见她妈妈时就不哭了。
The students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom当老师走进了教室之后,学生们停止了谈话。
注意与stop to do sth的区别。这一短语是“停止一事,去干另一事”的意思。例如:
They stopped to have a




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